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When Never Again Happens (Never Again Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Jamie Lynn Boothe

  “Try to breath, honey. Try to be calm. This is your and Junior’s day and it’s such a beautiful and glorious day.”

  “I know. What I don’t know is why I’m so nervous. God is with us and He brought us together. I’ll be fine once we get out there and we are finally married.”

  “Maybe you’ll feel better at the reception and get your groove on the dance floor,” Clara included.

  Laughing, Sam agreed. She thought about leaving soon after that for their honeymoon. They had decided to go to Hawaii. Neither had ever been and both looked forward to the exotic beaches and clear waters. She hadn’t mentioned anything to anyone, but there was a lot more she looked forward to as well. Things that didn’t have anything to do with being outside of the hotel room. Of course, things of that nature didn’t need to be mentioned. Everyone knew what happened on a honeymoon.

  Sam stood again in front of the mirror to look herself over one last time. She only had about ten minutes or so before the pianist would begin playing, giving her the cue that it was time. She had to admit to herself she did look very pretty. Her gown was perfect.

  A month ago, Clara helped her by taking her shopping for her dress. Sam and Junior had already decided they didn’t want the normal colors for their attire and when she saw her dress at Macy’s, she knew it was the perfect one, an almond colored Adrianna Papell lace illusion halter gown that fit her as if it was made just for her. She bought it immediately and took pictures of it so she could show Junior.

  As her thoughts traveled to her soon to be husband, the piano began its song and she turned to her mother. She knew God was with her because as soon as the first key on the piano was touched, she was calm. She was more than ready.

  When she walked out of the room and joined her father by the doorframe, her eyes found Junior standing in the front of the church with his best man. As she breathed, she took in how handsome and relaxed he appeared. Both smiled and both believed with all their heart they belonged together and that God made it happen.

  Her father took her hand and placed it within his arm and began the journey down the aisle. Her eyes never left Junior’s and their smiles never waned. Once they arrived at the altar her father stepped to the side and the pastor motioned for the music to stop. He smiled and began the ceremony.

  “We are all here today with Samantha and Junior to celebrate uniting in Christian love their hearts and lives. This is possible only because of the love God created in them through Jesus Christ.”

  “Jesus said, ‘I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.’ This abundant life, for many people, is an impossible dream, yet God wants us all to have this abundant life and proved His love for us by giving His Son, that we might have this life.”

  Sam and Junior stood inches apart and held hands. Their eyes had remained on one another since she stepped into the room. As the pastor spoke, Junior leaned forward and whispered, “My jaw is hurting. I can’t stop grinning.” Sam burst out into laughter. She looked at her father and when his eyes widened she quickly calmed down, but didn’t stop smiling. It was impossible.

  Moments later, the pastor asked, “Who is here today to hand over this young woman to this man for marriage?”

  “Her mother and I,” her father answered with an obvious struggle. Sam looked at him and saw he had started crying again.

  The Pastor looked at Sam and Junior and continued, “No other human ties are more tender, no other vows more sacred than these you are about to assume. You are entering that holy estate which is the deepest mystery of experience, and which is the very sacrament of divine love.”

  Cries and sniffles were heard from a few feet away. Junior winked at Sam and she grinned and winked back at him.

  “Junior, will you have Samantha to be your wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keeping yourself only for her so long as you both shall live?”

  “I will.”

  “Samantha, will you have Junior to be your wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keeping yourself only for him so long as you both shall live?”

  “I will.”

  Their fingers squeezed together as their hearts swelled with their love. Looking at the two of them was seeing a perfect picture of a creation that could only have been from God. The pastor asked that they say their vows and when Junior’s mouth parted to begin speaking was when Sam’s tears began to flow.

  “Sam, I don’t have anything perfectly rehearsed. We both agreed to say what is in our hearts, and these words are what I have for you. I offer myself to you in wholeness. All my being will be yours as it will be for God. I will always do as I am supposed to do for you. Not only as your husband, but as your best friend, your lover, and your confidant. I will be with you always when you need an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and a reason to laugh. I will cherish you and love you with all that I am, forever as long as God allows me breath. Everything I own now and from here on out is yours as I will do my best to always provide for you. I hope you know that there is only one love greater than mine for you, and that is God’s love. Nobody else on earth loves you more than I do. Thank you for giving me this extreme honor and privilege of being your husband. I love you.”

  When Junior finished, Sam had to ask for some tissues. She needed a moment to wipe her eyes and wipe her nose. She hoped her makeup wasn’t a mess, but figured it probably was. She tried to breath and struggled slightly, but once she began her words flowed easily.

  “Junior, to be able to stand here in front of you today is truly a gift from God. We both know what has happened over the past two years. We both know what has happened with us. There is no doubt in our hearts, our souls, and our minds that we belong together. I, too, love and cherish you more than anyone else could possibly do. My mind is blown away that I am given a second opportunity to love again. To be loved again. For what felt like years I convinced myself I could never give my heart to another man, but God had different plans and after some time being stubborn, I finally had to give in. When I saw how much you love me and when God told me on that day on the beach, I knew I had been wrong by pushing you away. I will never, as long as I live, push you away again. Unless you try to tickle me.” Laughter resounded from everyone. With a smile, she continued. “From here on out I am yours and God’s only. From here on out everything I have is yours as I, too, will forever try to provide for you as a wife is supposed to do. I am truly blessed to be with you on this day and forever more. I love you.”



  Marion praised Jesus as she sat beside Sam’s mother and watched her shed her tears of happiness. The plan worked out as God wanted and it was beautiful to watch. She held her hands up high and rejoiced as Sam and Junior joined their hearts together and became man and wife. When they placed their rings on the other’s hand and kissed, everyone cheered and clapped their hands together. She knew that if angels could cry, she would be shedding buckets of tears. She wasn’t needed any longer and she stood to return to her home above. Before she walked away she placed a hand on them both and gave them one last blessing from her Master. A gift that would be given to them as they enjoyed their time on their honeymoon. A treasure that would bless all the years they have left on God’s glorious earth.


  “Momma, can I go outside to play?”

  Sam looked at her three-year-old daughter who was standing at the backdoor with the cutest expression ever on her face. She looked so much like her. She had her father’s gorgeous eyes, but the hair, smile, nose and freckles all came from her. Her dark brown hair was up in pigtails and even though she wasn’t trying, her eyes appeared to be pouting. Sam always struggled to say no to her little girl. Smiling at her she
said, “If you will do me one little favor, you can go outside.”


  “Give your momma a big big hug and tell me you love me.”

  Laughing, Tabitha ran over and her pigtails bounced and wrapped her tiny arms around Sam’s neck. Sam would never tire of her daughter’s incredible love. She was amazed some days at how blessed her life had become.

  “I love you, Momma,” she whispered in her ear as she held onto her.

  “I love you, too, baby. Go play, and take Honey with you.”

  Tabitha ran to the door and called for her Labrador retriever as she stood and waited. Seconds later, their dog, Honey, bounded into the kitchen and skidded to a stop inches from Tabitha and immediately proceeded to lick her face. Laughter filled the house as they both ran out onto the porch and into the plush green grass of their huge yard.

  Sam wiped her hands on a towel and stepped onto the porch and watched them run around. Tabitha screamed with delight as Honey chased her. They played together so wonderfully. She didn’t used to be a dog lover, but a certain other Lab in Florida had changed that for her. Sheeba, her neighbor’s dog, comforted her many times when she lived there. Many times, she believed, God had provided that dog’s love to give her a reason to keep moving forward. To help shed her tears or to stop them. She missed that furry love bucket and was glad to have one of her own. She told herself one day she would get one just like her and she got one even better. Honey would be a great companion for Tabitha.

  Sam’s heart smiled as she thought about the past few years. Since she had made the decision to marry Junior blessings were plentiful. Yes, life is life and there had been a few hardships, but nothing like so many have in their lives. She had no reason to gripe and she knew it.

  Her health was great and she had never felt more alive. Her doctors were confused and astounded at how she had progressed, but she knew the answer as to why. She constantly thanked Him daily.

  Her diner was doing incredible. She had a wonderful staff and loved going in there and doing what she was born to do. Clara helped tremendously as the dining room supervisor and helped keep things in order. She didn’t open the diner on Sundays. She believed her staff deserved the opportunity to rest and if they chose to, to go to church and hear the word of God. She knew some of them didn’t, but she wanted them to have the chance.

  As she watched her daughter and Honey prance and dance together she laughed at an image she was sure would eventually happen. She wouldn’t be surprised at all if she walked into her daughter’s bedroom one day and she had Honey dressed in one of her dresses and was trying to put makeup on her. The fur baby would probably sit there and allow it to happen as she loved her daughter as much as any good dog would.

  She turned from the two playing and walked back into the kitchen where dinner was cooking in the oven. Soon, Junior would be back from the airport with her parents. They flew in because it was their anniversary and they wished to see their granddaughter before they travelled to Las Vegas. Her parents spoiled Tabitha like any grandparents would do, and she didn’t mind. She was grateful the blessings were there for them to be able to do it.

  An hour later Junior and her parents walked into the house. Tabitha and Honey ran into the house with a shrill of joy loud enough to break the sound barrier. Perfect timing, as Sam was pulling the roast out of the oven. Dinner would be ready in about half an hour. She hugged her parents and then gazed up into Junior’s eyes as he held her.

  “Hey beautiful,” he whispered and kissed her lightly. “Did you miss me?”

  “Always,” she grinned and kissed him back.

  “How you feeling?”

  She didn’t have to think; she knew without a doubt.


  She rested her head against his chest and felt more love in his arms than she thought she might deserve. She remembered a day that wasn’t so long ago, but seemed forever when she had said she would never love again. In Junior’s arms she smiled as she was grateful when a never again happened.

  The End

  His Touch

  I forget at times at what I have been blessed

  At what beauty lies before me

  Blinded by selfishness, greed, and self-centeredness

  Causing my sight to see things I need not see

  I have bowed down to earthly things and given in to them

  Only to have been shunned, hurt and betrayed

  When my heart and soul beckons more from above

  Something man cannot create only the One who is true love

  I have gone many years full of confusion

  Thinking I knew best for me

  When I was lost and bewildered

  Losing the battle in the middle of a vast sea

  One day God reached down and let me know by His touch

  This is how things are going to be

  He gives me a choice about life

  And live fully with gratitude to the best of my ability

  My eyes are open I am not confused

  I know I have another chance to do what is right

  I cannot be frivolous with this opportunity

  For His touch has brightened my sight.



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  I want to acknowledge the most important one in the fact that this novel was ever possible to begin with. God. Thank You Lord for blessing me with the ability to write this book and for blessing me with every word within. This novel would never have happened without You.

  Thank you to Limitless Publishing for giving me the opportunity to publish my books with them and for all the support they give me.

  Thank you to Heather L. Whitehead for doing another incredible job at editing what I write. I know your job isn’t easy and this story has been formed into what it is because you are great at what you do.

  Thank you to all of the readers who love what I write. Thank you for your reviews and feedback and for purchasing the words that come from my heart to yours. You may not be aware of how much that means to me. Thank you!

  About the Author

  Jamie Lynn Boothe is from the south and will always be a southerner at heart. He currently lives in Connecticut. Jamie loves to write stories that will touch someones heart and soul to the depths and at the same time have them sitting on the edge of their seat. He is currently with Limitless Publishing and is excited about what the future holds. Along with writing he also enjoys reading, art, music, movies, cats, naps on occasion, coffee and time with friends and watching sports. His favorite teams are the Dallas Cowboys and New York Yankees.







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