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A Scottish Lord for Christmas

Page 13

by Lauren Smith

  Her husband shook his head and with his good arm crooked a finger.

  “It’s time we talked, Rowena. There are things that need to be said and I would like to do that in my bed with naught but our skin between us.”

  Chapter 13

  With nothing but skin between them?

  Rowena’s mouth dropped open. “But—”

  “No buts. Out of the tub, Wife.” He reached for a bath towel and held it out to her. She knew by the gleam in his eyes that he wouldn’t turn his back on her when she was getting out. The thought of standing in front of him, entirely naked, excited her and yet she was nervous too. Swallowing, she got out of the tub, water cascading down her body, and she reached for the towel. For a brief instant, Quinn tugged the towel out of her reach before he let her fingers grasp it.

  Chuckling, he waited for her to dry herself off and then he dropped the towel to the floor again.

  “My bed, now,” he ordered, and the slight edge to his tone sent a flutter of excitement through Rowena that shocked her.

  She padded over to the big bed and climbed beneath the blankets, pulling them high up to her chin. Quinn rolled his eyes.

  “One of these days, you’ll learn not to be so modest, Wife.” He eased down onto the bed beside her. His good side was closest to her and he lifted his arm to curl it around her waist and pull her against him.

  “Quinn, we shouldn’t do anything, your arm.”

  “Hush, lass, we won’t. I just want your full attention. Having you bare keeps your mind on me.”

  She almost laughed. How could she not think of him? Rowena stared at him, a little shocked and amused and definitely scandalized. “Very well, you have my attention.” She cuddled closer, her bare legs sliding over his trouser-clad ones beneath the blankets.

  “What you said before, about my first wife.” In the time it took him to pause, Rowena’s stomach clenched in dread. A moment ago, she’d been comfortable enough to relax, and now there was no way she could handle this. He was going to tell her he couldn’t love her again.

  “Please, don’t tell me. I don’t need to hear it.” She tried to escape his arms, but he kept her firmly in his hold.

  He covered her lips with his, silencing any further protests.

  It was a sweet kiss, but his lips took their time exploring hers, and when they finally broke apart, he was smiling at her. The affection in his expression stole her breath.

  “You need to hear this. And I need to say it. I’m not a man for speaking from my heart, but there are things I must tell you now.”

  She glanced away, unable to face him in case he broke her heart again.

  “I will always love my first wife. But that doesn’t mean I can never love another woman again. I thought that I couldn’t. But I was wrong.” He was silent for a long moment and Rowena held her breath.

  “You have me, Rowena. That’s what I’m trying to say.” He stared at her, all seriousness as he met her gaze.

  It wasn’t I love you but it was something close enough that the hope she’d buried resurfaced. Love might come after all. His eyes were full of light and affection; none of the guilt and regret she’d grown accustomed to was there. It had vanished. She was afraid to wish what he was saying was true, and yet her love for him began to burn through her, like a star in a winter sky, brightly shining through in piercing clarity.

  “Do you forgive me? I was a bloody fool, trying to stay away from you. You needed me, needed my love and I failed you.” He glanced down at his arm in the sling. “If it wasn’t for this arm, I’d be showing you how sorry I am.”

  Rowena pressed her cheek to his shoulder and rubbed her face against his shirt. His scent was masculine and clean with a hint of the woods.

  “We can talk in the morning,” she murmured, and pulled the blankets higher.

  “Agreed, but first you’ll eat. They brought up supper while you were bathing.” He nodded at the tray of food in the corner of the room. He left the bed to bring it to her. Rowena ate, a little shy at Quinn’s fixed fascination. There was a reverence in his expression toward her that made her blush and it was mixed with puzzlement.

  “How did you find me in the storm?”

  Swallowing, she peered up at him. There was no way she would tell him the truth. That a woman, or some type of vision, perhaps a dream, led her to him.

  “I got turned around somehow. I heard someone calling me to follow and I found you. I cannot really explain it.”

  Quinn didn’t say anything to that but when she finished eating, he carried the tray away from the bed, turned down the oil lamps, and then climbed back into bed with her.

  “Come here, wee one,” he teased softly, and tickled her bare waist. It was scandalous to be completely naked in bed while he was still halfway dressed, but Rowena reveled in the decadence of the soft sheets against her skin and the muscled lines of Quinn’s body beside her.

  “Christmas is only a week away. What do you want as a present, Wife?”

  Rowena kissed his cheek, fighting back a quivering emotion in her chest. “Just you.”

  Quinn chuckled. “Very well, I’ll have to guess, then, won’t I?”

  A little smile curved Rowena’s lips. “Perhaps.” At that moment she had no need or desire for anything else. Quinn was all she wanted.

  * * *

  Quinn watched his wife and daughter standing in front of the tall Christmas tree in the grand hall. Two footmen on ladders were stringing silver strands of tinsel around the branches.

  “Mama!” Blair scampered about on her little chubby legs, her hair adorned with a fat red satin ribbon that made the gold strands shine like a halo from an angel.

  “Sweetheart.” Rowena caught the little girl under her arms and spun her around. The sight filled Quinn with joy. A joy he’d never thought he could feel again after losing Maura. Hearing Blair call Rowena Mama no longer hurt. Not since that night on the mountain when he’d seen Maura through the snow leading him home to his wife.

  Everything was all right now. Rowena was settling into his home at last. And the servants had turned into loyal supporters of her since she’d rescued him. Quinn had even overhead Morris say she was a lady of miracles. The changes in the house were fast and wonderful. Laughter, life, love…it was all there, everything he’d missed since Maura died.

  “Quinn! Come help!” Rowena called out, and lifted a box of ornaments up for him to see. Her ruby-red dress was a lush creation of ruffles and small bustles in the back. The bodice was embroidered with silver swans and golden stars. Her blond hair was pulled up in another elegant coiffure. A picture of grace, beauty, and the spirit of Christmas. And she was all his.

  I’m twice blessed.

  Quinn was determined to make this Christmas holiday wonderful for his new wife, and he knew, after five days of careful planning and thought, just what that would be. The gift was due to arrive at any minute.

  When one of the footmen struggled to reach for the top of the tree with a star ornament, Quinn rushed forward.

  “Let me.” He held the ladder steady so the young man could climb back down and Quinn took charge of the star and took the lad’s place on the ladder, careful not to twinge his arm, which was still in a sling. As he settled the star in place, the servants applauded.

  “Oh bravo, Quinn.” Rowena joined him at the bottom of the ladder, her blue eyes bright. “It’s nearly time for Christmas dinner.” She reached down to grab Blair’s hand as the child wandered over to them.

  “Pick me up, Papa!” Blair waved her free hand in the air.

  “Oh, all right, you wee scamp.” He laughed and picked her up and settled her on his hip opposite his bad arm. He bounced her there, earning him delighted squeals.

  Morris appeared in the doorway, a little smile hovering about his usually serious mouth.

  “My lord, we have…visitors.”

  “Visitors? In this weather?” Rowena’s brow furrowed and she took Blair from his arms and passed her to the nurse.
/>   “Yes, my lady.” Morris nodded. “I escorted them to the drawing room.”

  “Thank you, Morris.” Quinn had to fight off a grin as he escorted Rowena toward the drawing room.

  “Who do you suppose…” she began as they reached the drawing room. The rumble of voices silenced her.

  The firelight from the room lit up her face the instant she realized who the voices belonged to. Her eyes widened and her lips parted; then she turned her face to his and the love shining in her eyes burned him clear through.

  “Did you…” She couldn’t seem to finish the thought and she didn’t need to.

  “I may have sent a telegram or two and arranged for transportation.”

  “I love you.” The little whisper curled around his heart, twining itself deep enough that it could never be removed.

  “I know.” He brushed the backs of his knuckles over her cheek and then gave her an encouraging nod.

  Rowena bit her lip and then rushed into the drawing room.

  “Rowena!” the voices all chimed in as she was spotted.

  Quinn leaned one shoulder against the open doorway and watched the scene. Rowena was hugging her parents, while Milly and her husband stood a few feet away, both smiling. Hadley had his arms around Rowena’s sister and looked every inch a man satisfied with life.

  “Forres, there you are.” Lord Pepperwirth waved a hand at him. “Come in and tell us how our grandchild is.”

  It never ceased to amaze him how deep the love the Pepperwirths had for strangers. Blair was not of their blood, but they treated her as though she was.

  I made the right choice. For my household, my daughter, and me. Tonight, after dinner, he would show Rowena how much he cared about her.

  * * *

  The snow began to fall just after midnight, and Rowena took her fur stole and walked out onto the snow-covered terrace. Inside the house, the servants were rushing to put out the lights and head to bed. The whispers, the muted laughter, the joys of the holiday surrounded her like a warm embrace from an invisible force of love.

  “There you are.” Quinn’s deep voice did not startle her. She was lost in her daydreams that danced among the falling snowflakes. The crunch of his boots behind her and the pressure of his hands on her shoulders seemed almost surreal.

  “Did you like my present?”

  She turned in his arms at the teasing question. When she pretended to think on her answer, he dragged her against him and slanted his mouth over hers. His arms encompassed more than her body. It was as though he held her soul in his hands in that moment. Every pain, every hurt suffered in trying to win his heart was fading in the fire of the passion and the love that filled her to bursting.

  “Take me to bed, Husband,” she murmured against his lips.

  “Of course.” His lips curved in a smile and she gasped as he bent and scooped her up in his arms, skirts and all, to carry her back inside.

  At the foot of the stairs, they passed a flustered Mrs. Stuart, who blushed when she saw them.

  “Enjoy your night, Mrs. Stuart,” Quinn called over his shoulder as he carried Rowena up the stairs and to his bedchamber. The door was open and Quinn’s valet was pulling back the sheets on the bed.

  “Pardon me.” The young man fled from the room.

  Quinn laid Rowena on the bed and rolled her over onto her stomach. She sucked in a breath as she saw Quinn in the mirror withdraw his father’s slim dagger. He lowered the blade to her back. A rush of snapping sounds and then the dress and corset sagged loose beneath her. She met Quinn’s gaze in the mirror and he shrugged one shoulder.

  “I did not want to bother with the laces.”

  She moved to sit up on the bed, but the dress slid down to her hips. Quinn gestured with the knife like a roguish pirate. “Strip, lassie.”

  Smiling, she stood and let the red satin fall into a puddle at her feet. Then she unlaced the front of her chemise and let it drop off her shoulders to the ground.

  Quinn set the blade on the table beside the bed and removed his coat and waistcoat, and pulled his shirt over his head. The sight of his bare chest never failed to excite her. She lifted her hands to his chest, stroking over his hot skin, marveling at how the muscles were taut and firm.

  “You did not answer my question. Did you like the present I gave you?” His gray eyes sparked with heat as he curved his palms over her bottom and squeezed gently. Heat flamed between her thighs and a shiver of desire moved through her.

  “I’ll tell you…after.” She tiptoed her fingers down to his trousers, where she unfastened them and tugged them down. He kicked the pants away and lifted her up his body to set her on the bed. Then he leaned over her, kissing her deeply, their tongues playing as he got her to move back on the bed.

  Rowena lay down as Quinn crawled over her and nudged her thighs apart. She always felt so vulnerable when he covered her like this. She was open to him, to let him do anything to her. He stroked her folds with one hand, teasing her body until she was wet and aching for him. Then he entered her with one rapid thrust that had them both groaning in pleasure. Their gazes locked as he captured her hands in his, lacing their fingers together on either side of her head. They rocked together, their bodies merging into one.

  “Rowena, I’ve not said it,” he whispered huskily.

  She struggled to focus on his words. “Said…what?”

  He kissed her lips, nibbled at her neck, and bit down lightly on her shoulder until she arched her hips, and his body spasmed in building pleasure. He didn’t speak again. He was lost in the blinding, exquisite experience of making love; she saw it in his face as he watched her, a feral desire burning in the silver depths of his eyes.

  “Ahh!” She exploded into wave after wave of pleasure. He came seconds later, shouting her name in a rough cry.

  They seemed to float down from the clouds together. Rowena cradled her to him as he regained his breath. His stare was searching as he looked down at her.

  “What I am trying to say is that I love you.” He didn’t look away, didn’t blink.

  “What?” Her eyes began to sting. Had she really heard that?

  “I did not understand, not until now, tonight, that love isn’t always a lightning strike. Sometimes…” He paused to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. “Sometimes it comes slowly, like a building sunrise. The waves of color, full of life, began to pierce the darkness, made it fade, minute by minute, hour by hour.” His lashes lowered to half-mast as he stared at her mouth and caressed her lips with the pad of his thumb.

  Rowena held her breath. His words were tearing her apart, then building her back together, making her stronger somehow.

  “I knew I loved you that day upon the hill during the storm,” she admitted. “There was never going to be anyone else for me. Not after that. You were in my dreams.”

  Her confession earned a smile from his too-serious face.

  “I love you, Rowena. I love you as much as I can love anyone. You are in my heart. You own me heart, body, and soul,” he vowed, and raised one of her hands to his chest. The look in his eyes was earnest and steadfast. A vow that went both ways. A vow that would not be broken. “I could not believe that love was possible again. Not after losing Maura, but then you came into my life. A ray of endless light, an ever-coming dawn.” He lowered his head and kissed her. Slow, deep, filling her heart with everything he could give. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close as she kissed him back. Outside their bedroom window, the snow continued to fall and the northern winds upon the distant mountains carried a soft half-forgotten song of a woman long gone as her spirit was at last put to rest.

  “I finally have my Christmas wish, the present I truly wanted.”

  He raised a brow and half smiled. “And what is it?”

  “To win a Scottish lord’s heart.”

  About the Author

  Lauren Smith was born and raised in Tulsa. She attended Oklahoma State University, where she earned a BA in both history and politic
al science. Drawn to paintings and museums, Lauren is obsessed with antiques and satisfies her fascination with history by writing and exploring exotic, ancient lands.

  Don’t miss the first book in Lauren Smith’s Sins and Scandal series! An excerpt from An Earl by Any Other Name follows.

  Ivy Leighton swiped at the billowing black clouds smothering her. Coughing, she removed her driving goggles and tossed them onto the seat of her new Hudson Speedabout. The broken speedabout. Her father was going to be furious. She’d asked to drive it, and only a few miles from her destination, the engine had made a ghastly screeching sound like a dying falcon. Dark smoke plumed out from beneath the yellow hood, painting a dark picture against the deep blue sky.

  “Oh dear,” she groaned.

  She wiped her brow with the back of a gloved hand and it came away dirty. A cool September breeze teased at a loose tendril of her hair from beneath her flat hat. She tried to brush it away, but the thick veil tied around her hat made it more than a little complicated. She unbuttoned her tan linen duster, feeling a little flustered by the Hudson’s sudden failure.

  What on earth was she going to do? Walk to Hampton House? Why had she thought coming early by herself was a good idea? Because she was plagued by curiosity. Sixteen years ago she had left Hampton, her mother’s body barely cold in the ground. How much had the place changed? How much had he changed?

  Leo…His name still made her shiver.

  Handsome, charming Leo. When she’d been eight, he’d been sixteen, and a lifetime seemed to have separated them. Now she was twenty-four and he had to be…She did the math. Thirty-two? Would he still have the ability to consume her soul with those fathomless blue eyes? A part of her was afraid to see him again after all these years. Had her girlhood memories been the stuff of fantasies or was he still the man she’d always loved?


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