Home > Other > SCARRED > Page 7

by Price, Faith

  He had driven past Ted’s now-smoldering house. He had to smile at the genius mind of Abidemi. At least Ted would never be able to hurt Serene or any other woman again.

  Lawson sighed and frowned as the hotel came into view. Why did life have to be so complicated? He knew what he was going to have to do, but it was so unfair. He had rolled it over in his mind a thousand times. Why couldn’t he and Serene be together, get married, have a full and happy life? Because, it would be the most unfair thing in the world to her. Lawson’s thoughts always got the better of him at this point. He had done all he could for Serene. She had a new lease on life.

  * * * *

  When Lawson opened the door the blinds were closed to the setting sun and scented candles were placed all over the room. The smell was like roses. Lawson breathed in deeply and glanced down the hallway. From the flickering light on the walls, he could tell there were candles not only in the Serene’s bedroom, but the bathroom as well. He could hear the faint sound of music and followed it to her bedroom door. The reaction was immediate. He could feel his scrotum tighten and his penis become hard as soon as he looked at her.

  She was lying on her back with her black hair spread out around her head. She wore a short see-through night gown of fuchsia with matching stockings that ended mid -thigh. She was no longer childlike. Instead she was grown woman with full breasts and delicious curves.

  Lawson didn’t want to say anything. He was afraid the spell would be broken. Instead he walked to the edge of the bed and unbuttoned his pants, keeping his eyes on her.

  Serene rose to her knees and met him at the edge of the bed. Her fingers traced patterns on his thighs as he allowed his pants and underwear to fall to the floor. She reached up and kissed him hard on the mouth before dropping onto her hands and taking his large cock into her mouth.

  Lawson let his head fall backwards as a moan escaped his lips. Serene had never taken control like this before, and he sorely regretted not encouraging it sooner.

  She continued to stroke him as her tongue whipped fire over the head of his penis. Before he could stop himself, he came in her mouth with a shudder, watching in amazement as she swallowed every drop.

  Serene wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and got off the bed. She had lit seven candles in the room; one for each month they had been together. She found it ironic that she had spent seven miserable months at Ted’s, and seven wonderful months with Lawson. Tonight would either make seven her lucky number or her curse. She began blowing them out.

  “Leave one lit.”

  Serene was surprised, but didn’t say anything. Full darkness was all she had known with Lawson. To show she still understood, she left the smallest one lit and placed it on the opposite side of the room.

  Lawson had gotten onto the bed and was lying on his back. His shirt was unbuttoned, exposing the wife beater underneath. Serene straddled his middle and looked down at the same kinds of scars across the top part of his chest that were on his hands. She didn’t comment and simply kissed them gently.

  Lawson pushed her upright and pulled the negligee over her head. He liked the feel of her bare skin, but he equally enjoyed the contrast as he ran his hands down her sides, and then along the stockings on her legs. He suckled each breast and Serene began to move rhythmically on his already hardening cock. She crouched on her feet and hovered over him. She looked him in the eye as she dropped down fast on his full length; quickly coming off her feet and onto her knees. Lawson grabbed her by both hips and slammed into her harder and harder until Serene laid across his chest and whispered for him to slow down.

  He flipped her over and made love to her more gently, moving with her and holding her tightly against his chest as she climaxed. They spent several hours just holding each other without saying a word. Serene fell asleep with tears falling from her eyes because she knew this was what goodbye felt like.

  * * * *

  She wasn’t surprised when she awoke the next morning and found the note and rose lying on her pillow. She sat for a long time hugging her knees to her chest just staring at them. She finally reached for them with a shaky hand. The handwriting was the familiar neat script that she had admired since the first time that she had seen it. Serene unfolded the thick paper and began to read.

  My Dearest Serene,

  You are probably cursing my name right now. Or maybe you are relieved. I know this seems unfair. I feel it’s unfair. I wanted to give you something, Serene, something you had never had, which was a shot at life. With that being said, you will need to see my attorney Mike Reid. I have gifted you some things, and he will help you sort it all out. I have also left a check and car keys in the top drawer of the dresser there in the room with you.

  This has been the happiest time I have had since my wife and I were first married. I do love you, Serene, but I know it wouldn’t be fair to you to be shackled to someone like me for the rest of your life. Eventually you would resent me. Start a new life for yourself. Prosper. Forget me.


  Serene stood slowly and walked to the dresser. She opened the top drawer and found a check lying face down just like he had said. She flipped it over and looked at it with unbelieving eyes. She stumbled backwards and plopped down on the foot of the bed. The check was for one million dollars exactly.

  * * * *

  Serene didn’t have anyone to call. The only person she knew to call was Rita.

  Rita sat on the bed patting her back, letting Serene cry it out. Rita liked this young woman, and was sorry this was the circumstance for their first get together. But after two husbands, Rita completely understood heartbreak.

  “I was sure the candles and that negligee would do the trick.”

  “Me…too.” Serene shuddered.

  “But a million dollars! He must really love you, or you are Aphrodite in disguise.”

  Serene sat up and blew her nose. “There’s nothing special about me! I don’t want his money!”

  “And why not?”

  Serene looked in the mirror and locked eyes with her new friend. “If it means not having him, then let me be poor forever.”

  * * * *

  Serene spent the rest of the day in and out of sleep and tears. Rita came back after her boutique closed and offered her a job.

  “I know you don’t need the money, but you do need the time.” She sat at the small table beside the kitchenette and lit an impossibly long cigarette. Everything Rita did looked polished, even lighting her cigarette. “All I’m saying is give yourself time to think. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself won’t bring your man back. See the lawyer and decide later.”

  Serene hugged her arms around her middle and stared out of the balcony doors into the city beyond. Lights twinkled and millions of people moved around. How would she find a man bent on anonymity in all of that?

  * * * *

  Serene went straight to the Mike Reid’s office the next morning. Rita gave her a sapphire blue pants suit to wear with matching pumps. She told her she needed to look professional and sure of herself. To make the outfit, Rita clasped a faux strand of pearls around her neck that looked just as good as the real thing.

  Serene stepped into the office and looked at the secretary with cold eyes. As far as she was concerned this woman also helped Lawson disappear from her life.

  “May I help you?” Her green eyes regarded Serene just as coolly as she scanned her from head to toe. Serene hoped she looked like money, after all she was money now.

  “I’m here to see Mr. Reid.”

  The dismissive tone was already in the secretary’s voice. “Do you have an appointment?”

  “He’ll know who I am.”

  The green eyes flashed in momentary amusement. Perhaps her words could have been chosen more carefully. This woman had probably heard the exact line from multiple women.

  Serene leaned over the desk and smiled brightly. “Just announce me.”

  “Mr. Reid’s in court.”

  Serene move
d her face a few inches closer. “Bull shit.”

  The double doors across the waiting room swung inward and Mike Reid stepped out. Serene raised an eyebrow to the secretary and smirked before standing straight. “Mr. Reid?” Serene said as she extended her hand.

  The man looked like he was cut from the same fabric as some of the mobsters he represented. His grin was the fakest Serene had ever seen, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was that he was a means to an end; he would lead her to Lawson.

  “You must be Serene Mitchell.” He said and shook her outstretched hand.

  Serene turned just enough to smile sweetly at the fuming secretary. She obviously handled being proved wrong poorly. “Yes, I am.”

  Mike stood to the side and held an arm out towards his office. “Please, come right in.”

  The office was plusher and more extravagant than his waiting area. It was also double in size. There was a conference table in a room adjacent and what looked like a full size bathroom beside it. The main part of his office had a couch, three chairs and his huge desk.

  Serene sat in the high-backed winged leather chair that was directly across from his desk. She pulled the check from her purse and slid it across the dark wood with one push of her finger.

  “Mr. Reid, I…”

  He held up his hand and shook his head. The plastic smile was still there. All he was missing in Serene’s opinion was a gold tooth.

  “Please, call me Mike.”

  She nodded curtly before continuing. “All right, Mike, I understand you have some information here for me.”

  “I do.” He held the check between his thumb and forefinger, one on each end and whistled softly. “That is quite a bit of money. You must have been one sweet piece of ass.”

  Serene’s eyes narrowed and she stood, snatching the check from his fingertips. “How well do you know Lawson, Mike?”

  He leaned back in his chair and regarded her with interest. She wasn’t what he had expected at all. “I’ve known Lawson for fifteen years. We met right after he finished law school.”

  “Then how dare you assume this is payment for a sweet piece of ass! You have no idea what transpired between us.”

  “True,” He said and leaned forward clasping his hands together over the desk. “But I do know that he initially bought you for sexual reasons.”

  Serene took her seat again and daintily crossed her legs. “Yes, he did buy me, but as he put it the sex was secondary to our arrangement.”

  Mike’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh? And what was primary?”

  Serene swallowed and covertly blew air slowly through her barely parted lips. “The companionship. He saved my life, and now I want to find him.”

  Mike shook his head. This was also a shocker. He was sure the bimbo would waltz into his office and demand everything that was hers plus some. “I’m sorry, Serene, but that’s impossible.”


  “He doesn’t want to be found.”

  She knew she would not be able to hold the tears for much longer. Swallowing again, she slid the check back to him. “I have the money; as you can see. I will give you twenty percent if you help me find him.”

  Mike saw the tears welling up in her perfect blue eyes and he felt sorry for her, but a promise is a promise, even amongst thieves. Wow, the kid is actually in love with him.

  “Look, Hon, we have a lot to look over, so let’s just start there.” He could see the frustration and disappointment in her face. “Lawson wants you to have a new life. He wants you to have a truly good life.” Mike pretended to not notice as a tear escaped. She wiped it away quickly. He opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a manila folder.

  “Ok, so the house you stayed in is now yours.” He slid the deed of the house to her, and watched her eyes grow large.


  “Mmmhmm, oh and don’t worry, the unfortunate vandalism is all cleaned up. As a matter of fact, the cleaning and painting crews should be vacated by this afternoon. Taxes have been paid for the year, and will continue to be handled through this office every year. Here are your house keys.”

  Serene watched as he dangled the keys in front of her. It felt like her hand was moving in slow motion as she slowly took them from him.

  “The car you’re driving is now yours. Here is the brand new DMV issued title and registration. Lawson took the liberty of paying the personal property tax on that as well for the year.” He paused just long enough to flash his phony grin. “And of course that yearly bill will be handled here as well.”

  Serene was overcome by all of it. It was like winning the lottery, but the one person she would want to share it with was gone. “What if I refuse all of this?”

  Mike shrugged and looked at her hard. “Then you would be a fool.” He leaned back in his chair again and pinched between his eyes. “Look, take the gifts, take the money, and get on with your life.”

  Serene had had enough. She stood and slapped her palms on the desk in front of him. “Get on with my life? Do you have any idea what he pulled me out of?”

  “I know it was bad.” He replied quietly.

  “Bad? Try hell! I was so weak, and all I cared about was not having too many ‘dates’ and not getting my face smashed in. I’m still alive because of Lawson! I was literally dying when he found me, and now I’m healthy, groomed, and an actual lady.” Serene sat back down heavily. Her posture was slumped and she felt defeated. She closed her eyes for a moment before focusing on Mike again. “When I was a little girl my Daddy would beat me. I dreamed of becoming a fine lady after my prince charming rescued me. It took him a while, but he did finally come.”

  Mike steepled his finger tips and watched the woman carefully place the things he had given her in her handbag. Lawson would die alone and bitter, he knew this, and he didn’t want that for his friend. He would have to choose his words carefully.

  “Serene, what do you know about Lawson?”

  She looked at him warily. “I know he was a criminal lawyer and I know he was once married, but she died.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Do you know why he wears the mask?”

  This was one of the moments Mike knew for certain he would have to choose his words carefully. “He has his reasons.”

  “Ted came to the house one night and I heard them arguing. When it was over, I could see Lawson putting the mask back on, but he wouldn’t explain to me why I could never see him without it.”

  Mike tried to make his face neutral instead of blank. He had no idea what she was talking about. “Well, Serene, maybe it was because he knew the two of you wouldn’t be in the arrangement forever and wanted to remain partially…”

  “Anonymous.” She finished for him with a weary voice. “Of all the words in the English language, I believe I hate that one the most.”

  Mike gave her a real smile. It was rare for him, and even he recognized the difference in his face. She was something else. Why would Lawson want to throw her away? The thought hit him like a ton of bricks. He doesn’t think he deserves her, and he’s attempted to hide from her why he thinks this.

  “Let’s go down to the bank. Rothschild Trust. They’re familiar with Lawson, so it will be easy to open an account and get your check taken care of.”

  “Will there be taxes on that too?”

  Mike slid his arms into his overcoat. “There’s always taxes, sweetheart.”

  * * * *

  The bank was old and only had two other branches. Serene thought it was a grand building with its massive ceilings and marble floors. It was one of those places that made a person immediately think of wealth. Not just money, but true blue blood old money.

  It was rumored that Rothschild Trust was owned by the mob, and because of that reason, money was safer there than in any other bank. Serene secretly hoped that it was true. How fitting for her situation.

  Serene and Mike were ushered into the bank president’s office and he handled their request personally. Something of th
is magnitude always went to him; or so he had said.

  “Now, Miss Mitchell, would you like information about investments of any sort?”

  “No, thank you. I want to open a checking with two hundred grand, a savings with the same, and I would like the rest in cash; whatever is left after the IRS takes their cut, that is.”

  The man laughed nervously and looked to Mike for help. Mike shrugged and smiled back. “Give her what she wants.”

  “Miss, I would caution you about having that much cash on you. Perhaps you would like to deposit more?”

  “No, I want it exactly like I said.” Serene would definitely be unrecognizable to anyone that knew her prior to Lawson. Her new assuredness was still surprising to her, especially when it manifested as words leaving her lips.

  “If I may be so bold…”

  “No, you may not.” Serene heard Mike make a noise similar to a snicker, but she didn’t look to find out. “If you want to know what I plan to do with the money, it’s going to be used to search for the man I love.”

  Mike watched a delighted smile cross the man’s features and it occurred to him that this balding, middle-aged man might be looking for a man to love himself. He had to cover his outright laughter with a phony cough as the bank manager literally batted his eyelashes and said, “How romantic!”

  “Yes, well, shouldn’t we get right down to business?”

  “Oh, yes, of course.” He said and practically shook himself out of his daydream.

  Mike watched Serene and was impressed with her. He didn’t know how she was before Lawson, but it couldn’t have been the commandeering yet enchanting creature sitting beside him. He couldn’t believe this woman was the same one he saw sick in bed a month ago. By the time they were finished, not only had Serene gotten everything she wanted, but she had also convinced the man to count out her money personally so no one else had to know what she was walking out with.


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