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Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5

Page 9

by Green, Patricia

  Being nude was no longer much of a concern for Jackie. Her primary consideration was the raging fire on her bottom. As she padded toward Pete, she ran her hands over her backside. There were faint weals striping her round cheeks. No skin was broken, however. She'd have given anything for a mirror, and apparently it showed on her tear-stained face.

  "I would imagine it feels worse than it looks, miłość."

  She snuggled into his lap, though the contact hurt mightily. "Ouch!"

  Pete brushed tears off her cheeks gently and pressed her head against his chest. "You gonna be a good girl, Jackie?"

  She nodded.

  "I think we'll keep that switch in the bedroom. A reminder isn't a bad idea."

  Breaking into new tears and sobs, Jackie let go for a few minutes. Things had moved along so fast. Graduation, coming back home, getting a job, deciding to have sex, getting engaged… it was overwhelming. But Pete was there, his strong arms wrapped around her, whispering in her ear. He was speaking a language she didn't recognize, but he said miłość several times. She had to remember to ask him what that meant. Later.

  She cried until she lay exhausted on Pete's chest, tears over and done with.

  It was a Tuesday, and Jackie's agreement with the priest had been to meet with him every working day but Wednesdays. Somehow, Jackie had to get off Pete's lap and get them moving toward the church.

  She spoke into Pete's chest and he tilted her chin up until their eyes met. "Hm?"

  "Father Roskovy is gonna be expectin' us. We ought to get goin'."

  "Okay." He helped her off his lap and stood. There was a hard lump in the front of his pants and she stared at it for a moment. "I'm only human," he said, adjusting his trousers. "Having a naked woman on my lap is hard to ignore."

  She looked away, face hot. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…I mean…I didn't mean to stare."

  He closed the distance between them and cupped her cheek in his big hand. "You can stare, you can touch, you can lick, you can suck, you can welcome me into you. What I have is yours, Jackie."

  Closing her eyes, her head swam with a combination of embarrassment and desire. Sometimes, he did the most irresistible things. Her middle was whirling. The idea that they were going to have sex in three weeks, after she'd waited a lifetime, was awesome. That amazing wetness started between her legs. She wondered briefly if she could reach a wonderful orgasm again by hearing him say sexy things alone.

  Inadequate though she felt the words to be, all she could think of to say to him was, "Me, too."

  He smiled and kissed her. It was a tender kiss, searching, coaxing her to open to him and encouraging her to kiss him back. Jackie wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the freedom of her nakedness against his clothed body. She was like a sleek cat, rubbing herself against her master. The lump in his pants got bigger and harder; she felt it strongly against her belly.

  With a small moan, Pete deepened their kiss, his hands moving from the small of her back down to her bottom. The pain was immediate and Jackie flinched and pulled her mouth away.

  "Ah," he said. "Sorry. You might be a little uncomfortable sitting for a day or so."

  Jackie's pout formed, and she wanted a little retribution so she rubbed her tummy against his erection suggestively. "You're a stern taskmaster, Dr. Kaminsky."

  He laughed and kissed her on the nose, then stepped back from her. "Don't you forget it." Pete moved a pace away and turned back. "I meant what I said, Jackie. If you misbehave, I'll spank you again."

  "Will you cuddle with me, too?"

  "Anytime you like, spanking or no."

  So long as the spanking wasn't required for the cuddling, it seemed like a good arrangement. She'd try to be better behaved in the future. And she wouldn't burn the switch, no matter how much she wanted to. Who knew what he'd get to replace it?

  Chapter 7

  On Wednesday, Jackie hurried home from work early. She'd invited Pete to dinner with her family and it both excited her and filled her with dread. Leo would be there, along with Ace, Gabby and their indomitable housekeeper, Consuelo. It wasn't the first time she'd had a date to dinner, but it was by far the most important occasion.

  As she set the table, she had a pleasant conversation with Consuelo about the first marriage counseling session with their priest. It had gone well, the first meeting consisting primarily of Pete giving the particulars of his church upbringing and filling out some forms so that Father Roskovy could get his church records from Lubbock. Jackie hoped every session would be as easygoing and light, but she knew they'd eventually get into areas that made everyone uncomfortable. Father Roskovy had his agenda, and genial as he was, he wasn't going to go too far off-track. But she was willing to make compromises and had the impression that Pete would, too.

  "Just think, niña, someday soon you'll be setting the table in your new home for your new husband," Consuelo said with a smile as she stirred molé sauce.

  Jackie grinned. Yes, that was going to be a wonderful thing, a dream come true. "I know. I can hardly wait."

  "Be patient," Consuelo advised. "Enjoy preparing for your wedding. It'll be a special day."

  "You'll come with me shopping for a dress this weekend, won't you?"

  "You might want to shop only for fabric, though. My sister, Marguerita can easily make you a very beautiful dress. Now that she's widowed, she has plenty of time."

  Sobering somewhat at the reminder of Consuelo's family grief, Jackie was still excited by the prospect of having a wedding dress made for her. Her mama's gown hadn't been preserved well and was yellowed and somewhat tattered. "I would love that, Connie. Thank you."

  The older woman nodded brusquely. "It's settled. I'll ask Marguerita to join us for the trip. She'll have all sorts of advice. I know you can sew," she added, acknowledging one of Jackie's accomplishments, "but Maggie will have lots of ideas to add."

  Jackie knew she'd make a mess of a real wedding gown. She could sew simple things and a few items of clothing, but fine tailoring was still beyond her. She'd been concentrating on getting through college and fun stuff like sewing had been put on the back-burner. "Oh, I agree." She picked out the best colorful napkins from a kitchen drawer and laid them around the table. "Do you think it's okay that we're having this dinner in here rather than in the dining room?"

  "Of course! We haven't used that dining room since last Christmas. The kitchen has always been where the Journeys gather. Pete needs to get used to it."

  Nodding, Jackie tried not to let nerves overwhelm her. It was just dinner. There wouldn't be a brawl, no matter how tense it got.

  Ace wandered into the kitchen and stole a carrot, munching it loudly as he watched the preparations going on. "We havin' the governor to dinner?"

  "Ace!" Jackie scolded. "This is important. I hope you'll be nice."

  "'Course I'll be nice. I was nice the other night, wasn't I? I could have popped him one in the nose, but I didn't."

  No, he hadn't, but it had been a close thing. "Please don't embarrass me."

  He snorted. "Is he a wimp that needs his woman to defend him?"

  "No!" Ace was right; Pete could defend himself. "I want things to go okay, that's all. You and Daddy are gonna try to test him." She waggled a finger at him. "Don't try to tell me you won't."

  A big, shit-eating grin stole over Ace's handsome face. "I can't deny those are my intentions."

  Consuelo spoke up. "Out of the kitchen, hombre. You'll make the molé separate with all your hot air."

  "Hmph," he said, his smile remaining. "Where's Gabby? I thought she'd be here helpin'."

  "She's still out back working with Georgia Willoughby's pet pig," Jackie answered.

  "That is the most hare-brained idea I ever heard tell," Ace opined. "A pet pig. And a scrawny little runt it is, too."

  "He's supposed to be small," Jackie pointed out.

  Ace grabbed another carrot and headed toward the back door and his wife, deftly avoiding getting swatted by Consuelo in the proc
ess. "I know, but it seems unnatural, when you consider how powerful and majestic a wild boar is. That pigs have been reduced to the equivalent of a toy poodle is plumb heartbreakin'. " He called over his shoulder as the screen door slammed behind him. "Y'all hold some of that flan back for a midnight snack now, y'hear?"

  "Fuera!" Consuelo called back, her voice stern but affectionate.

  * * *

  Ace found his wife handing the pig's leash over to Georgia Willoughby and approached with a smile for the two women. Gabby was remarkably talented with animals and her pet training business kept her busy as a flea in a roomful of hounds. "Hey there, Georgia." The woman offered him a weak handshake and a giggle. She'd had a crush on him in high school and, though it was unrequited, she still acted partial to him. So many years later, and lifetime neighbors, he'd pretty much gotten used to it.

  He gave Gabby a squeeze and a kiss on the forehead. "Sweetheart. How's it goin'?"

  "Done here," his wife said with a soft smile. She looked at Georgia. "Oscar should be better about sitting on command now, Georgia. And remember that treats can be small. You don't have to give him a whole apple to reward him for being a good pig."

  Georgia's eyes were glued to Ace, but she answered cordially enough. "Thank you, Gabby. I won't forget. Y'all comin' to the church picnic next week? I'm making my best blackberry tarts."

  "Mmm," Ace responded politely. Georgia's blackberry tarts were always rather sour, but everyone pretended they were fabulous. "We have a weddin' to plan for. Don't know what that'll entail. My li'l sister has her mind made up to have a big to-do. The picnic is right up there on our social calendar though."

  Georgia giggled again, apparently reluctant to leave. Ace began to walk toward her little pickup truck, encouraging her on her way.

  "You need help loadin' that critter in your truck, Georgia?"

  "No, thanks, Ace-honey. I got it all set for my li'l boy."

  Ace nearly sighed aloud as Georgia loaded up her pig and got behind the wheel. "I'll see you next week!" she called through the open window.

  Smiling and nodding, both Ace and Gabby waved at her as she drove down the driveway.

  "That woman is mighty silly," Ace told his wife as he nuzzled her hair. She smelled like peaches again. How she did that, he didn't know. Pulling her up against his body, he whispered in her ear. "Mrs. Journey, I believe you and me have a date under the pecan trees before dinner."

  Gabby's voice was a little breathless as she answered him. "We do?"

  He kissed her deeply. Although they weren't exactly newlyweds anymore, he was spellbound by her still. The taste and smell of her, the way she spoke, her little bouts of brattiness, and, damn if she wasn't always making his cock stand at attention. Her small, round body completely enthralled him. Holding her close like this, all he wanted to do was bury himself deep in her. He didn't much care where, when or how, either.

  As their kiss lightened, he confirmed his plan with her. "We'll pick us up a saddle blanket in the stable on our way out to the grove. I thought we'd find that little spot by the creek where we laid down last week."

  Her face flushed sweetly at his reminder of their moonlight tryst. Ace nuzzled her neck and enticed her a little more. "I plan to strip you naked and taste your sweet peach nectar, li'l girl."

  She groaned and tilted her head, encouraging his kisses on her throat. "Yes. Yes, Ace."

  Slowly, he relinquished his hold on her, then stepped back, adjusting his jeans. Damn but she affected him mightily. He was hard and ready. Too bad they were out in the yard where ranch hands and kin alike would have a free peep show. Ace took her hand and hurried her along.

  They picked up the blanket, the softest one they could find, and meandered through the pecan grove a quarter mile beyond the stable. The evening sun was shining not too far above the horizon, and the birds were gathering themselves to settle in for the night, chirping their goodnights sleepily. The pecan trees smelled woodsy and fresh, with the promise of a healthy crop come fall.

  Ace loved the grove, the dappled shade of the huge trees, the sound of the creek at the far end, the smell of the leaves and frenetic twitters of the birds. But most of all, he loved sharing it with Gabby. Her city upbringing made everything in his world a new experience and gave him fresh eyes to see things through. Living on the ranch was his way and his joy, but Gabby's delight at the fireflies in July were a treat to his senses. When she saw a fish in the creek, her eyes would light up like a child at his first pony. It made his heart stop. There were times he thought he was a crazy fool for being so in love with his wife.

  He'd waited so long to find her, though, and he wanted to savor every moment they had together like a miser with his stash of gold. She was eighteen years younger than he and eighteen years less mature, but Ace knew he wouldn't have been ready for her if they were the same age. At twenty-two, he'd been wild for bull riding and that was all he could think about. Women were easy to find when you were in the prize money, and a lot less plentiful when you weren't. Those kind of encounters lost their luster pretty quick. He had his college degree and the world was his own personal rodeo, every bull a challenge, every stop on the tour a grind he wouldn't have given up for anything.

  He broke bones. He had a concussion. He won. He lost. But deep in his heart, he knew that the ranch was always there for him. His father made it clear that he had a place when he was ready to settle down.

  Eventually, one ruined knee later, he was back on the ranch. He still rode bulls, so he hadn't left that life forever. The bulls were stock for the rodeos, though, and the only prizes he'd earn now were his own sense of satisfaction and confidence. When Gabby had come along, his world had opened up like a fresh-baked pie. He hadn't even known what he was missing before.

  The creek was high in its banks with the spring runoff and made a vigorous shushing sound as it swiftly passed. Ace found the spot he and Gabby had shared the week previous and laid the heavy blanket down on the ground before turning to his woman.

  "Get them clothes off, li'l girl, or I'm gonna have to tear 'em all to shreds and fight the fellas that stare at you as I carry you home naked."

  She laughed lightly and started shucking her t-shirt and jeans. Soon she was clad only in her lace bra and panties, and she gave Ace an alluring smile and ran her hands up her flanks and over her breasts, pushing them together to deepen her cleavage.

  "That where you want me to fuck you?" he asked, knowing the a little crude talk always made her more wet.

  She nodded and kneaded her breasts. "Yes," she breathed. "I want you to come on my face."

  Jesus, he'd come in his pants if he didn't get down to business pretty soon! His answer was a low growl and the quick removal of his lower clothes. His cock was throbbing, pointed straight up at his belly like he was twenty years old. What she did to him was shattering.

  "Take off the rest and lie down, li'l girl. I'm about to come a callin'."

  Giggling, she did as he'd bid and waited, all soft limbs and rounded hips and breasts. Gabby teased her nipples, drawing them up and adding a slight twist as she did. Her look got intense, her gaze totally focused on him as she licked her pretty lips.

  Ace didn't want to ravish her, he wanted to take his time, but, just the same, he was hot as a stallion for a mare and the hour was growing late. He'd have to spend more time with her later, when they were alone in their suite. Any regret for the necessary haste was soon lost as he straddled his wife's thighs and leaned over to lick the nipples she offered so prettily. When she moaned softly, he rubbed his erection along her thighs and up toward her lightly furred mound. As he licked and sucked at her ripe buds, she rubbed her hands over and under his shirt. He knew she loved the hard muscles he'd built up over the years and it made him thankful that he earned them honestly with hard work and sweat.

  She tweaked his nipples and he groaned with pent up need. Moving up on her body, he offered his thick cock to her. "Wet me down good, darlin'."

  "Yes, sir." Her litt
le tongue went right to work, her lips sucking him in and sliding up and down him the way she knew he liked it. She wasn't all serious business though, and playfully nipped at the tender head of his dick.

  "Ow! Mind your manners, li'l girl. I'll take you over my knee if you don't."

  "I reckon you'll have to, cowboy," she said, her tongue making one more long trip toward his sensitive head where she nipped him again.

  "Damn, Gabby. You know better." He'd have to take her to task, but he had other, more urgent needs first. "Push your titties tight, Gabby. I'm gonna give you what you asked for, and then I'm gonna give you what you deserve."

  "Mmmm," was her answer as he slid into place, his slippery cock nestled in her cleavage.

  He had no words, no pretty speeches, all he had was driving need and a willing woman to share it with. He rocked atop her, reaching down to tweak her nipples as she offered her ripe breasts and pressed them around him like a pair of royal pillows. With every tweak of his fingers, she panted a little more, her eyes closing as the sweet pressure of longing built within her, too. There was rapture in the flush of her cheeks and the flare of her nostrils. He could hear it in her sighs and moans. Ace knew if he reached behind him and fingered her, she'd be wet as a bubble bath and twice as slippery. He kept up his pumping between her breasts, picking up the pace.

  The sensation was wonderful. Every sexy thing they did together satisfied him. She hadn't been a virgin when they got together, but her experience had been so limited that he'd had to teach her most of what she knew. That was fine with him. He knew what he liked, and she had a way of encouraging him to explore her body that was all Madonna and whore at the same time. Gabby was comfortable with her growing sexuality and it completely enraptured him.

  "Mmm-hmm," he told her as he fingered her nipples.

  "Harder," she said on a moan.

  "You want it like this?" He tweaked her turgid peaks a little roughly.


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