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Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  Big had the cups of her bra pulled down over her tits, and as soon as her nipples were exposed to the air those little red nubs tightened further. He wanted to suck and touch at her breasts, but instead he started working the button and zipper of her jeans undone. And then he started undoing his button and pushing the zipper down. He just wanted his cock out and her pussy exposed.

  “Yeah, Big, take me right here.”

  “I’m going to fuck you anyway I want, Claire, and you’ll take it all.” He shifted them so he had her on her belly, her jeans pushed down her legs, and her thighs spread as far as they could go. But it wasn’t good enough. He helped her out of her shoes and the jeans, unhooked her bra from the back, and once she was totally nude for him he palmed her ass with his hand. With his other hand he grabbed his cock and stroked himself, feeling his pre-cum slip over his fingers.

  Her ass was popped up, her legs obscenely spread, and he stared at the sight of her tight anus, and the slit of her cunt. “I’m so hard for you, baby.”

  He saw her tugging at the blanket beneath her, and when he grabbed a chunk of her ass hard enough she gasped, he couldn’t hold back his groan of pleasure.

  “I am so wet for you, Big.”

  “Yeah, you are,” he said and slipped his finger down her cleft and shoved a finger into her pussy. She cried out, tossed her head back, and the fall of her black hair spilled over one of her shoulders.

  “Yes,” she hissed out and looked over her shoulder at him. “Lick my pussy and ass, Big. Make me come from your mouth before you stick that big cock in me.”

  “You got a dirty fucking mouth, woman.” Big slapped her ass hard. His red handprint showed up on her left ass cheek. “But you’re not in charge. You like pushing me, don’t you? You like me making you my little slut, making you mine.” He smacked her other ass cheek hard.

  “I’ll be whatever you want me to be, Big, but you know you don’t want any other pussy but mine.” She lifted her ass, showing him her pussy even more.

  “Damn right I only want your pussy.”

  He placed his hands on her inner thighs, wrenched them open even further, and stared at her cunt that he’d be eating out and then fucking. All she could do was lie there and take what he wanted to give her, because he wouldn’t have it any other way. But he knew she liked the way he watched her, the way he touched her. She was always hungry for him, for whatever control and domination he wanted to give her.

  He leaned down, and without wasting time he started licking her pussy, dragging his tongue up and down her cleft, and sucking her clit into his mouth. Over and over he did this, groaning, grunting like a fiend for her musky, sweet flavor, and then thrusting his tongue into her pussy hole. He fucked her like that for several seconds, letting her really feel him probing her, making her feel good.

  When he felt her on the verge of coming he backed off, not wanting this to end for her just yet. As he flipped her onto her back, her breasts shook and her nipples were so tight he knew she could have ripped right through the material of her bra.

  They kissed again, and she lifted her hips for him, clearly seeking his hard cock. Big couldn’t help himself. His hands were everywhere. He touched her pussy, rubbing her slick, bare folds until she was muttering incoherently, begging him to thrust into her. He’d wanted to eat out her ass, but first he had to get her off, feel her pussy rippling over his cock.

  Shifting above her, he grabbed his cock, placed it at her pussy hole, and in one thrust buried himself balls deep in her. They continued to kiss, pressed their tongues against one another, and then Big started thrusting in and out of her hard and fast. He fucked her until she dug her nails into his skin, bit at his lips, and he felt that first ripple of her pussy along his cock. He loved the sound of her juicy pussy making suctioning noises on him, and he especially loved that her cream was so extreme his groin and her inner thighs were covered in it.

  But Big didn’t want this to end, didn’t want to fuck her vanilla style. He wanted to give her what she wanted, and that was the pain she liked with her pleasure, the agony he liked to give her because it got him off, too.

  Leaning back and staring down at where his cock was buried in her cunt, he took a few seconds to just stare at where they were joined. Her pussy was so wet and red, so swollen, and stretched so wide around his dick. He continued to watch as he took her, his balls drawing up tight, and orgasm right on the precipice. No, he couldn’t come like this. He wanted in her ass, wanted to fuck her back there so thoroughly she was screaming from how good it felt.

  Big brought his hand down on her clit, spanked the swollen nub a few times, and loved the sound of her crying out because of it.

  “More. I need more, Big,” she gasped out, holding onto the blanket beneath her as if that would keep her stable, grounded.

  “Oh, I’ll give you more, baby.” Big pulled out of her then, loved that her pussy hole stayed open slightly, gaping for a moment because his cock had just been in there. He flipped her onto her belly again, smoothed his hands over her round, big ass, and tried to suck in air. He looked at his cock, at how glossy it was from her cream. It was a fucking turn-on.

  With Claire now on her belly, her knees supporting her lower body off the ground, and his hands on the mounds of her ass, Big knew he wouldn’t last long with her in this position.

  “I’m going to fill up your ass, Claire. I’m going to make you so full of my cum when you stand it comes out, sliding out of your ass and going down your legs.” He knew he was breathing hard, that she probably felt it waft over her ass and pussy, but God, he wanted her to know how worked up he was.

  Big brought his hand down on her ass, spanking her so hard a red handprint became visible almost instantly. He did this over and over, harder with each hit, his pleasure mounting, and her moans becoming louder.

  “You have any idea of the things I want to do to you, Claire? Do you know how much I’m going to tear you up?”

  She nodded, but didn’t speak. Good, maybe she was too far gone to even form words.

  He should have just fucked her, but instead he was spanking her again, loving how her flesh jiggled from the action. He did this repeatedly, alternating between the mounds of her bottom until the blood rushed to the surface and her skin was red.

  “You want my big cock back here, Claire?” He rubbed his finger along her anus.

  She nodded.

  “You want me stretching your tight hole?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “You want my balls smacking your pussy as I thrust in and out of you?”

  “You’re so damn torturous.”

  He grinned even though she couldn’t see him. He stopped spanking her and spread her ass as wide open as it would go. “I want to lick and suck at this tight fucking hole again, want you to be able to feel my tongue back here, pushing in, making you wetter.” He leaned down, so close to the area in question. “You want that?”


  He ran his tongue over her anus, back and forth, licking at the hole, pressing his tongue inside. She smelled clean, like his soap. Yeah, he loved that she smelled like him. Big leaned back an inch and placed his finger at the entrance of her pussy, rubbed the digit around the hole for a second, gathering her moisture. He brought that finger to her asshole and spread it all over the tight ring. He made sure she was nice and lubed before he pushed the digit into her body. But he wasn’t going to fuck her like this. He was just making her a little more prepared for his dick.

  He moved an inch closer. Big ran his hands up and down her back, his aching cock pressed against her slicked up pussy, waiting, needing to thrust into her hot, wet body. He’d pounded her pussy so good and hard, but now it was time to do the same with her ass.

  “You ready, Claire?” he asked.

  “You know I am, so fuck me already,” she said and looked over her shoulder at him, her face flushed from her arousal.

  “You got one damn dirty mouth on you, girl.”

  “You like
that about me.”

  Damn right he did. He moved back enough that he could look at her bottom again. The globes were big and round, and his hands itched to spank her more until they were starting to bruise.

  She moaned and thrust her bottom out for more.

  He lost it, so far gone from his need to be inside of her again, that he lifted his hand and brought it down on her left ass cheek, smoothed it down to her thigh, and spanked her skin. She made a cry of pleasure, and he grinned. He pushed her so she was flat on her belly, and moved back an inch to see her ass and pussy in clear view. She was soaking for him again, so wet in fact that her cunt glistened, and her juices slid down her inner high.

  “See what you’ve done to me, Big.”

  “I see, baby, and it makes my cock harder,” he growled out in arousal. He smoothed his hands over her back, across her generous hips, and along the crease of her ass. He spread the cheeks wide, took in the sight of her tight hole, and the red, swollen cleft of her pussy. His mouth watered, and his cock jerked in response.

  Grabbing her hips in both of his hands, he reveled in the curviness of her body. Lifting her hips and positioning her so she was spread wide for him, Big brought her bottom flush with his dick. She braced herself on her hands and knees, and pressed her ass closer to him. He ran his hand up her spine, and moved her hair over. Her back was smooth, her bottom full and fuckable and perfectly round. Claire had an ass that made men fall to their knees, worship the ground she walked on, and had their dicks so hard they hurt like hell.

  He squeezed the mounds, grabbed big chunks of her spongy flesh in his hands and shook her ass a little. He loved that they jiggled, lived that it was akin to a bowl of warmed Jell-O moving around in a bowl. That got his blood pumping, his balls drawing up tight. He was still behind her, his focus on the tight hole he was about to fuck, about to fill with his aching, hard dick. Big brought his hand down on her ass once more. God, he loved smacking her bottom, loved having his cock in her back here, too.

  “Come on,” she moaned and whimpered at the same time. Claire started grinding herself back on him, as if she were in heat and needed his dick to sate her lust

  He wouldn’t deny her. He’d never deny his woman anything.

  Big grabbed his shaft, stroked himself from root to tip for a moment, gathering his pre-cum that formed at the tip and used it as lubrication. “In the plastic bag, baby…” He tried to form the words, but arousal was thick in him, tightening his throat. “There’s something in the bag for you.” Well, it was for both of them.

  She reached out, fumbled with the bag a second, and then finally grabbed the small clear tube that was inside.

  “Lube, Big, seriously?” she said with amusement in her voice.

  “You know damn well I come prepared,” he said and grinned at her when she looked over her shoulder at him and handed the small tube over.

  “Then get to lubing me up and fuck me.”

  Shit, she had such a dirty mouth. “When we get back home I might have to tie you up and smack you for that filthy little mouth of yours.”

  “I look forward to that, Sir.”

  He groaned.

  Big looked at her ass again, reached out, and slid his finger slowly between her cheeks, resting on the tight hole in the center. “You know I like when you stroke my ego … amongst other things.”

  She grinned, but then moaned softly.

  “So tell me, Claire, tell me how much you want my cock back here, filling you, making you come.” He grabbed the lube, poured a generous amount on his cock and her asshole, and then placed the tip of his dick against her anus.

  “I want that big ass dick of yours shoved into my ass, stretching me, making me feel full.” She pressed back on him.

  “Fuck, Claire baby.” He closed his eyes and grappled for control as she relaxed her tight hole, opening for him slightly, and the head of his shaft pressed in a small amount. “I wouldn’t be the same without you, baby.” He knew he’d never be the same without her. She made him want to be better, if only for her.

  “You know I feel the same way,” she breathed. With his dickhead still at the entrance of her ass, he bent his head toward her and ran his tongue and lips up and down her spine. She was starting to sweat, and he licked off those salty droplets. His sack was heavy, ready for release. He pressed in another inch, and he knew she’d take all of his cock, knew she’d beg him for more before he was fully inside of her.

  “Yes,” she hissed out.

  He reached around her and smoothed his fingers through her slit. Her pussy lips were smooth and wet, so fucking wet that within seconds his hand was soaked from her cream.

  Big slid his fingers across her saturated slit and brought the fluid to the tip of her clit, lightly stroking it, rubbing it back and forth. Feeling a shock of lust move over him at hearing her moan, he continued his ministrations, and pushed another inch into her tight ass. Big brought his fingers back to her pussy hole, the digits coated with her arousal, and plunged them back into her body, fucking her. He groaned when her pussy clamped down on them.

  “Oh, God.”

  “Not God, baby, just a man that fucking loves you, worships you, and would do anything to make sure you were safe.”

  She moaned again.

  Grabbing her ass cheek with the hand not currently touching her cunt, he stared down as he watched himself push into her. She clamped around his cockhead, and once he was past the tight ring of muscle, he slid deep inside of her easily, in one swift, fluid motion. They both groaned when he bottomed out, his balls slapping against her swollen pussy and clit. He gritted his teeth, feeling his body strain, his muscles tighten from the pleasure.

  “That’s it, Claire. Take all of me. Do you feel how much I fill you, how much of my cock is stretching you?”

  She nodded. “God, yes.”

  He started to pull out of her, but before he was all the way out he pushed back inside. Over and over he pumped into her, starting slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed as her moans increased and grew in volume.

  “Oh, yes. Yes, Big.”

  He removed his fingers from her pussy, let go of her ass, and tightened his hold on her hips with both hands now. He really started fucking her then, his balls swinging from the force and momentum. When he felt his orgasm approaching, he reached around her belly again, and with the hand that he hadn’t had buried in her ass he teased her clit once more, needing her to get off first.

  The little nub was swollen and hard, and he rubbed it back and forth until her whole body tensed and she threw her head back and groaned out her orgasm. Her ass clamped down on his cock, and he grunted from the pleasure. She may have been on her hands and knees, but he could see the flush that spread up her neck and covered her face.

  He bent forward, not about to deny himself, and wrapped his hand loosely around her throat, feeling her pulse jump. His chest was to her back now, and he placed his mouth right on her neck, sucking at her salty flavored flesh. They were both panting, until it sounded like neither could suck in enough air. He pumped his hips forward and pulled them back, over and over again, faster and harder. Their skin slapped together, their sweat mixing.

  Wave after wave of pleasure shot straight up his spine as his climax approached. He was going to come, and get off really damn hard, too. His balls drew up tight, and he had to pull away from her and suck a breath in deeply. He held onto her hips so hard he knew there would be marks on her flesh, but he got a possessive thrill from the knowledge. He liked knowing she would wear his brand of ownership, because she was his, irrevocably, undeniably.

  He slowly pulled out, the head of his cock almost popping free, before he plunged back inside. She looked over her shoulder at him, her mouth parted, her eyes wide, and her face flushed. He swallowed roughly and closed his eyes, knowing he was about to fill her ass with his spunk.

  For several long, almost agonizing seconds he came, not able to stop himself even if he wanted to. His cock felt so damn hard, the feel
of his cum shooting out of him and filled the inside of her body making him hotter, more aroused.

  “You feel my seed in you, feel my cum slipping of your hole when I pull out?” He ground to the words.

  “Yes,” she hissed and then moaned.

  When he couldn’t come any longer, he gently pulled out of her, but watched as her ass stayed slightly gaped open. His lust shot up for a moment as he watched his cum slip from her asshole and slid down the crease of her bottom. She collapsed on her belly, her ass red from his spankings, her eyes closed, her mouth parted. He tucked his semi-hard cock back in his jeans, his shaft still wet, but he’d worry about cleaning up later.

  He lay down beside her, smoothed his finger up and down her spine, and loved when she smiled. They didn’t move from their position, but he could stay like this all day, just staring at her body, at the post-euphoric haze covering her.

  “You’re mine. I’m never letting you go, Claire, not ever, and I’ll kill anyone that tries to tell me differently.”

  Claire pulled back so she could look into his face, and when she smiled he ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I thought we already made that clear.” She chuckled softly.

  “Well, you know me, I have to keep saying it or it doesn’t feel real.”

  “It’s real, Big,” she whispered. He lay there, letting her work, and fucking hell did it feel good. It was that one moment where he let his old lady have this control that everything felt really damn perfect, and Big was going to do everything in his power to make sure it was always like this.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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