Inside Job
Page 22
286. “Ratf**ked: The True Story behind The Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy,” by David Daley. Printing with post-2016 epilogue available at:–1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=ratfuked&dpPl=1&dpID=41vTVqsxuXL&ref=plSrch#featureBulletsAndDetailBullets_secondary_view_div_1500080267818.
287. “Democrats Better Focus on the Races That Matter in ‘18 or We Will Have Another Decade of Right-Wing Extremists in Charge: Retaking the House in 2018 slows the GOP. Only governors can stop GOP gerrymanders and political monopolies through 2031,” by Steven Rosenfeld,, July 14, 2017,
288. Same as 262: “The Other Right-Wing Tidal Wave Sweeping America: Federal and State Preemption of Local Progressive Laws: Preemption allows corporations to boost their profits by suppressing local government power, community groups and citizens,” by Don Hazen and Steven Rosenfeld,, February 25, 2017.
289. “ALEC’s Scary Plan For Electing Your Senators: The radical right is intent on destroying democracy as we know it,” by David Daley,, July 22, 2017,
290. “We’re Supposed to Be a Democracy, But Half the GOP Is OK with Postponing 2020’s Election: A party full of delusions exposes the dark underbelly of America,” by Steven Rosenfeld,, August 10, 2017.
291. “Voting Machine Digital Ballot Images Could Let Public Recount Elections, But Many Locales Aren’t Saving or Sharing This Data: Publicly verified elections are key to de-corrupting our democracy,” by John Brakey, AlterNet, June 8, 2017,
292. “Citizen Scientists Comb Images To Find An ‘Overexcited Planet,’” by Joe Palca, National Public Radio, June 1, 2017,
Abady, Jonathan S., 119–120, 194n241
Abbott, Greg, 185–186n191
“Abbott signs voter ID, end of straight-party voting into law” (Lindell), 185–186n191
ABC News, “Abbott signs voter ID, end of straight-party voting into law” (Lindell) June 1, 2017, 153n42
“About Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act,” 168n114
Abrams, Stacey, 79–82
Abrasion, Alana, 153n42
AccuVote TSX, 123
ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now), 55, 57
“ACORN Accusations: McCain makes exaggerated claims of ‘voter fraud.’ Obama soft-pedals his connections” (Henig), 166n104
“Additional Data Could Help State and Local Elections Officials Maintain Accurate Voter Registration Lists,” 173n136
Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (Trump), 54, 59, 74–75, 133, 175n142, 199n275
Advisory Legal Opinions, 127
“Advocate for Tough Voting Rules to Steer Trump’s Elections Commission” (Wines and Bosman), 175n142
affirmative action and gerrymandering, 47–48
Alabama district maps, 71–72
Alabama Republican Party, 68
Alabama voter ID laws, 71–73
“Alabama’s GOP approves new maps; Dems vow repeat court fight: Alabama’s overwhelmingly Republican legislature has sent a new legislative map to the governor after a rancorous session featuring a racially charged email comparing lawmakers to monkeys.” (Chandler), 170n122
Albright, Jonathan, 195n249
ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), 138
“ALEC Is Talking About Changing the Way Senators Are Elected and Taking Away Your Vote: A proposed resolution advocates for overturning the 17th Amendment so Republican-controlled state legislatures could pick senators” (Nichols), 155n51
“ALEC’s Scary Plan For Electing Your Senators: The radical right is intent on destroying democracy as we know it” (Daley), 201n289
Allen, Jonathan, 11, 99, 149n13, xiv
“ALEC’s Scary Plan For Electing Your Senators: The radical right is intent on destroying democracy as we know it” (Daley) July 22, 2017, 201n289
“Democrats Better Focus on the Races That Matter in ‘18 or We Will Have Another Decade of Right-Wing Extremists in Charge: Retaking the House in 2018 slows the GOP. Only governors can stop GOP gerrymanders and political monopolies through 2031” (Rosenfeld) July 14, 2017, 201n287
“Epic Fight Over Florida’s Political Future Looms As Constitutional Amendment to Restore Felon Voting Rights Clears Hurdle” (Friesdat) April 27, 2017, 171–172n129
“A Fair Election? Serious, Hard-to-Explain Questions Arise About Trump Vote Totals in 3 Key States: Voting rights advocates are scrambling to see if recounts are feasible in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania” (Rosenfeld) Nov. 18, 2016, 192n224
“A Harsh Dose of Electoral Reality: Democrats Have Uphill Battle in ’18 and Need to Elect Governors to Fight Gerrymandered GOP Monopoly” (Rosenfeld) April 7, 2017, 162n83
“At Least 50 Trump Electors Were Illegitimately Seated as Electoral College Members: More evidence surfaces as calls mount to challenge congressional ratification of Electoral College vote” (Rosenfeld) Jan. 4, 2017, 196–197n259
“New Video: Watch Wisconsin Election Officials Reject Hand Counts After Electronic Scanners Make Big Mistake: ‘I am just stunned at how inaccurate the whole thing is,’” (Friesdat) Dec. 16, 2016, 147n2
“The Other Right-Wing Tidal Wave Sweeping America: Federal and State Preemption of Local Progressive Laws: Preemption allows corporations to boost their profits by suppressing local government power, community groups and citizens” (Hazen and Rosenfeld) Feb. 25, 2017, 197n262
vote discrepencies, post 2016 election, 110
“Voting Machine Digital Ballot Images Could Let Public Recount Elections, But Many Locales Aren’t Saving or Sharing This Data: Publicly verified elections are key to de-corrupting our democracy” (Brakey) June 8, 2017, 201n291
“Watch: Hackers Demonstrate How to Crack Into Electronic Voting Machine in Minutes: Disturbing footage from the DEF CON 25 hacker convention” (Friesdat) July 29, 2017, 196n253
“We’re Supposed to Be a Democracy, But Half the GOP Is OK with Postponing 2020’s Election: A party full of delusions exposes the dark underbelly of America” (Rosenfeld) Aug. 10, 2017, 201n290
“What 6 Top Election Experts Are Saying About the Next Big Step in the 2016 Recount” (Rosenfeld) Nov. 29, 2016, 194n238
Altlanta Journal-Constitution, “Appeals court nixes proof of citizenship for voting in Georgia” (Torres) Sept. 11, 2016, 176n148
American Center for Voting Rights, 56–57
American democracy, threats to, 131
American Independent Party (AIP), 25–26, 152n35
American Legislative Exchange Council, 58–59
The American Presidency Project, “Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections: 1828–2012” (American Presidency Project), 165n95
The American Prospect
“From a Contentious Election to a Stronger Democracy: Strengthening democracy is the key to all other reforms” (Rapoport) Oct. 6, 2016, 179n163
“Elections: State Progress, Federal Train Wreck; State secretaries bask in smooth Election Day, joust in Washington’s battles” (Rapoport) March 2, 2017, 191n215
“Voter Suppression in the Mirror and Looking Forward: How much damage occurred in 2016, and what’s in store for 2018 and beyond?” (Rapoport) Aug. 7, 2017, 194n237
The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry (Sublette), 155n49
Americans Take Action, 127
antidemocratic state party rules, 21–24
anti-Sanders biases, xxii. see also Clinton, Hillary; Democratic Party; Sanders, Bernie
anti-voter barriers, xvii, xxiv, 31, 41, 118
anti-voter laws, 22, 41, 54, 92
“AP count: Clinton has delegates to win Democratic nomination” (Yen, Ohlemacher, Lerer, and Lucey), 153n38
“Appeals court nixes proof of citizenship for voting in Georgia” (Torres), 176n148
“Are Felons More Likely to Vote for Democrats over Republicans?” (, 171n128
“Arizona Taxpayer and Citizen Protection, Proposition 200 (2004),” 175n143
Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (Amicus Brief), 175–176n144
Arizona voting barriers, 95
“Arkansas governor signs bill to reinstate voter ID law” (Demillo), 174–175n141
Arpaio, Joe, 75
Article Five constitutional convention, 138
Associated Press (AP), 26–27, 131, 144
“Alabama’s GOP approves new maps; Dems vow repeat court fight: Alabama’s overwhelmingly Republican legislature has sent a new legislative map to the governor after a rancorous session featuring a racially charged email comparing lawmakers to monkeys.” (Chandler) May 20, 2017, 170n122
“AP count: Clinton has delegates to win Democratic nomination” (Yen, Ohlemacher, Lerer, and Lucey) June 7, 2016, 153n38
“Arkansas governor signs bill to reinstate voter ID law” (Demillo) March 24, 2017, 174–175n141
“Revised Redistricting Plans Face Strong Public Opposition: GOP lawmakers on a key Senate committee approved a revision Friday of controversial redistricting plans, but Democrats and others accused Republicans of lacking transparency” (Kaplan) March 24, 2017, 161n80
“Revised Redistricting Plans Face Strong Public Opposition: GOP lawmakers on a key Senate committee approved a revision Friday of controversial redistricting plans, but Democrats and others accused Republicans of lacking transparency” (Kaplan) March 24, 2017, 169–170n121
“Senate Approves Redistricting Plan; Black Democrats Object: The Alabama Senate approved new legislative districts over the objections of black Democrats” (Chandler) May 4, 2017, 161–162n81
“Some States Review Election Systems for Signs of Intrusion” (Dalesio and Mulvihill) June 8, 2017, 186–187n192
“Trump’s voter fraud experts registered in 3 states” (Burke) Jan. 31, 2017, 197n264
Association for Computing Machinery, 108
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 144
“Appeals court nixes proof of citizenship for voting in Georgia” (Torres) Sept. 11, 2016, 176n148
“Georgia judge sides with state in ‘missing’ voters case” (Torres) Oct. 29, 2014, 179n161
“New Georgia Project releases financial records, renews voter push” (Torres) Feb. 11, 2016, 178n158
The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, 80
Austin American-Statesman, “Abbott signs voter ID, end of straight-party voting into law” (Lindell) June 1, 2017, 185–186n191
bad policy umbrella, 120
Bailey-Rihn, Valerie, 118
Baker, Charlie, 5
Baker v. Carr, 42, 158n63
Ball, Billy, 185n188
Ballot Access News, 108, 151n27, 174n139, 175n143
Balz, Dan, 132, 198n267
Barber, William, II, 188n199
Barnes, Robert, 169–170n121
barriers to voting. See anti-voter barriers
Bartlett, Gary, 80
Becker, David, 193n229
BenDor, Jan, 118, 194n236
Berman, Ari, 71–72, 84–85, 87, 151n24, 162n84, 172–173n134, 175–176n144, 187n196
Bernhard, Matthew, 123–124
“Bernie 2016” US Federal Election Commisssion, 148n5
Berniecrats, 24, 100
Biddle, Sam, 187n195
Biden, Joe, 98, 127–128
Biggs, Loretta C., 91, 185n190
Billingsley, Ann, 196n258, “Ohio Voter Fraud Billboards Target Minorities” (Feeney) Oct. 11, 2012, 184–185n187
Biskupic, Joan, 168n115
Black Belt counties, Alabama, 71, 198n268
Black Caucus, 126
Black Caucus, letter to, 196n258
Blackwell, J. Kenneth, 49, 55
Blanton, Dana, 147n3
“Inside the Trump Bunker, With Days to Go: Win or lose, the Republican candidate and his inner circle have built a direct marketing operation that could power a TV network—or finish off the GOP” (Green and Issenberg) April 27, 2017, 195n247
“Russian Cyber Hacks on US Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known” (Riley and Robertson) June 13, 2017, 191n216
Blythe, Anne, 169–170n121
Board of Elections (BOE), King’s County, 22–23
Bondi, Pam, 127
Bonifaz, John, 109–111, 123
Bosman, Julie, 175n142
Bousquet, Steve, 181n168
Boxer, Barbara, 55, 126
Brakey, John, xxi–xxii, 118, 141, 201n291
Brannen, Kate, 195n249
Brazile, Donna, 30, 154n44, 58, 105–112
Brennan Center for Justice, 44–45
Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (Amicus Brief) June 17, 2013, 175–176n144
“Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth,” 164n91
“Election 2012: Voting Laws Roundup,” 166n105
ex-felons, voting rights, 68
“Florida: An Outlier in Denying Voting Rights” (Wood) Dec. 16, 2017, 171–172n129
Kobach et al. v. The United States Election Assistance Commission June 29, 2015, 176–177n149
League of Women Voters v. Newby June 1, 2017, 177n151
“New Voting Restrictions in America,” 164n90
“New Voting Restrictions in Place for the 2016 Election” Nov. 2, 2016, 187–188n198
“Noncitizen Voting: The Missing Millions” (Famighetti, Keith, Perez) May 5, 2017, 177n155
suppressive voter laws, 64
“Texas, Wisconsin Photo ID Wins Could Help Nearly 1 Million Registered Voters” Oct. 10, 2014, 189–190n211
Texas NAACP v. Steen (consolidate with Veasey v. Abbot), 164–165n92
“Uncovering Kris Kobach’s Anti-Voting History” (Lopez and Clark) May 11, 2017, 175n143
“Voting Law Changes: Election Update” (Weiser and Kasden), Oct. 28, 2012, 167n110
“Voting Laws Roundup 2013,” 168n117
Brennan Center for Justice, May 16, 2017, 159n68
Brennan Law Review, “Voting Laws Roundup 2017,” 165n96
Brian, Bill, 186–187n192
Brown, Jerry, 5, 26
Bruer, Wesley, 192n221
Buchanan, Pat, 85
Bump, Phillip, 116, 172n130, 193–194n235
Burke, Garance, 197n264
Bush, George W., xiii–xiv, xx, 56, 84–85, 115, 166n103, 180n166
Bush, Jeb, 100
caging, 90–93
California 2016 primaries, 25–28
California Democratic Party, 26
“California Democratic primary, 2016,” 153n40
Campbell, Tracy, 52, 163n86
Carnes, Nicholas, 147n1
“Carol Wilding et al vs. DNC Services Corporation and Deborah Wasserman Schultz,” 153–154n43
Carpenter, Tim, 177n154
Carroll, Lauren, 184n184
Carter, Jimmy, 9
CBS-TV, xiv
Center for Computer Security and Society, University of Michigan, 110
Center for Election Innovation and Research, “What We Know and Don’t Know about Election ‘Hacks’ in 2016” (Becker) June 6, 2016, 193n229
Chandler, Kim, 161–162n81, 170n122
The Chicago Tribune, 144
“Supreme Court: Virginia redistricting must
be reexamined for racial bias” (Barnes) March 1, 2017, 169–170n121
“Child of the Enlightenment” (Wills), 155n48
Chinese hackers, 114
“Citizen Scientists Comb Images To Find An ‘Overexcited Planet” (Palca), 201n292
Clapper, James, 108
Clark, Jennifer L., 175n143
Clayton, Ryan, 127
climate-change and gerrymandering, 47–48
Clinton, Bill, 15, 98
Clinton, Hillary, 89
and 2016 election, xiv, xvi, xx, xxii, xxiii, 4–7
California 2016 primaries, 25–28
challenges of election results, 193n226
emails of and Comey investigation, 95–99
Iowa Caucuses, 2016 election, 11–13
March-April primaries, 19–24
more votes than Trump, 2016, 36
Nevada Caucuses, 2016, 15–18, 150n22
and political microtargeting, 195n249
recieves more popular votes, 129
and REDMAP targeting, 44–45
response to Trump win, 105
and Russian hacking, 120–122
Texas Caucuses, 2008, 13–14
victory in Iowa caucus, 149n14
Clinton-Obama Race, 2008, 17–18
“Closed primary,” 151n27, “Feds believe Russians hacked Florida election-systems vendor” (Perez, Prokupecz, and Bruer) Oct. 10, 2016, 192n221
Cole, Matthew, 187n195
Columbus Free Press, 118–119
“The Real Story of the Recount” (Fitrakis) Jan. 4, 2017, 194n239
Comedy Central, 98
Comey, James, xxi, 95, 99, 108, 119–120
Committee on House Administration, 2004, 54–55