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Fae Page 8

by Jennifer Bene

  She knocked on the door and the guard outside unlocked it and let them all out. They followed Lena down the stairs and arranged themselves in the foyer in a curved line against the entrance to the parlor. A moment later Nikola came down the main stairs from his study, talking to Butler on the way down. He was in a finely tailored, but somewhat casual suit. His dark hair was graying at the temples, and he still had a tan from his latest trip. He looked handsome. It was frustrating that under the crisp appearance he was so cruel and uncaring. He smiled when he saw them all, but it was without feeling as he opened his arms wide.

  “Lena, you’ve outdone yourself. They look perfect, and my guests will be so happy.” She stepped up to him, and he rested his hand in the small of her back and placed a kiss in her hair. She was radioactive with joy and her smile was so wide her cheeks must have hurt.

  “It’s nothing, Master. We’re delighted to make the evening a success.” Lena’s voice was syrupy sweet and Fae had to fight the urge to throw up, or strangle her. Both urges were relatively strong if she was honest, but she didn’t get the chance. The bands were already humming against her skin with him so close, silently reminding her to not do anything stupid so soon after she’d assured Ebere she’d try.

  Nikola stepped away from Lena to address everyone. “My girls, tonight is my Winter Dinner and my guests will be expecting the level of entertainment my house normally provides. You will serve dinner and then take your Oblivion. We will celebrate the evening in the parlor room. My expectation is that everyone is on their best, and most friendly, behavior. Any disobedience will be dealt with swiftly.” He pulled his sleeve up to check the time on his watch, and then let it fall back while he scanned the line. “The guests will be arriving soon. Fae and Sobeska, you will be at the front door greeting and taking coats to hang up. Juliet, you don’t have experience in table service so you’ll spend the evening entertaining the guards.” There was a gasp from Irena, and Juliet looked around confused and wide-eyed.

  “What?” Juliet whispered to Irena, “What does that mean?” Her panicked voice was a knife twisting in Fae’s stomach. He couldn’t give her to the guards.

  “Master -” Fae spoke up, but Nikola raised his hand.

  “No, Fae.”

  “But Master! Please, no!” Irena was panicking, which was making Juliet even more frightened. They were holding hands tightly and Juliet kept whispering questions at Irena, who was so fixated on Nikola that she wasn’t answering. A few of the other girls started muttering to each other, and Paloma on the other side of Juliet started rubbing her back to try and calm her.

  “SILENCE!” Butler yelled over the noise, and Nikola nodded to him in thanks as everyone went quiet.

  “I am not interested in your arguments. I have decided that Juliet will be with the guards. The rest of you will serve drinks and hors d’oeuvres as the guests arrive.” Nikola’s voice was level and almost too low to hear over Irena and Juliet’s hitched breathing. Fae glanced at Ebere and flinched before she took a step forward and the bands of light lit up brightly, drawing everyone’s attention.

  “Please, Master, I can take her place.” Fae spoke softly, and kept her eyes down even though her stomach was doing flips.

  Nikola stepped up to her and grabbed her chin, tilting it so she was looking up at him. “I have already made my decision. I did not ask for a volunteer, but if you’re so eager I’ll make sure you get time with them this week.” He leaned forward so he was speaking in her ear, his words taking on the edge of a command that the bands hummed in response to, “You will be the highest example of obedience tonight or I’ll make sure you suffer for it. Remember that.” Nikola dropped his hand from her and walked back towards the center of the foyer. The buzz of the bands started to hurt, so Fae stepped back in line and looked at the floor, gritting her teeth against the urge to argue further.

  Butler walked up and grabbed Juliet’s arm, but Irena started crying and held on to her hand even as Butler started to pull her away. Paloma finally grabbed Irena’s arm and made her let go, wrapping her arms around Irena to calm her down as she whispered in her ear. Juliet locked eyes with Fae as she passed by, and it was clear she was shaking with fear. No one had told her this was a possibility because Nikola hadn’t done it in so long, but they should have prepared her anyway. They should have let her know all the possibilities so they could help her. As Fae watched, Butler handed Juliet a vial of the Oblivion and Fae relaxed slightly.

  Whatever happened at least she’d be high as a kite for it.

  “I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Don’t disappoint me.” Nikola nodded to Lena who looked mortified at having lost control of the girls in front of him. He walked back up the stairs, clearly not ready to join the party quite yet, and she spun on them. Lena’s eyes were furious when she stormed over to the group. All of the girls had collapsed around Irena, talking to her quietly as they tried to soothe her, but she was still crying. Sobeska was trying to salvage her make-up by brushing her thumbs underneath Irena’s eyes to sweep away the tears and the melting eye liner.

  “What is wrong with you girls? All of you!” Lena was hissing her words at them, trying not to disturb Nikola. “You never argue with our Master.”

  “Shut up, Lena.” Fae moved her aside with a glare, her bands still brightly lit. With Nikola’s command they probably wouldn’t fade all evening as they enforced his command, and she felt sure that’s what he wanted. Reaching Irena, Fae leaned down a little to meet the pixie’s eyes. “Listen to me. Juliet is going to be fine, she’s strong. Butler gave her the Oblivion, I saw it myself, and she’ll be fine.” Irena started to nod along with Fae’s words. “But you have to pull it together,” Fae looked around at the group of faces, “we all do, or this night is going to be much worse.” A few of the girls straightened up, and Lena glared bitterly at her. Ebere and Mei-Li had stayed calm and simply nodded. Irena finished wiping her face, and Sobeska moved in front of Fae to evaluate Irena’s make-up again.

  “I need to touch up her eyes.” Sobeska sounded just like Zofie, but tended to be more outspoken, otherwise they were identical. Lena just threw up her hands and nodded, and they ran back towards the stairs.

  By the time the first guest arrived everyone had their friendly masks on, all big smiles and flirty winks and perfect make-up. Fae and Sobeska were welcoming everyone that came in and alternating between hanging their coats in the closet under the stairs. The guests were milling around the huge tiled foyer talking to the girls and each other while the chandelier above sent sparkling light down. The wine and liquor were already flowing and the guests were mainly talking about their jobs in industry, and government, and their side businesses. Some of the girls were good at making the guests feel welcome; Annika with her blonde hair and long legs was sultry even when she wasn’t trying. When she tried? The men melted around her. Others, like Caridee, were smiling and laughing but carefully avoided their touches however she could.

  Once all of the guests had arrived, Sobeska and Fae were just standing near the entrance smiling at the guests. Fae’s bands were still lit up and one of the guests was staring at her, focused intently on the circles of light.

  He finally got the courage to approach her. “What are those?” He asked, pointing at her wrists.

  Fae contemplated being sarcastic, but the bands buzzed against her skin in warning. She made her voice polite instead. “They are the mark of a curse, sir.”

  “A curse, like, a real curse?” His eyes went wide with interest. “So you’re one of Nikola’s special ones?”

  “I believe I am, sir.” Fae gave him a smile, hoping he would move on, but he was too intrigued.

  “So what are you?” He motioned his hand toward Irena. “It’s clear she’s some kind of fairy –” Pixie. “– but you look human.”

  “That’s because I was human once, and now I’m Faeoihn.” She tried her best to respond in a submissive tone as she explained herself. He mouthed the word to himself and took a drink.

  “And that means?” He asked, eyes drifting down the length of her body.

  “That I’m immortal.” That grabbed his attention and his eyes snapped back to her face.

  “So you can’t die?”

  “Not easily, sir.” She responded with a small smile just as Butler clapped his hands together near the entrance to the dining room, and gradually the conversations stopped.

  “If you’ll come to the dining room, Nikola will be joining you in a moment. But don’t worry, the girls will be back soon.” He gave one of his practiced smiles, which always looked weird on his face, as if it had been plastered on. The men handed back their empty glasses and set their napkins onto the serving trays. The man next to her gave her what he probably thought was a seductive wink and headed towards the dining room. As soon as they had all funneled into the dining room, the girls headed to the kitchen. Irena found her way to Fae’s side and grabbed her hand, interlocking her fingers in a deathgrip, Fae squeezed her hand back as they stepped through the doors.

  The kitchen was chaotic, Alec was talking over his shoulder at the two other guys cooking, trying to get the first course finished. When he turned back he noticed the girls and gave his winning smile, pushing his hand through his blond hair as he walked over to them.

  “Hey ladies, everyone ready for tonight?” There were some nods. “Just remember to be as quiet as possible so you don’t interrupt them, and set the plates down and pick up the last ones from their left. We have sixteen guests, plus Master, and there are seventeen of you so that works out perfectly. Who set the table this morning?” Mei-Li and a girl named Blithe raised their hands, and Alec rewarded them with another grin. “It looks wonderful, ladies! Now I just need you to wait for Butler to begin service.” They could all hear when Nikola entered the dining room as there was a round of applause. Nikola’s voice carried back through the short hall to the kitchen.

  “Good evening and welcome. For many of you this is your first time to Ráj Manor, but if our relationships continue to be productive it will likely not be your last. Tonight celebrates all of the advantageous business ventures we have taken on this past year, and all of the ones you will help me with next year.” There were some polite laughs as Nikola paused. “As a thank you to all of you, for the duration of the evening everything that is mine - is yours.” This brought a quick cheer, and then Butler pushed open the door to the kitchen.

  “Begin service.” Butler snapped his fingers and everyone moved. Plating was a whirlwind and they all had to move calmly and quietly into the dining room to serve the courses, refill glasses, make more drinks, and get out of the way of the conversations and plans for next year. As they were setting plates down, hands slid up their thighs, occasionally slipping between their pussy lips to delve inside them. Fingers pinched their asses or tweaked a nipple. Each course ended with half the girls flushed as they stepped back into the kitchen, and they all tried to grab some food from the cooks. Dinner took a little over two hours before dessert was finished and the guests were enjoying drinks around the table. All the girls had gathered back in the kitchen and Alec brought out a tray of shot glasses from the industrial fridge filled about halfway with clear liquid.


  “Alright ladies, it’s time.” He lifted a glass for himself off the tray, and a larger one that was filled to the brim. He handed the full one across the cooking island to Fae, and all of the other girls grabbed a glass and held it. Almost everyone’s cheeks were already flushed from the doses they had received and this final dose would push them all over the edge for the party. Alec lifted his glass up in the air. “To an easy night, and may the morning come quickly!”

  The girls all repeated it, raising their glasses, and then everyone drank. The Oblivion didn’t taste like anything, it was like drinking water, but the second it hit the stomach it grew warm like a shot of alcohol. The drug had been designed by someone with intimate knowledge of special beings along with two others – Dreamland and Torment. Oblivion was the only one that mortals could tolerate though, and once the slave trade had got their hands on it, it had spread like wild fire. It was a twisted kindness, because it would make anyone feel a little invincible, a little brave, a little wild. At low levels it would make them hot, and the heat would spread out to their limbs and made their mind fuzzy. When they built them up, or when Fae took a dose as large as she’d just drank, it was much stronger. It made you want to laugh, and dance, and after a while it made you want to climb into bed with the nearest option as the heat focused between your thighs and became a pounding need.

  “Good luck tonight.” Ebere had stepped up right behind Fae, and she snapped her head up from looking into the empty glass, waiting for the heat to wash over her.

  “You too, Eb, keep yourself safe.” Fae smiled and Ebere gripped her hand.

  “How about you focus on keeping yourself safe tonight, eh?” She grinned before letting go and turning around to face Butler who had stepped back into the kitchen. Just as he clapped his hands together and held the door open for them, heat blossomed in Fae’s belly and spiraled up her back.

  It was time for the party.

  Chapter Six

  Ráj Manor, Caledon, Ontario

  Walking across the cold tile of the foyer felt good on Fae’s feet. Her skin was flushed from the Oblivion and the heat made her contemplate what laying down in the foot of snow outside would feel like. There was music coming from the closed doors to the parlor, mostly instrumental with a heavy bass line that could be felt through the floor. As the group of slaves got closer to the doors, Butler opened one side and hypnotic wordless vocals could be heard intermingled with the music.

  The parlor was a huge room with a wall of windows along the front of the house, and fire reflected in the windows from the large fireplace. It was all dark wood and expensive leather chairs and couches. Thick curtains hung by the windows, but they were pulled away so that the snow could be seen outside. Most of the guests had removed their jackets and were lounging around the room in their button-downs. Some had already rolled their sleeves up to adjust to the warmth of the room, but for those high on Oblivion the heat was dizzying. Fae’s blood flushed in her cheeks as the guests turned like wolves catching the scent of sheep.

  She took deep, steadying breaths to try and counter the early effects of the Oblivion. Her skin was breaking out in a sheen of sweat, her pulse was pounding just under her skin, and even the brush of the dress against her body had her tingling like static rushing over her.

  Dim lamps had been placed around the room, but they allowed for plenty of dark corners. The pool table in one corner was being set up for a game and cigars were being passed out to the guests.

  Caridee found her favorite place behind the bar in the corner, swaying to the beat as the Oblivion took its hold. She was already leaning across the bar to smile at the guest in front of her before she made his drink. The best way to get the night over was to dive in, so Fae walked forward until one of the men at the pool table waved her over. She let the false smile slip over her lips, letting her hips roll as she walked towards him.

  “Hello.” She tilted her head as she stopped next to him. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled. He was a larger man with curly dark hair and Fae didn’t resist the urge to return the favor, reaching forward to run her hand through his hair. The brief contact was already sending static-like tingles across her skin.

  “Want to help us play?” he asked and Fae smiled. “I’ll take that smile as a yes. Rack it up!”

  Fae grabbed a pool cue and watched as the other man set up the game. For a moment she considered breaking the cue and killing the four men standing around the table, way before Nikola could stop her with a direct command. It would be exhilarating to do it, to feel the rush of battle again, but it would be a short-lived victory followed by so much pain – and it was the exact opposite of what Ebere had asked her to do. So, Fae pushed the temptation away and she soon found herself swaying
to the beat in the music, humming along to the melody. The curly haired man snaked his arm around her waist and the Oblivion made it so the touch sent a flush through her skin, overriding her normal instinct to pull away. He spoke softly, “What’s your name?”

  “Fae, sir,” she replied with a bit of a slur to her words, and it made her laugh.

  He grinned and ran his thumb across her cheek. “I like how you look when you laugh. You’re beautiful.” His touch was too gentle, and his words were too kind. Her stomach twisted as his hand ran down her back, and she lifted the pool cue in her hands. The Oblivion hadn’t progressed enough yet, and she wanted to put him off until the drug was raging in her system.

  “Mind if I play?” she asked. He stepped back from her and gestured towards the table with a grin watching as she leaned over to line up a shot. He didn’t seem to mind after several rounds of play that Fae was beating him badly, he was drinking glasses of brandy and making sure he got the best view whenever she bent over to hit the cue ball. After she missed a shot she laughed and stepped back to let him play.

  “I was beginning to think you were going to clear the table. Glad I didn’t put money down on this game.” He winked at her as he lined up a shot, and she grinned at him. Then Caridee made her jump when she appeared next to her with a glass of wine held out.

  Fae arched an eyebrow at the girl who had never been her biggest fan, but Caridee sighed. “It’ll make it all the more fuzzy, and who doesn’t love wine? What other time do you get to drink some?” Caridee hissed and pushed the glass into her hand. It was a deep red and with one taste she knew it was expensive. When Fae took a sip Caridee smiled at her and danced her way back to the bar. It made Fae grin that it was Nikola’s wine and he couldn’t keep her from drinking it tonight without causing a scene, and it seemed to be an olive branch from Caridee. Maybe they could be friends too, or at least friendlier than they had been.


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