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You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

Page 17

by Jeannette Winters

  “Call your boss. Tell him Shaun Henderson wants to meet with him now.”

  The man dialed the number and mumbled into the phone. “Sorry, his secretary said they’re in a meeting.”

  “I don’t care if he is meeting with the President himself. If he doesn’t meet with us in the next five minutes, he won’t have a company to meet about.”

  The guard looked past Shaun and to Bennett and his men. He swallowed hard and picked up the phone again. It was apparent he was delivering a message that was going to cost him his job one way or another. Sorry buddy, you’re just collateral damage.

  “He’ll see you. I can show you to the conference room. Please follow me.”

  When they went through the double doors, the alarm beeped. The guard turned back and said, “That’s the metal detector.”

  “We know,” Bennett said but made no effort to remove his weapon. “I believe you were showing us to the conference room.”

  The guy nodded, and with his head down, he hurried to the conference room and showed them inside. “They will be down shortly.”

  Once they were alone, Shaun looked at Bennett. “Was that wise?”

  “Giving him my gun wouldn’t have been. He’d probably have shot himself in the foot or worse.”

  He shook his head. You’re a crazy bastard. Glad to have you with me.

  “With this group, I realize you really don’t need me,” Loras said, looking around the room.

  “You’re the one who’s in charge of making sure I don’t rip him to pieces.”

  Loras laughed. “I was going to offer to clean up the mess. Hope I can keep my cool when I see his dumb ass again. After what he put my baby girl and grandson through . . . it just isn’t right. Not one bit.”

  Shaun saw the frustration and pain in the man’s eyes. All those years he’d been powerless to fight against them and their money. It felt good to knock Walter down and have Loras standing there by his side when they delivered the message.

  “He’s getting his, Loras. You and I are making sure of that.” He knew Loras needed to be involved. Shaun might love Morgan, but this man had been there all thirty-six years, fighting for her happiness. He wasn’t about to steal the glory all for himself now.

  The door opened and Walter Sapp, Senior and Junior entered with a few people meant to intimidate. It wasn’t working. As soon as they saw Bennett, an entirely different feel entered the room.

  There was an unspoken connection, felt and barely seen, but Shaun knew it was there. He’d seen the slight nod of Bennett’s head to the man at Sapp’s side, who seemed to be in charge. A mutual respect? Or do these guys have a history as well? From their stance, he went with the latter. I hear once a Marine, always a Marine.

  The father spoke first. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, coming into my company and demanding to see us.”

  “I think we’re the individuals crushing your company.”

  The son looked around the room, and his eyes stopped on Loras. “Do I know you?”

  “Yeah, you stupid piece of shit. I’m Tyler’s grandfather. You know, the son you don’t acknowledge.” His voice was filled with hate and accusations as he spoke.

  “What do you want? What are you doing here?” Sapp Junior asked.

  “Not what I want to do, but I’ll settle for this.” He pulled out paperwork from his back pocket.

  “What is this?”

  Shaun decided to take it from there. Loras had his turn, but now the business side was on him. “Legal documents stating you give up your parental rights to Tyler.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  “Besides the fact that you don’t want him?”

  Sapp looked at Shaun then smiled. “I might not want him, but you do.” He tossed the paperwork at Shaun. “And that’s the only reason why I won’t sign. You fucked with me, now I’ll fuck with you. I want custody of my son. And trust me, I’ll get it. His mother can’t get a job other than serving coffee, and that’s only because I allow it.”

  Shaun stepped forward, and Bennett grabbed his arm stopping him. I’m going to kill that bastard. He’s more hateful than we thought. He reminds me of my father, and that’s not a good thing. Not one bit.

  “You think you scare me? You have no idea who I am, do you?” No one answered. “Then let me introduce myself. I’m Shaun Henderson. I’m sure you all remember my father, James Henderson?”

  He enjoyed the look that father and son shared before turning their attention back to him. They nodded.

  “Well, he taught me well. Your stocks are falling, and your company will cease to exist in about thirty-six hours. If you think stopping me will change anything, you’re wrong. I have very influential friends who wouldn’t be happy if anything happened to the people I love or to me.”

  “Your hired men don’t scare me. I have my own,” Sapp Senior said.

  Shaun watched the men once again make eye contact with Bennett, yet there was no movement by either party. You don’t have shit. You just think you do.

  “Quite frankly, I was talking about my friends and family. I’m sure you know the Barringtons. Lovely family. Just don’t fuck with them. Or, how about Trent Davis or Dax Marshall? Any of these on your friends list?” Silence once again. “Thought not. So are you ready to sit and sign?”

  “What do we get in return?” Sapp Senior asked.

  “I’ll stop the destruction of WS & Son.”

  He turned to his son and said, “Walter sign the papers and get that bastard out of our lives.”

  Shaun knew it wasn’t him they were talking about. Even with the company on the line, they couldn’t see Tyler as anything more than an inconvenience. You’re the only bastards in the room.

  “No. We’re not giving in to his threats, Dad. I’m not scared of him or any of his friends.”

  “Then you’re a fool, son. I haven’t worked my entire life to build this company so we can lose it because your ego is hurt. You don’t want her, and you don’t want the kid. You just can’t stand losing. But if you don’t sign the papers, I will be forced to remove you from everything I have. Is that understood?”

  The two men stared at each other. The father wasn’t going to back down. After a moment Sapp Junior picked up the papers, and as he was signing them said, “You can have him. Neither of them are worth my time.”

  As he was about to leave the room, Shaun turned and called out to him, “You better forget their names Sapp. Because if you continue to trash either of them, I will finish what I started, and your father won’t be able to stop me. Am I understood?”

  Sapp Junior glared at him and said, “You have your forms. What about my business?”

  “You’ll have your contracts and vendors back in place, if they choose to do business with you. I won’t block any more of them.”

  Shaun left the room with Loras and the others close behind. Once they got into the limo, he texted Trent with the all clear. Then he placed another call to the judge for the paperwork to be processed. All they needed to do was stop by, and it would be finalized today.

  “Shaun, what can I do to thank you for what you just did for my family?”

  He looked at Loras. “You can give me your blessing to ask Morgan to marry me.”

  Loras looked shocked then grinning from ear to ear said, “Hot damn. Welcome to the family, son.”

  “Great. Keep that info to yourself for now.” All I have to do is get her to say yes.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Morgan had spent the rest of the week going through the motions. She’d asked her father several times what happened when they went to see Walter, but he wouldn’t tell her anything. He just kept whistling. The first few times she ignored it. Now it was driving her crazy.

  It wasn’t his fault, and she shouldn’t take it out on him. He was happy, and she should be glad her father was so joyful. So damn joyful it is making me sick. I don’t want to see the sun come out. I don’t want to hear the birds chirp or listen to love son
gs. I want to cry until my tear ducts close up and won’t shed any more tears.

  She loved Shaun so much it was killing her not to see him. Yes, she told him she never wanted to see or hear from him again, but why did he have to listen? He should’ve called, or sent flowers or come by and pulled me into his arms and begged me for forgiveness. Yet none of it happened. Instead, she didn’t go to work on Tuesday, and no one called to question it.

  I can’t believe he let me go so easily. It only proves I don’t mean that much to him and never did. She wouldn’t compare him with Walter. No matter what happened, Shaun was a good man, and she knew it. The way he was with Tyler wasn’t something he faked. He genuinely cared and that was what hurt the most. Why couldn’t you have been a jerk so I could hate you and move on? Now I have to suffer with the emptiness, and it is killing me.

  She picked up her phone and checked her messages. Nothing, no different than an hour ago. She could check every five minutes, but that didn’t mean something was going to magically appear. Then she looked at her photos. I should delete them, otherwise I’m going to look at them again and again. Do I like to torture myself with what will never be? Obviously I do because I can’t stop looking at them. We were so close to having it all. Now, nothing.

  Morgan could hear Tyler playing in the other room. It wasn’t going to be long before he would be waiting for their ride. Her heart wasn’t going to be in it, no different than anything else, but she had to keep Tyler’s routine as on track as possible.

  This is not a weekend I’m looking forward to. She got up and looked out the window. She wanted to see Shaun’s Jeep there, but it wasn’t. There was no activity at all. Not Bennett or his men. Not even the weird guy with the baseball cap who’d been following her. Out of sight, out of mind.

  “Tyler, time to put on your sneakers.” Come on Morgan, say it with some excitement. He’s looking forward to it, so you better act like you are too.

  Tyler came into the living room with his sneakers in hand. He quickly put them on and was bolting out the door.

  “Wait for Mommy,” Morgan called after him but knew he wouldn’t stop. Once he was focused on something, there was no getting his attention unless you were right in front of him.

  She got up and headed downstairs. “Mom, we’re heading out. We’ll be back in an hour.” Morgan had no idea why she informed her. The entire neighborhood knew when they left and when they returned. It was like clockwork.

  “Wait for me. I want to see you off,” Elisabeth shouted from the kitchen.

  Ever since her fight with Shaun on Monday, her mother hovered over her like crazy. This was going a bit overboard. “You don’t have to, Mom. I can get him settled myself.” I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t need an audience.

  Morgan knew if she didn’t wait, she would hear about it, so she stopped at the doorway but kept her eye on Tyler.

  Elisabeth joined her and they headed to the garage. She noticed her father’s truck was in the yard but he hadn’t come in. Maybe he’s helping Tyler with his helmet. Thank God I have him and Mom. Don’t know what I would do without them.

  She came around the corner and saw Tyler at the three-seater. “No Tyler. Not that one today.” He kept pulling at it to get it to move. “Tyler, we don’t need that one anymore.”

  “Why is that?”

  She spun around to see Shaun standing by her father. “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s ten. Time for Tyler’s bike ride.”

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was so calm and casual, as though nothing had happened. Morgan knew she felt and looked like it was hell-week in boot camp. “I know what time it is Shaun, but what I don’t know is why you’re here.”

  He walked over to her carrying some papers in his hand. If this is termination paperwork, don’t bother. I already quit when I stopped showing up.

  “I have something you might want.”

  “I don’t want anything from you, Shaun.” Except your undying love. Which I don’t have.

  “Morgan, listen to the man.”

  Morgan was startled as Loras barked at her. In all her life she didn’t remember him ever raising his voice at her. What’s going on?

  “Fine. I’m listening.” Only because I have no choice in the matter. Shaun approached her, and she stepped back. “I can hear you from here.” She wasn’t looking for an apology, but she was willing to stand there and listen if it made everyone feel better. She wasn’t angry at him any longer. Part of her understood why he did it. Just one year ago Poly-Shyn was in an uproar after the shootings happened. Business and pleasure don’t mix for a reason. Mistakes are made and people get hurt.

  “If Tyler wasn’t here I’d—”

  “What? Apologize?”

  “Pick you up and carrying you off and make you listen to every word I have to say. And yes, that would include an apology.”

  She knew he was sorry. She was as well. Rehashing it wasn’t going to help them move forward. Move on. And that was all there was left. To move on. “Shaun, you said enough last time you were here. What else is there to say?” She stood with her hands on her hips glaring at him.

  “How about I love you.”

  Love me? You love me? She looked at her parents, who didn’t seem at all surprised by any of this. “Is that what you wanted to hand me? A note professing your love?” No matter what he said, she still had her doubts after not one word from him for five days.

  “Read it. It’s something from both me and your father.”

  Morgan looked at Shaun then her father. “Just tell me.”

  “Read it,” Loras said.

  “Loras, give the girl a chance, will you? She hasn’t even had a chance to process Shaun telling her he loves her,” Elisabeth said, trying to be the voice of reason.

  Thanks, Mom. At least someone understands. She took the papers from Shaun and read through them. Living in the world of contracts, she instantly was able to pick up the importance of what she held. This can’t be real. He’d never. Why would he? I mean I know he didn’t want Tyler but what does it matter? I am doing it all on my own anyway.

  “I . . . I’m not sure why you are giving this to me. What does this change? I already knew he didn’t want him, so this paper means what exactly?” She looked at both men for an explanation. Shaun was the one to provide it.

  “It means that Tyler is free to be adopted at any time and have a real father in his life. One who loves him and will be there for him always.”

  I need to sit down. There is no way I’m hearing correctly. “Shaun what are you—?”

  “I’m saying, Morgan, I want to marry you, and I want to be Tyler’s father in every sense of the word. I don’t want to wait to be asked to go on the bike ride, I want that seat to be mine. It is meant to be mine, Morgan, and you know it. You and me make three.” He nodded over in Tyler’s direction.

  Hold it together Morgan. Don’t cry because Tyler will get upset. No matter how she tried to hold her emotions, it was impossible. Tears of joy started gushing like never before. Not only had he professed his love for her, but for her son as well. There was nothing in this world he could give her greater than that. He loves us with all our imperfections. And we love him with his too.

  That was when Morgan knew looking at the past was only going to hold them back from the true happiness waiting for them all in the future. Time to take a leap of faith.

  Morgan jumped into his arms crying, “I love you too, Shaun. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He kissed her lightly before they heard Tyler’s voice shouting, “Shaun. Ride. Ride, Shaun.”

  Shaun released her and said, “We have the rest of our lives to finish this. But right now, our son is waiting for his bike ride.”

  Our son. She squeezed him one more time before letting go. They all put on their helmets and started down the driveway. She was smiling from ear to ear. We’re really a family.


  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Yo
u may kiss your bride.”

  Shaun didn’t need to be told twice. Even before the words had left the preacher’s mouth, he’d claimed Morgan’s.

  “I love you, Mrs. Henderson,” Shaun said as he released her slightly.

  “I love you too, Mr. Henderson,” Morgan said, encouraging him to kiss her again.

  He smiled and gave her what she asked for but only briefly. Since they had chosen a very small intimate wedding in the backyard of her parent’s home, their family had no issue interrupting the moment with hugs of congratulations. “Looks like we will need to finish this later,” Shaun said. He let Morgan go as Zoey reached out to welcome her to the family. Get used to it. Zoey is not shy in the least.

  Tessa’s father had come from Connecticut to perform the ceremony. Dean was the best man, and her mother, Elisabeth, served as her matron of honor. Loras was the proud father as he walked her down the short aisle and insisted on paying for everything.

  Shaun wanted to give Morgan the wedding of her dreams, a destination wedding anyplace in the world, but all she wanted was something simple. At first he didn’t understand why, but as he stood among the people who truly meant something to them, it became clear. Morgan never was about show or status. What he loved about her was evident in her choices for the wedding. Love was all that mattered to her. And he loved her more than he could ever hope to express.

  “Welcome to the family, Shaun,” Elisabeth said as she kissed him on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Elisabeth.”

  “Will you do me a favor?”


  “You’re the son I never had. I would love it if you would call me Mom.”

  Mom. His heart leaped into his throat. It was a name he was never allowed to utter before. One he had always wanted to. He might never know who his mother was or why she didn’t want any of them, but as Morgan had told him before, family is not always who you are born to, but who chooses to love you.


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