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Fire And Ice (Book 1)

Page 24

by Wayne Krabbenhoft III

  Chapter 17

  Returned In Honor

  Katelyn sat on the black horse she had won from Robert, as she rode slowly in front of the last row of Knights. She named her horse Arya, which meant ‘Rose’ in old Ithanian. Not exactly a name for inspiration, but she thought it fit for such a beautiful creature. That it also happened to be the name of Soros’ wife was just a coincidence. She wore dark trousers suitable for riding and her sword was on her hip. Her dark hair was tied back and held in place by her blue scarf. With all the inspections and the riding, she found herself wearing the masculine clothing more often. She still received some inquisitive looks when she walked the halls of the palace, and more riding through the streets. The Knights she inspected didn’t comment, or give any sign that they noticed anything out of the ordinary. Their discipline was legendary.

  The most surprising reaction of all had come from her father. Since he had always been reluctant to allow her lessons and adamantly refused to let her own a sword, she was sure he would disapprove, but he had not said a word when he first saw her strutting through the corridors armed. His eyes had risen in surprise and his mouth had opened as if to speak, then he had stopped and his visage turned thoughtful. After a moment he even started to grin before turning away without saying a word. She was unsure what to make of his silent approval.

  Commander Martin rode beside her as she inspected the company of the Knights of Soros. They sat mounted and unmoving as she looked for spots of rust on armor, signs of unkempt clothing, or anything considered improper for their standards. She did not smile when looking them over. Her father told her never to smile until you had completed the inspection. If you smiled while still inspecting them they didn’t think you were taking it seriously. If they thought you were not taking it seriously than they think you don’t care. If they think you don’t care than they don’t care. She didn’t frown either. Frowns were reserved for showing disapproval at something she saw. A frown at one of these men would send him off running to go over his equipment a hundred times in shame. So far she hadn’t frowned once. These men were impeccable. Their clothes were immaculate and their armor shined brightly in the sun.

  The inspections were her father’s idea, to get her more involved. She was also present for all the afternoon meetings in the council room, where both Margery and their mother joined them. Her father wanted them to know what was going on as it happened. She understood his reasons for it. In war people died. Kings died sometimes too. He wanted to be sure that a Sundarrion would be ready to take over if another fell. Dark thoughts to be having on such a sunny day.

  On reaching the end of the line she turned to Martin and smiled in approval. Martin nodded and raised his voice, “Dismissed!” The orderly lines broke up as the men returned to the camp behind them. Martin never told the men ‘good job’ after an inspection. He said he went over it with them later.

  Martin did not give his usual salute with his fist and depart. “May I escort you back to the palace, your Highness?”

  “Of course,” she turned her horse towards the wooden gates that were part of the walls that enclosed the Knight’s compound. There were barracks for some of the single Knights and houses for married ones. Men who earned their Knighthood could decide to try and become Soroson Knights, otherwise called the Knights of Soros. If they were good enough to be accepted, then they must forswear all other oaths, and give their complete loyalty to the occupant of the Sun Throne. After that, most come and live here, in the Knight’s compound. If they come from noble birth, they must give up any other claims, which is why many of the Knights were second, third, or fourth sons.

  As Katelyn and Martin led the way, two of the blue-garbed, palace guards who had escorted her here, fell in behind them. The complex was located on the east bank of the river, so they had to cross one of the stone bridges to get to the island city.

  Martin waited until they had crossed to speak. “I know inspections can be tedious, your Highness, but the men appreciate them. The training can seem endless at times and they need to feel a sense of purpose.”

  “I am glad to help out Commander,” she replied, wondering where the conversation was going, or if he was just speaking to be polite. They had to go around a slow moving cart carrying produce to the city market. It was summer and trade was flourishing. At least with those who dealt locally across Midia. The traders in Eastern goods were scrambling to stay in business by searching for new sources of the items they dealt in, or by finding new products to sell.

  The streets they rode through were still a riot of color as people from across Midia came to buy and sell, even in these hard times. She did notice that the number of people seemed to be fewer than previous years.

  “I think that your...attire is inspiring to the men as well,” Martin said without looking at her. He kept his face forward.

  She tried to puzzle out what he meant by that. No one had ever called it inspiring before, interesting yes, but not inspiring. She decided to come right out and ask. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Only, that men who fight for their profession, like to see those who lead them prepared to fight as well.”

  She laughed lightly. “I don’t think I will be leading anyone into battle,” she said, seeing the palace gates ahead. “Who can say,” he stated, then cleared his throat. “There is something I wish to ask you. If I may?”

  She nodded permission as they passed through the gates and two grooms came to take their horses from them. She dismounted and patted Arya’s neck before the animal was led away. Martin waited for the two guards to follow the grooms in the direction of the stables.

  “I have heard some of the men talking since you started giving the inspections. Not to me, but I hear things,” he said carefully. “I was wondering. You carry that.” He pointed to the sword at her hip. “I wanted to ask...well...” He left it hanging.

  She realized what he was trying to say while not wishing to give offense. The men wanted to know if she could really use the sword, or if she was just playing at it. Martin wanted to know too. She knew the question was not a trivial one. Soldiers did not ask questions like that lightly. “Are you busy right now?”

  He looked confused at the question. “I have some time, yes.”

  “Good. Why don’t you come to the practice yard with me. It has been a while, and I should really keep in practice.”

  Martin swallowed, probably at the thought of sparring with the princess. There was no way he could refuse, though; not after saying he had the time. “Yes, Your Highness.”

  Katelyn stepped into her chambers feeling hungry after the exercise. She also needed to wash off the sweat and dust from the yard. A platter containing food was already sitting on the round table between the furniture. Grapes, cheese and sliced apples were arranged on the platter. “Where have you been?” Margery asked from where she sat on the couch by the window.

  “Martin was curious about my martial abilities.” Katelyn smiled at the memory. Martin was very good, better than her, but the surprised look on his face was quite satisfying. He held back at first, and soon realized the mistake. After that, she still made him work hard to keep her from hitting him.

  “I hope you satisfied his curiosity,” Margery smiled at her sister. “I had hoped we could have something to eat together.”

  Katelyn popped a grape into her mouth, the juice burst in her mouth when she bit down. She took off the sword belt and set it on one of the chairs before taking the other. She crossed her legs and waited for her sister to ask her what she came to ask.

  “Why the change in clothing? I am just wondering,” she added the last part hurriedly.

  “You mean Mother is wondering. Always have to be the young lady,” she said in imitation of her mother. “If you have to know, father has me inspecting the Knights, and I am not riding out there in a dress.”

  “And the idea of taking a carriage or being in front of all those men wearing skirts doesn’t have anything to do with it?” Marge
ry guessed wryly. She took a slice of apple and munched on it.

  “Why do we have to wear them anyway? I know, it is proper. It is expected and some people will not take you seriously otherwise. But why really? Because if you want a husband you have to be the good little wife. Well, Coran does not care how I dress.”

  Margery shook her head. “You will never be ‘just a wife’ and you know it. You know why Mother cares so much about those things and you know why she is right. Father may have indulged you in the past, but it is only because he expects so much of you in the future.”

  Katelyn knew very well, maybe better than her sister did. She didn’t know why she had said those things. Well not those things exactly. “I am sorry. I think....I don’t know.”

  “I do. You fear you will not live up to your duties. You are not sure you want the responsibility. You shouldn’t worry you know. I cannot think of anyone better suited.”

  Katelyn went over to her sister and gave her a brief, heartfelt hug. “Thank you. Now let me eat.”

  Stemis sat at the head of the table as she entered the council room with her sister, Margery. He was looking down at the letter he read. The Queen was there, as well as, Gelarus, Oran, and Martin.

  Over lunch the two sisters had discussed things other than what she chose to wear. Rob would be coming soon to formalize his betrothal to Margery. Despite her sister’s calm exterior, Katelyn knew she was nervous. In return, Margery asked her when she was getting married. That was something that for some reason had not come to mind until then. It was something she would have to discuss with Coran, whenever he got back. She hoped it was something he still wanted to discuss. Why she should have doubts, she wasn’t sure, except that after wanting something for so long it still seemed a little hard for her to think of it as a reality.

  Stemis cleared his throat. “This is from Edric of Leanesse. The Northmen are taking advantage of the opportunities presented in the East. Their ships are patrolling the Karandi shoreline.”

  “In other words they think there will be fighting and they don’t want to miss it,” Oran scoffed. “They are probably raiding towns and sinking anything that floats.”

  “Basically,” Stemis agreed. “He reports strange ships coming from across the sea. Also there are two areas they have not been able to enter. The Bay of Torinth on the north coast, and the harbor at Lornth, on the Bay of Karand in the south.”

  “What do you mean they cannot enter?” Anne asked.

  “They say that the sea prevents them.”

  “Wizardry,” Oran declared.

  “Yes,” Stemis agreed. “He says his ships will try and see what they are hiding, but he is not too hopeful. He even says they might keep us informed.”

  That was something. The relationship between the North and the West was complicated. The friendship of Soros and Eryk had made a lasting impression. To a point. As far as anyone knew, it was the only reason the North had not descended upon the south in force. If the Northman did that it would not be out of animosity, but for no other reason than that the south was there. Northmen loved to fight.

  How the information helped them, they didn’t know. Oran thought that Torinth had to be where the ships the Northmen spotted were being disembarked. Why Lornth though? No one could offer a reasonable explanation. That it could be a diversion was the most plausible idea tossed about between them. After that there wasn’t too much to discuss. They were about to adjourn when the door opened and a guard stepped in. He had one hand on the sword at his hip.

  “Your Majesty, there is someone here to see Lord Oran.”

  “Who is it?” Stemis asked.

  “A young Karand.” The guard glanced at Oran. “He says his name is Oran, the son of Miko.”

  Katelyn froze. Why would someone be here from Miko? Was something wrong? She forced herself to be calm.

  “Show him in,” Stemis ordered.

  “Sir, he is armed,” the guard reported.

  “Thank you. Send him in.”

  The young Karand who entered had dark curly hair and slightly dark skin. He wore modest, light brown robes of Karandi origin. He carried something wrapped up in a blanket in both of his hands.

  He bowed awkwardly to Stemis and then spoke to Oran. “You are Lord Oran?” The lord of Tyelin nodded. “My mother sent me to tell you what has happened.”

  Katelyn felt her stomach tighten. Surely a boy with such an innocent face could not be the bearer of bad news.

  Oran peered at the young man named for him. “You look like your mother.”

  “Everyone says so,” the young Karand agreed looking about nervously.

  “Is she well?” Oran spoke casually as if he was making conversation. Katelyn wanted to jump up and shout but knew the Lord of Tyelin was trying to put the young Karand at ease.

  “Tell me what has happened,” Oran said sounding resigned to hear it no matter how difficult it might be.

  “My mother found out that someone had gone to Shevren and told him that a Midian wearing a black handled sword was seen approaching my father’s office. We do not know what happened exactly, but we found thirteen bodies where our stable used to be.”

  “Bodies?” Stemis asked in alarm, “whose bodies?”

  “What do you mean by used to be?” Oran asked at the same time.

  The young Karand looked from one to the other nervously before continuing. “The stables burned down and the bodies were burnt as well. Most of them were. One was Shevren, and some of the others were men who worked for him. There were five we could not identify.” His expression became sad and he looked at the floor. “One could be my father, but they are burned too badly to tell for sure.”

  Oran sighed. “I am sorry if you lost your father. He was, or is a good friend.”

  “What about the others?” Margery asked quickly and with a note of panic in her voice. “What about Coran?”

  Katelyn would have asked herself if she could have spoken. Right then, she was afraid of what the answer would be. Her hands were gripped tightly together in her lap. She prayed silently to the Creator that the man would not tell her what she most feared to hear.

  “There was another body that was too large for a man. No one knew what it was.”

  “Describe it,” Stemis said.

  “It was big like I said, and deformed. It looked like it had wings or something.”

  Gelarus cleared his throat. “I think that I can talk with our friend here about that later. Right now we want to know the fate of the young man we sent.”

  Stemis nodded. “Yes. What do you know of Coran?”

  Katelyn agreed with them most fervently.

  “There was another body we could not identify. It was a man. A tall man. He was burnt as well, but we could tell he was no Karand.”

  The statement brought silence to the room. No one wanted to voice their thoughts on what it might mean. No one wanted to say what it almost certainly meant. It was Oran who broke the uneasy quiet.

  “There are plenty of Midians in Arencia. I am sure that Shevren hired some.” He said it hopefully. The Karand didn’t respond and Oran stared at the wrapped object he held. He stared at it as if it were a venomous snake ready to strike. “Did your mother tell you to return that?” The youth nodded sullenly. The Lord of Tyelin cleared his throat roughly and turned his face away. “Then return it to her.” He pointed directly at Katelyn, his face had gone pale.

  Gasps could be heard from some as the realization hit them. It was an old Karandi tradition to take the sword of the fallen back to whoever was closest to him. It was a sign of respect, and whoever the Karandi’s mother was, she had a great deal of respect for Oran to send her son all the way to Summerhall. Especially, when he acted like he had never left home before.

  The young man named Oran, walked down the length of the table until he stopped before her chair. She pushed her chair back so she could face him, but did not trust herself enough to stand. He held out the object and she reached for it with trembling hands. S
he pulled the blanket aside to see if it was what she feared. There in the cloth was a sword. A black handled sword bare of its sheath. Coran’s sword. She took it, cloth and all, and clutched it to her like a babe.

  Thoughts came to her mind too fast to grasp. There was a young Karand, a large disfigured shape, Coran’s sword, a burning stable, burning men, men screaming, Coran’s face, Coran screaming. The thoughts were replaced faster and faster. They swirled around in her head. She heard the words again and again. Another man, a tall man, burnt as well. He was no Karand. It was too much for her. Her mind spun around and around until everything went black.

  She opened her eyes to see Margery leaning over her. Her sister’s pretty face was framed by the wealth of her golden hair. She was wiping tears from Katelyn’s face that she did not remember shedding. She noticed her mother standing over them both, watching.

  “Are you all right?” Anne asked her. Her hair was the same golden color.

  “What happened?” Katelyn asked as she struggled to a sitting position. There was no one else in the room.

  Margery leaned back on her heels, seeing that her sister didn’t need any assistance. “You were holding the sword and just sort of fell over.”

  “Fainted,” her mother said. “You were lucky you did not stab yourself.”

  The sword! How could she forget Coran’s sword. All the thoughts crashed back into her, but slower this time. She shut them out for now but only because she was so disoriented. She got to her feet with a helping hand from her mother.

  “You should go lie down for awhile,” Anne suggested, her voice was full of concern.

  Katelyn nodded and with her sister at her side she made it back to her rooms. She didn’t notice anyone along the way. She ignored the officials who bowed to her as she passed, or the guards who saluted. Her only thought was getting to her room. She held Coran’s sword tightly in her fist. That was probably the reason for some of the strange looks people gave her.


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