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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

Page 8

by Deane, Cliff

  “Top, when did this information come in?”

  “I just finished reading the report when you called me in here, sir, but the action occurred at 0600 this morning.”

  “Well, hell shit, guys we have to find a quicker way to communicate. Okay, let’s get all three food stores resupplied and add four men to each. That’s gonna’ put us in a tight spot if we have to fight here, but we need to hold on to those supplies.

  Mr. Mayor?”

  “Oh yes, let’s get on it right now.”

  “Fine, Top, make it happen, then make a recommendation of an NCO for a four-man shopping trip.”

  The First Sgt. thought for a second before saying, “Cap’n we’re a bit short on E-5’s, but I do have a really good young corporal who I’m sure will do you a good job. It’s Corporal Todd Carter, you remember, the one on the Clinic mission.”

  “Okay Top, your call. Send him with a fire team out to some antique shops and find some old working treadle sewing machines. We’re gonna’ need ‘em. Hold on, have Carter take one of the tailors so they can see if what he finds is gonna’ work.”

  “Roger sir, I’ll have him on the way this morning. Anything else sir?”

  “No Top, not just now, but I’m sure that will change momentarily.”

  “Yes sir, I figger it will,” said Troop A’s Top Sergeant. as he went back to his duties.”

  “Levi,” said Ralph, “we can’t lose those supplies.”

  “Yeah, I know…”


  April 6th

  Evening meeting

  Levi’s Tent

  “The carpenters we saved from the walkers plan to start construction of a clinic first thing tomorrow. Personally, I think it will be a good thing to get the pharmacy, and clinic supplies moved to our building. They also have battery powered hand tools running, well until the batteries die.”

  “Why is that a problem? Home Depot has solar panels and inverters. We can let the sun charge batteries.

  Solar…Powered…Batteries, oh crap, Home Depot has miles of solar powered fencing. We can set them up not only as deterrents to cattle and horses but also as an alarm system. Shit, we might even be able to get some rudimentary communications up and running, that is if we have an Electrical Engineer…Ralph, do we have one?”

  Ralph chuckled and said, “Funny thing you should ask, why yes, we do, one of the original group.”

  “Well, dang, get him on it…I mean if you think it’s a good idea, of course. Oh yeah, let’s see if we can find some telegrapher types, you know Morse Code and all that?” said a smiling Levi.


  “Think about it Ralph; we should go ahead and put in wiring for all new building projects for when we do get power. I mean, there’s solar, and this near the coast there’s always wind.

  What say we start a think tank with our Engineer in charge to figure out how to do it?”

  “Yeah, great idea, and don’t forget we found that Solar Engineer guy, dang, I can’t recall his name right now, but he’d be a great addition to that team. He says he knows where there are thousands of panels and everything we need to put them to good use. The downside is that they are in a warehouse in Raleigh. I’ll get with him right after we’re through here. What else is on your agenda?”

  Levi looked thoughtful and finally said, “I’ll send out a fire team to secure American Propane, today and start transporting it here. We can also take propane tanks from deserted houses if we can figure a way to load them on our trucks.”

  “Levi, it’s already done. We began this effort a few days ago. Have you forgotten?’

  “Oh, yeah, sorry I remember now. That does it; I’m sending Top out to get some poster board and acetate so I can keep better track of what is going on around here.

  Okay, what was I saying, oh, yeah right, we’ll also send out details to find solar and wind equipment. We need to grab some solar and wind guys from the walkers, that is unless we already have them.”

  “Levi, we just spoke of that not two minutes ago. Are you okay old buddy?”

  “Oh yeah, so we did, and yes, I’m fine just a little tired I guess.”

  Quickly changing the subject, Levi said, “I also noticed you had the tractors out tilling the soil. When do you plan on the first planting?”

  “We figure around the 5th of May. This fall we’ll build some greenhouses for fresh winter veggies.”

  Levi was tired and immediately jumped to another subject, “Now open your mind to this idea. I would like to send out a small volunteer force of say a four-man fire team, led by Eldridge, to start clearing out the bad guys in the area. If we do it right, the word will get around not to come and play in our sandbox.”

  Ralph looked at Levi, and said, “I would not have considered it, but I must admit I can see the merits of the plan, but hey, if you think it’s worth doing, then you have my blessing.”

  “Thanks, you know, another plus is that the locals that are in jeopardy will be very pleased with us, and down the road a few months we should consider making treaties to help each other in a fight and to begin to develop trade.

  Treaties, of course, fall under the purveyance of the Mayor’s Office.

  Since we are thinking long term, do you think it might be a good idea to begin planning for a new currency? If we move quickly, we could bring a jeweler on board and let him guide us to the most valuable jewelry to confiscate, you know, diamonds and stuff. We might also bring a banker on board if his bank has any precious metals, and if he can get the safe open. What do you think?” asked Levi in a voice that seemed to get faster with each sentence.

  “Well, let’s see, if it is abandoned I guess it’s okay, and if a banker is brought along…yeah, I think it’s a good idea. We can put him in charge of developing a new currency. Yep, glad I thought of it.”

  “Funny man, you’re a funny man, but okay.”

  “Levi, getting back to the law enforcement thing, are you also the police?”

  “Ralph, as the legally elected Mayor of Defiance you can certainly authorize, at the least, Regulators, though I prefer the terms, Marshall and Deputies. I’ll check around to see if any of the local Sheriff’s Deputies are still around that might make good additions to Defiance.”

  “All right, I wonder if we can find a lawman named Dillon.”

  “Dang Ralph, you are in rare form today. Did you find a new girlfriend to look after your raggedy butt?”

  “Why yes, I have, her name is Eileen, and we’ll just have to see where it goes from here.”

  Levi smiled a rather sad smile, and said, “I’m happy for you Ralph, ya’ old reprobate.”

  Ralph blurted out, “Levi, you should be open to finding someone. Nights are long all by yourself.”

  Looking down to the floor Levi said, “Ralph, I haven’t spoken of my wife Sarah before because it has been just way too painful, but I guess you have the need to know. My wife Sarah was raped and murdered the morning of the blackout, so please let that dog stay under the porch…I need time; I think I just need lots of time. We understand each other, old buddy?”

  Now Ralph knew he had stepped over a line that he could not recross. “Levi, I am so sorry. Take all the time you need, but if you ever want to talk about it, I hope you will let me help by listening. I’ll be there for you buddy. No more discussion on that until you feel the need.”

  Levi stood and said, “Wait, one last thing for today, we need to find some cowboys and start rounding up loose cattle and horses.”

  “Okay, find me some cowboys and let’s do it.”

  “Old buddy, we certainly have a lot on our plate today, and not enough time or personnel to clean that plate, but we can at least get started. You done?” asked Levi.

  “Oh hell yes, see ya’ later.”

  After leaving Levi’s tent, Ralph made a beeline to Dr. Tom’s office.

  “Tom, I think Levi is in trouble. During our daily meeting, his voice kept getting faster and faster, jumping subjects and going
over things we already have in motion. Something’s wrong. Can you help?”

  “Easy Ralph, Levi is just super tired and wound tighter than a $2 hooker on meth. He’s suffering from lack of rem-sleep and way too much caffeine. If we can get him to take a sedative and get him to sleep for about eighteen hours, he’ll be fine.”

  Turning in his chair, he called out, “Nurse Fields?”

  “Yes Doctor, what do you need?”

  “Please get two tabs of Valium, max strength.”

  “Yes Doctor, I’ll be right back.”

  After receiving the Valium, both Ralph and Dr. Tom Monroe walked back to Levi’s tent to find him highly agitated and speaking rapidly to himself.

  “Hey guys,” said Levi “come on in.”

  Ralph asked, “Levi, who is in charge of this settlement?”

  Levi looked questioningly at the Mayor and replied, “You, why, did you forget?” laughed Levi.

  “No my friend, I just wanted to hear you say it because I don’t want any guff from you.”

  “Okay, what is it? Would you two like some cold coffee?”

  “Levi,” interrupted Dr. Monroe, “please sit down. The Mayor and I are concerned about your health. Now, with no nonsense, I want you to take these two sleeping pills. They will knock you out until tomorrow morning.”

  Ralph cut in, “You are acting nuts, so I am ordering you to take these pills and go to sleep.”

  “What, is this a joke? I don’t have time to sleep. I can do that when I’m dead,” laughed Levi.

  “Levi please; no excuses, as the Mayor and your friend I’m telling you to take these pills.”

  “Okay, okay, actually I have been feeling a little on edge, but so is everyone else in the Troop.”

  “No Colonel Levins, while it is true that everyone is tired, the added responsibility for Defiance Security only makes it worse. Come on, no more nonsense, Doctor’s orders.”

  Yeah Levi, don’t make me come over there.”

  “Okay, you’re the boss, there’s just so much to do.”

  “I know, Levi, but Ben knows what needs to be done today. Now please,” and Ralph nodded to Dr. Monroe who handed over the pills to his friend.

  Without another word Levi picked up a bottle of water and washed down the Valium, “Nighty night guys,” said Levi as he removed his boots and stretched out on his cot. Sleep came within minutes, and Colonel Levi Levins slept for nearly twenty hours.

  This was the first really restful sleep for Levi since he lost Sarah. In his dreams, he spent those hours walking and talking with her, and she gave him the strength to carry on.


  Chapter 15


  April 12th, 1025

  Abandoned Semi

  Sergeant Todd Fowler led a scrounging team to locate semis with usable cargoes. Bolt cutters in hand a young private cut the lock on the rear trailer door.

  Jackpot! Inside the 54’ trailer was a treasure trove of canned meats.

  “Tillerson,” ordered Sergeant Fowler, “take the truck and go back for a detail to unload this lip smackin’ bunch of goodies.”

  “Roger Sarge, on the way.”

  While Tillerson was on his quest for help to offload, Jacobson, the diesel mechanic looked at the engine to see if he could get it running. “Sorry Sarge, this baby is currently unfixable.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  A new voice spoke from the rear of the trailer, “Well, well, well, what’cha’ got boys?”

  Turning to face this stranger Sergeant Tillerson found himself staring down the barrel of a sawed off 12 gauge Mossberg shotgun.

  Though Tillerson’s eyes saw the flame from the barrel, his brain had no time to register it as the blast hit him full in the chest. He was dead in a millisecond.

  The two remaining troopers reached for their weapons, but before they could react two new faces appeared and hit both.

  “Hey Snake, wad’ja find?”

  “Jake, jump up in there and see what’s what.”

  “Yeah, sure Snake,” said Jake as he climbed into the trailer. “Looks like nuthin’ but canned meats, Snake. You want some?”

  “Yeah, throw down a case of sumthin, ’ and we’ll split it for lunch.”

  Jake grabbed the first case he managed to cut free from the pallet and handed it down. The case was broken open and distributed to the three men.

  Once the cans were stored in the motorcycle saddle bags the fat assed beer bellied bikers kick started their ancient bikes to life and sped off down the highway.

  An hour later three 1965 M-85 five ton cargo trucks arrived with a detail of ten men to load the cases of canned goods onto the trucks.

  Seeing no sign of activity around the trailer, Sergeant Carter ordered his two Corporals to assume a defensive posture while he investigated.

  He called out to Sergeant Fowler but got no response. He ordered one of the Privates to climb into the trailer to check it out.

  “Sergeant Carter,” yelled the Private, they’ve been shot.” He began to inspect the bodies as Carter, and two others climbed onto the trailer.

  “Come here Sarge; it looks like Tillerson is alive.”

  Sergeant Carter rushed to Billy Tillerson and quickly assessed that his time was indeed short, but still applied the limited first aid available.

  “Private, can you tell me what happened?” asked Carter.

  Billy opened his eyes and with difficulty said, “Three bikers just started shooting. They left heading for Miller’s Creek. Get Snake.”

  “Okay, now you just take it easy, and we’ll see about getting you back to Doc Faith. You hang in there now, you hear?”

  Billy didn’t answer as death finally claimed his first A Trooper.

  Sergeant Carter looked to Corporal Simms and asked, “Bikers, where in the hell did they get working bikes?”

  “I don’t rightly know Sarge, but I’d guess they were able to get some older bikes running. They must have one hell of a mechanic.”

  “Yeah, that must be it.”

  Calling to one of his Corporals, Sergeant Carter said, “Okay, establish OP’s up and down the road a hundred yards or so. The rest of your party will start loading the trucks after you secure our guys. We leave no one behind. You with me?”

  “Fuckin’ A Sergeant, we got this.” The three dead troopers were wrapped in plastic sheeting and carefully laid in the back of one of the M-85s. Sergeant Carter was most impressed and pleased with the respect his men displayed in securing the bodies.

  “All right then, Simms and I will go back to Defiance to report and pick up two more men to track those fuckers down. Carry on Corporal.”

  He thought, ‘Damn what I wouldn’t give for some working radios.’


  Man down

  A Troop Orderly Room


  “Top, is the Old Man around? We got trouble at one of the semis.”

  The First Sergeant sent a runner to get Colonel Levins.

  When Levi arrived, he asked, “What kind of trouble Sergeant?”

  “Sir, we left a Sergeant and two Privates at a semi on Miller’s Creek Road. When we returned, we found the Sergeant and one Private dead. One of the new recruits was found alive but with a sucking chest wound. Before he died, he was able to tell us that three bikers had shot them, before riding off toward Miller’s Creek.

  Sir, I request two additional men and a Jeep to track down those rat bastards and kill them.”

  Levi looked hard at the newly promoted Sergeant Carter and said, “Yes, that is exactly what we will do, but I’ve got to ask. Sergeant Carter are you ready for this mission or would you prefer some help from one of the more combat seasoned NCOs?”

  “Sir, I can handle this. Corporal Simms and I took out the druggies at the Monroe Clinic. I know my experience is limited, but I can lead this team. I can do it, sir.”

  Levi smiled and said, “Yeah, Sergeant Carter I know you can. Go get ‘em son, and if possible, I’d like one
prisoner to have a chat with before we hang him. Can do?”

  “Can do sir,” and with that Carter and Simms left the tent and set off to find the two men needed to flesh out his fire team.

  He drew a 1973 Jeep Wrangler with no top from the motor pool and departed for Miller’s Creek which is a small community that held around one hundred people before the collapse and now probably held no more than forty.

  Arriving back at the semi Carter checked to see how the load out was going and to find out any new information.

  The load out was going well, but no new information was available.

  At two miles from Miller’s Creek Sergeant Carter came across a family of four people…all dead. There was one man and three females ranging in age from around twelve to perhaps thirty-five. The man had been shot, and the women raped before they too were murdered.

  Sergeant Carter hid the truck in a copse of trees in ambush patrol formation proceeded to town.

  At the forest’s edge leading into the village, Carter ordered a reconnoiter of the area. Thirty minutes later the scouts reported that there were ten motorcycles in front of the small tavern, the Dew Drop Inn. All of the biker gang were in the bar and seemed to be having a wonderful time.

  Sergeant Carter and fire team withdrew one hundred yards to a secure location where Carter gave his plan for the attack. “Okay, with ten bikes that are obviously ten men and probably six to eight women.

  I think Occam’s razor is the best plan for this mess. Keep it simple. With luck, they will all come out together, but of course, they won’t; so when anyone comes out and walks over to the bikes, we watch to see where he goes. If he stays close by, we’ll take him out with our silenced M-4s then slip in and hide the body.

  If they all come out at once, we take them just as they are on their rides. Carter assigned positions for each man fronting the tavern.


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