Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)

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Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5) Page 17

by Sharon Cummin

  There were lights on upstairs in her house. They'd both forgotten her extra keys he had when she left earlier that day. He didn't want to knock. He was afraid it would scare her. It was his one chance. He wasn't giving her a way to avoid him. If she turned him away, it wouldn't matter that he'd let himself in. He walked in quietly and slipped his feet out of his boots. Then he took the stairs two at a time.

  He saw the light on in her bedroom and headed down the hall. Heath stood in her doorway and watched her. She was standing on the balcony in a robe looking out over her yard. He reached up to make sure there were no wet tears on his face when he accidentally bumped his elbow on the door. Tara jumped and turned at the noise. His heart broke when he saw the hours of tears that were dried on her face as well as fresh ones.

  Without a word, he stalked toward her, wrapped one arm around her back, and with his other hand on the back of her head, he claimed her mouth hard and aggressively. The gasp left her mouth just before their lips met. Heath kissed her with more passion than he had ever kissed anyone with before. He saw her eyes close and felt her body relax in his arms. His tongue slid across her lips, and he moaned. Her lips parted, as her tongue came out to meet his. Neither of them could control what their tongues were fighting for. Before long they had moved into a slow rhythm.

  When Heath pulled away, they both took a deep breath. He wiped away her tears with his thumbs and held her face in his hands.

  "Don't leave," he said.

  "What?" she whispered.

  "I don't want to live without the three of you. I don't want you to go."

  "Really?" she asked.

  "I can move here if you want," he said. "I know how much this house means to you. I don't care where we live. I just need the three of you with me."

  "Are you sure, Heath?" she asked. "The boys are already so connected to you. I don't want them hurt."

  "I would never hurt them. Those are my boys. I will do everything I need to do to keep them safe and protect them."

  "What about your feelings for Lisa?" she asked with a sad look. "I know you were in love with her. I could see it when we met."

  "I'll admit that I thought I was in love with her at one point. Since the day I met you, you have been all I could think about. You drove me crazy in the beginning. When I found out why you were driving me crazy, all I wanted was for you to be happy. The thought of that asshole treating you the way he did pissed me off. He was threatening your safety and the safety of the boys. I couldn't stand by and let him keep doing it. When you took care of my face, you were already stealing my heart. At the hospital, when Lisa went off of on me about my eye and why it happened, I put her in her place. She knew there was a woman involved because of John and Ethan. There was no way I was going to let her talk down about you. I realized that night that I had no feelings for her. She was my best friend, but that was it. I sat in that waiting room and thought about the three of you the entire time. You were the only person I wanted to talk to. Texting you made the time fly by. Once I was able to see the babies, I wanted to get back to you."

  Heath looked into her eyes.

  "You made me realize I wasn't living my life. When I thought of waking up to the boys at the end of the bed, I felt excited. I felt feelings I never thought I could feel. Being with the three of you gave me something to come home for. It gave me hope and made me think about love. When we went to Gavin and Becky's house, I couldn't pull my eyes away from you. When you held those babies, I couldn't help but wonder what you would look like holding our baby one day. All I have wanted to do since I met you was make you happy and keep you safe. I have never let anyone in my home expect my friends. I can guarantee I would never let a client move in. When I finished this house, I was so excited for you but so devastated at the same time. I wasn't ready for you to leave. My heart broke when you couldn't wait one night to get out of my house. You are all I think about, Tara. When Lisa was hurt, I was devastated and pissed that I wasn't there to help her. It hurt that she didn't need me. I don't have any feelings for her. I thought I had loved her before, but I was wrong. I have never felt hurt or a sting so bad as I did when you left my house today. I've never cried over a woman in my life. You brought me to my knees tonight. My life has never felt as empty as it does when I think about living without you and those two precious boys."

  Heath lifted her chin to make sure she was looking at him.

  "I love you, Tara," he said. "You're it for me, baby. I need you, and I need my boys."

  "I love you too, Heath," she said. "I didn't want to leave today, but I knew I would never make it through the night knowing I had to leave in the morning. As soon as I closed my front door, I lost it. I've been crying ever since. The thought of being without you hurts worse than anything I've ever felt in my entire life."

  Their eyes were still connected when he untied her robe, slid it from her shoulders, and let it fall in a puddle at her feet.

  "I need you, baby," he said, as he claimed her mouth again.

  Tara moved to cover herself, but Heath wasn't having it. It was time she realized how beautiful she was, he thought. He took both of her hands in his.

  "Do not ever cover yourself around me. I'm not going to say that again. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you just the way you are, and I will not watch you hide your perfect body from me," he said sternly.

  Tara's eyes widened, and Heath smiled. He took her face in his hands.

  "Are you sure about this?" he asked. "There's nobody here to call you away. I've waited so damn long to be buried deep inside of you. Once I start, I'm not stopping."

  He watched Tara's face turn a deep red.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "I know this is going to sound crazy because I have two boys," she began nervously. "I've only been with two men in my entire life, Heath. It has been a very long time. I've not even dated anyone since I left. I just don't want to let you down."

  Heath pulled her with him toward the bed. He sat down and had her standing between his legs.

  "That is one of the things I love about you," he said. "You are loyal and caring. Not for one second do I want you to worry about how I'll feel. I guarantee you once my cock enters you, it will never want to be anywhere else. I don't care about what you've done. I actually like that you haven't been with more men. There are so many things I can't wait to do to you. I do not ever want you thinking you could let me down. That is not possible. If I ever do anything you aren't comfortable with, I want you to tell me. I promise that I will never do anything to hurt you. I'm going to take care of you and protect you for the rest of my life. I do not ever plan to let you go."

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, as he looked up at her.

  "What makes you think I'm not afraid of disappointing you?" he asked.

  She buried her hands in his hair and looked down at him.

  "Oh Heath," she said. "That would never be possible. You are the most amazing, caring, and giving man I have ever met in my life. I never want you to let me go. I'm just not sure I deserve you."

  He placed tiny kisses against her bare belly, as his hands cupped her ass.

  "You deserve much better than me," he said. "I'm just hoping you never figure that out."

  He slid one hand around to the front and ran his fingers softly between her legs. When she moaned, he leaned up and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her eyes closed, and she held his head against her. He knew to take things slow, but had no intention of keeping it slow for long. When he felt her juices on his finger, he drove one finger into her. She cried out and whispered his name. He took her nipple between his teeth and gently pulled until it released with a pop. Then he began trailing tiny kisses all over her chest and stomach. His finger moved in and out of her. He felt her hips begin to move in rhythm with his finger. When he added a second finger, she stopped for a moment. He continued moving them in and out until she began to move again.

  "I have a feeling you've never b
een worshipped the way you deserve," Heath said. "I suggest you get used to it. It's going to be a long night. I'm going to make you come on my fingers. Then I'm going to make you come on my tongue. That won't be it, not even close. Just when you think you won't be able to come anymore, I'm going to bury my cock so fucking deep inside of you that you're going to come all over it. When you finally fall asleep, it's going to be because you are so thoroughly satisfied that you can't keep your eyes open one more second, Tara."

  He continued moving his fingers into her, as he kissed her body and pulled her as close as he could. Heath could feel her relaxing against him. He knew she wouldn't last much longer. His name left her lips over and over. Each time, his cock hardened even more. He loved the sounds she made when she whispered his name. She needed to get used to being loved and cherished, he thought. It was going to happen often. His woman was going to be taken care of. His woman, he thought. Yes, his woman. Heath knew she was close to coming, so he sped up his fingers and took her nipple into his mouth. He squeezed her ass in his hand and hooked his fingers, as he put more pressure on her nipple. She cried out his name louder than she had the entire time. Her hand held tight to his shoulder while the other one gripped his hair. She cried out again, as her pussy pulsed tight around his fingers. He continued to move them inside of her until he knew she was finished.

  Tara opened her eyes and looked down at him. He put his hand behind her neck and pulled her down before kissing her hard. Once he knew she was with him completely, he pulled back and smiled.

  "Now for my tongue," he said in a tone that had her moan at his words.

  She shook her head and slid from his grip. He could see how nervous she was and didn't want her to feel that way with him. When her knees hit the ground, she looked up at him. It was the fucking sexiest thing he had ever seen. She was fighting with herself. He could see it in her eyes. Heath wanted to take that feeling away from her, but he knew he needed to let her go.

  "I've been waiting so damn long to touch you," she said nervously. "That night Jason woke up I thought I was going to die. It was damn hard to walk away from you. I'm not waiting another second, Heath."

  Tara reached slowly forward and undid the button on his pants. When she slid his zipper down, he watched her suck her bottom lip into her mouth. She stopped for a second and looked up at him. He smiled down, put his hands on hers, and stood as he slid his pants down slightly. She slid them slowly down his legs the rest of the way. Keeping her eyes connected with his, she put her hand over him through his boxers. He was as hard as a fucking rock and felt like he was going to explode from just her touch. She ran her hand up and down his clothed shaft and slowly moved her eyes down him. She hooked her fingers in the waist of his boxers, took a deep breath, and pulled them down. His cock darted out as she freed him and her eyes widened. Heath had to wonder what she was thinking. Was she comparing him to her ex? What was going through her mind?

  She took his cock in her hand and began stroking him up and down. He didn't take his eyes off of her for one second. She looked at his shaft like it was the best thing she had ever seen. When she licked her lips, he felt his cock twitch.

  "Fuck," he whispered. "If you keep looking at it like that, we're not going to get very far before I explode."

  A smiled spread across her face, as she slowly licked a circle around her lips.

  "Watch yourself, woman," he snapped.

  Tara leaned forward, her tongue darted out, and she licked the tip taking the bit of liquid from it back into her mouth. He continued watching her, as she leaned forward again and licked him from the base all the way up to the tip. Her lips opened as she covered him and her tongue moved across the most sensitive part. It sent a shiver through him and he groaned. Slowly, she slid him into her mouth as she continued to stroke him with her hand. When he reached her throat, he felt her relax and take him even deeper.

  His hand moved to her hair. He grabbed a handful of it gently and began to guide her slowly up and back down his shaft. Her hand applied more pressure as she sped up her movements. Heath let out a moan and let his head fall back. He had thought about her mouth wrapped around his cock several times as he stroked himself in the shower. Not one of those times compared to the real feeling of her warm lips covering him. He knew he wouldn't last long and was fine with it. They were going to have a long night ahead of them. She picked up the pace of her mouth. He could feel her eyes on him and knew she was watching him. Heath opened his eyes and looked down at her.

  "You have no idea how sexy you look on your knees with my cock in your mouth," he said.

  Tara gasped and coughed. He watched her face turn red again.

  "You need to get used to me telling you how beautiful and sexy you are. I'm going to tell you every single time I get the chance. I love you, Tara."

  She nodded and took him deep into her throat. He let out a growl and grabbed the back of her head. When she sucked hard and stroked him at the same time, he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. He couldn't believe how damn good her mouth felt on him and was getting so close to releasing into it.

  "Up, baby," he said.

  She shook her head and began sucking him faster.

  "Tara," Heath said in warning.

  He looked down to see her mouth filled with his cock and her eyes looking innocent but hungry.

  "I'm warning you, baby," he said. "If you don't get up here, I'm going to fill your mouth so full. I can't hold out any longer."

  She looked him in the eyes, sucked hard, and took him deep into her throat. Both of her hands went to the back of his legs to pull him closer.

  "Is that what you want, sexy?" he asked. "You want me fill that sweet mouth, don't you?"

  Tara nodded and tightened her grip on the back of his legs. He grabbed the back of her head and fucked her mouth. Three pumps later, he let out a roar as he filled her mouth with jolt after jolt of him. She continued sucking him until his body relaxed. Then she released him from her mouth and licked up ever tiny bit that was left behind.

  "Fuck," he groaned, as he reached down, grabbed her under the arms, and lifted her to her feet.

  Heath turned them so the back of her knees were against the edge of the bed and gave her a nudge. She collapsed onto the bed and smiled. He dropped to his knees, grabbed her foot and lifted it to his shoulder. Then he grabbed the other foot and did the same. When he reached under her, grabbed her ass in his hands, and pulled her to the edge of the bed, she let out a loud breath.

  "My turn," he said. "I'm going to lick this sweet pussy until you can't take it anymore. Then I'm going to fuck you so hard with my tongue. You're going to come so damn hard that you're going to scream my name. Don't hold back Tara. I want all of you. Give me everything."

  Heath did exactly as he promised. He could see her knuckles go white from how hard she was grabbing the sheets. He licked and sucked every inch of her thighs and pussy. She was dripping so much that it was running down her thigh. He made sure to catch every drop.

  "Touch yourself," he said.

  "What?" she asked.

  "I said touch yourself."

  She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth but didn't move her hands.

  "There are so many things I can't wait to do to you, baby. Right now I want to see you touch yourself."

  She sat still and didn't move.

  "I know you've done it. Do you do it when you're alone in bed at night? Maybe you do it in the shower," he continued.

  Her face turned red, but she didn't respond.

  "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Tara. You have no idea how fucking hard I am just thinking about you touching yourself. Have you ever done it while you've thought about me?"

  Tara closed her eyes.

  "Open your eyes," he demanded.

  She instantly opened them.

  "Have you ever thought about me fucking you while you've touched yourself?" he asked.

  "Yes," she whispered. "I can't."

  He looked up at her and re
ached up for her hand. She gave it to him without hesitation, but he could see how nervous she was. Heath brought her hand close to his mouth, grabbed her finger with his teeth, and sucked it into his mouth. His tongue moved seductively around her finger before sucking it. Tara watched him closely and clenched her thighs together.

  "Does that turn you on?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  He kept her finger in his mouth and brought them both down close to her. Then he took her finger with his and circled her clit. His tongue continued licking over both of their fingers and her clit. She moved beneath him. Her other hand grabbed the sheet and held tight.

  "Shit!" she cried. "Fuck."

  He continued to lick her, as he slowly took his hand away. She kept touching herself. He didn't say a thing when she closed her eyes and let her head fall back. He grabbed her ass in his hands and plunged his tongue into her. Her back arched off the bed as she called out his name.

  "Heath," she cried. "Oh Heath. Fuck. So good."

  He sped up the pace of his tongue and watched as she sped up the pace of her finger. She was moaning and crying out. He plunged his tongue in fast and deep and she screamed his name as she came around his tongue. He groaned against her and felt the vibration run through her. Her body went limp against him and her legs fell from his shoulders.

  Heath stood up and grabbed the package from the back pocket of his jeans. When he turned back toward the bed, Tara had moved up the bed with her head on the pillow. He climbed on the bed and moved up her, as he kissed each inch on the way up. She was completely satisfied, but he wasn't done yet. He'd been waiting way to long to have her.

  When he leaned down to kiss her, she grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head.

  "I've been waiting to see what's under there up close," she said softly.

  "You've thought about it?" he asked.

  "Every single day," she said with a smile.


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