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Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5

Page 7

by Green, Patricia

  "You can stop looking so scared," he said. "The belt won't hurt you any worse than my hand."

  Belt on her bottom? Oh. "Okay." She tried to seductively pull off her scrub pants and yellow panties, but they halted at her shoes. So much for sexy. It took her a couple of minutes to get rid of all the lower-half clothes, but soon she was standing half-naked in his kitchen. She felt so exposed. What did he think of her, willing to bare herself like this in front of a man? He'd seen her like this once before, but she'd been upset already. Was this slutty behavior? Her family would have died of embarrassment for her.

  "Bend over the table." His low voice was thick with some emotion Jackie couldn't identify.

  "Yes, sir." The table was cool and smooth against her belly and hips, and hard against her breasts. She grabbed the far end and found herself stretched. Her toes barely touched the floor.

  Pete's belt buckle made a jingly sound but was soon muffled. He smacked the belt against something—his palm?—and the snap made her jump. This was so not going to be good.

  She cried out loudly as the first sharp blow hit her bottom. "Ouch!" That really hurt. This was going to be even worse than she anticipated. But, she reminded herself, the after part, the intimacy, was going to make it all worth it. When he struck her three more times rapidly, she bounced on her toes and squawked.

  "You will not, not ever, contradict me in front of a patient again, Jackie," he told her, his voice very stern.

  "Ow! Ow! Y-yes, sir!"

  "Patients need to trust me and your behavior doesn't encourage that."

  "No, sir. I'm sorry! Oh! Ouch!" Her butt was burning and every stripe was a passel of bee stings. Five more rapid spanks jolted through her. And then a weird thing happened, a special, wonderful thing. He touched her bottom with his hand. It was a gentle glide of his fingertips, apparently following a stripe across her left cheek.

  "I don't like doing this, Jackie," he said, his voice somewhat tight. "You need to clean up your act."

  If she'd get more touching with more spanks, she was willing to take it, even encourage it. "I'm sorry. I deserve this."

  He took a breath and resumed the spanking with three hard strokes. Tears were coming to Jackie's eyes and she sniffled.

  "You do deserve this, I agree. I'm not sure I'm the man who should be delivering it, but here we are." Four more whacks and now the tears were streaming down her face and sobs caught her breath.

  "I won't do it again. I promise."

  Another three whacks, and he paused again, smoothing her bottom with his palm. His hand was hot against her scorched behind but there was a distinct stirring in her lower belly. She felt wet and soft between her legs where a little buzzing sensation was growing. Pete's touch had started all kinds of delicious changes, changes she didn't want to escape, though she wished the spanking hadn't been the reason for his caresses. His voice was soft and she had to listen carefully over her sobs and sniffles. "I could wish for things to be different." He followed that up with a heartbeat of a pause and then a volley of belt strokes to the juncture of her thighs and seat. The pain was worse than anything she'd ever experienced before and she gave little half-screams in response.

  "Don't make me do this again, Jackie," he told her.

  "N-n-no, sir! I won't!" Not if she could elicit his touches some other way, she sure wouldn't.

  Pete stopped spanking and there was a pause before he put his hand on her behind again. The warmth trailed down her red-hot butt and lower, to the cross just above her private parts. A shiver rippled over her, centering there, between her legs.

  He made a small growling sound and Jackie felt Pete's touch across the seam of her sex. The pain of her butt was intense, but the pleasure of his fingers there, where no person had touched her before was even greater. The glide of his fingers was slippery. She was wet. It was a little alarming to think that her body had ripened to his touch so dramatically, but it didn't entirely surprise her. She was deeply attracted to Pete Kaminsky. Her body reflected that yearning.

  Jackie gasped as a finger slid between her lower lips, dipping into her wet sex in a shallow exploration. He delved further and found her clitoris. When he teased it gently, she arched her back and stuck out her bottom, widening the spread of her legs. She couldn't help it. The sensation was too overwhelming and she had to encourage more.

  "Pete," she whispered as he withdrew and took a step back.

  His voice was soft, frustrated. "Oh hell." But, no matter what had made him so upset, he gathered Jackie in his arms—oh the joy of him against her—picked her up and carried her through the house.

  His bedroom was simple, with white walls and blond wood wainscoting and crown molding. The bed was soft and yielding, a colorful quilt beneath her. She looked up into his face. The strain there told her he was fighting himself.

  Jackie ought to fight it, too. It wasn't right to let things go further, but she wanted more from him, wanted the intimacy to grow and blossom. She wanted to experience a joining with Pete that she'd never wanted with anyone before.

  Opening her arms to him, she gave him a small smile. She was scared, but not of him.

  He began to unbutton his shirt, his fingers sure but slow as his eyes devoured her, half-naked on his bed. The unbuttoning picked up speed and soon he'd shrugged out of his shirt and pulled his undershirt off and tossed them both toward a corner.

  Jackie's breath caught. He was so handsome! His shoulders were firm and broad in comparison to his waist, his pecs hard, and muscles rippled down his abdomen. Thick biceps topped his arms. She knew he exercised regularly, but, clearly, he had been doing it for some time.

  While he watched her, his hands going to the fastenings of his pants, Jackie half-rose from the bed and pulled off her scrubs top and her bra. If he was going to be naked, she was, too. Her whole body flamed. She hadn't been naked in front of a man ever before. Was she acceptable? She was so petite. Maybe her breasts were too small. She worked out several times a week, but maybe that wasn't enough. Biting her lip in consternation, she crossed her hands over her chest, hiding her hardened nipples from him. Pete shook his head slightly, and Jackie slowly moved her arms away, exposing herself fully.

  Pete slid his pants down his legs and pretty soon he was naked. Gloriously naked. She knew what a man looked like—she was a nurse, after all—but not this way. There was a thin trail of dark hair down his belly, leading to a neatly trimmed patch, but that didn't hold her gaze nearly so much as what rose from that patch. He was hard, thick, engorged.

  He was going to take her. The buzzing between her legs increased and her clit sparked with eagerness to feel his hands on her.

  "Are you sure?" he asked softly.

  Jackie didn't even consider her answer. "Yes."

  He nodded, his expression lightening, as he knelt on the bed next to her, reaching for her. Jackie realized they'd never even kissed and a tremor of shame raced through her. Was she becoming a slut? Pete didn't love her, she knew that. He desired her, but was that enough?

  Second thoughts whispered in her mind, but her body was screaming much louder. When he leaned over her, putting a forearm and elbow next to her head, pressing his chest up against her breasts, her insides melted. He touched her face, just like in her dreams, and gazed at her with longing and passion. Slowly, Pete lowered his lips to hers. She'd kissed before—she was not a total wallflower—but never, never like this. He was a grown man with the taste and heat of a grown man, and the calm patience to draw out her reaction. His tongue traced her lips and as she drew in a breath, he delved inside her mouth, searching, seeking. Jackie met him there and shared the moments, savoring every second.

  After a long, searing set of kisses, he pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth and began a trail down her jawline to her throat, nipping there and licking his way up to the join of her shoulder and neck. His bite there was stronger, and Jackie moaned with the blissful sensation. She never knew she had an erogenous zone there. So many things she didn't know ab
out herself.

  Wriggling against him brought out a deep, rich chuckle. "Eager?"

  "Yes," she whispered, offering her neck again. "Yes."

  He snaked a hand down her chest, fingertips skimming the surface of her skin, until he found her breast. The pressure of his gentle touch circling there with ever-smaller concentric rings made her groan and try to arch against his weight. "Slowly," he told her. "I'm not in a big hurry."

  She was in a hurry! Jackie wanted him inside her. The need was urgent. She knew it would be a big deal, and that she was giving something irretrievable, but her body was achy with desire. Wet slickness coated her sex, she could feel the cool air there. Her lower belly churned with excited energy. But she didn't know what to say to encourage him to haste, and a part of her wanted to taste every possible sensation along the path.

  Pete moved a little lower on her body, gently kneading her breast, finally pressing it into a sharply-topped peak. Jackie moaned as he suckled on her nipple. Oh God, it was so incredible. It was no wonder the girls at school did this with men. She'd been missing it all these years. But, then again, there hadn't been Pete. Pete was special. These were sensations only he could make her feel. And, for the moment, there was only Pete. Pete was the center of her sexual universe.

  He rose to his knees and began to knead the other breast, finally dividing his time between her two turgid nipples. Jackie squirmed and fretted beneath him, and reveled in the heat of his hard erection against her hip.

  "You like that, hm?" It was a pointless question. It was obvious to both of them that she loved the feel of his mouth on her body, but the deep, sexy sound of his voice made some spring in her core tighten further. She was verging on something extraordinary. Whatever it was, it was right there, visible but just out of reach. Maybe it was an orgasm. The girls at school had described them, but Jackie had never felt one. She had not ventured into auto-eroticism simply because she was waiting to have the whole experience with a man she loved.

  Did she love Pete Kaminsky? Was this act a loving one or was it purely lust? Lust was ignoble, to her mind, a human condition, but one that had to be resisted. Still…that's what Pete must feel for her, and he was a good person. If what she felt for him was lust, then it was going to have to be enough because it was overwhelming her. She couldn't sort all her feelings out and separate them from the racing desire in her body.

  Pete pressed her legs apart and knelt between them. The scent of her arousal rose to Jackie's nose and she blushed. Surely he could smell her, too. She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes and saw him smile. It was a slow, sexy smile. A satisfied smile that staked a claim on her body. She gasped with pleasure when he ran his fingers over her mound and through the folds of her pussy. The word stuck in her mind. It was a crude word, but she was feeling highly sexed, randy and wanton. She wanted sex, not pretty words.

  He touched her clit, running a finger around it, spiraling the swollen bud until she squirmed and moaned, raising her hips in encouragement. Finally, he flicked his finger across it and all that pent up sensation raced over her, she couldn't hold it back, didn't want to. Crying out, grabbing at his arms, Jackie came for the first time.

  Panting, moaning softly, she slowly floated back to a dazed sort of consciousness, like down from a burst pillow.

  Pete lowered his body over hers, propping himself up with his arms so his weight wouldn't crush her. "You're beautiful," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her deeply again.

  All she could do was sigh when he raised his head from her. Pete reached over her to a drawer and withdrew a foil wrapper. Within moments he'd rolled a latex glove on his hardness. Jackie wanted to feel him skin-to-skin, but she also knew that some things were more important.

  And then there was a sensation of the bulbous head of his penis against her wet center. He slid it around her waiting sex, gliding it over and through, teasing her. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to feel the joining. The orgasm was stunning, but not enough.

  Finally, she felt him at her entrance. He toyed with her, not giving her what she craved, his eyes roaming over her face hungrily and the scent of him, his heat and excitement, melded with the scent of her own body. It was incredibly potent.

  "Please," she breathed. She was willing to beg. She'd prostrate herself if she had to.

  "You want it to be over so soon?"

  "You're torturing me. Please."

  He grinned and poked a slight way into her only to stiffen and withdraw immediately. "Jackie," he growled, anger making his voice deeper and harsher. "You have something you want to tell me?"

  Why was he angry all of a sudden? Why had he withdrawn? "Please, Pete. Please don't stop."

  He knelt up and away from her. "I can't do this. You're a fuckin' virgin, Jackie. What do you think you're doing?"

  Oh. She moaned with frustration. "I want it. I want it so bad. Please don't tease me. Don't go." Reaching out for him, she tried to pull him back down, but he was stiff and resolute. "Don't you want me?"

  "Oh yes," he said, the angry edge still in his voice. His face was set, jaw hard. "You know I do. But, I don't deflower virgins casually. It's not who I am or how I behave."

  Tears made him blurry as she watched him not only pulling his body away from her, but also his desire. "Please don't do this. I can't be a virgin forever. I don't want to be."

  "You're twenty-two," he pointed out. "You've obviously been holding it in reserve. I thought you and Bud… Well, hell, who cares what I thought."

  "I've been waiting, yes. But I don't want to wait anymore."

  The low sound from his throat both scared and encouraged her. He was frustrated. Maybe he would reconsider.

  "We don't have to be married to do this, Pete. I don't care anymore."

  "I care. I…" He brushed back a lock of dark hair from his brow. "You've been waiting for marriage?"

  It sounded so old-fashioned; she knew it did. Her friends at school laughed at her sentiments. But that was the way she was raised, and no amount of feminism or peer pressure would change the lessons she'd learned from her church and her family. If she admitted it, would Pete laugh at her, too? Would her humiliation be complete? It was incredibly ironic to finally meet a man she wanted to make love with only to find out that the very thing she hoped to gift him with would be rejected. He'd discovered the truth, however, and there was no point in denying it. "Yes, I've been waitin' for marriage."

  His lips tightened, drawing together in a stern line and he stared at her for a long time. "Then we'll get married first."

  Jackie thought maybe she was about to faint. Could you faint lying down? "Huh?"

  "Will you marry me?"

  Whereas her lower body had been fully engaged before, her heart was beating like a kettle drum all of a sudden. "I…um…"

  He rubbed his face. "It's a lunatic idea."

  It was way too good to be true, but there was a hitch. Did she dare ask if he loved her? Wasn't the proposal enough? Other things could be built. And, there was the fact that she wanted him, wanted him enough that she was willing to throw out the moral reservations she'd held through many temptations. There were some things you could wait to know.

  "I'll marry you."

  Pete grew very still. "Why?"

  "B-b-because I lo- want to. Because I think it's the right thin' to do, and that's what I've been tryin' to wait for…for a long time."

  "And yet you're here with me now."

  So true. "Yeah. I have a hard time resistin' you." He looked at her skeptically. "That's good, isn't it? I mean, if we're goin' to get married."

  After a few seconds, he nodded. Jackie noted that his desire for her had flagged as they talked. That didn't seem to be a good sign. She pushed up and reached for his penis, intending to caress it, but he pushed her hands away. "No. We'll wait."

  "Why? I mean, if we're goin' to get married anyway…"

  He arched a dark eyebrow at her and climbed off the bed. "I told you. I don't deflower virgins casually."

  "You'll have to after we're married, Pete."

  "That's different – it won’t be casual then." Reaching for his shorts and pants as he spoke, his voice was calmer, but almost cold. Jackie was suddenly self-conscious of her nudity and the intimacy she'd shared thus far. She scrambled off the bed and found her bra and scrub top; her panties and bottoms were in the kitchen still.

  "If you want to take it back…" The whole idea almost killed her, but she felt like she had to give him an out.


  "Are you mad at me?"

  He looked up from buttoning his shirt. "How's your backside?"

  Jackie gulped. Her rear had been forgotten for a time, but it was still sore. "It hurts."

  Pete's eyes dropped to her legs, but he blinked and turned away. "It'll hurt worse tomorrow after I spank the livin' daylights out of you."

  "But we didn't-"

  "Barely. Under the circumstances, you should have told me. You put me in a terrible position."

  She had, but it had never occurred to her that he'd reject her. The sensation was unpleasant. "I didn't mean to. I didn't think it would matter to you."

  He rounded on her, his voice sharp. "What kind of man do you think I am?"

  Jackie took a step back. "I…I'm sorry. I did wrong. I was wrong."

  "Goddamnit, Jackie Journey. You make me totally crazy." Suddenly, he grabbed her and took her mouth with his. It was not a gentle kiss like the ones before. This one was hungry and demanding. Relieved that she wasn't being totally pushed away, she gave as good as she got. When he broke from her, she was gasping and desire was coursing through her again.

  Pete stepped back and looked her up and down. "I don't want to wait long, Jackie," he told her. "I'm not made of stone."

  All she could do was nod. She wasn't made of stone either.

  Chapter 6

  Yanking a cardigan on as she ran, Jackie hurried out into the early morning sunshine to catch her father before he left. Although the spring sky was cloudless, the morning chill remained and her scrubs weren't much protection against it.


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