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The Pridelands 1: Darren’s Surprise

Page 7

by Jade Buchanan

  “This isn’t right,” Darren said, his chest tight.

  The dogs were making such a racket that he wanted to cover his ears. Below the sounds of the hounds was the clear hissing of the cougar. He turned to Durai, crawling into the man, desperate to end the sounds. He had never reacted this way before when he’d heard the sounds of hunting, but after meeting Durai and his family and Aaron’s mate, it was suddenly a lot more personal.


  Darren squeaked, closing his eyes. He sagged in Durai’s arms, letting his mate hold him up. The sounds abruptly died, the sudden silence terrifying.

  He looked to the side to see the Felidae glancing back and forth, exchanging meaningful looks. Aaron was sandwiched between his two mates, being held up just like Darren was. He didn’t know why their reactions were more visceral but maybe it was because those were humans out there. Killing cats.

  They understood the threat now. The reason they couldn’t live here on Earth. They all looked shaken. He had the sudden insight that these men weren’t used to being the ones hunted. They were probably the hunters where they came from.

  It was never easy when the tables were turned. They knew fear in a way they never had before.

  He wished it hadn’t happened. Without quite realizing it, they had lost something tonight. He wished he could take it back.

  Chapter Eight

  It was a subdued group that entered the cabin. Durai held tightly to Darren’s hand, pulling him close once they were inside. His brothers and sister followed them in, all of them too restless to sit anywhere.

  They had all smelled the blood when it was over.

  He never expected that there would be hunters here. Rowan, Aaron and Darren were so far removed from being a threat to his people that he hadn’t given thought to what the rest of the humans might be like.

  They needed to leave. As soon as possible. He was responsible for his family. It was his duty to keep them safe.

  Aaron was curled up on the couch, caged between Lev and Morgan. He had exhausted himself crying. Lev had been horrified by his reaction, immediately ridding himself of his rage. He hadn’t let go of his mate once since they’d heard the shot.

  “We need to leave. We cannot stay here. We will remain in this place long enough to ensure the hunters are nowhere near the Azarnaz. Khalid, you are the best tracker. You will follow them, make sure they do not circle back.”

  Khalid met his gaze, blinking his acceptance. He wanted their blood, but he would follow Durai’s orders.

  “Mazin, Griffin, go ahead of us and ensure the path is clear. If it is blocked, find another way to the ship. Achan, you will stay here with us. I do not want you anywhere near the hunters, is that clear?”

  His brother nodded sullenly. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he remained silent.

  Finally, Durai turned to his mate, meeting Darren’s gaze head on.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  He breathed a sigh, his shoulders sagging. The tension he’d been carrying released at the simple promise in Darren’s voice. “I would not have it any other way. Even if I had to drag you over my shoulder kicking and screaming.” He smiled to soften his words.

  “You’d try.” Darren laughed.

  Durai hugged his mate close, breathing deeply. Darren curled into his bigger body, as if he were made to fit there.

  Durai turned his thoughts to the challenge ahead. They had to get out, undetected, with hunting dogs who were trained to follow the scent of large cats. This would not be easy. He hadn’t liked the ferocious sound of their baying. He would likely dream of it tonight.

  Studying the others, he considered their strengths. Khalid with his undying devotion to the pride, he would do anything to keep them safe. Rais was brave, but often foolhardy. It would be important that he keep his head on their mission and not go off alone. He would protect Achan though, they were the closest in age.

  Zula sat on the floor near the kitchen, clasping her knife. She looked up, meeting his gaze. Nodding, she answered his unspoken question. She would follow him. Griffin and Mazin stood beside each other, their tails wound together.

  Lev met his gaze when he turned to the couch. He was the only other person present who would be able to challenge any of his decisions. He may only have Aaron and Morgan in his small pride, but he was still a leader. Lev broke their eye contact, leaning down to rest his cheek against Aaron’s hair.

  Darren squeezed his arms together, bringing Durai’s attention back to him. Lev understood the need to get out of here. The same as Durai did. They needed to protect their mates. They would do anything to protect their mates.

  Jade Buchanan

  Jade Buchanan was born in the summer of 2006, out of a slightly shy but definitely warped mind. Jade’s alter-ego spends her days working in the world of safety management consulting, but at night she lets Jade out to play. Preferring to live in the world of fiction in which she was born, Jade can be found wandering through fields of words whenever she can. Now if only she can find her dream man -- a time-traveling Scottish laird who was born a werewolf that became a vampire and lived on a pirate ship, only to make his way to the new world and work on a ranch in Montana (with a brief foray in the Navy SEALS), before conquering the space time continuum and becoming a space marauding pirate and ruling the galaxy -- she’d be a very happy lady.

  Jade would love to hear from you. She can be reached at or




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