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You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

Page 8

by Jeannette Winters

  “I don’t regret last week, Morgan.” Well, maybe the fact that it ended so soon. “Actually, I’m looking forward to more of the same this week.”

  She blushed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dean lean back in his chair, observing. Don’t put too much into this, Dean. I’m just having a little bit of fun, and that’s all. Nothing more.

  “Did I come back too early? Seems like the two of you worked very well together. Would you like me to go away again?”

  “No,” Morgan answered.

  Dean laughed. “And here I thought she found you charming, Shaun.”

  Shaun wasn’t laughing at all. He knew what Dean was trying to do, and it wasn’t going to happen. He was more than willing to enjoy some time with Morgan, but that was as far as it was going. Once alone, he would set him straight.

  Morgan looked embarrassed as she tried to cover up her blatant rejection of Dean’s offer.

  “That’s not what I meant. It’s just I . . . am sure your brother has his own work to do and I . . . really . . .”

  “Dean, you do have a lot on your plate. Right now I can handle the HR and finance side while you catch up on the production and contracts.” Shaun couldn’t believe he was offering to assist longer than he already had. He had never worked closely with his brothers before. It went smoothly for a week, but any longer and it could blow up in both their faces. So why did he say that? Because I wanted to see her reaction, and it’s just as I expected. Happy but wishing she wasn’t. She wants to see me again, but for some reason she won’t admit it. Let’s see if I can remedy that.

  Dean nodded to him but said, “Let’s just make it HR for now. I want to keep a close eye on the finance department too, since it links so closely with the contracts.”

  Shaun should’ve thought of that. Until they heard from Bennett, those two departments had red flags on them.

  “Since that is settled, Morgan, why don’t you follow me to my office next door? We can leave Dean to finish playing catch-up.”

  She didn’t move, clearly not wanting to acknowledge him. From his angle he could see her eyes were wide open as though still in shock. “I have some things I need to attend to in my office. Can we make it another time?”

  He resisted the temptation to tell her no. Let her know there was some imperative business for them to discuss behind closed doors. “This afternoon would work for me. I’ll have Britany-Lynn schedule it.”

  He couldn’t help himself as he watched her leave the office. The sway of her hips enticed him to follow, but he and Dean still had business to discuss. Morgan would have to wait.

  “Oh yeah. Keeping a close eye on the HR Department is really going to suck isn’t it, Shaun?”

  Shaun caught the sarcasm but didn’t care. He’d expected nothing less when he made the offer. Dean didn’t need his help any more than he needed Dean’s.

  “How about we get back to business.”

  “You’re the boss. Of HR that is.” Once again more laughter.

  Oh, I hope you don’t tell Zoey. If she finds out, I’m never going to hear the end of it. His phone rang. Perfect. Just what I’ve been waiting for.

  “Bennett, you’re on speaker with Dean and me. What did you find out?”

  “Welcome back, Dean. Shaun, as I told you last week, this does not feel like a threat in any way. I ran all the background checks again, and your entire staff is clean. I looked extra deep into Donald’s background. That kid is as clean as they come.”

  “So it took you the weekend to come up with nothing?” Shaun slammed him.

  “Not exactly. You’d asked me to look into Morgan. And at that time I was resistant,” Bennett stated.

  What the hell did you find out Bennett? Is she a mole? Is that why I can’t get her out of my mind? “And now?”

  “From what I can find, she’s the only person who could’ve doctored those contracts. Why, is the mystery I’m still digging into.”

  Fuck. Why her? None of this made sense. How is it that someone who works in HR could handle writing a contract better than the contract specialist?

  “What else do you know about her?” Shaun asked.

  “She worked for WS & Son about six years ago. I spoke to the owner, and he confirmed she worked as their senior contract manager. She left abruptly without notice, and he had nothing nice to say about her. Actually, brutal would be the words he used. He wouldn’t give me any details, but his exact words were, ‘I never want to hear her name again.’ I’ll keep digging if you want to see if she ever filed an unemployment claim against them.”

  That sounded like one hell of a termination/resignation. What happened between them didn’t matter, except she was now here at Poly-Shyn. He wasn’t going to allow this to be round two for her. He needed to know so he could determine what actions to take. “He gave no indication why she left?”

  “None. Something’s off on this. I can feel it. But either way, I still don’t believe she’s a threat to Poly-Shyn or any of the family. I think what went down at WS & Son is probably none of our business.”

  “If she’s working here, then I’m making it my business. I don’t care what rock you need to look under. Find me everything. I’ll determine what is or isn’t our business.”

  When he disconnected the call with Bennett, he looked at Dean, who for the first time looked like he was taking this seriously.

  “Why wouldn’t she apply for a contract position?”

  Shaun shook his head. “Why wouldn’t she mention she was reviewing contracts here? It’s not part of her job description, so why do it, unless you have an agenda which we have yet to discover.”

  “Let’s get her out of here now.”

  “No. Let me handle this. There’s more to her than she leads us to believe. I want to know what that is.” Shaun thought he understood when he stopped at her home. Obviously, that was not the only thing she’d been keeping a secret. And I want to know why.

  “Okay, but I’m going to tell Tessa to stay out of the office until this is handled. I don’t want anything stressing her right now. And if she thinks there could be someone out to mess with us again . . . well, that’s not good for her or the baby.”

  Shaun agreed. And look at you, already being a good father.

  Chapter Eight

  Morgan had waited all Monday for Shaun to contact her, but he didn’t. Then Tuesday and Wednesday much of the same. If he thought she was going to give in and contact him, he didn’t know who he was dealing with. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to; it just means I won’t.

  It was almost four thirty when he finally emailed her to meet with him in ten minutes. That was going to mean cutting it close for dinner with Tyler.

  The first thing she did was call her mother and warn her she probably was going to be late.

  “A date?” Elisabeth asked, sounding hopeful.


  Each day she asked Morgan if she’d spoken to Shaun. Every time she said no. It looked like tonight was going to be a different answer. Unfortunately.

  While chatting with her mother, Morgan shot back a message asking Shaun if they could meet first thing in the morning. One-word response. No.

  “I can’t believe the balls that man has.”

  “And whom are you speaking about, Morgan?”

  She’d forgotten her mother was still on the phone. She explained about the last-minute meeting Shaun had just scheduled.

  “This is nothing new. You worked late all the time when you worked for . . . the other company. Why are you so upset with this request? Were you hoping it would be a dinner invitation instead?”

  “Mom, there is nothing going on between us. This is a business meeting only.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do. I’m just upset because he knows damn well I have a son waiting at home for me. Just because he doesn’t have any responsibilities, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.” She closed her laptop and headed to her meeting while still chatting with her mother on her cel
l phone. “I don’t want to work with him, or for him.” Morgan blurted out as she waited for the elevator.

  When the door opened she told her mother she had to go. There was a positive side to working on that floor alone, she could say what she wanted and no one could rat her out, but that wasn’t the case throughout the building.

  Of course, that was all going to change once Tessa returned. I remember those early months when I was carrying Tyler. I was so tired I could hardly lift my head from the pillow. And if anyone even looked at me oddly, I burst into tears. Yep, things are going to change once she’s back in the office.

  She was happy for them even though she really didn’t know either of them. Just hearing how much they loved each other touched her heart. I hope it lasts for them because it really sucks when you watch all your dreams go down the tubes.

  Morgan hated that her actions these last few days were still driven by hurt from many years ago. How long was it going to take for her to let it go? Move on? Maybe if it was just me Walter hurt, I could be more forgiving. But he did it to our son, and that is a wound that won’t ever go away. And I don’t want to forget. If I do, then I’ll only risk it happening again. I’m not sure either Tyler or I can survive another hit like that.

  No matter how she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking of Shaun. Was this his plan all along? He must be trying to see if he can get a reaction out of me. Well, he can try, but I know how to handle myself.

  Morgan remembered how she handled herself last week. She could’ve pushed him away when he kissed her. Truthfully, I’m a grown woman. I could’ve stopped it even before the kiss. But I didn’t. I wanted him to kiss me. And I want him to kiss me again.

  She got off the elevator and headed down the hall to face the one person who turned her world upside down. It wasn’t work that worried her, it was herself. And I can’t run from that.

  Without thinking, she knocked on Dean’s office in error.

  “Sorry. I was looking for Shaun.”

  “Why don’t you come in for a minute and shut the door.” Dean waved her to the seat opposite him.

  Is he going to fire me? Is that why Shaun waited until the end of the day? That’s standard in the industry. She did as Dean asked and sat quietly, waiting. She could feel her cheeks still flushed from the thoughts of Shaun. The last thing she needed was Dean or anyone else picking up the wrong vibe. This is what I get for fantasizing at work. Now I feel like I’m in the principal’s office and about to get a lecture on being a lady.

  “I know I said you would be reporting to Shaun, but it’s Wednesday, and I want to make sure there are no issues I should know about.”

  Oh, there are, but none that I’m about to share with you or anyone else.

  “Things are going fine from what I can tell.”

  “I didn’t mean with the job; I meant with reporting to Shaun. I noticed on Monday there seemed to be some . . . tension between you two.”

  She couldn’t bring herself to look at Dean, even though she felt his eyes on her the entire time. Was it her cold behavior that Dean had picked up on? Obviously. He’s talking to you about it now, isn’t he?

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be more professional in the future.”

  Dean gave her a puzzled look. “It’s not you I’m worried about.”

  Oh, I think you’re wrong there. You should worry about us both. “Believe me, Mr. Henderson.”


  “Dean, believe me. Working under Shaun will not affect my work at all.”

  He arched a brow, and she knew he was trying to read her. Morgan wasn’t going to give him anything this time.

  “If that is all, I have a meeting now with Shaun, and I don’t want to be late.” She got up from the chair and made her way to the door. She knew he was still watching even as she turned the knob. Dean didn’t buy that at all, did he?

  When she decided to come to the office on Monday, it was to face her own fear. Maybe fear wasn’t the word she’d been avoiding. Want. Lust. Desire. Yep. These sound more like it.

  Even when she found Shaun sitting in her mother’s home, she couldn’t help but be attracted to him. Of course, that only pissed her off more than his surprise visit. And now, for some reason, she seemed to be wearing her childish crush—or whatever it was—on her sleeve for everyone to see. This had to stop. He was the brother of the owner. There was no way he would be interested in her. And if he was, it wasn’t going to be anything more than a romp in the sack. Not interested in that at all.

  Before she knocked on the correct door, she took a deep inhale and made a slow exhale. Nope, not one bit.

  “Come in.”

  Control Morgan. Stay in control and remember, this is business only, just like I told Mom. Only business.

  She’d seen him many times in the hall. He was always dressed in an expense suit. When you had his kind of money, why not? This afternoon he was dressed in a pair of jeans that hugged his hips just right. Instead of a stuffy shirt, he was wearing a T-shirt that showed off his biceps. Only business. Only business.

  “Close the door and come sit by me.”

  Only business. Oh shit. I’m screwed.

  Bennett had told him he’d find out what happened, but Shaun wasn’t a man with a lot of patience. He could go back and talk to Elisabeth as she seemed to be very forthcoming. Why go around snooping when he had the source right here?

  She was sitting, her legs crossed tight as though he was going to try to get inside them. Not that I haven’t given that a lot of thought, but right now, I have something else on my mind. Finding out more about you.

  She opened her laptop, and he said, “Close it.”

  Morgan shut it but looked puzzled. “We are here for our HR meeting, correct?”

  “HR questions to be more precise.”

  I know what I know, but not anything beyond that. So if this is a test on my qualifications, it’s going to be a short meeting. “Keep in mind that I’m new to this department.”

  “Oh, I know. But why is more my question.”

  She had no idea what that meant. I’m new because I was only hired last week. “I believe you were there the day I was hired.”

  “I want to know why you took a job in HR.”

  I ask myself that every day. Same answer. Because I was offered it. “I enjoy it.”

  “But that is not your specialty. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  He was fishing for something. She could feel it. But why? And what? “No, it’s not.”

  “Then again I ask: why HR? Why not another department where you might be more qualified?”

  Is he just playing a game with me right now? Because these questions are too vague to answer correctly. “This is the one I was offered.”

  “So you wouldn’t rather be in the file room or maybe in corporate contracts?”

  Damn it, Donald. You weren’t supposed to say anything. How do I explain this now? “I like where I am right now.”

  He didn’t sit. Only stood with his arms folded, staring at her.

  “Shaun, if you have questions just ask, because I need to get home.”

  He came closer, and leaned back on his desk. Now he was only a foot away from her. She wished he would get back up and pace or something; this closeness wasn’t going to help her keep in control of anything, never mind her responses.

  “Tell me about WS & Son.”

  Her heart almost stopped. That was a name she never put on a résumé. How did he find out? Was he digging into her past? Boston had its own business world, so it was possible someone she worked with there, was now here.

  “They are located on the other side of Boston. They are not a competitor of Poly-Shyn, if that is what you are worried about.”

  “Why did you leave?” His eyes were burning into her now as though he could detect her reluctance to answer just through her pulse.

  So many things came to mind. But only one was going to appease him even slightly. It was a half-truth, so maybe this would stop the question
ing. There was only so much she was going to tell him as none of it was his business.

  “I wanted to be home with Tyler.” Her answer was simple and over. Now she sat and waited.

  “Morgan, I’m asking you to tell me what happened. What made you leave a senior contract management position practically overnight?” His voice wasn’t demanding or accusing as she thought it would be.

  Do you really want to know why? How will you knowing they hurt Tyler and me benefit our working relationship any?

  “Please, Morgan.”

  She was lost at the honest request. This was a side of him she’d never seen before. But she wasn’t ready to tell him. It was a private part of her that she’d buried and wanted to keep there. Now he was in front of her, asking her to open it all up again.

  “Shaun, I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t, Morgan?”

  “What’s the difference? It doesn’t have anything to do with my job here.”

  “I’m not talking about work. I want to know what happened.”

  Why are you being so . . . I don’t know, caring? Understanding? Friendly? You won’t be once you hear what went down and how I left. I wasn’t professional at all. I reacted not acted. My emotions ran rampant. I don’t want you to know that person. “We had a huge difference of opinions that we couldn’t reconcile. So I moved on.” Everything inside of her wanted to break as though she were a teacup coming in contact with a tile floor. No matter how she tried to hide it, her hands were trembling, and her voice was shaky.

  I need to get out of here to pull myself together. You caught me off guard with the one thing I’m never going to be prepared to talk about.

  He said nothing but moved from where he’d been leaning and went to sit behind his desk.

  Morgan asked, hoping to get out before he asked any more questions that she didn’t want to answer, “Is that all?” She felt the plea for release bubbling within her. Please don’t let my desperation be evident to him. I don’t want him knowing how weak I am.

  Shaun nodded. “Have a good night.”


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