Our War (The Family Book 4)

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Our War (The Family Book 4) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Holding the book close to her chest, Emily knew Jake had left it out, and for some strange reason, she hadn’t been able to open it.

  When a knock sounded at the door, she yelled for whoever it was to enter. She was surprised to see it was Zara, Tonio’s wife, entering.

  “Hey,” she said. “I just put Suzie down for a nap. I think all this excitement has her tired.”

  “Excitement?” Emily asked, frowning.

  “I wouldn’t tell my little girl that we’re under threat, and people are trying to murder us. The aim is to have our kids who are not afraid to go to sleep.”

  “Right, right, sorry. Ignore me, I’m just a little lost right now.” Emily rubbed at her temple as Zara took a seat beside her.

  “It’s fine. This life is really hard to get used to. I know. Tonio, when I first met him, he was so lost. Such a broken soul, and he helped me, and together we help each other.”

  “You know Jake?” Emily asked.

  “I don’t know if anyone ever really knows Jake. He’s one of those guys that you think you can tag a label to, but something tells me, he’s the kind of guy that always surprises you.”

  “He’s always surprising me,” Emily said. “I wanted to hate him. In fact, I did hate him. From the moment my father told me I was going to be marrying him, I hated him.”

  “You don’t anymore?” Zara asked.

  “How can you hate someone who is always so determined to take care of everyone else?”

  “From what Tonio told me, Jake is always the first one into the room. He was supposed to only be a soldier. His life was expendable,” Zara said. “It’s sad really.”

  “Yeah, it’s sad. I think Jake has lived all of his life believing he can be overlooked.” Emily shook her head. “How can you hate someone who is prepared at every single moment to protect those around him at the cost of his own life?”

  “You do care about him?” Zara asked.

  “I think I do. I don’t know. I’m confused.”

  Zara chuckled. “It’s okay to be confused. There are times that I don’t like Tonio. He can be a hard ass, and that’s marriage. It’s life. You can never be one hundred percent happy every single time. You can just be content, and know that you’ll want to kill each other, but deep down you love each other.”

  Emily ran her hand over the album. “Do you think it’s possible for two strangers to love each other?”

  “I think anything is possible if you want it badly enough. Do you want your marriage to Jake to work? Can you handle this life?”

  “You do know there’s no way out of this life, right?” Emily asked. “I’ve known that for a long time. My father, he’s my link here. Tonio’s father’s his link. The only way out is death.”

  “I know. I think the guys wanted to leave for a short time. Who wouldn’t?” Zara asked. “There was a time I thought it would be possible for us to live a normal life, but Tonio, this is in his blood, and what the hell is wrong with living with how we are, you know?”

  “I know. I think from when I was about fourteen, I knew there was no way I’d have the white picket fence, and the four kids, with a man who had a nine to five job. My dad was once part of the mafia known as The Family. I was warned, and trained to use a gun, and how to protect myself. You did good with the lamp, by the way.”

  “If I had a gun, I would do better, believe me. Tonio taught me how to shoot. He knew there was no getting out of this. He wants to protect his family to the very end.”

  “It’s what everyone wants to do.” Emily looked back down at the album. “I think Jake left this out for me.”

  “Probably. Tonio has one similar. It’s got the guys’ memories. They were like a brotherhood.” Zara sighed. “I think you’re good for Jake.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “No, but I’ve seen Jake smile. He’s usually very sad like all the time, and he’s not the best when it comes to family get-togethers. Today at breakfast, I saw a change. He couldn’t take his eyes away from you.”

  Emily liked that.

  “I am going to go and help. Suzie is easy to put to sleep, but George, my oldest, he’s a nightmare. Him and Petal together, not a good combo.”

  Zara left her alone with her thoughts.

  Opening up the book, Emily ran her hand over the first photograph. It was of Jake, she knew it without a doubt. He had a dimple in the corner of his mouth, and he looked totally out of place, and the smile was so wide, so pure. He couldn’t have been older than six. She found herself smiling just by looking at it.

  The next photograph was a complete contrast. A nightmare. The smile was gone, and looking into his dark eyes, she knew the boy in the picture had seen stuff that no child should ever have to see. Running her fingers across the page, she felt a wave of sadness wash over her.

  Jake deserved so much. Turning the page, she started to see Jake with each of his friends, with his parents, and then as she went along, more of him growing up. Each time she looked at him, it was like a new layer of pain had been added to him, and it saddened her to see.

  Sniffling, she found herself crying just as Jake entered the room. Looking toward the clock, she saw it was a little after four in the afternoon.

  “Jake,” she said.

  “Why are you crying? I thought you would like to see,” he said.

  She put the photograph album down and moved toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close. “There is another way.”

  “Another way?”

  “For our family to have a life that was stolen from you. My father, I knew what he was, and I saw it firsthand, but I know we can have that life with our kids. They don’t have to grow up with fear, with no value.” She cupped his face and stared into his eyes. “From now on, you will value your life. Your life is just as sacred as theirs and became so the moment you married me.”

  “Emily, this is what I’ve known. I’m an old dog.”

  “I care about you, Jake.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “And you don’t know me, but would you like me to not care about my life?” she asked. She saw the frown on his brow. “You and I have been pushed together, and I’m telling you, Jake, your life means a great deal to me. Promise me you’ll take care of it.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good.” She couldn’t resist putting her lips to his and holding him close. He ran his hands up her back, and she liked the way he gripped her, as if he didn’t want to let her go.

  “I wasn’t supposed to like you.”

  “Me neither,” she said, opening her eyes. She pulled away and began wiping underneath them. “I’m sorry. I don’t usually get emotional.” When she was more herself, she looked at him and saw that he was stressed. “Did it go well?”

  “Yes. Over a hundred of our men arrived at the warehouse, and there are now a hundred bodies burning.”

  “Can the warehouse be traced back to you?” she asked.

  “Nope. That warehouse is registered to Damon, and believe me, we’ve sent a message. Tomorrow, we go to the docks and handle business there.” He walked toward the bathroom, and she followed him.

  Emily plugged the bath in and began to run water, adding bubbles as she did.

  Jake held onto the bathroom sink and stared at his reflection. “Every time I look in this mirror, I swear I see a bigger monster there every single time.”

  “You’re not a monster, Jake.”

  “I told them not to take any prisoners, not to listen to anyone. We couldn’t afford to take traitors back, and I didn’t.” He ran a hand down his face. “Today I killed fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, you name it, they were there.”

  She didn’t say a word, knowing that even as he knew he had to kill them, death still weighed heavy on his soul.

  Once the bath was ready, she helped him out of his clothes. She had seen her husband naked a few times now, and she was still a virgin. His body aroused her, and she knew hers aroused him. When h
e was completely naked, she led him to the bath, and helped him inside. When she turned to grab some soap, he caught her wrist. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “I’m getting the soap, Jake.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  She looked at his hand on her wrist, and then into his tortured eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. I promised you that.”

  “I want a family.”

  “I know.”

  “With you,” he said.

  Emily smiled. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  “That means we have to have sex.”

  “We won’t be getting a family overnight. I know that, and I also know we’re going to have to have sex.” She took his hand and held it tightly. “When we’re ready, we’ll get started.”

  For some strange reason, heat flooded her pussy as he held her hand and pressed a kiss to it. “I’ll make it good for you.”

  “I don’t expect anything less.”

  He released her long enough for her to grab the soap and come back to him. Sinking down to her knees, she took the sponge and began to wash his body. He wasn’t dirty, but she knew he needed to feel clean right now. She hummed as she worked, hoping she was helping to soothe him.

  “I like it when you hum. You have a nice voice.”

  “You’re full of compliments tonight.” She liked listening to him talk. “I think you’ve got a really nice reading voice.”

  He chuckled.

  “Are you okay, Jake?”

  “I will, baby, I will be.” He took her arm and pressed a kiss to the inside. She loved it when he touched her like that.


  Later that night, Jake watched as Emily walked around the room, brushing her hair as she did. The negligee she wore was so sheer that as she moved it only served to tantalize him. She was humming to herself again, and he wondered what made her do that. He found it really calming to listen to.

  Dinner had been a tense affair. They were all under one roof, including Emily’s family. Not far from his bedroom, her parents were sleeping.

  This was the only way he believed they could all be safe.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing. It’s just weird knowing your parents are not that far. I wonder if they’re listening to us.” He raised his brow, and she laughed.

  “Nah, they’ve got more important things to do.

  “Are you talking about your parents fucking?”

  “They’re human as well. I’m not under any illusions when it comes to my parents. I know they have sex. They love each other so much. Watching them over the years, it’s like they have their own language. It’s what I’ve always wanted. Whenever I was asked what I wanted when I grew up, it was to have a relationship like my parents’.”

  Jake patted the bed, and she lowered herself in front of him. He took the brush from her hand and helped her to turn so her back was to him.

  “You’re going to brush my hair?”

  “Yes, that is what I’m going to do, and you’re going to love it.”

  She giggled. “Okay, fine. My mom hasn’t brushed my hair in years.”

  He began small slow strokes, teasing out the ends. The blonde locks were so fine, so beautiful, and so soft.

  Neither of them spoke for a long time. He was the first to break the silence. “I love brushing your hair.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “No problem, baby.” He handed her back the brush and kissed her shoulder. He heard her slight gasp, and she turned to face him.

  She reached out, cupping his cheek. “I want you, Jake.”

  “Emily, we’ve not been married that long.”

  “I know, and it’s strange. We haven’t been together that long, and yet for me, it feels like we’ve never been apart.”

  He felt that way, too. He’d never been so consumed with another person before, or felt that connected. Emily, she was part of him, even when he didn’t want her to be. Running the tips of his fingers up her arm, he stared into her deep blue eyes.

  Unable to resist, he pulled her close, and pressed a kiss to her lips. She gasped, and he glided his tongue over, before plunging inside.

  He caught her hands as she held onto his shoulder. “No, I don’t want you to regret this.”

  “I’m not going to regret this, Jake. I will if I don’t get this chance with you again.” She turned completely so that she straddled his lap. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she held onto him, and he loved it. He loved the way she wasn’t afraid to hold him, to take what she wanted.

  Emily pressed her lips to his, and he kissed her back with the same fever that she did him. Gripping her ass, he moved her against his cock. The only material separating them were his boxer briefs. She wasn’t even wearing panties.

  The negligee hid nothing from his view. Moving beneath it, he began to stroke her pussy, which was already soaking wet. She pulled away from the kiss and gave out a little moan.

  “You want me?” he asked.

  “Yes, do you want me, Jake?”

  “Yes, fuck yes, I do. I want you to want it, baby.”

  She held onto his face and stared into his eyes.

  He’d never been so captured, so out of control.

  “Then fuck me, Jake. Make me yours. I want you so much, and I know I’m not going to regret this. I need you.” She released his face, her hand going to his cock and gripping him tightly.

  This was insane. His life was crazy, and yet he’d been able to find a woman that he wanted more than anything. “Don’t you want your first time to be in our own bed? When we’re not at risk?”

  “We’re going to be at risk every single day. It’s never going to change, Jake. I don’t care about a new bed, or waiting.” She took his hand and glided it down her chest to her breast. “This is what I want. I want you, more than anything. I don’t want to wait another day. Anything could happen. Stop hesitating. Stop being the good guy. I want you. Take me. I’m offering myself to you.”

  He palmed her breast, feeling the beaded nipple press against him. Moving his other hand to her free breast, he pinched the nipple as she squirmed with excitement down on his crotch.

  “Tell me again what you want?” he asked.

  “I want you to fuck me, Jake. I want you to take me, and make me yours.”

  Jake loved every single word that was coming from her lips. Sliding his hand up into her hair, he gathered it in his fist and pulled her close, slamming his lips onto hers. He plundered her mouth, wanting her kiss, needing it more than anything.

  Her nails sank into his shoulders, holding onto him, gripping him hard as she ground her pussy against his cock.

  In one quick move, he pressed her against the bed as he climbed above her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m the one in charge. Not you, baby.” He leaned down kiss her neck and took the tiny straps of her negligee, pulling them down her arms. “You’re a little inexperienced in all of this, but don’t worry. I’ll take complete care of you.” He pressed his lips against her shoulder, and then down to her chest where the sheer negligee covered her breasts. Licking a path along that edge he felt her shake, and glancing up, he saw she was looking right at him. He wanted her eyes on him and to never look away. While his gaze was still on hers, he began to move the straps down the rest of the way. The material slid across her breasts and moved down. Still, he didn’t release her eyes as he went to her sides, moving as he took the negligee off her. Now, he could have just torn it from her body, but he wanted to keep the negligee. It was fucking sexy. He also wanted another excuse to touch her, to heighten her arousal and need for him.

  Once she was naked beneath him, he climbed off the bed and removed his pants, ignoring his rock-hard cock. He wasn’t some boy that couldn’t control himself. Tonight was all about her and her pleasure. There would be many nights that he would get to play, to tease her.

  Climbing back on the bed at her feet, he took one of her an
kles and pressed a kiss to the side, and then to the base of her foot. She giggled and tried to pull her foot away. Her laughter made him smile, and he held her foot a little tighter. He continued to press kisses, making her laugh and wriggle on the bed.

  “Stop, stop, it’s too much,” she said, covering her face.

  “This is supposed to be sensual, baby.” He flicked his tongue, and they both just started laughing.

  “Don’t ever do that. It’s not sensual. It’s funny. That is what it is. So funny.”

  He placed her ankle against his chest and began to stroke down her thigh getting nearer to her pussy. He stopped when he was right there, making her gasp and squirm as she tried to get his fingers near to where she wanted them.

  “Jake, please,” she said, biting her lip.

  “You want me to touch that pretty, virgin pussy.”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He stroked her thigh, and this time he didn’t stop, nor did he pull away. Putting his fingers against her pussy, stroking over her clit. She gasped, arching up, thrusting herself against his fingers, needing him inside her.

  “It feels so good.”

  “I can make it feel even better.” Jake moved so that he was above her pussy. Emily spread her thighs, and he flicked his tongue against her clit, and she screamed his name. He couldn’t resist smiling against her pussy.

  Being with Emily, it lightened his entire world, and it made him hungry for so much more. He knew only she had that power over him, and he welcomed her control, needed it more than anything else. Teasing her clit, he sucked, nipped, and flicked, wanting to make her come. At the same time, he didn’t want this to be over.

  Her flesh was not tainted by any other man. She was fresh, new, and he wanted to completely consume her for himself. No other man would have what belonged to him. They were bound together in ways that couldn’t tear them apart.

  She screamed his name as he bit just a little too harshly.

  “Come for me, Emily. Come for me, and I will fill your pussy with my cock.” He wouldn’t be wearing a rubber either. He wanted to feel her warm, slick heat around his cock, to claim her, to make her his.


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