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You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

Page 6

by Jeannette Winters

  Morgan had expected to hear from Shaun first thing in the morning but she didn’t. Maybe he was regretting yesterday as much as she was. Honestly, I regret my reaction to the kiss more than the kiss itself. Why did I have to enjoy it so much? Couldn’t it have sucked just a little? No. Instead, it had to be the most amazing kiss I’ve ever had. It was both giving and taking at the same time. If this is what a simple kiss is like with him, I wonder what it would be like to . . . Oh, don’t even think about it. It was bad, dreaming last night of his lips tracing down my neck, over my collarbone, down my—.

  There was a knock on her office door. It was Donald whom she had stopped and talked to yesterday morning. Nice young man who, like everyone else in the company, was trying to climb the corporate ladder. One of his files had been sent to her office in error and curiosity led from one thing to another. Hence, why he’s here now.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to thank you for yesterday. That suggestion was perfect. I don’t know why I never thought about including it.”

  Morgan smiled. “It was my pleasure.” Truthfully, it felt good reviewing a contract again even if I wasn’t the one to negotiate the terms. If I can help even in a small way, then I will.

  “Do you have a few minutes to take a look at another one that I’m working on now?” He looked hesitant about asking. She understood why. In this cut-throat business world, the more information she had, the more likely she’d be able to take over doing his job, and he’d find himself unemployed. What no one knew was she’d managed a team of people doing exactly what Donald does. Even then, they were all young and eager to learn, and all itching to take her job. They can have it. That’s not my life any more.

  “Please come in and take a seat. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  He did as she asked and handed her the multi-page document. It was clear the kid had potential and one day would be a strong asset to this company. All he needed was some guidance. In this business knowledge was power. Morgan lived with the belief that knowledge not shared was a waste.

  As she reviewed it, there were a few concerns that jumped out at her. When she pointed them out to him and told him the options for either rewording it or excluding it, he seemed to grasp the logic behind the changes.

  “I really don’t know how you know all this stuff, Morgan, but Poly-Shyn could use you in contracts. We are all used to submitting it, and Dean kicking it back filled with red lines for edits. Yesterday was the first time a contract came back clean.”

  Wow. Guess I’ve still got it. “As I said yesterday, I’m happy to help you, Donald, but this is our little secret. I’m in HR, not contracts.”

  “I don’t feel right about taking credit for your ideas. Maybe if Dean knew what you’re capable of, he’d consider using you.”

  Using me. Yep. That sounds about right. I’m tired of being used. All I want to do is come in, do my job, and go home. I’m not out to impress Dean or anyone else. Not anymore.

  “If you want my help, this stays between us.” She used her management warning tone. One that says last chance. He seemed to pick up on it as well.

  “It’s your loss. You’re not going anywhere in HR, but move to contracts and you get to see the entire business picture. You’d be amazed how quickly you can get promoted.”

  Not surprised at all. But the higher you climb, the harder you fall. As he left her office she called out to him, “Donald, good luck with your document.”

  He waved and nodded as he quickly left. No matter how much he told her he wanted Dean to know she was the one behind the changes, she knew he didn’t. If so he would’ve shared her skill with others in the contract department, and she’d have a line at her door. Better this way. The fewer people who know, the better. I already get questioning looks from Shaun. I don’t need Dean inquiring too deeply. I’ve got the job, so everyone should just leave me alone to do it.

  Helping Donald only set her back a half hour. It was nothing she couldn’t make up Monday morning. With no one looking over her shoulder, things were finished quickly. The only problem was if she had a question, there wasn’t anyone to ask for help. Lexi told her Tessa was wonderful to work for. I guess I’ll find out next week when she returns. It will be a nice change to work for a laid-back person. A real nice change.

  Morgan had to admit that her first week of work went so much better than she’d expected. If it hadn’t been for Shaun, she’d actually say it had been perfect. There was only an hour left on a Friday afternoon. It was time to slow down, coast a bit.

  There were files that she’d requested earlier. She picked up the phone to call someone in the file room to come and retrieve them but didn’t dial the number. I’ve been sitting too long. So not used to this. If I don’t keep moving, I’m going to gain a hundred pounds.

  Picking up the files, she decided to deliver them herself. When the elevator doors opened, she immediately realized it was going to be one uncomfortable ride down to the ground floor. She nodded as she entered, then faced the doors, not wanting to make eye contact. Morgan was riddled with guilt over the kiss. This is ridiculous. It was nothing.

  “I don’t know if you remember me from Shaun’s office earlier this week.”

  Oh, I do. You’re his stunningly perfect girlfriend. “Yes, I do. How are you?” It was painful to look at her, knowing he probably kissed her that night and went home to this woman.

  She reached out a hand and said, “I’m Zoey Henderson.”

  Morgan thought she’d faint. His wife. Oh, my God. I should’ve known someone like him wasn’t single. If I’d known, I never would’ve . . . I shouldn’t have anyway. What type of person am I? What type of person is he?

  Her hand trembled as she shook Zoey’s hand. “My name is Morgan Pereira.”

  “That’s a lovely name.”

  You’re killing me. Don’t be so darn nice to me. I’m a horrible person, and you should hate me as much as I hate myself right now. “Did you have lunch with your . . . husband again today?”

  “Husband?” Zoey looked at her with a puzzled expression then the elevator filled with laughter. “Please don’t tell me you thought Shaun and I were married.” Zoey was holding her stomach from laughing so hard. “He’s my kid brother.”

  Brother. Your brother. Relief and joy flooded through her. It took all her self-control not to jump for joy. Easy. This really doesn’t change anything. Nothing can happen between us. Our paths are too different. I’m all family, and he’s all business.

  “I know it was only for a week, but how did you like working for him? He wasn’t too tough on you was he?”

  Tough? You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. But no, I’m not sharing a thing. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Morgan smiled, thinking that gave the right impression. Zoey must know her brother was not an easy man to report to. Anything less than that response would bring suspicion. Besides, Dean was supposed to be back on Monday. She’d no longer need to deal with Shaun. For business or pleasure.

  “I’m glad to hear it because I just left his office, and I get the impression he’ll be hanging around a bit longer.”

  “Isn’t Dean returning on Monday?” She hoped the panic within her didn’t come through in her voice.

  “Yes he is, but Shaun, for some strange reason, asked Brittany-Lynn to set up an office next to Dean’s. I have no idea what’s going on. They are not partners, but whatever it is, Shaun said he wanted to stay close. Have you noticed anything unusual lately?”

  Morgan shrugged. “I’ve only been here a week. It’s all unusual to me. If you know anything more specific, I’d be happy to look into it.”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot. Coming in from the outside and dealing with a Henderson is not easy. And this is coming from one. But if you can look past the surface, Morgan, you might like what you see.”

  The elevator doors opened, and they both got out on the ground floor. Before Zoey headed for the exit, she added, “Shaun comes across as hard and cold. But if you’re even the slig
htest bit interested, then give him a chance to show you who he really is.”

  Interested? I never said anything. Why would she think I’m interested? Did Shaun tell her about the kiss? Oh, God. How embarrassing. And here I am covering HR, and I don’t even follow the no fraternization policy myself. “There’s nothing betw—”

  “Save it for someone who believes it, Morgan. I’m a woman, and I know what I see. Besides, I know my brother, and it’s not work that has him all tied in knots.”

  Morgan stood there, stunned. Zoey not only said it publicly but hadn’t tried toning her voice to be discreet. She looked around and thankfully found the only other person in the lobby was the security guard. Although he was not looking at her, he had a grin on his face that said he heard. There’s nothing going on. I don’t need my coworkers thinking there is.

  She didn’t want to hang around to find out. It was bad enough as it was. Monday she was going to need to face Dean and Tessa. Had Zoey mentioned it to them? Was her new boss going to be giving her a lecture that she very well deserved? Either way, she was going to prepare herself for the worst and hope for the best.

  At least, where the job is concerned. Shaun is a totally different matter. What Zoey said doesn’t change anything. He knows nothing about me. Tyler and I won’t fit in his perfect little world. Once his family finds out how we really live, their attitudes will change. I guarantee it.

  Her intention was to stay a few minutes in the file room and get to know more of the staff. She was still so flustered after her brief conversation with Zoey that she wanted nothing more than to get back to the safe confines of her office and hide away until it was five o’clock. This day can’t end fast enough. Without even meeting anyone’s eyes, she dropped the files on an empty desk and hurried back to the elevator. She pretended not to notice the grin still on the guard’s face. Tomorrow I start looking for new employment.

  Chapter Six

  Shaun sat outside the two-family home. When Brittany-Lynn gave him Morgan’s address he thought for sure it was an error. No one at the company lived outside of Boston in an area like this. But once there, he saw why someone would love it. It was a rural neighborhood. People were out jogging and walking their dogs. There was even a freestanding basketball hoop on the sidewalk so the kids could play from the road. That was something he never had the opportunity to do growing up. Playing wasn’t allowed. “It is a waste of time and will only make you weak.” At least that’s what good old dad told us every day. There was a lot they missed doing. If there had been anyone playing, he might have been tempted to shoot a few too.

  There were no neighborhood games where he grew up. They lived in a very affluent area where kids were not seen or heard. It was all about appearances. Too bad no one ever realized what a fucked-up home we lived in. We had more money than God, but we might’ve been safer growing up on the streets. At least then there was a chance of not catching a beating, and someone might love us.

  No matter how bad it had been growing up, the one and only thing he was grateful for was his siblings. It wasn’t a happy home, but they at least were together through the bad times. Maybe it’s time we find some good times to share. He knew Brice and Dean had moved in that direction. He could see Zoey following their footsteps. Logan was so damn deep into his research with Jon Vinchi on whatever the next neurological surgical tool would be that he didn’t think the man even took time to sleep, never mind date. That only left Alex, who took nothing seriously, not work or women.

  Shaun never put himself into the equation. He dated frequently, but on a very casual/mutual understanding kind of way. No future. No commitment.

  It didn’t take long before people began to stare at the limo. It definitely wasn’t an everyday occurrence. He should’ve thought of that earlier. Before he could have the driver pull away, a gray Honda Accord pulled into the driveway. A woman, who looked like an older version of Morgan, got out and walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He saw her trying to pick up a case of water.

  Before he knew it, he was out of the limo and by her side. “Would you like some help with that?”

  She turned and smiled at him as though she’d expected him. How? We’ve never met before so why are you looking at me as though you know exactly who I am?

  “I would love it. Thank you. My husband usually carries in all the heavy items, but he was called into work for a water main break across town. I have no idea when he’ll be home.”

  And you’re telling a perfect stranger that you are home alone? Not wise. I could be some lunatic and hurt you. As he carried the two cases of water toward the house, he saw the limo out of the corner of his eye. The driver was leaning against the car, watching him. Yeah, he probably thinks I’m nuts right now too.

  She opened the door without even using a key and entered. No lock. What the hell? Did I enter a parallel universe where crime and dysfunctional families don’t exist?

  “The kitchen is straight ahead. If you could put them on the counter by the sink, that would be wonderful.”

  As he walked down the hall in the direction she pointed, he noticed the wall was covered with photos. He was getting to know them as each step brought him to more current ones. He quickly went to the kitchen, placed the water where she said, and headed right back to the hall. Something had caught his eye, and he wanted a closer look.

  Morgan. She was there with a ballet costume on and looked like she was in grade school. Cute. Then another with her in a cheerleader outfit probably in high school. Curvy even back then. Bet all the boys were chasing after her. There was her high school grad picture with her parents, then one from college. He knew the building well. Boston University. Nice. And surprising. I thought Bennett said she worked in a coffee house. Why?

  One more question on his growing list of things to ask her. As he came to the final row of pictures, Morgan was no longer alone. She held a baby, then a toddler, and finally a child who looked school age. She has a child. A son. He looked back through them and didn’t see any male figure in the pictures with her.

  “That’s Morgan and her son, Tyler. He’s a handsome young man isn’t he?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t turn from the picture. Her eyes were so full of life, of happiness. He could stand there all day looking at her. And where is that smile when she’s with me? Maybe I haven’t given her a reason to smile.

  He thought back to the past week. He honestly didn’t treat her worse than anyone else, but that didn’t mean he treated her nicely either. What can I say? I’m an asshole. I admit it.

  “Where’s his father?” Shaun didn’t even realize he voiced the question out loud, but he didn’t regret doing so.

  “He’s a very . . . selfish person. He’s not been in their life since Tyler turned three.”

  He turned from the picture and asked, “At all?”

  She shook her head. “Morgan has done it all on her own. She’s an amazing woman. When Walter, Tyler’s father, walked out of their lives, she could’ve given up, but she didn’t. Instead she worked even harder to give her son everything he needed and more.”

  What a fucking jerk. He has a son and a beautiful wife, and he abandoned them for what? Was it another woman? The responsibility of being a father? Oh, I don’t know him, but I would love to knock him on his weak, cowardly ass.

  “Why don’t you come and sit in the living room and have some lemonade while waiting for them to get back. She has a little apartment upstairs for her and Tyler, but they will stop here before going up. They always do.”

  Ah. She’s not home. That explains why she hasn’t burst in asking what the hell I’m doing here. “That would be nice.”

  “My name is Elisabeth, by the way.”


  Once again there was that look in her eye that said, I know. Had Morgan talked about him? Judging how forthcoming Elisabeth was being, she must have. Ah, so I wasn’t just some stranger. But did she tell you what a jerk I’ve been? No. If she had, I probably woul
dn’t have even been allowed on the stoop, never mind sipping on lemonade in your home.

  As he sat listening to family stories of Morgan’s youth, he knew he’d been so wrong about her. She was, as her mother said, amazing. He went to all the best schools, but she earned full scholarships and graduated with a 4.0. Morgan, you are a mystery that I’m looking forward to getting to know better.

  As she rounded the corner on the bicycle built for two, Tyler shouted, “Home Mommy. Home.”

  “Yes, Tyler. We’re almost there.” The house was just around the next bend, and he knew it. He loved to go for a ride, but she knew he couldn’t be trusted to ride alone. He became easily distracted and had no concept of oncoming traffic. Never mind that he could wander away and easily get lost. So every weekend they went for a ride, which meant she did most of the pedaling, but she loved it. They both did, and it gave them an opportunity to get some fresh air, and her a little exercise. It had been a long winter, but they were going to enjoy spring to its fullest.

  Before she saw the house, she noticed what was parked in the street in front of it. The limo looked as out of place as an elephant in a pet shop. There was a very slim chance it was Walter or his father. Neither of them would come to see her. And if they wanted to see Tyler, they wouldn’t do it here. A place below their class. Not that either of them have any. That left only one person. Shaun. What does he want that can’t wait till I’m back at the office? Morgan almost slammed on the brakes, but that would’ve startled Tyler. There was no choice but to keep going and pull into the driveway. I don’t know what he’s doing here, but whatever it is, please don’t do it in front of my son.

  They parked the bike, and Tyler didn’t even wait for her. He ran to the house, opened the door, and went in. Morgan saw a man leaning against the limo. She didn’t follow Tyler. Instead, she went to confront him while they were alone.

  “Where is he?” she asked the driver, who pointed to the house. Morgan was shocked at her abruptness, especially to someone who knew nothing of what was going on. She wanted to apologize, but that might require an explanation, which wasn’t going to happen.


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