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Fire And Ice (Book 1)

Page 9

by Wayne Krabbenhoft III

  “I will see to the men,” Loras informed her.

  “There is no need,” Carington said. “Your men will be taken care of.”

  “I would prefer to see to it myself,” Loras grumbled.

  “That would be fine Captain,” Katelyn interjected. “Lead on Master Carington.”

  They followed the thin man into the palace. From behind, Loras could be heard bellowing orders for his men to dismount. The palace hall was similar to that of Summerhall, with marble floors and pillars.

  They were led to the great hall which was even larger than Summerhall’s. Unadorned pillars lined both sides of the hall a few feet out from the walls. King Robert sat on a gilded throne on the dais. Queen Caroline sat in an identical chair at his side. A plump official was bowing his way out as they entered. The royal couple came to their feet and stepped down off the upraised platform to greet their guest warmly.

  “It has been a long time,” Robert said kindly. “When I met you, you were but a little girl.”

  “She is a woman,” Caroline confirmed, taking the Princess’ hands fondly. Then she seemed to notice Coran standing there for the first time. “Coran? I did not think I would be seeing you so soon.” She turned towards her husband. “I told you about our stop at Tyelin.”

  “Of course,” Robert was eyeing him like a man buying a horse. Coran felt uneasy under the scrutiny. “I was informed of your pleasant hospitality. I am glad for the chance to repay it.”

  “I will accept it gratefully,” Coran bowed to the monarch, “But there is no need for repayment.”

  “Ha, you were right, Caroline,” the King chuckled. His scrutiny apparently finished for now. “He is modest, and a gentleman.”

  “My Lord?” Carington, almost forgotten, spoke from behind them. “Should I show them to their rooms or would you like me to leave for now?”

  “Go ahead and show them. We can speak more over dinner,” Robert decided.

  “Yes,” the Queen added. “I am sure that Willameina will want to talk with you too.” That last part was directed at Coran.

  It was Katelyn who answered. “Until dinner then?” She curtsied slightly and followed Carington out of the hall. Alys was waiting by the doors and fell in behind. “You did not tell me anything about having guests in Tyelin, or that you knew the princess.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked innocently. “I thought I told you about that?”

  “No, you did not.”

  He shrugged as they continued through the unfamiliar halls.

  Chapter 7

  Four Days

  That night they ate with the royal family in a spacious dining room. Eight people sat at a long table that could seat at least a dozen. The King sat at the head of the table with his Queen at his right and his son to his left. It was Coran’s first meeting with the Prince of Westland. Young Robert, or Rob as he was usually called, stood as tall as his father, and had the King’s same wavy brown hair and broad shoulders. The difference between them was that the King was rather plain in appearance while his son was handsome almost to the point of being pretty. That and the way he flashed a winning smile at everyone set Coran off somehow. His looks obviously came from his mother whereas, Willameina, although pretty, resembled more her father.

  Upon entering the room the Princess of Westland was the first to greet them. Willa was pleasantly surprised to see him again and insisted that he sit next to her, across the table from young Robert, Katelyn, and the largest man he had ever seen. Even the few Northmen he had met could not compete with the size of Sir Donnerey. He was literally a mountain of a man. He stood a head above Coran who was considered tall for a Midian, and was twice as wide. Donnerey was King Robert’s champion and first captain of his guard. Coran couldn’t imagine anyone even thinking of insulting the King if he had to face Donnerey as a result.

  Any discussion was delayed by the quick arrival of their dinner. For most of the meal Coran was engaged in conversation by Willa, while he cast frequent glances towards Katelyn, who bantered with Prince Robert and the King. The first dish was a peppered bowl of onion soup. He found it delicious. The main meal was in true Westland fashion, a generous portion of venison. He got in some bites while explaining to Willa how he came to Westland. He told of Stemis’ request and the trouble with Torvilin. She even had him tell her of their uneventful journey through the gloomy woods and over the muddy roads. If she found any of it boring it did not show.

  “Did I hear Torvilin’s name mentioned?” King Robert asked suddenly from the head of the table.

  “Yes father,” Willa replied and related what Coran had told her.

  When she finished, Robert did not look pleased. “I am glad to know this. Torvilin will be coming here and he has requested entrance in the tournament. A messenger arrived yesterday.”

  Coran groaned inwardly. That was what he had been afraid of when they left, that he might have to deal with the uppity prince once again. He was sure that they would meet again someday, but hoped it would be later rather than sooner.

  “He will make trouble,” Katelyn warned her host, “I know he will.”

  “Do not worry,” the younger Robert said to reassure her; then went on with more confidence. “I will allow none of his foolishness here.” Coran almost laughed at such an obvious attempt to impress a young lady. Almost.

  “Coran, you are going to compete in the joust, are you not?” the King asked.

  Before he could speak Willa and Katelyn both encouraged his assent.

  “You must,” Katelyn told him, “for Summerhall.”

  “Loras can compete for Summerhall,” he said.

  “For Tyelin then,” Willa put in. Everyone was watching him, waiting for an answer.

  “I do not have the proper equipment,” he tried to explain, but the king waved it away and promised to see him properly outfitted. He really had no reason left to decline. “All right,” he acquiesced finally. They all looked pleased.

  “Perhaps Coran can give you some competition for a change,” the older Robert prodded the as yet silent Donnerey.

  The hulking man stopped his fork from reaching his mouth and turned towards the King. “I would welcome any true competitor.” Then his fork continued the journey. The way he said it made it sound like the truth. There was no mocking in his voice at all.

  Willa leaned towards Coran’s ear. “Sir Donnerey has won the last eight tournaments here in Westhaven.”

  Coran nodded. Sir Donnerey was well known for his ability at the lists. He doubted that he would be much for the man to worry about. He had only competed a few times in local tournaments at Tyelin. He won most of them, but the competition was not very distinguished. His father had been one of the best, winning the grand tournament at Summerhall five times before he decided to leave it to younger men. Oran had taught him everything he knew, but Coran knew he would never be as good. He had missed last year’s tournament at Summerhall, but knew that Donnerey had won that as well. As he finished his meal he could only hope he would perform well enough not to disgrace his father.

  After the meal, Katelyn stood and pleaded the rigors of travel as excuse to seek her bed. The King graciously granted her leave. Coran excused himself as well, explaining the duty laid upon him by the High King to protect his daughter.

  Robert sounded approving as he acknowledged the request. Caroline looked thoughtfully between Coran and Katelyn. Willa did as well with a worried expression and so did Rob with a confused one. Coran noted the glances and then ignored them as he hurried to catch up with the departing Katelyn.

  He caught up to her in the hall and followed behind as she led them back to their rooms.

  She stopped outside her door and turned to face him. “Goodnight, Coran.”

  “Goodnight, Your Highness.”

  Her head tilted to one side as she grimaced. “The last thing I need is formality from you. Alys is bad enough.”

  “I do not want to appear inappropriate,” he stated evenly.

  She looke
d about to say something, but stopped. Shaking her head and muttering she opened the door to her rooms and went in.

  The next day was overcast and chilly for spring, but the rain held off. Coran woke early and stationed himself outside of Katelyn’s door. His duty was to protect her and even though he knew she was quite safe in the palace he could not take the chance she might leave the protective walls without telling him. He waited patiently as servants passed by, some with towels in their hands or carrying a broom, until the Princess finally emerged with Alys in tow. She showed no surprise at his presence.

  “The Queen has invited us to sit with her in her chambers this morning, so you do not have to follow,” she informed him, already walking away.

  Without a word in reply he followed her. The King had invited Coran to join him and several others on a morning hunt in some woods to the west. Coran declined politely and informed his Majesty of the duty he had accepted. Robert assured him that he took no offense, and even praised him for his sense of duty. After that, Coran was not about to leave Katelyn alone. At least, not today.

  While the women talked in the Queen’s chambers, Coran waited out in the hall. He noticed how much more open this place was compared to Summerhall and the even older and far more cramped keep at Tyelin. Marble pillars, not as large as the ones outside, flanked shallow alcoves along the opposite walls. Sunlight flooded the hall through windows set into the alcoves. He knew from looking that the windows faced inward to overlook a central garden. It was slightly smaller than the one at Summerhall but the foliage was thicker as spring advanced. The trees were effective in obscuring the narrow walkways from above, providing some privacy for anyone using them.

  Coran wondered why someone would build windows all around so anyone could see, but then try and hide the walkways and fountains that might be down there. The point of having a private garden was to see nature in its various forms without having to travel through the city to get there. The only explanation he could think of was that anyone walking the paths between the foliage wanted to remain hidden. It was a leftover from the days when inter-palatial intrigue was commonplace.

  For the next half hour he waited as servants in green passed him with curious glances. Once, two guards marched past, left hands holding sword hilts and in step with each other. They ignored him completely. Coran did not remember seeing anybody patrolling the halls the day before. He had to wonder if some changes were made after last night’s discussion or if it was a normal response to so many people entering the city to watch the tournament and compete in it. Probably a combination of both. He certainly was not going to argue with any decisions that would increase protection for his charge.

  It was two hours later that Alys and Katelyn finally came out in the company of Willa. Of course the princess of Westland would have been in attendance.

  “Have you been out here the whole time?” Willa asked him in surprise.

  Katelyn spoke up before he had a chance to answer. “I am perfectly safe inside the palace.”

  “I would not like to take anything for granted,” he responded evenly to his charge.

  “Do you intend to spend every waking moment at my side?” Her tone spoke of how ludicrous she thought that idea was, but he was watching her face and could detect nothing that would suggest she was upset with such a prospect.

  “No. I suppose not,” he said, “but I will need to be around you as much as possible.”

  Her lips twitched into an amused smile. “I may hold you to that.” Then, without waiting for a reply she led the little group down the hall.

  Coran shook his head at her humorous expression. He knew women could be strange at times.

  For the rest of the morning they took a walk in the garden, stopping at their rooms long enough to grab cloaks for the chill that still pervaded the air. The girls returned to the sitting room for lunch with the Queen and remained there for part of the afternoon as well. Coran was left in the hall, so he was able to slip away to the kitchens for a quick bite to eat before returning to resume his post.

  That night they again joined the King and his family for dinner. Afterwards they lounged about on the chairs and couch spread around the other half of the room. The backs and seats were cushioned in dark green set against the deep red of the carpet overlaying the hard floor. Their royal majesties sat together discussing the day’s events in the two chairs closest to the fire. Prince Robert sat with Katelyn on the couch that was just long enough for two. She laughed occasionally at something he said. Coran noted how often he gave her that smile of his. Willa engaged him in conversation and he soon forgot about Rob. They occupied the two chairs closest to the door. The brown haired girl was even more open than at their first meeting. From across the room Katelyn laughed loudly and Coran turned his head. He quickly erased the frown that his mouth formed.

  The second day went much like the first. Morning and lunch spent with the Queen. Afternoon the sky cleared and the air warmed noticeably. Katelyn suggested they should go shopping in the city. Coran did not like it, but Willa quickly agreed. Alys concurred with her silence. Outvoted, he at least tried to get them to agree to an escort.

  Willa protested his suggestion. “I have been going into the city all my life with no more than one other for protection. Coran should do nicely.”

  “I strongly disagree,” Coran replied. “The city is crammed with people for the celebration. One person would be insufficient protection.”

  “I have to agree with Lord Coran,” Alys interjected.

  “But,” Willa started to say, but was interrupted by Katelyn.

  “Give over Willa. I know Coran well enough to know when he won’t back down.” She turned her face towards Coran’s. “I will trust you completely when it comes to my safety.” She said it so sweetly that he was immediately suspicious. His instinct was proven correct as she continued. “Of course I expect you to show proper judgment. There is no need to be excessive now is there?” She made it sound so reasonable that he knew he could not leave it there or she would question him more the next time her safety was involved.

  He smiled back at her just as sweetly, bearing his teeth. “Your father appointed me your protector. When it comes to your safety, I have the last word.”

  Her smile slowly slipped away. “I think we should be going,” she told the others.

  Coran held back a sigh as he followed them.

  The market square was filled with all manner of people. Also, the square was swamped with an excess of merchants trying to take advantage of the increase in potential patrons who were here because of the tournament. The shouting of their wares was lost in the overall babble of voices.

  Even with the four guards around them they were hard pressed to make much headway through the crowd. In one area it was so clogged that people were being pushed right up against Katelyn and the others. At that point all were in agreement with the necessity of returning to the palace. Shopping would have to wait for another day.

  As they passed a stall where several items of silver were laid out on a black cloth for display, Coran happened to catch sight of some short, pale colored hair moving in the crowd back the way they had come. The stall was also the last before leaving the market area. Coran moved in close to Katelyn.

  “I have to check on something,” he told her loud enough to be heard over the noise of the crowd. She looked a question at him, but he did not have time to explain. “I will explain later.” Then he was pushing back into the sea of people.

  He was taller than most Midians and could see over the heads of most of those around him. People who met him for the first time often wondered if he was a Northman since they were all supposed to be so tall. He had met a few and they were tall, but usually his height or a little more.

  It took a few moments of scanning heads before he spotted white hair perhaps thirty yards away. The person was heading towards the far edge of the market. Coran pushed his way through as quickly as he could. A few people grumbled harsh words at hi
m, but nothing more. He was a lord after all, and armed.

  When he broke free of the crowd it was sudden, and he almost fell forward onto the stones. He regained his balance and looked down the street to his right, and then the left. The people in sight were those shuffling quickly towards the market or away from it. There were also scattered knots of people standing together in different places along the streets, but nowhere did he spy any pale colored hair. He just stood there for a few moments to think it through. It might not have been the same person. There was no reason to believe that the man would be here or even know that Coran was. For some reason he did not believe that. There was nothing to do but return to the palace and keep his eyes open.

  That night went much like the first. Katelyn talked mostly with Rob, him smiling. Coran talked mostly with Willa, him occasionally scowling. Alys joined them this time and stayed mostly with Katelyn. If Willa noticed his scowls she never mentioned it. A few times he would turn to look across the room only to see Katelyn already looking at him with a worried expression. When she saw him seeing her, she would look away quickly. He didn’t know why she would be worried, or why he kept scowling.

  For some reason things were changing between them. When they were younger she had been Margery’s little sister who liked to tag along when they went places. As they got older she became a part of the group with him, Margery, Devon, and sometimes Jocelyn, and sometimes someone else. The year before he had left Summerhall they had become close friends, and in a sense they were family. Where she fit into his definition of family was something he didn’t know. Now there seemed to be a growing awkwardness between them that started when he returned to Summerhall. He just wished he could understand how things were changing.

  The third day dawned warmer than it had been and only a few puffy clouds dotted the light blue sky. It was a perfect spring day with the smell of life suffusing the air.


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