Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante Page 14

by Deane, Cliff

  Trotting out to the jeep he retrieved the box and took it inside his palatial GP Medium Tent. He thought, ‘Dang, this box is really heavy.’

  Once back inside he took his K-bar and cut through the hundred mile per hour tape, which secured whatever was inside. Opening the flaps, he saw a note on the top of several layers of old newspaper.

  The note read:

  ‘From the desk of: Lt. General Paul Chalmers, USMC 4 April xxxx

  Camp Lejeune, Commanding

  Levi, I want to thank you for promising to mention the United States Marine Corps fondly in the historical record of Defiance.

  While you slept, I sat wondering how to further assist your efforts in securing Defiance, even though I think Liberty may have been a better name, then again the name is none of my business, and it is true that you must remain defiant.

  Under the packing, you will find the following items:

  My Military ID card in a manila envelope along with a letter addressed: To Whom It May Concern.

  10 lbs of C-4

  200 blasting caps

  2 claymore mines

  A further listing of combinations for the locking mechanism securing the Amory doors at Cherry Point (also in the env.)

  Additional keys to fit the high-density security locks for those armory doors

  Keys to the front gate for both Cherry Point and Sunny Point At Sunny Point, you may find a Philippine-flagged RORO containing, among other things, thousands of solar panels, invertors, and complete electrical hookup boxes. These were purchased from China, of course, to complete the solar installations at Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point.

  The ship is named Cortana. I have no idea if Captain Aaron Reyes or any of his crew are still aboard so be careful.

  If the Captain and crew are still aboard attempting to repair the CME damage, show him my ID card and the letter. He will turn his cargo over to you.

  If he seeks a place to stay with you, I would advise you to welcome him, and his Chief Engineer Adan Reyes. Reyes is a true genius when it comes to machines; running, repairing or inventing.

  Levi, it is imperative that you make connections with the Cortana prior to 16 April as the ship may is under repair and plans to sail on, or about 17 April.

  Do not delay; the reward is worth the risk.

  The final two items in the box are the USMC flag and my General Officers three-star flag, which hung in my office. It is my hope that they will be saved, and one day placed in a museum. Both are vacuum-sealed, so unless the plastic covering becomes pierced, they should remain safe for many hundreds of years.

  May God Bless you, my friend.

  With deepest respect and regards,


  Paul Lewis Chalmers

  Lt. General, United States Marine Corps

  Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, USA


  Levi stood staring at the letter from his newfound friend for several long seconds before laying out the booty from this treasure trove.

  Once laid out Levi shouted, “First Sergeant!”

  Within seconds the A Troop 1st Sgt stuck his head inside Levi’s tent and said, “What the f…, sir, where did you get all of these neat toys?”

  “Get Jonesy to chase down the Mayor, XO and SSgt Eldridge then bring them in for planning a new mission.”

  “Roger sir, on the way…Corporal Jones…”

  All three were in the “Dining Facility” having breakfast when Jones found them and informed them of the meeting with Colonel Levins.

  “Please, come in gentlemen, oh, you too Top,” causing a small chuckle among his guests.

  Everyone stood around staring at the contents of the General’s gift and wondering where it had come from.

  “What you see on the floor, and my desk are the contents of a gift box given to me by Lt. General Chalmers. The box also contained some personal items.

  Well, there you have it. We have to make that ship, the Cortana our top priority. Those solar kits mean civilization and the power necessary to fight off the darkness around us. Are we all in agreement?”

  All heartily agreed, though SSgt Eldridge asked, “Sir, of course, I agree, but why am I included in this meeting? Should I excuse myself?”

  “No Scott, you most certainly may not. You have been invited to this meeting because you are going to lead the mission to begin securing those kits.”

  “Me, but sir, this is an incredibly important mission, are you sure it’s me you want running it?”

  The First Sergeant interrupted and asked, “Staff Sergeant Eldridge, are you suggesting that Colonel Levins has made a mistake as to your qualification for this mission? My bet is he knows a bit better than you who is best qualified. So, shut your pie hole and take some notes. Sorry sir, I just couldn’t let that pass.”

  Smiling Levi said, “Top, I couldn’t have said it better myself, though I was preparing to give it a try.

  Now, Sergeant Eldridge if you don’t mind I’d kind of like to continue, I mean, with your permission of course.”

  “Sir, please accept my apologies, it’s just that…”

  “Didn’t you hear the Top Sergeant of this fuster cluck tell you to shut your pie hole and takes notes?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Now, everyone but an embarrassed and red faced Staff Sergeant Eldridge broke out laughing. Levi said, “It’s okay Scott, relax, we’re just pullin’ your chain.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Ok, Ben, your task is to get twenty of those trucks unloaded ASAP, as in today. I want this mission on the road nlt 0600 of the 14th. Roger?”

  Top, get the dozer fired up and let’s move.”

  “Roger sir, I’ll get on the berm prep right after this meeting. Then start a roster for guard duty.”

  “Good man.”

  “Mayor, do you think you can find sufficient electricians to put on a massive effort to get us up and running when the first trucks get back?”

  “Well, right now we do not have sufficient personnel for a massive effort. We’ll see what we can find among the remaining walkers. I sure hope there are some electricians out there, ‘cause the walker population is falling fast.

  Levi, it was just a few days ago that you said we needed to find the skill positions early on. Man, were you right, but who could have guessed we’d need a large number of electricians so soon. I mean, I didn’t even think we’d need more than three or four for another twenty-five years. Anyway, I’ll see what we can find. Can you spare four troopers for a shopping trip to get a gazillion deep cell batteries?”

  “We are really tight with this new mission, so let’s wait for the batteries until we know exactly what we need. Once we’ve got the kits, we’ll have extra men for the batteries.

  Say, wait a minute Mayor, check with that motorcycle bunch, The Widow’s Sons. They may have some electricians in their group.”

  “Will do.”

  “Ben, work with Top for max effort to have the trucks and equipment ready for the 14th.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Sergeant Eldridge, steal some of the XO’s time so he can get everything you need ready. Men, and ammo heavy. The road’s still a dangerous place. Roger?”

  “Yes sir, Roger that.”

  “Hot damn, this is exciting, the return of electric power and hot showers. We’ll call this Operation Bright Light.”

  Any questions? Good then let’s get to it. Ralph, would you remain a moment?”

  “Sure thing.”

  After everyone had gone Ralph asked, “What’cha need partner?”

  “Ralph, I’d like to place the flags and this letter in your keeping. It must be a major piece of our history. Would you take on this mission?”

  Ralph looked at the flags secured in the heavy plastic air tight containers and said, “Colonel Levins, I would be more than honored. I am, well, I just don’t have the words right now, but yes sir. I’ve got this. Damn Levi, if I don’t get out of here right now, I’m gonna’ cry right i
n front of you.”

  “I know my friend, I feel exactly the same, so get the hell out of here before we both start blubbering,” and with that Ralph nearly fled the tent after using great reverence to pick up the flags.

  Levi then lay upon his cot for awhile and did shed some tears for the demise of America’s 9-1-1.


  Chapter 23

  What is Money: Trust

  April 11th 0900

  Bank Manager’s Office

  1st National Bank

  Mr. Harold Kearns didn’t look the part of Chairman of the Board of the 1st National Bank. After 13 days of no electricity, no car, now no water, and no contact with the Federal Reserve Bank frightened Harold and made him realize that he was way, way out of his element.

  Just ten days ago Mr. Harold Kearns was a most respected man, and he knew it. His world was ordered just like the Teller’s cash-on-hand sheets he personally reviewed at the end of each workday.

  Suddenly, in a flash of light, he had become one of the lost. He no longer had funds, servants, a country club, or any of the position things that had so defined his life.

  His wife, Eleanor was in San Francisco, California visiting her sister when the lights went out, and there had been no word from her.

  Now, alone, totally lost and defeated he could not comprehend what to do, so he sat in his office waiting for contact from the Federal Reserve.

  Now, knowing full well that his prayer would never be answered, it seemed, at this moment that the .38 caliber Smith & Wesson Police Special short barreled revolver was his only exit from this unending torment of a nightmare. It lay on his desktop, and to Harold’s mind, it was the only thing working in his world. He began to reach out for the pistol when he heard someone walking through the bank toward his office.

  A week earlier and he could not have imagined the effrontery of some unknown person approaching his door without first passing through members of his managerial staff. Why; it had been unthinkable.

  Now Harold hoped it was a thief come to rob the bank and kill its Chairman. Harold placed the revolver in his lap.

  Mayor Ralph Bassett smiled as he entered the dimly lit inner office, illuminated only by a hissing Coleman lantern.

  “Good morning, sir, my name is Mayor Ralph Bassett of the Township of Defiance. May I inquire as to your name?”

  Harold did not bother to stand; he simply nodded for Ralph to sit down, though his curiosity was piqued. “My name is Mr. Harold Kearns, and until the lights went out, I was the Chairman of this bank and its largest stockholder.

  Since there is no more bank, and money is worthless I must say that I cannot even begin to fathom what business we could possibly have to discuss, but in the interest of courtesy, and my lack of anything else to do, I am as they say, all ears.”

  Ralph smiled in a most friendly manner and said, “Harold, oh, may I call you Harold?”

  Harold Kearns displayed the hint of a smile; the first in a week. “A week ago I would have had you thrown out, but now Harold seems entirely appropriate.

  What was it you came to see me about, Mr. uh, excuse me I do not recall your name. Please be kind enough to repeat it for me.”

  “Of course,” said Ralph, “My name is Ralph Bassett, please call me Ralph, and I am the Mayor of Defiance.

  I have come to discuss a business proposition, no, perhaps that is an over simplification. What I want to discuss is a new beginning, to avoid a step into the abyss of civilization’s demise. Would you like me to continue, or shall I leave you to your thoughts of what to do with that pistol in your lap?”

  The Chairman of the Board of the 1st National Bank of North Carolina realized he was speaking to an educated and even cultured man. This man spoke most elegantly. A spark of hope was kindled in Harold Kearns…still… “Sir, I have never heard of your Defiance Township, so if this is a ruse to rob the bank, I can only say…have at it. Would you like me to open the vault for you? There is, of course, a way around the electronic locking mechanism when power is off for more than twenty-four hours.

  You may take what you wish, not that it will do you any good since the cash on hand is worthless.”

  Ralph sat back in his chair and said, “No Harold, robbing your bank is the furthest thing from my mind. Please bear with me, and I will tell you of our plan to create an oasis of civilization. We…”

  When Ralph finished, he looked at Harold Kearns and said, “Sir, a huge piece of our little puzzle is the acquisition of precious metals to provide a new currency. With that, we can initiate trade, as opposed to barter with other communities in our area, and beyond.

  We need you, Harold, to be the Secretary of the Treasury of Defiance. So the only question is, are you willing to take a chance on rebuilding America, or sit here and die of self-inflicted lead poisoning?”

  Kearns took a few seconds before responding, “Ralph, on the surface this plan of yours is totally insane, but in truth what have I got to lose other than my now worthless life?

  Is there room in your little birthplace of a new world for an old man who has nowhere else to go, except possibly to hell?”

  Ralph stood and leaning over Harold’s desk offered his hand and said, “Harold, there is a hot shower waiting for you, and hot food. I can’t vouch for the taste factor, as our new community Mess Hall will not be online for another three or four days, but don’t worry, food is plentiful.”

  Harold also stood to take Ralph’s hand as his revolver slipped, forgotten from his lap. “Ralph, I accept, and may I say your timing is impeccable, two minutes later and…well, let’s just say your arrival was, indeed precipitous.”

  …so this is how it feels to have a prayer answered in the last second, thought Harold Kearns. God had sent the Cavalry in the form of the Mayor of a new town.

  Harold added, “Now I have a surprise for you, my new found friend, there are two safes in this bank, one large vault for the cash to impress the account holders, and a second somewhat smaller hidden safe that currently holds two hundred pounds of gold, silver, and platinum.

  I realize, of course, that two hundred pounds is not a huge quantity to fund a new currency, but I know where there is more, and I know how we can get to it, that is if you think it would help,” laughed Mr. Harold Kearns, Secretary of the Treasury of Defiance, “Come, let me show you.”


  Chapter 24

  Sunny Point

  April 14th 0600

  Defiance War Room


  The convoy departed the LOD on time and made their way to Cherry Point along Hwy 64 Alt to US 258 S. This route would have been far more difficult before the CME, but now with so few vehicles on the road, the going was much faster.

  The convoy consisted of 20 M-85, 5-Ton trucks with six machine-gun mounted jeeps. The lead jeep was the scout, followed by an M-85 with a dozer blade mounted to push aside stalled vehicles. Every fifth vehicle was an armed jeep, followed up by the tail gunner jeep.

  There had been far fewer walkers along this route, almost giving the appearance what was once considered a normal day. Very few skeletal remains littered the road as the animals in the area had eaten the remains and scattered the bones.

  The small towns were sparsely populated. The populations had dropped due to the lack of food being brought in. Those that remained were solidly self-sufficient and preferred the seclusion of the Inner Banks. Few people ran out to meet the convoy, and those that did were informed by the scout that we were not government assistance and could do nothing for them.

  The only roadblock was just before the village of Leland, just outside of Wilmington. The scout observed the obstruction and waited for the convoy to catch up.

  SSgt Eldridge climbed down from the cab of the five-Ton and walked to the scout.

  The Corporal commanding the three-man scout jeep said, “Sarge, we got a roadblock about a quarter mile up ahead. It appears to be manned by a minimum of five men; two on each side of the road and one in the center.
It is unknown if there are snipers on the flanks.”

  “Good sitrep Corp, what say we mosey on down there and see what they have to say.”

  “Ogden, hop on down here and take a break while we check things out.”

  The Private got down and decided to relieve himself while he waited.

  The jeep drove slowly to within two hundred yards of the barrier and halted. “Driver, if you see me, or the Corporal turn and point back to you, I want you to fire a short burst into the tree line to your right. You got that?”

  “Sure Sarge, you or the Corp turn and point to me then I fire a short burst to the tree line to my right. Got it.”

  “Good man.”

  The driver took over the mg as Eldridge, and the Corporal walked, carrying their M4A1’s pointed down as they made their way to the barricade.

  At about the fifty-foot mark a voice said, “That’s close enough. This road is closed, go back, turn around, and go away. This is fair warnin’, so git afore we decide we really like your little jeep.”

  “Well, good morning to you too, sir. My name is Staff Sergeant Eldridge, and we mean you no harm. We have a convoy of twenty-six vehicles en route to the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point.

  We have no desire to take anything that you have. We only want safe passage through Leland. We can clear a path and when we are through we will replace the vehicles we have moved, back into position.”

  “Say, does that pop gun your driver’s aimin’ our way work, or is it just for show, and what the hell kinda’ uniform is that your wearin’?”

  “Sir, instead of yelling at each other, how about you come down here, or I come up there so we can talk face to face and get to know each other.”

  “Okay, but your man stays right there in our sights, so don’t try nuthin stupid. Just lay your weapons on the ground and come on up.”


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