Our War (The Family Book 4)

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Our War (The Family Book 4) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She wriggled beneath him, her hands sinking into his hair, smashing his face against her cunt, and then releasing him to fist the blanket.

  Using his fingers and his tongue, he began the stroke that he knew would send her over the edge into a release that would totally take her to new heights. He wanted her completely at his mercy, desperate, begging, so that she wanted him to fuck her again and again.

  The moment she hurtled over the edge, he licked her release, swallowing her down, tasting her, filling every one of his senses with his need for her. Throughout it all, she shouted for him.

  Jake wanted to beat his chest like a damn ape he was so fucking thrilled. There was no one else for this woman but him. She was his completely.

  Chapter Ten

  Emily’s body was on fire. She was on cloud nine, and didn’t want to come down, not for anything. Jake moved between her thighs, and he fisted his rock-hard cock in his hand. The tip leaked pre-cum as he slid the head up and down her slit, bumping her clit. With each stroke over her nub, she moaned, finding it impossible to focus on anything but the pleasure of his touch.

  “This is going to hurt the first time, baby,” he said.

  “I know. I don’t care. I want you, Jake. Make me yours.”

  She saw the flare in his eyes and knew that she had surprised him. This thing between them, it wasn’t going away. Her feelings for him were getting stronger with every single hour. She didn’t want this to stop, to end. Knowing he was putting his life at risk terrified her. She only hoped that he would fight for her, for them, for what they could have together. Emily sensed something within him. She didn’t understand it, but knew deep down in her soul that he was a good man, a kind man, someone that she had the potential to love. That scared her a little. What if she already loved him?

  Cutting off that thought right now, she stared at where his cock was sliding between her slit, covered in her cream.

  “Don’t stop. I want you, Jake. Please, make me yours.”

  She stared into his eyes and refused to look away. His cock moved from her clit and slid down her body, going to her entrance. She tried not to tense but knew she had failed. This was something she hadn’t even realized that he wanted.

  Jake stroked her clit and melted away her tension until she was lying on the bed, desperate for him. His hand moved from her pussy, going to her hips, where he held her. In one quick thrust, he filled her pussy, breaking through her barrier and claiming her completely as his.

  Emily cried out, and then covered her mouth. The last thing she wanted was someone knocking on the door when she had asked for this, when she had begged.

  Jake took her hands, locking their fingers together as tears leaked from her eyes. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m really sorry. I didn’t want you to hurt.”

  “It’s fine.” She sank her teeth into her lip, and he caressed her cheek. The tender way he touched her made her ache for so much more.

  “It’s not fine. I knew it would hurt, I was hoping to get you off so that you didn’t feel any pain.”

  She nodded, and then glanced down. They were chest to chest. His cock was like a burning brand inside her, scalding every inch within.

  “Will it ease?” she asked.

  “I sure hope so. I don’t want to hurt you anymore, and I’m not moving until you’re ready.”

  “Don’t you just want to get it over with?”

  “I’m not a monster, Emily. I won’t just fuck you to get it over with.” He released one of her hands and teased several strands of her hair. “I can feel every time your pussy clenches around me. You’re so tight.”

  “We can’t get our marriage annulled now.”

  “There was no way I was ever going to let you get away from me. No way at all.”

  “And if I was a bitch like you first thought?” she asked, smiling. The pain had started to lessen, and she was no longer hurting. It was tight and strange, but that was turning into something more.

  “You’re not a bitch at all. In fact, I think you’re a total softie. You’ve not got a single bad bone in your body.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re a beautiful woman, you know.”

  “I didn’t know.” Her cheeks heated under his perusal.

  He chuckled. “Then you’re going to get tired of me constantly telling you. I think you are.” The backs of his fingers caressed her cheek.

  She wriggled, wanting to know if she was okay for him to move. He groaned, and she stopped.

  “You’re so tight,” he said. “I can feel every single pulse, every wave, all of it.” He pressed his lips against her cheek. His breath fanned near her ear, and she closed her eyes, loving the feel of him.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked.


  She didn’t know if the pain would still be there, but she wanted him to move. An ache had started deep within, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to know the truth.

  “Oh, fuck, baby,” he said and began to slide out.

  Emily couldn’t help the gasp that escaped. She was totally unprepared for the pleasure that rushed over her, and it made her release his hands to grip his ass. “Don’t stop.” It felt so good.

  “I’m not going to stop.” He continued his withdrawal until only the tip was inside him, and then he slammed back inside, going to the hilt, drawing a cry of pleasure from her lips. “But I need to be able to move if you want that kind of pleasure to continue.”

  He kissed her neck, flicking his tongue over her pulse. He pulled all of the way out of her once again and then thrust back inside her. She cried out, looking down at where they were connected with that one piece of flesh. His cock appeared, and it was covered in her cream, glistening.

  “Oh, Jake, it feels so good.” She arched up, her nails sinking into his ass where she still held him.

  He began to rock inside her, going in and out, making her want more. She wanted him to fuck her, to drive his cock within her.

  She felt possessed as need completely swamped her, stopping all kind of rational thought. She didn’t understand it, and in that moment, she didn’t care either. All that mattered was the pleasure that was consuming the two of them.

  He rode her hard, and she held onto him, needing him to be so deep inside her that she didn’t know where she ended and he began.

  “Oh fuck, Emily, you feel so good, so fucking good.” He growled the words against her skin as he nibbled on her neck. She held onto his ass, forcing him inside her. “I’m not going to last. Oh, fuck!”

  Jake let go completely, and fucked her harder, driving into her with a force that had the headboard slamming against the wall. Neither of them stopped, and finally, he filled her, thrusting every single inch of his rock-hard cock inside her.

  She felt every pulse, every ripple as his cock filled her with his cum. Seconds passed, minutes even, until he collapsed over her, panting.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said.

  Emily frowned. “Why?”

  “I wanted you to come again. I couldn’t wait.”

  She released his ass. Her fingers were numb from holding him so tightly. “Don’t worry. That was amazing.”

  He eased back to look at her, and she cupped his face, pushing some of his hair that fell on his brow. “You’ve bewitched me.”

  Laughter filled her. “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah, I am. I’m crazy for thinking this thing between us wouldn’t work. I was mistaken, and for that I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to be sorry, Jake. I accept all gifts.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “I wish we were back on your father’s island. I could do all kinds of wicked things to you.”

  “We can go back there when all of this is over.” The lightness in his eyes slowly ebbed away. “What is it?”

  “This thing, Em, it’s dangerous. I may not—”

  “Do not for a second finish that, Jake. You’re strong. You survived the abuse of your father. You can handle everything.
I have every single faith in you.” She pressed another kiss to his lips. “Don’t for a second try to say good-bye. I won’t accept it. Not now, not ever. We’ve got each other, and that is more than enough for me.” Tears filled her eyes, and he shushed her.

  “Fine. I will.”

  “You can’t go, Jake. Not now. We’ve got so much to fight for. I’m going to stay by your side and help you.”

  She loved his touch, and he stroked her cheek once again. Every night she would wait for the moment that he would join her in their bed, and they would make love, or fuck. She didn’t care which one, only that he made her feel, and she didn’t want to lose that.

  With every second that passed, she felt herself losing her heart to him. Jake was not a cocky bastard. He wasn’t an asshole.

  He was a kind man, a caring one, the kind of man she had prayed for a long time ago. She had believed that her prayers would never be answered, and yet here he was, her husband. She would fight for him in ways that no one else could.


  Jake pulled out of her tight pussy and glanced down to find small dots of blood on the bedsheet. Leaving the bed, he made his way into the bathroom. There was an ache in his heart, and he didn’t like the direction his thoughts were taking.

  Emily saw something inside him. He knew it without a doubt with the way she looked at him. To Emily he was more than Jake the solider. He had meaning to her, and fuck him, he relished it. He wanted to be something special to her.

  It was like a drug in his veins. He couldn’t hold back, and he was constantly staring into her eyes because he loved more than anything what he saw in them. She was falling for him. There was no mistaking it or her feelings. He felt the same way.

  When he first saw her, he’d thought she was a mega-bitch who would do anything to get what she wanted.

  There was nothing bitchy about her. She had felt exactly like him, trapped in a life neither of them could escape. Only now, neither of them wanted to. This was their life, and there was no getting away from that.

  He had accepted it and had finally broken away the claws of regret. There was no way in hell he was going to live hoping for an out. Living like that had caused this mess. This was his family, his home, his job, his very existence, and he’d fought it because of his father. He would be everything his father had said he’d be, only he’d be better. The Family would be worth ten times more than their own fathers. Their Family would become more, mean more, so much that people would swear their loyalty rather than kill them. He had a new mission now, a new surge of feeling.

  The time for hating what he once was had passed. Now he could grab hold of his own destiny, and instead of being embarrassed by it, he’d embrace it, take it, love it, and show it everything he could.

  Once the bath was filled up, he made his way into the bedroom to find Emily stripping the bed.

  “I was going to do that.”

  “It’s embarrassing.” She turned to him with a pout.

  “I think it’s damn sexy.” He moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her, and tugging her close. She giggled and held onto him. “It shows that I am the only man you’ll ever have, and you know what? It makes you all mine. I think I should keep the sheets as a token of our first time.”

  “Ew, gross.”

  He laughed and kissed her neck. Picking her up in his arms, he carried her back through to the bathroom and eased her into the water. Unlike the last time when she washed him, he eased in behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

  “You seem different. Full of life. Do I have a magic pussy?” she asked.

  Cupping her tits, Jake held onto her. “You have the best pussy in the world. Nice, warm, tight. I can’t wait to be inside you again.”

  “I’m a little sore, but I’d like to feel you again.”

  “You’re a woman after my heart,” he said. “Yes, I’m happy, and you’ve helped me to see that just because I’m my father’s son, doesn’t mean I can’t be better than him. Tonio, Luiz, Donnie, and I, we’ve all been looking at this completely wrong. They are not in control of us. We’re in control of us, and no one can take that away, and I refuse to let them.” He kissed her cheek. “It’s all thanks to you that I can see that now.”

  “My magic pussy. Don’t be telling everyone. They’ll be wanting a taste.”

  He growled against her skin. “They will all die. No one will ever take what is mine. You’re mine, Emily. Don’t ever forget that.” He gripped her chin and tilted her head so that she had no choice but to look at him.

  “There’s no one else that I could ever want, Jake. I only want you. You’re the first man that I’ve been with, and you’re going to be the only man.” She stroked his fingers.

  He didn’t like the strike of jealousy that hit him, but he also knew she was only teasing.

  “So the plan tomorrow?” she asked. “What do you have to do?”

  “We’re heading to the docks. There have been fake documents supplied by one of the soldiers. We’re going to free the women, and whoever else they have.”

  She tensed. “You mean kids as well?”

  “Kids, men, people desperate enough to offer themselves as payment to try and make a better life. It’s not a good thing, not at all.”

  “It’s not the first time The Family have dealt with it either.”

  “No, The Family has a history of buying and selling women.”

  “Yeah, you mentioned that Charlene was kept as some kind of trophy.”

  Jake hummed. “Yeah, she was. No one deserves that life, no one at all.”

  “I agree. What do you do after that?” she asked.

  “The docks are a big deal. We’ve got a guy in the law. He’s going to help the women, and make sure they’re taken home, or at least taken to their families. You’d be surprised how many women are taken from their own towns and streets. They watch women for weeks, finding out if they would be missed or not. In most instances, they take strays. It’s wrong. No one misses them, and when they wind up dead in some lake, no one questions how.”

  “It’s bad that you know all of this, Jake. You had a horrible childhood.”

  “I didn’t have a horrible one at all. Not compared to Tonio. Out of all four of his, he had the worst.”

  When she didn’t question him, Jake grew worried.

  “Tonio was—”

  “I know about him, Jake. You don’t need to tell me everything. It’s horrible beyond words or thought the animals that raised him. The women, the boys, the children, it’s all too much to bear. Zara is a good woman for him. She brings him back, and I can see that. I saw it at dinner. She was holding him, and it was like with every passing second, her Tonio came back to her. Their kids’ father as well.”

  Jake had witnessed it. Killing people always took its toll on all of them. There was never a happy ending in death, only more fear and hurt. Zara had hugged Tonio tightly to her body, and his friend had held her. She had brought him back, and then his kids had pounced on him, and it was like all the evil had been wiped from his gaze. It was beautiful to witness.

  Releasing her breasts, Jake grabbed the soap, and using his hands as a sponge, he began to wash her body. He paid careful attention to her tits making sure he cleaned all around and beneath them. Gliding his hands down her body, he cupped her pussy and washed traces of blood that were on her thighs. When the soap was gone from his hand, he teased a finger down her slit and loved the sound of her gasp.

  “That feels so good.”

  “Are you sore?” he asked.

  “A little but I don’t care.” She moved in the bath and spun around, pressing her lips against his. “I want you to fuck me, Jake, right here, right now.”

  He lifted her up, took his already hard cock in his hand, and pressed the tip to her entrance. Slowly, she eased over him, and he filled her soaking wet pussy. He was careful as he didn’t want to hurt her, and he took his time filling her.

  “Oh, Jake,” she said. There was something else
in her eyes, like she wanted to say something important.

  Jake knew what he wished to hear, and he waited. But she didn’t say anything else. Her teeth sank into her lip, and she held onto his shoulders instead, riding his cock. Water sloshed over the sides of the bath, soaking the floor, but he’d deal with that later. For now, he needed her lips. Sinking his fingers into her hair, she held him tightly as well, holding the back of his head as their teeth clashed with their need.

  Her pussy was so tight, it felt like heaven wrapped around his cock.

  “You’re mine, Emily,” he said, in between kisses.

  “I know. You’re mine, Jake. No other woman can have you. You’re all mine.”

  “There’s no one else that I want. You’re the only woman I need.” He let go of her hair and slid his hands down to her hips, holding her in place as he thrust up, fucking her. Not once did Emily let him go. She took his pounding and begged for more. By the time they were finished, and they had come together, there was barely any water in the bath. He’d released the plug.

  “We’re bad,” she said.

  “The worst.”

  And he was falling in love with his wife, something he never thought he’d do.

  Chapter Eleven

  Out in the garden, Emily ran her hands across flowers that were growing up verandas, which gave her tunnels to walk down that were the most beautiful. Jake and his friends had left an hour ago, and she couldn’t stay indoors listening to children having fun. It was great they were having fun, but she felt sick to her stomach.

  Her man was out there, and he needed help. She felt so useless being cooped up while her was out there and she was just here, walking around a stupid, pretty garden.

  Dropping her hand from the bright red rose, she closed her eyes and tried to get her emotions in check.

  “It’s hard, isn’t it?” her father asked.

  She turned to find him approaching. The sunlight caught the graying hair at his temples.

  “Do you mean walking around while people you care about are in danger? Yeah, it’s hard.”

  She averted her gaze and began walking, aware of Bracken stepping beside her. Whenever she had these moods her mother always sent him out to find her. This was not the first time she’d struggled like this, and she doubted it would be the last.


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