Home > Other > SCARRED > Page 8

by Price, Faith

  * * * *

  “You are quite the little fighter.” Mike said as he helped her into his car. Serene waited for him to cross and get in the driver’s side before responding.

  “I have to be tough now. I’m on my own.”

  Mike watched her for a moment and started the car. “Let me buy you an early dinner.”

  “It’s only two o’clock.”

  “Ok, let me buy you lunch.”

  Serene chewed on her bottom lip and quickly stopped. That was a nervous habit of the old Serene, not the strong new one. She turned her head and tried to smile as graciously as she could. “Thanks, Mike, but I need to go back and get my car. I really need to get out to the house and check everything out.”

  “Come on, it’s just lunch. I bet you haven’t eaten all day.”

  The slight rumble in Serene’s stomach confirmed it. She really hadn’t eaten anything in more than a day. “Ok, just for a little while.”

  “I know just the place, little lady.”

  Serene was shocked that a man as slick as Mike was would take anyone to a pizza parlor for lunch. He ordered them a large house special that had just about every topping imaginable except for the anchovies. The place was small, loud, and completely Greek. Even the music playing was Mediterranean. The pizza was phenomenal. Serene was helping herself to a second slice when Mike asked her how she had met Lawson in the first place.

  “I was living with this guy named Ted Roberts. He pimped me out sometimes. Lawson just showed up one night and bought me.”

  “Ted, huh?”

  Serene pulled cheese with her teeth and nodded her head. Lawson had never covered the proper etiquette for pizza eating, so she just ate it like she always had.

  “You won’t have to worry about him any longer.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “His house burned down two nights ago, with him in it, apparently.”

  Serene remembered how late Lawson had come back to the hotel two nights ago. She knew he operated with two faces. One was the Lawson that was so kind, and the other was a hardened criminal. She had no doubt Lawson had something to do with it. Somehow, it made her love him more.

  Mike noticed the change in her expression. “Look, Lawson’s out of the game now. He won’t be employing people like Ted any longer.”

  Serene watched a little boy begging his mom for a quarter, so he could try and play the ancient arcade game in the back of the restaurant. He was cute with curly brown hair and pudgy features. She wondered if she would ever have a child. She hoped it would be a boy, if she did. Girls were too fragile. They could be hurt in sick ways.

  She crossed her arms over the table and turned her eyes back to Mike. “And why is that?”

  “I told you. He’s out of the game. I’m his personal attorney. You’re the reason he wants out.”


  Mike wiped his mouth and tossed the paper napkin on the table. “He sees that type of lifestyle as the catalyst to what put you in the situation you were in.”

  “My father is the real reason I was in that situation.”

  “Did your father drink?”


  “Did he smoke dope?”


  “Did he use any harder drugs?”

  Serene lowered her eyes. “He was a heroin addict.”

  Mike had helped countless criminals beat the system and walk free when they should have gone to prison, and in a couple of instances, should have been put to death. Until that very moment he had never considered the collateral damage.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Why?” she said lifting her eyes again. “You didn’t do any of it.”

  Mike wished that were true. Hell, he had probably defended Ted Roberts before. In fact, he was sure he had. He knew this moment of remorse wasn’t lasting, but right then, it was eating him up. If he didn’t love the insane amounts of money so much, he might give it all up for someone like Serene.

  “You really are beautiful.”

  Serene smiled lightly. “Thank you.” She knew there was an attraction happening, but it didn’t matter. Soon Mike would drop her off at her car in front of his office, and she would drive to her home and begin the efforts to find Lawson.

  “I would like to take you somewhere nice sometime for dinner; maybe a little dancing, too?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Mike hid the disappointment well. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  * * * *

  Serene dreaded the first moment she would open the door to the house. It would be the first time she opened it and Lawson wasn’t going to be there. He wasn’t coming on Friday night, and he wasn’t coming back for a quick dinner. The first thing that hit her was the smell of fresh paint. She looked around the living room and saw that the walls had gone back to the original color, but the couch and loveseat had been replaced with new ones.

  The coloring was a little off, but Serene liked it better anyway. She walked through the dining room and kitchen and realized that Lawson had left everything for her. He hadn’t taken anything. Mike had told her that the property tax would be handled through his office. She hadn’t asked, but she was pretty sure she would never see electric, water or car insurance bills, either. She was truly independently wealthy.

  Serene turned around in a circle and surveyed her surroundings. What to do? The other bedroom flashed through her mind. The one that Lawson kept locked. Well, it was her bedroom now, and she had a right to see it. She walked purposefully down the hall and stood in front of the door. She thought she could smell a whiff of Lawson’s cologne, but she knew it was a trick of the mind. He wasn’t here.

  She turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. There was nothing in the room except a stripped bed and the closed drapes. Black drapes. There was only a sliver of light coming in from around them, and Serene knew, without looking, that there would be black blinds under them as well. Lawson liked his darkness. Was this where he brought the others?

  Serene turned on the closet light and opened the accordion style door. She didn’t see any clothes hanging inside, or anything sitting on the floor. She left the light on and closed the door. Slices of light touched the floor and gave the room an amber hue. Serene sat on the bed grabbing one of the pillows and pulling it to her nose. She could smell traces of his cologne. A sob tore from her throat and she lay on the bed until her spent tears sent her to sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning Serene awakened to a pounding on her front door, and the phone ringing at the same time. She heard the answering machine click on and Rita’s smooth voice told her that she was just checking on her, and asked if she wanted to get together for dinner. The front door was being pounded on again, and she barked out, “I’m coming!” so they would stop.

  She unlocked the dead bolt and swung the door open angrily. Mike Reid stood on the porch with a brown bag and a small bouquet of flowers. Serene knew she looked terrible. Her skin always blotched and became puffy when she cried like that, but she didn’t care. What did it matter what Mike Reid thought of her?

  “What are you doing here, Mike?”

  “Whoa! I’m guessing you’re not a morning person?” he said and shoved the flowers under her nose. He slid past her and looked around the kitchen and dining room, nodding approvingly. “They did an excellent job.”

  “Yeah, fabulous.” She said and kicked the door closed. “What time is it?”

  “Around nine.” Mike held the bag out to her. “Have you brewed coffee yet? I brought bagels and cream cheese.

  Serene glared at him. What was it with men bringing gifts of food? She decided that her behavior was bordering on rude, and went for a different approach. “That was very thoughtful of you, Mike, but you really should have called first.”

  He watched her shuffle into the kitchen knowing she had been crying. Her clothes held that rumpled, slept-in look. He sighed because he also knew this conquest would prove d
ifficult. However difficult was his specialty in the court room; why not here as well?

  He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat on one of the bar stools by the island. He watched her spooning coffee into the filter with enough force to send a few grains jumping back out.

  “I just wanted to check on you. I’m sure it was tough for you last night.”

  “Why?” she asked without turning around. “I’ve been in the house overnight alone before.”

  “Maybe so, but this was the first time since all of this became yours.”

  Serene turned around and regarded him coolly. He potentially could be here, as one of Lawson’s friends, to check on her; or he could be here trying to get into her pants. She was convinced of the latter. Mike was an attractive man. The thinning hair that he attempted to hide was amusing and typical of middle-aged men of power. She liked older men, but he had to be at least twice her age.

  “Mike, how old is Lawson?”

  She watched some of his good humor leave his eyes, but the plastic smile didn’t falter. “I believe he’s about thirty five.”

  “How long has his wife been dead?”

  There it was, the slight drop of the plastic smile. Good thing she was watching closely because it was minute in detail.

  “You really need to find a hobby, Serene. Obsessing over an ex is a little psychotic.”

  The coffee pot let off a low beeping sound indicating the coffee was done. She didn’t move to grab it; instead she folded her arms in front of her chest and glared at Mike all over again.

  He held his hands up near his chest palms forward. “Ok. That was out of line. I’m sorry.”

  Serene looked hard for fake facial expression, but he seemed legitimate with his apology. She turned away and opened the cabinet to pull two mugs down. She wanted Mike to leave, but she wanted him to stay. In all honesty she just didn’t want to be alone. Mike’s voice spoke quietly from behind her.

  “She died six years ago.”

  Serene closed her eyes clutching a mug tightly in her hands. “Was she nice?”


  Serene smiled a little. She was glad. Lawson should always have someone nice. “What did she look like?”

  Mike cleared his throat and spoke too clearly to be misunderstood. “She looked almost exactly like you.”

  Serene’s eyes flew open and the mug she was clutching crashed onto the floor sending a thousand pieces of glass flying.

  * * * *

  “Let me see the cut, Serene.” Mike’s voice was forceful, but not mean. Serene had immediately dropped to her hands and knees to clean up the mess. Instinct had sent her down on the broken glass. Some habits would be hard to break. She wouldn’t receive a beating over every little thing. She wasn’t going to be beaten anymore at all, and she needed to remember that.

  Mike took a dish rag and pressed it to the cut in her palm. It ran across the bottom just above her wrist. When he lifted it again, blood immediately pooled within the cut and spilled over. He frowned at the wound and tied the dish towel around it. “You’re going to need stitches.”

  “No, I think it’ll heal.”

  Mike shook his head and helped her to her feet. “Nope. You’re going to the hospital.”

  “Why can’t I see ‘the doctor’?” she asked making the quotation mark sign in the air with her other hand.

  “Yes, that is a better idea.” Mike grinned at her. “You’ll need me to stick around for sure now.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “You won’t be able to get your hand wet for a while, and I’m sure you’ll need a sponge bath at the very least.” He said with a wink.

  “You’re a pig!” Serene wanted to sound angry, but she couldn’t help laughing. His comment might seem obscene to others in high society, but it was so mild compared to the crude obscenities that had been whispered in her ear, or shouted in her face when she had dates. Serene continued to smile at him, grateful for this new life. She hoped they could stay friends. And she hoped even more that the friendship would break him down in such a way that he would give her Lawson’s location.

  * * * *

  The Doctor smiled warmly at Serene and grunted at Mike. Mike took it well and smirked as he sat in a straight back chair in the corner.

  “So, it’s Lawson’s maid! How are you feeling? Anymore cough?” He gently helped her onto the examining table, which gave Serene a chance to shoot Mike a confused look. He mouthed back to her, ‘play along’. She nodded briefly and smiled quickly as the doctor laid a towel across her lap.

  “I’m feeling much better! Just a little clumsy today is all.”

  He pulled the dish towel away from the wound and reached up to pull the surgical light closer. “And how is Lawson? Why are you here, Mike?” He said all this while examining and prepped the cut for stitches.

  Mike didn’t wait for Serene to answer. “Lawson is out of town on business for a while. I just stopped by to drop off some papers. Good thing I did.” He replied lazily. “This young lady thought it could heal on its own.”

  The doctor, as gently as he could, shot Novocain into her hand and wrist, before looking into her eyes and smiling warmly. “You don’t want to scar those lovely hands any more than necessary.”

  Mike was amazed at Serene’s power. She had wooed even the aged doctor without even trying. She had no idea she wielded that kind of power, which made her all the more charming. Mike watched the process of her being stitched impassively. He had other things to worry about. The number one thing was what in the hell was happening to him? He was a smooth talker, in and out of the courtroom. He could manipulate women with his power and money, and if that didn’t work he just smooth talked them.

  But this girl could care less about power and money. She had money for sure, but even if she didn’t, Mike doubted he would get very far with that angle. So, why did he care? Was it her innocence, her beauty? All he knew was that she was tearing him up inside, and he wasn’t used to it. It was like taking too many yellow jackets. He would need to fuck her soon and get it out of his system. What if it doesn’t get her out of your system? What then?


  He looked up and saw Serene leaning forward on the examining table. Her eyebrows were drawn together and the good doctor was staring at him with one bony hand on his equally bony hip. The scowl was unmistakable.

  He blinked his eyes several times. “What?”

  Serene straightened and frowned down at him. “I called your name three times.”

  “Sorry.” He tried to laugh it off. “I was daydreaming.”

  Neither of them looked convinced. The doctor handed her an unmarked brown bottle. “This is for the pain. Only take it if you need it. Make sure it’s on a full stomach.” He helped her off the table and handed Mike several rolls of gauze and surgical tape. “You can shower or bathe, but keep it dry. Wrap it in a plastic bag. I’ll see you back here in seven days, ok?”

  Serene nodded and looked at Mike as he leaned forward to whisper, “He said bathe.” wriggling his eyebrows at her. She giggled and quickly covered her mouth as the doctor opened the door for them.

  “I’ll see you next week. It was a pleasure.” He said warmly to Serene.

  “Great to see you too, Doc.” Mike said as they walked through the door.

  The doctor grunted and lowered his voice hoping Serene wouldn’t hear. “Will you be happy to see my bill?”

  “Of course I will.”

  The doctor slammed the door muttering under his breath.

  * * * *

  The next week was spent quietly for Serene. She visited with Rita a couple of times and she dodged Mike as much as she could. The day before she was due to have her stitches out, Rita came for dinner which turned into them drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers for half the night.

  “Honestly, Serene, you need to consider Mike Reid.”

  Serene let her head fall back on the couch and she made an ‘ugh’ sound. “Please, not this again! Why
don’t you consider him?”

  Rita blew air from her nose and drained her third glass of wine. “I don’t think so!”

  Serene sat up and looked at her. “Why not? You’re beautiful, and let’s face it, closer to his age than I am!”

  Rita blushed slightly and shook her head. “I’m only thirty nine.”

  “Yes, and I’m only twenty-one!”

  “I think a man like Mike Reid prefers younger women.”

  Serene refilled their wine glasses and propped her socked feet back up on the coffee table. “You are younger. He’s at least forty two if he’s a day.”

  “Forty-five.” Rita said quietly, staring into her wine glass.

  Serene looked at her and frowned. “How did you know that?”

  “His birthday is October 19th.”

  “How did you know that?”

  Rita gave her a level stare. “He’s my first ex-husband.”

  “What?” Serene said jumping to her feet. White wine sloshed out of her glass onto her sweat shirt. “How long were the two of you married?”

  Rita took a long swallow from her glass and lightly smacked her lips. “Not long. I was just out of high school and he was halfway through law school. We met at a cotillion. My family is wealthy, you see.”

  “Uh-huh.” Was all Serene could muster as she stared at her friend.

  “Anyway, my parents found him to be an excellent match for me. I personally thought he was an arrogant ass.”

  “Why didn’t it last?” Serene asked as she sat close to Rita.

  She shrugged lightly. “He wanted a trophy wife and a little Mike Jr. running around. I couldn’t give him either one.”

  “I’m so sorry, Rita.”

  She grabbed the new bottle of wine and pulled the cork. This time red liquid filled her glass. “Don’t be sorry. I didn’t truly love him. We were only married three years before I found him pounding away on his boss’s secretary. The divorce was quiet and I received a nice alimony of five hundred a month.”

  “Do you still get it?”

  She smiled sadly and shook her head. “No. He’s a very good lawyer. If I ever remarried I lost it. Unfortunately I fell in love a year later to a wonderful man named Stephen.”

  “Then why was it unfortunate?”


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