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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

Page 4

by Deane, Cliff

  Ralph said, “Oh man, all this military talk does get one’s blood flowing. Levi, I think you must have been sent to us by God Himself.”

  “Not bloody likely Mr. Mayor. If you knew my history of the last 48 hours, you might rethink that remark.”

  “Yeah well, say what you want, but I know what I know, and Levi, if you ever want to share that piece of history, I’ll be there to hear the story.”

  At the Walmart, assuming success, we will allow the locals to take one cart each of frozen and perishable food, baby supplies, and the like, but nothing else. Once we have assessed the Defiance need, we can then proceed to distribute supplies which we, in Defiance do not need.

  Each shopper will be searched for weapons before entering the store. Those weapons will be returned upon their departure. If the shopper has no weapon, one will be supplied from Walmart stores until they are gone. Each weapon will also be issued with one box of ammunition.

  Pregnant mothers or those with children get top priority and will be allowed a second cart for child type supplies and one toy or game. We can provide clothing for the children after things settle down a bit.

  Shoppers will be allowed to take produce, refrigerated items, and frozen foods.

  You okay with this, Mr. Mayor?”

  Looking somewhat confused, Mayor Bassett asked, “Why are we giving so much away? If we take the store, why turn around and give stuff away?”

  “Ralph, giving up some supplies now, will go a long way to winning the hearts and minds of the community. It will make it much easier for locals to trust us later when we want to bring them into the fold, increasing our area of influence, and trade with other communities. Please, Ralph, trust me on this.”

  “Okay, I get it now.

  Levi, maybe I’m not the guy to lead this group. You definitely know what you are about. Maybe I should just turn the reigns over to you?”

  Levi backed up from Ralph and said, “Forget that shit, Ralph. I want to help you get things off to a good start. I have no desire to be El Presidente. Besides, I’m leaving next April. No, Mr. Mayor, you are the man for the job. The civilian government must have precedence over the military. Like the police force, we intend only to serve and protect…not rule. Disaster awaits us at the end of that path.”

  “Okay, brother, I’m in.”

  Smiling now, as they walked to the Mayor’s truck, Levi said, “Really…Captain?”

  “Yeah, well, I got carried away, and anyway, I think it was the right call.”


  March 30th

  Defiance Headquarters

  Early on, when in the company of others, both Ralph and Levi used formal titles to cement their positions of leadership within the community of Defiance.

  In private they quickly became true friends and respected each other’s professional boundaries.

  “Ralph, let’s roll. Right now we may still have an opportunity to get there firstest with the mostest. It’s 1400 hrs, so let’s meet at Walmart at 1730.”

  Smiling Ralph said, “Dang, all this military time and planning stuff makes me feel like Special Forces.”

  Also smiling Levi responded, “Well, we may have a way to go there, so right now I’d say we were more like Special Feces.”

  “Cute Levi real cute! I’ll see ya’ at 5:30 pm,” and he left for the Home Depot cackling like a loon.

  As Levi climbed into his Jeep, he smiled again, and thought, Oh boy, I’ve got my work cut out here.

  Levi watched as his force entered the Walmart, he saw his force secure the store, and after only ten minutes the store was emptied, and the Managerial and Sales Staff were seated in the shade of the smoking area.

  Dozens of shoppers stood around wanting to know what was going on, so Levi walked to the front of the store, raised his hand for silence and began speaking in a normal conversational tone. It didn’t take long for those who continued talking to be shushed by those around them.

  “Please, may I have your attention? This Walmart is now under new management of Troop A, Defiance Militia, and there will be some rule changes.

  Those changes are as follows:

  Single women with children, families with children go first.

  When one family exits, another will be allowed in.

  Please take food selections from the fresh produce, coolers, and the frozen section, only.

  No firearms are allowed inside. Please leave any weapons with our guard at the door. They will be returned as you leave.

  If you have no firearms, please let the man in sporting goods know this, and he will give you one rifle, one pistol, and one box of ammo for each until stores are depleted.

  Each family will be allowed one basket for each adult.

  Children need toys in this new reality of ours more than ever before, so please feel free to select one toy for each child accompanying you today.

  Nursing mothers and those with toddlers, please help yourself to Pampers, Similac, and anything else you may need for these youngsters. An additional cart for each child is acceptable.

  There will be no charge.

  When fall arrives, clothing will be issued to all who need them.

  I know you are all wondering what the hell is going on.”

  The group again began to murmur, and Levi waited until the crowd brought itself back under control before continuing, “Only two things can cause the power, cell phones, autos to fail, and planes fall out of the sky everywhere at the same time.

  One, we have been attacked with nuclear weapons at an altitude of approximately 225 miles.”

  The crowd all looked up and began to speak among themselves.

  “Please, please, everyone settle down. With this kind of attack, there is absolutely no danger from radiation, but these detonations do cause something called an Electro Magnetic Pulse.

  This pulse fries all electronics. That is why your cars won’t start, unless, of course, the car or truck was made before 1978. You see those vehicles had no electronic devices that made them run. I see many of you have already found that out from the number of year appropriate vehicles in the parking lot.

  The second possible cause of this disaster is that our sun created and expelled a plasma storm called a Coronal Mass Ejection. This plasma ejection causes the same effect as a nuclear attack in the upper atmosphere. Personally, I think it is much more likely that we have received a CME, but there is no way for us to know for sure as of yet.”

  Questions began to be shouted to Levi, who said, “All right folks, do you want to begin shopping or stand here and scream at me?”

  That settled the crowd right down, and like most good country folk, they began lining up to wait their turn to begin gathering supplies.

  A young black man walked up to Levi and said, “What ‘bout us?”

  Levi looked at the man and said, “What about you?”

  “You gone let us black folk have the same as the white folk?”

  “Oh, I see, first of all, I don’t, nor do any of my people give a rat’s ass what color you are. Of course, you get the same as anyone else. That black, white bull shit has got to stop. If it doesn’t, we’ll fail miserably and get nuthin’ done but killin’ each other. From where I stand, you are a man just like me.”

  “Yeah, I hear’s ya’, but you givin’ them white folks guns and ammo. We git ‘em, too?”

  “Yes, of course, you do. We have to work together and help each other. It’s a new world, and we just can’t afford the same ole racial nonsense. Can you put it behind you? I have. From now on if you want to be my equal, then act like it, and so will I. Deal?”

  “Oh yeah, it sound good, but that ain’t never mean shit befo. I spos’ta believe you now?”

  “Yes, you work with me, and I’ll work with you. I can’t put it any other way.”

  “Ok, it juss that I don’t see no black folks in yo group. You got any?”

  “Nope, not yet, you got any white folks in your little group here? I don’t see any. Look, what�
�s your name?”

  He became immediately defensive and asked, “Why fo’ you need my name?”

  Levi smiled at him and said, “My name is Levi Levins, and I just want to make a new friend.” Levi offered his hand.

  “Hmmm, okay, I give you a try. My name Willie White,” and he shook Levi’s hand.

  Levi held onto his hand for a few extra seconds as he said, “Willie White, if you get attacked we will help, and we expect you to do the same for us.

  If you want to be left alone with your people then that’s okay, too, maybe we can work trade deals. It’s a new world now and the only ones who will be alive one year from now are those who are willing to work their asses off to survive. There just ain’t no more rich or poor, black or white and this time next spring only one person in ten will still be alive.

  You need to understand this; we want to be friends. We want to work together for a new life. But anyone who doesn’t stand with us gets no help of any kind. Those who attack us will die. What do you say?”

  “Ok, we give it a try,” and again shook Levi’s hand before turning to go on his shopping trip to Wally World.

  One old man walked up to Levi and asked, “Genrul, what if you’re wrong? It’ll go bad for ya’.”

  “Yes, sir, it will go bad for all of us in the Defiance Militia, and actually I wish I was wrong…but I’m not. Did you see the smoke from all the burning planes?”

  “Smoke hell, I seen a few go down, happened while I had ta’ git up ta’ pee.” Then the old man shook his head and said, “God Bless you, son, even though I still hope you are wrong, but if you are I’ll ask to be on the jury at your trial,” and turning; he walked away without another word.

  Ben came running up and said, “Levi, that was brilliant, just brilliant, ya’ done well, sir, but do you think he believed you?”

  “Ben, I can only hope so, and for the record, I meant every word.”

  “Sounds good, but what do we do with the Walmart staff?”

  “Ben, I love it when folks think. So, here’s what we do, we shoot ‘em…No, no, no, just kidding. After everyone has finished their shopping, we stand them up and let them have a cart. They ain’t the enemy.

  You better help out at the front. I’ll tend to ‘em.”

  “Roger that, sir,” said Ben, who smiling saluted Levi, and received a salute in return.

  “Oh Ben, one other thing, is there an Army/Navy store around here somewhere?

  “Yeah, sure there are a couple of ‘em back toward town, why?”

  “Why? Because I want to visit them and see if we can get them to join up, that’s why. Do you know a better way to get uniforms, and all that sexy army stuff?

  Look, things are goin’ well here, find the sergeant in charge and tell him I want you to go with me. If he can spare you then let’s pay those stores a visit.”

  “On the way, sir,” said Ben as he turned and ran to see his boss.

  Levi walked up to the Walmart employees and said, “Hello, I am truly sorry if you’ve suffered any discomfort since our arrival. But please don’t worry, we mean you no harm. Just as…”

  “You’re going to prison for this; you know that, right? Just as soon as the power comes back on the police will hunt you down,” shouted a female cashier.

  Levi smiled and said, “Ma’am, in normal times you would be absolutely correct, then again, in normal times this would not be happening. Look to the horizon, do you see the smoke trails?”

  “Yes, what are they?”

  “Those are the burning wrecks of planes. If you look, you will also notice that there are no planes flying overhead.

  Please, let me explain exactly what has happened, and what will happen.

  First, the power will not be coming back for many years. The entire grid is fried…

  …so, having heard why the power is off and cars don’t run we get to the current conundrum. What do we do with you? Easy answer, using our bus, which does run, we will allow each of you to take one cart full of food and give you a ride home if you need one.

  If you have children, you may also take whatever supplies you will need for them in an additional cart. You will, of course, have to bag your own groceries to take on the bus; any questions?”

  One of the ladies raised her hand like she was in school and asked, “Why are you doing this? If what you say is true, won’t you need all of the supplies for yourselves?”

  “Ma’am, even though it doesn’t look like it right now, we are not thieves. We will make every attempt to assist the local population where, and when we can. I guess you could say we are paying that part forward.”

  “Thank you, sir, we appreciate the help, but I sure hope you are wrong.”

  Another employee shouted out, “What about the money inside? I bet you are nothing but thieves.”

  “Whoa, oh my no, we will not take a dime from the store or anyone in it. Besides, in another 48 hours, money will only be worth using for wallpaper, or very uncomfortable toilet paper. So, in answer to your question, no, we are not after any money.”

  The store manager stood and asked, “Sir, may I speak with you privately. I’ll go in last. My name is Scott, Scott Eldridge.”

  Levi smiled and replied, “Of course Scott, please stand by.”

  After everyone had gone, Scott offered his hand and said to Levi, “Sir, I spent four years in the 75th Ranger Battalion. I believe you are right, and if you can find a spot for me, I’d like to join up. I know I don’t have much to offer, except my military skill set, but you will need men with military skills.”

  “Did you make any deployments?”

  “Yes sir, two deployments to Afghanistan. I was a Buck Sergeant in an Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD) Detachment. I am married and have one son, aged 8.”

  Levi looked Scott Eldridge directly in the eye and was impressed when Scott did not flinch or look away. “Yeah, Scott, report to Sergeant Guy. You’ll work for him tonight, and we’ll talk again in the morning.

  Now about your family, I’ll loan my jeep to you with the trailer so you can go home and get the wife started packing. Leave the trailer and tell her to be ready to leave no later than (nlt) 0600.

  Can I trust you with my jeep, son?”

  “Sir, where would we go? We’ll be dead if we stay where we are, or if we run off. She’ll be ready, and thank you, sir. I’m committed to you all the way.”

  “Well, all right then. Ben, get with Sergeant Guyardo and make it happen. Go with him, Scott.”

  “Roger sir, on the way.”

  Oh, are we still going on our shopping trip?” asked Ben.

  “Just as soon as you get us some transportation. I seem to have lost mine somewhere.”

  Levi and Ben were able to get to both stores and convince the owners that it would be smart to join up before the looting started. The interesting thing is that both owners knew exactly what had happened, and didn’t like the idea of the destruction about to befall them.

  He then went back to the Walmart where Ralph, with a huge smile, was waiting.

  “Ben take the truck and hustle back to Defiance. Grab a crew and some trucks to get started on retrieving the goods from the Army/Navy stores. You up to the task?”

  “Up to the task? Sir, I was born for this…I just hope we stay out of prison.”

  “Yeah,” said Levi, “there is that…”

  Ralph ran over and shook Levi’s hand saying, “Oh, man, oh, man, I can’t believe how well this operation is going. The Depot went well, and it’s a good thing because we need all that lumber. Oh, man, oh, man!

  Hey, where you been?”

  “Well, since things were going so well here I took Ben on a recruiting trip to the Army/Navy stores and convinced them to join up.”

  “You did what? Did you offer a place to outsiders without conferring with me? What were you thinking Levi?”

  “Ralph, remember what I said about things being in a state of flux right now, and making the most of what time we have before
people start shooting and burning?”

  “Yeah, I remember, okay, were they worth it?”

  Levi smiled again and said, “Oh, yeah, you’ll be very happy.

  The foodstuff’s here will keep us going until the crops come in. However, if we can swing it, I’d sure like to snag a couple of grocery stores. I know we can’t do it until tomorrow, even though we may be cutting it a bit close, and if it can be done without getting all of us killed, I believe it will be worth the effort.

  “Grocery store, why, the food here will keep us going for quite awhile.”

  Levi turned on his serious face and said, “Ralph, we have no chance to hold on to even a semblance of our humanity and culture with only fifty people.”

  “Yeah, I see what you mean, but how many are you thinking about? Another ten or so?” asked Ralph.

  Levi laughed and avoiding the question, for now, saying, “Things are sorting themselves out well here, just let me speak with the troops. Then we need to go back to your quarters and figure out exactly what, and how many we do need.

  “Yeah, good idea, I’ll go with you and maybe I can get an idea of what in the hell you are up to,” but he was smiling…a little.

  “Okay, let’s get the lead out, we’ve got a lot of work to do, you know, places to go, people to see, and things to do.”

  Sergeant Juan Miguel Dominique Mesa Garcia Guyardo…or just Sergeant Guy. Anyway, Sergeant Guy had a good handle on things and was already preparing positions for the night. He expected trouble, and being a six year Force Recon Marine, Mike knew what he was about when it came to preparing positions.

  As Levi and Ralph approached, Sergeant Guy snapped to attention, saluted and said, “Sir, may I brief the Captain on our preparations for night operations?”

  Levi looked him up and down and knew this man was a great choice for this job. He said, “Yes Sergeant, but the short version please.”

  “Yes, sir, we have squad machine guns at each entrance manned by two men. As we speak, they are moving heavy boxes to fortify the entrances. Tomorrow we will replace the boxes with sandbags from the Home Depot, but for tonight this was our best solution.


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