Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante Page 13

by Deane, Cliff

  As the staff officers screamed for volunteers that met the General's requirements they were surprised to find that nearly everyone realized the importance of this mission. There was no shortage of volunteers, and some of the more senior NCOs were downright disappointed. Some even asked to be busted down to E-1.

  Work proceeded through the night at a rapid pace. Each staff officer had his orders and conveyed these to his NCOs. The NCOs then proceeded to fulfill their portion of the General's direction, and within six hours only the rum ration and about ½ of the ammo remained unfilled. Munitions were certainly available; there just were not enough trucks or trailers.

  Teams of Military Police were busy visiting liquor stores and cleaning out their supplies of rum. By 0830 hrs all tasks were completed, and all vehicles were lined up in the proper order.

  A new and bitter dark age was sweeping the world, and these new Defiance Militia volunteers were intent on not allowing that darkness to roll over them. They were prepared to do their duty, whatever that duty may be.

  Generals Alexander A. Vandegrift, USMC and George S. Patton, US Army would have been proud.


  April 12th, 0850

  Main Gate

  Camp Lejeune

  Lt. Colonel Murtaugh walked with Levi to the convoy and said, “Levi, Lord have mercy, but you make that Iraqi gray uni look good.”

  Levi smiled and said, “Yeah, well I thank you for getting it all ‘fancy Danned’ up for me, yeah, I kinda’ like it myself. I just hope our gate guards don’t start shooting at the arrival of the Iraqi Army or for that matter a new Confederate Army what with us all so sartorially dressed in gray.”

  “Yeah well, you da man. Look, I am sorry that we simply did not have sufficient trans assets to totally fulfill your ammo request. We have however put a secondary plan into motion.

  General Chalmers has asked me to give you this list of addresses and the combinations to every armory on this base, and here is a set of keys to the front gate and every armory door. Those armories are right now being stocked with ammunition and weapons resupply. Two of those armories showing a star beside the address hold medical supplies. Each armory door is secured by a combination series of locks. The keys will unlock the secure heavy-duty padlocks.

  Now, these doors are designed to be grenade proof. Of course, we have no idea if this will ultimately secure them for your use at some later date, but it was all we could think of to try to help you out. My guess is that others will quickly move onto the base, so sooner is better than later.

  The General has also asked me to give you this box. I have no idea what is inside, but he was misty-eyed when he had it loaded onto my vehicle, so it must be something close to his heart.”

  “Damn, Gus I don’t know what to say other than thank you and that we will be, always faithful (Semper Fi) to the ideals of the Corps and with our mission.

  Listen, Gus, if you are ever over our way I promise there will always be a place for you and your family.”

  Lt. Colonel Murtaugh was nearly overcome by the emotion of this offer and what he must do, today…the last day for the United States Marine Corps in North Carolina. Within another three days, the entire military structure of the USA would crumble, as Major General Chalmers said, into dust in the wind and ceasing to exist.

  “Levi, I cannot thank you enough for your offer, but my family is in Western Kentucky in a little town called Philpot. I’ll be heading out to the base stables and saddling up the horse I have there, and if there are any left, I’ll take a couple as pack animals.

  It will be wise for someone traveling alone to stay off the highways for years to come, so I’ll just sidle across country on my old horse Tugboat.

  Oh, I almost forgot, I slipped in enough MREs to take care of the fifty Marin…er, I mean new troopers in Defiance for a month should they create an initial food concern.

  Goodbye Levi, I am glad I met you, and may God Bless you and Defiance.”

  Levi almost choked up but managed to say, “Gus, I can never thank you enough. What you have done may mean the difference between the success or failure of Defiance.

  The written history of Defiance will include a large chapter on the generosity of the USMC. We will never forget.

  Good bye my friend, and remember the offer will always be open to you.”

  Then, not knowing what else to do, they shook hands, hugged and turned to walk toward their independent destinies.


  The explosions at the ammo dump rattled the windows and marked the final demise as the United States Marine Corps, dressed in civilian clothes along with their families began departing Camp Lejeune, North Carolina for the last time…well, for most of them…


  That morning, 12 April, at 0600 hours Major General Paul Chalmers, in his Dress Blue Uniform arrived in his office. He looked out the window and saw the last of his command pass through the gate armed with a sidearm, two magazines, and three MREs. He watched as Lt. Colonel Gus Murtaugh tied his horses to the gate, turn toward the Headquarters Building, and present one final salute to his General and his United States Marine Corps.

  General Chalmers returned the salute, and now alone on Camp Lejeune. He neatly squared away his hat on the corner of the desk, then pulled the coat rack behind his chair. He hung his winter coat in such a manner that it was partially open. He then drew his sidearm and sat behind his desk. He checked the coat to ensure that it was directly behind him. His final act was to place the barrel of his sidearm into his mouth and pull the trigger.

  No one was there to hear the single pistol shot.

  All glory is fleeting…


  Chapter 20


  April 10th

  Best Western Motel

  Drivers Store, NC

  The Double R stopped for several days in the small bedroom community of Drivers Store. There were fewer refugees on the road through this small village, and from here Cruz could send out raiding parties to the other towns in Wilson County. They had picked up several old cars and trucks that ran. These vehicles were reserved for scouting and raiding, besides, Romeo liked his carriage.

  Scouting parties were to find and recruit other gangs to increase his army, which had now swelled to nearly two hundred fighters and three hundred slaves. Recruiting went well as the food supplies were drying up elsewhere.

  Cruz had decided to annex a line of farms along his route to the coast to initiate a food supply line. Those families were reduced to slavery. They were not, however, forced to eat human flesh since he needed these slaves.

  Several gangs from larger cities, both Black and Latino were potential threats to Cruz, so they became his shock troops whenever they faced armed resistance.

  The weapons situation had improved, but there was still a huge shortage of military-style assault weapons. The only one who seemed to have them were those locals willing to fight rather than surrender. Casualties were high, but recruitment eased that burden.

  A favorite tactic was to march women and children slaves in front of his soldiers when attacking a fortified position. The defenders often could not bring themselves to shoot. This began to change once word got out that the slaves were cannibals.

  The Rogues or RR as they became known were like locusts. They scoured the land for food, raped, murdered, and enslaved everyone they came across. Slaves were chained, and usually left in the open during the night, come rain or shine, but for some unknown reason he had them moved into the multiplex theater.

  Romeo Cruz was a King; perhaps even a god…life was good.

  They remained in Drivers Store for five days before, once again returning to their march to the sea.

  Word of their approach began to reach those along their route. While the RR was a large and formidable force, they were very susceptible to sniping attacks. Locals would take a few shots then disappear back into the pines. This began to take a toll on the morale, and the number of fighters. Their resident doct
or, also a cannibal slave, treated the wounded.

  He would often allow a wound to fester into gangrene and announce that he would have to amputate the injured limb. Romeo, however, had no inclination to have soldiers with missing limbs, so he ordered them shot and then buried with gangster honor.

  Each soldier was buried with two of his slaves to include his sex toy. No soldier was left on the ground among the untold millions of stinking dead all around them. The burials helped morale to some small degree. As the rat population exploded, no one wanted to be left on the ground to the rats. It did not seem to occur to any of them that they were being left to the worms.


  Chapter 21

  Skirmish at Wally World

  April 11th, 0500

  Walmart occupied by Troop A

  Tree line fronting Parking Lot

  Ten men, thieves, and con men from before the darkness who traveled from New York to Florida each year following the seasons watched the front entrance to Wally World.

  Red Farnum, the leader of this merry band, had been having a wonderful time since the lights went out. The world was now their oyster. They had amassed a huge fortune in paper money and jewels, along with all of the other valuables that had paid for their traveling lifestyle for many years.

  Now they set their eyes on what was, to them, the crown jewel of supplies…Walmart.

  This was not the first of the big chain stores they had cased, but gangs that did not play nice had owned the others. Here the ownership was not to a gang that would take a hammer and gleefully break every bone in one’s body, starting with the toes and working up.

  Naw, here were just some local yokels who liked to play army, and from everything that Red and his cronies could see, the Rubes were asleep at the wheel.

  “Slim, it looks like we can take the whole thing if we just slip up quietly and take out the guards, then go in and eliminate the threat. We grab what we need, and it’s back on the road again.”

  “Yeah, looks like a piece of cake, fa gid a bout it, let’s get to it before they wake up.”

  “Good thinkin’, get the boys started, we’ll ease through the cars in the lot and be on ‘em before they know what’s happening.”


  “Shultz, go wake up Sergeant Guy, we got company trying to sneak in.”

  “Yeah? Hey, let me see through your night vision monocle.”

  “Sure, her ya’ go. Can you see ‘em trying to sneak around the cars? I count ten, whada’ya see?”

  Shultz counted in a whisper and said, “Yeah Moose, I agree with ten. Hold tight while I go get the Sarge.”

  Moose gently shook Sergeant Guyardo. He came instantly awake and asked, “What is it? That you Moose?”

  “Yeah Sarge, it’s me. Listen, we spotted ten guys trying to sneak up on us right through the middle of the parking lot.”

  Sergeant Guy jumped to his feet and pulling on his boots said, “Thanks, Moose, now I want you to go the other front entrance and make sure they are aware and ready. Then I want you to go to the other doors and do the same. You got me?”

  “Roger that Sarge, warn the other front entrance, then the other positions.

  On the way,” and with that Moose was gone.

  Sergeant Guy then saw that the others had heard and were getting dressed. “All right ladies, let’s saddle up. This place is ours, and we’re going to keep it.”

  A chorus of, “Roger that’s,” resounded in the darkness as these men prepared for combat.”

  When Sergeant Guy arrived at the reporting position, he said, “Sitrep.”

  Corporal Shultz said, “Ten men, civilian clothes, no long guns visible approaching with stealth from the direct front. They are now about twenty cars deep in the parking lot.

  I can’t believe it, Sarge; they are moving right into the open kill zone, I mean, it’s like they want to get shot or some shit like that.”

  Guy said, “Damn, what morons. It’s pretty obvious they have no military training. I would like one prisoner, maybe a round in the foot, just so it ain’t a fatal shot. Can swing you it, Shultz?”

  “Yeah, ‘course. You got it, Sarge. Where’s Moose?”

  “He’s warning the other positions. He’ll be right back. If he says there are more approaching the other positions, send him to find me. I’ll be back in a couple of mikes. Roger?”

  “Yeah, yeah, Roger, I got it here.”

  As Guy approached the other main entrance, he heard, “Sergeant Guy, that you?”

  “Yeah, did Moose fill you in?”

  “Oh yeah, but we got nothin’ on our side. Maybe we’ll get lucky and not have to fire a shot, we just cleaned our weapons before we came on, and it looks like the SAW was cleaned real good, too.”

  “Damn, Chuckles, you are such a wuss. I gotta’ get back, so sharp eyes, Roger?”

  “Gotcha Sarge, oh, are the sleepy heads up and joinin’ us?”

  “Ayup, they’ll be here in a minute.”

  Red stopped short when he realized why they hadn’t seen any walking guards. They were behind sandbagged walls. “Shit, Slim I wonder if they really are asleep.”

  “A’course they are, you seen any movement anywhere? If they knew we was here they’da started shootin’ or at least we’d see movement by bringin’ other boys up. Hell, it’s quiet as a tomb in there. We caught ‘em nappin’ Red. Come on, let’s go.”

  “Yeah, you’re probly right. I’m not happy about crossing the road right in front of them, but if there’s no movement then I think we got ‘em. Let’s go.”

  When the attackers had made their way to the last car before the open road, Red whispered to his men, Slim and I will cover you. Go ahead and take ‘em out.”


  “Moose, did I just hear someone whisper over there behind the first car?”

  Moose said, “I can’t believe it, but yeah, I’m ready, you?”

  The sandbagged position was built with a firing port for the SAW. Moose waited, finger along the trigger guard just waiting for the group to show themselves.”

  Within seconds the attackers began a slow crouched march across no man’s land. When they were right in the middle of the street, Moose heard the word…fire. The eight men crossing the street immediately fell to the ground dead or horribly wounded.

  Rounds from the SAW also struck the car Red and Slim were hiding behind. Red was luckily behind the engine block, but Slim was not so fortunate. The fire from the SAW tore through the car doors and killed him right away.

  Red was racked by a terrible fear and immediately shouted, “I give up, don’t shoot!”

  Sergeant Guy said in a calm voice, “Ok, weapons to the ground, place your hands on your head, stand and turn your back to us, then sidle sideways until you get to the car land and begin backing up to us. Do it now or die!”

  Red followed these instructions readily; this wasn’t his first arrest rodeo.

  “Now stop and kneel on the ground.”

  Once Red was cuffed Sergeant Guy said, “Moose, grab the jeep and get General Patton here out to Defiance, and take Sterling with you to guard this dumbass.”

  “Roger that, Sarge,” and Moose was off the get the jeep.

  Red was a bit confused when he heard four pistol shots; then the bodies were placed in the bed of a pickup and taken out to the main road where they were hanged with signs around their necks saying:

  “We were murdering thieves.

  We would advise you to keep moving

  and do not mess with A Troop.”

  This is a Public Service Announcement

  Brought to you by

  Troop A, Defiance Militia

  After Red had been ushered into the Troop Interrogation room, Levi asked him, “Name?”

  “Huh, aren’t you going to read me my rights first? That’s when I say fuck off; I want an attorney.”

  “Funny boy, huh Top?”

  “Oh yes sir, funny boy.”

  Levi asked him several questions, and after being
convinced that the law played by a new set of rules these days, he answered everything fully.

  Levi then said, Well Red, you are charged with attempted murder, a crime punishable by hanging by the neck until you are dead, how do you plead?”

  “What, hanging, you can’t do that. Don’t I even get a trial?”

  “Actually Red, what you do get is a Military Tribunal, and I’m the Judge, and my First Sergeant here is the jury. Your Defense Attorney is Sergeant Juan Miguel Mesa Garcia Guyardo. You remember, the Sergeant in charge of all the men you planned to kill. I asked him if he had a defense planned for you and he said, ‘I got nuthin’.

  Therefore, I pronounce you guilty and sentence you to be hanged by the neck until you are dead, sentence to be carried out this day at the scene of your crime. May God have mercy upon your soul.

  Red’s last words were something about his having rights

  That afternoon Red was taken to the main drag leading to Defiance at precisely twenty miles out from the Village Green where he was hung by the neck until he was dead.


  Chapter 22

  The Gift

  April 13th 0730

  Levi’s Tent


  The dawn sky was a magnificent bright red as the sun made its presence known. Levi was sure that meant rain by this afternoon or evening.

  Levi returned to his tent following PT and a shower. He suddenly remembered the box given him by Lt. General Chalmers. It lay on the back seat of his jeep behind the driver.


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