Mister Slaughter
Page 46
I would like to think that Mister Slaughter would appreciate this encore performance.
Hopefully, you’ll understand more of both where I’m coming from and where I’m going with this series. As I say, I’m not an expert, but I’m learning. The challenge is writing what is essentially a “modern” mystery around a “period” settting. Matthew Corbett’s world is both elegant and brutal, more pure than we can know and more wicked than we can imagine, and I think that this combination is what’s always interested me about the era.
So: I do hope you’ll return for more adventures with Matthew, and his continuing struggle against the hand of Professor Fell. Though Matthew Corbett’s world may be a place that can never be fully and accurately reached, it will be more than enough for our imaginations.
I thank you for your continued readership, and your gentle graces.
Your Humble Servant,