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Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  She panted, breathing out hard, not able to catch her breath. But she wanted more, so much more.

  “I’m going to have your body filled with my cum, have it spilling out of your pussy and drenching the sheets when I’m finished with you.” He was so hard and unrelenting as he pressed his hips into her body, making her want all that hardness, all that thickness, pressed in her, stretching her.

  He started breathing heavier, moved his hand from between them, away from her clit, and smeared her pussy cream on her lips.

  “Lick your lips, taste yourself.”

  She ran her tongue over her lips, tasting the musky but slightly sweet flavor of herself. Big grabbed her hair behind her head again and kissed her, licking at her mouth, sucking off the rest of the cream she’d missed.

  A deep groan left him, and keeping the hard hold on her hair and wrists, he shoved his tongue in and out of her mouth in time with thrusting his cock against her.

  He pulled back, stared into her face for a suspended moment, and then grinned sadistically. “I’m going to make your skin red with my belt, my hand, and my teeth. I’m going to have bruises on your ass and thighs, because I fucking love seeing them, too.” His voice was a rough growl. “Are you mine, Claire?”

  She nodded, knowing her eyes were wide, her body on the verge of shaking from her arousal.

  “Are you going to run from me, from this again?”

  She thought about his words, knowing that when they were spoken that was it. They’d be sealed. “Are you saying you want me more than … this?”

  He watched her with hooded eyes. “I want you as mine, as my woman, as the only pussy I fuck. I want you as my old lady, Claire.”

  Her heart beat faster at that.

  “I want you as my old lady, Claire. You tell me you’re mine, but do you really want that? You know what it means to be my old lady. I won’t let you go again.” He started undressing, taking of his cut, his shirt, and once he stood in front of her totally naked, his big, hard tattooed body on display, the dominance she’d missed all those years came from him like a tidal wave.

  He was a few steps back from her now, watching, waiting. “Touch your cunt. Rub it while I watch.” He grabbed the base of his shaft, stroking himself lazily while he waited for her to obey.

  Claire had never disobeyed him when they’d been together in the past, not because she was weak, but because she’d derived pleasure from it, and because it had also given her an amount of control, of power. Placing her hand between her legs, she felt how slippery she was from her pussy cream. She started moving her fingers up and down her slit.

  “Rub that little nub, Claire, rub your clit, movie your fingers back and forth.” He continued to stroke himself. “And don’t stop until I say to.”

  She panted and started rubbing herself harder, faster, making her clit feel like it tingled and throbbed. Claire was so aroused, on the verge of coming as it was, that she wanted to have Big right here, right now. Fuck the foreplay. She removed her hands from her pussy, but he gave a hard growl of disapproval.

  “Don’t stop touching yourself until I say so, Claire. You know the rules.”

  She squeezed her other hand into a fist beside her, placed her hand between her thighs again, and rubbed her clit fast and hard as she felt her climax start to rise.

  He stopped stroking himself, grabbed his belt off the bed, where he’d set it when she was sucking his cock, and her heart picked up at the sight of it. He moved closer to her, circled her body, and then she closed her eyes when she sensed him standing still behind her.

  “You ready, baby?”

  She still had her eyes closed, still had her hand between her thighs, and nodded. She then felt the sting of the leather it as it hit her flesh, moving across her ass with enough force that she teetered on her feet. The immense and powerful pain gave way to something warm and pleasurable, something erotic and filled with ecstasy. He slapped the belt across the back of her thighs, over and over again until she panted, rubbing her clit back and forth with more force.

  “Don’t come, not until I give you permission.”

  He continued to slap her with the belt with enough power that she felt it down to her very bones. He was breathing heavily behind her, matching her own. Sweat lined her forehead, slid down the valley between her breasts, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold off from climaxing at this rate.

  “Stop touching yourself, Claire. I know you’re on the verge of coming.”

  She stopped, panting, saying a silent prayer because she was about to come. God, she wouldn’t survive tonight if he kept this up, but it was something she anticipated.

  Chapter Eight

  Big had missed this, had missed being with Claire, giving her the pain she needed to reach that pleasure. He didn’t want to think about that fucking prick she’d been with, even if it was for a short time. That asshole was dead, and Big would make sure he was screaming in pain for hurting Claire.

  His Claire.

  Claire’s thighs had a gorgeous red tint to them, the lines on her flesh from his belt making his cock throb and his balls draw up tight. He moved back around her, not helping himself as he checked out every inch of her body. He was now in front of her again, several feet back, the belt in his hand, the leather tight, hot from what he’d done, and how he’d used it.

  “Come here.”

  He loved the way she did as he commanded without a second thought, without any question. She was perfect for him in every way, round and thick, with cushion on her body that was able to handle the kind of loving he wanted to give her. He loved that she didn’t have concave parts on her, loved that she was soft, that he could grip onto her wide hips, his fingers sinking into her supple flesh. He was kicking himself in the ass, had ever since he’d missed out on claiming her as his.

  “Give me your hand, Claire. Obey me, baby.”

  She was breathing so hard, her breasts rising and falling fast. He snatched her wrist in his hand, brought her fingers to his nose, and inhaled deeply. The scent of her cunt, wet, musky, potent, had pre-cum seeping from the tip of his cock, his need to thrust into her tight, hot body nearly having him mount her right here. He ran his tongue over her fingers, licking the cream from the digits while he gazed into her eyes.

  “I’ve been missing this taste, Claire, been missing you, baby.” Big moved his hand down her belly, over her trimmed mound, and slipped two fingers into her soaking pussy. He finger fucked her and loved that she moaned, opened her mouth to cry out louder, longer, and begged him for more.

  “Yes, Big. God, yes.”

  He ground his teeth together, trying to control himself. “Is this what you want, Claire baby?”

  She nodded.

  “You want me controlling you, telling you what to do … giving you the pain you need?”

  “Yes,” she whispered and then moaned.

  With his other hand, he gripped her hair and set the belt aside. He dug his fingers into her hair, tugging on the strands, watching her eyes grow wide with her arousal and pain. Leaning down, Big ran his tongue along her lips before sliding inside her mouth, claiming her there as well. They fucked each other with their tongues and lips. Big sucked her tongue into his mouth and finger fucked her at the same time, loving the little sounds escaping her.

  “Come on, baby, tell me what I want to hear, what you want to say,” he gritted the words out.

  She breathed harder, moaned louder. “Yes, Big,” she moaned against his mouth. “You’re what I want … this is what I want.”

  Spreading his fingers wide, he added a third digit inside her pussy, scissoring them. He moved his thumb over her clit, stroking the nub, rubbing it back and forth. Her pussy tightened around his fingers, her muscles clenching around him. She was close to coming. He could feel it in her body, see it on her face. But Big wasn’t going to let her get off this easily. Claire needed to earn it, beg for it, and only then would Big give it to her.

  “I want you on the bed, Claire. I
want you submitting to me fully.” He removed his fingers from her pussy and the back of her head.

  She obeyed him right away, her breasts shaking slightly as she moved past him and to the mattress.

  “On your knees, your ass to me, your legs spread so I can see that cunt, Claire.”

  Within seconds, she was kneeling on the bed, her ass right in front of him, her tight asshole, pussy, and clit obscenely on display. He saw her gripping the sheets beneath her, the way her skin tightened and her knuckles turned white letting him know she was anticipating this. He intended to fuck her until she couldn’t walk, until she was so sore between her thighs she couldn’t even sit without feeling his cock in her still. By the time the end of the night came, she wasn’t going to even think about ever leaving him again.

  Claire was his old lady, she’d always be his old lady, and nothing would stop him from claiming her as his fully, not even himself.

  He moved close to her, smoothed his hands down her ass, over her thighs, and breathed out slowly. He moved his fingers over her pussy. “You’re so wet for me, so fucking soaked and primed for my cock, Claire.”

  “I’m only like this for you, Big.”

  “And that’s how it should be.” He fingered her for a few seconds, loving the wet sound her pussy made as her body sucked at his digits. “Do you want me to hurt you?”

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  “Make you tear up, cry out to stop, but then know you want more?”

  “Yes. God yes, Big.”

  His whole body was taut, his muscles straining, his cock harder than it had been in years. “I want to hear you scream, Claire, want to hear you plead for more.” He thrust his fingers into her harder. “I want to make you remember how it used to be with us.”

  He grabbed the belt off the bed again, wrapped it in his hand, around his fingers until it hurt, and brought it down on the rounded flesh of her ass. She cried out and jumped from the contact, her little whimper the only sound he heard, but a noise that had him nearly coming right then. He brought his belt up again, bringing it down on her bottom, and then on her thighs. Over and over, he spanked her, the sound of leather slapping her flesh erotic.

  This wasn’t about abuse, but about getting them both off. He’d never hurt her unless she wanted it, craved it.

  Pushing his fingers into her pussy again, he teased her flesh, felt her get wetter. Taking his fingers from her again he used the belt on her ass and the back of her thighs again, loving that she cried out in pain, so aroused that she was telling him to hit her harder, go longer. He gave her a good working over, drawing the leather over her body, making red welts and bruises form. But she loved this, loved looking at them. He remembered that from when they’d been together. Her moans and cries were the most amazing sounds he’d heard.

  She didn’t beg him to stop, only to keep going.

  He stopped, breathing hard, frantic. Her ass was a glorious shade of red. Grabbing his cock he stroked himself several times.

  But Big wasn’t done, not even close.

  Chapter Nine

  “Turn over, Claire. Lie on your back and let me see all of you, baby.”

  Claire moved onto her back, her mouth parted, her eyes trained on him.

  Big set the belt on the floor, clenched and relaxed his hands, and moved toward her again. He looked at her body, got an eyeful, and then leaned down and started running his tongue over the top of her foot, over her leg, circled her stomach, and dipped the muscle into her navel. She tasted good, like sweetness with a hint of salt.

  He moved up her chest, and latched his mouth onto her nipple, sucking at the taut peak. Caressing her other nipple with his mouth and tongue, he did this for several seconds, and then leaned back, staring at the tight buds.

  “More, Big,” she groaned.

  He pinched her left nipple, hard until she was arching up into his touch. Leaning down again, he sucked on her tight bud, moving his fingers out of the way to replace them with his teeth.

  “Yes,” she cried out.

  He cupped her pussy, sliding two fingers in and out of her tight, wet cunt. Her body writhed under him. Removing his finger, he looked at her cunt and saw it was nice and pink, wet and swollen. He couldn’t help it. He slapped his finger over her flesh.

  Whack. Whack. Whack.

  He slapped her pussy three times while sucking on her breasts.

  Slapping her pussy again while tormenting her nipples, he moaned, thrusting his hips against her thigh, needing her badly. She was so close to an orgasm that she was panting for it, begging for it … on the ledge and ready to fall over.

  When he knew she’d had as much as she could take right now he pulled away only long enough to thrust her legs open even wider, her pussy hole slightly gaping for his cock. “Your body … so fucking gorgeous.” He reached for the back of her neck, curled his fingers around her nape, and lifted her head up.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he fucked her mouth with his tongue again, needing this for a moment. She held onto his biceps, digging her nails into his skin until he hissed in pain.

  “That’s it, baby, mark me just as I’m marking you.” Wrapping his hand in her hair, he held her tightly against him and murmured against her mouth. “You’re mine, and I’m not going to let you go.” Big would tell her this over and over again until it was engrained. “I’m going to remind you exactly who you belong to and you’re going to love every second of it, of what I do to you.”

  He kissed her one final time before letting her go so she was leaning back on the bed again. Gripping his cock, he stroked himself from root to tip.

  “Open your legs wider,” he said, using his knee wedged between her thighs to spread her even further before she had a chance to obey.

  “Lift that cunt to me, baby. Present it to me. Yeah, that’s what I want, what I’m fucking talking about,” he said when she lifted her bottom half to him. “Yeah, Claire baby. I’m going to fuck your pussy, fill you with my cum, and make you wet from it.”

  Tonight, he wasn’t going to leave any part of her untouched. He needed her to know who she belonged to.

  He was going to give it to her all right, give it to her good and hard. She’d been hungry for his cock back in the day, addicted to him, to what he gave her, and he could tell it was the same way with her now.

  Aligning the tip of his dick with the opening of her pussy, he slid inside in one firm thrust. He groaned as her tight pussy walls squeezed him, clenched around his cock. Holding onto her hips, Big started pounding inside her, sliding his cock in and out, over and over again. Gripping her hips even tighter and digging his nails into her flesh, he heard her hiss out in pain, but then she moaned. He slammed every inch of his dick inside her, making Claire take it all and beg for more. The tips of his fingers were white where he touched her, and he knew there would be bruises … his marks on her flesh.

  “Please,” she said, begging.

  He fucked her harder, had her tits shaking, her pussy sucking at his cock. He made her know who she belonged to.

  Throughout it all, Claire screamed for more, begged that he fuck her even harder, make it hurt even more. Big leaned down, sucking on a tight nipple, drawing it up so it was hard, red, engorged because of him. He lifted up from her, held her thighs opened, and watched himself as he slid his cock in and out of her pussy.

  He rubbed her clit back and forth, but an animal was loose inside of him. He started smacking her pussy, making a wet sound and having her tissue turn red. Claire sucked it all up, absorbed every part of it. He couldn’t stop, and he didn’t want to.

  Big wanted to fuck her all night, but he wanted to have her in as many ways as possible. Pulling out of her, he flipped her onto her stomach, dragging her onto her knees until her ass was in the air for him.

  “Look at this ass.” He breathed out the words, his voice deep, scratchy from his arousal. He slid back inside her gaping cunt with a deep groan. “Yeah, that’s it. Take all of my cock, Claire.” H
e brought his fingers to his mouth, sucked on them until they were slicked with saliva, and pulled her ass cheeks apart with his other hand. He smeared his fingers around her anus, getting the tight hole nice and lubed.

  He started to work a finger into her asshole. “Once I’m done with your pussy I’m fucking your ass, baby. But I’ll save that for another night, Claire, let you think about me shoving my cock into your ass.” He was going to fuck her ass, spill his load inside her, and make her feel so full she couldn’t stand it, but wanted more.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “You remember me back here, Claire?”

  She nodded.

  “You remembered when I’d stretch your asshole and play with your pussy, making you come?”

  She nodded again. “God yes.”

  He slapped her ass with one hand, his finger from his other hand still in her tight hole. Over and over, he marked up her bottom, making the flesh red, making it jiggle and shake from the act. She kept pushing back against him, fucking herself on him. He couldn’t take his eyes off his cock that was still in her pussy. The length was covered in her cream, glistening in the light with each thrust he made. Wet sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoed throughout the room.

  She begged, moaned, and screamed for more. She needed his dick, wanted it. He wasn’t about to deny her.

  Pulling his finger out of her ass, he continued to pound inside her tight pussy. He stopped slapping her butt to tease her clit now. She was so close that he knew a few strokes over her clit would have her spiraling into an orgasm. Her pussy latched onto his cock, and he pounded inside her, finding his own release. His balls grew tight, and seconds later he filled her cunt with his cum.

  By the time he was sated and he felt her pussy contractions start to diminish he pulled out of her. He lay beside Claire, pulled her close to his body, and felt contentment fill him. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He looked down the length of her body, and what he could see showed him the red stripes and bruises that decorated her skin. She looked utterly beautiful, and she was all his.


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