“Connecting The Dots: Political Microtargeting and the Russia Investigation” (Brannen), 195n249
Connors, Marty, 68, 171n128
“From a Contentious Election to a Stronger Democracy: Strengthening democracy is the key to all other reforms” (Rapoport), 179n163
The Cook Political Report, October 17, 2013, “October House Overview: GOP Risk Factors” (Wasserman), 156–157n56
Cooper v. Harris, 160n77
Cooperative Congressional Election Study, 61–62
Cortes, Pedro, 120
Coscarelli, Joe, 188–189n205
“cracking” and “packing” voters, 47
“Critics See Efforts by Counties and Towns to Purge Minority Voters From Rolls” (Wines), 178n157
C-SPAN.org, “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, Mission, Procedures and Topics for Consideration” July 19, 2017, 199n279
Culinary Workers Union, 15–16
Cunningham, Vinson, 154n44
“Cyberwar for Sale: After a maker of surveillance software was hacked, its leaked documents shed light on a shadowy global industry that has turned email theft into a terrifying—and lucrative—political weapon.” (Schwartz), 193n231
The Daily Show, 98
Dalesio, Emery P, 186–187n192
Daley, David, 37, 42, 45–46, 49–50, 136, 157n57, 201n286, 201n289
Daley, Richard, 9
Database Technologies, 84–85
databases and voter purging, xvii–xviii
Davis, Jefferson, 69
Davis v. Bandemer, 200–201n285
“Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Give the voter file back to Bernie Sanders’ campaign” (Car), 148n7
Debs, Eugene, 10
“Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth,” 164n91
The Deceit of Voter Fraud (Hall and Gutierrez), 165n93
DEF CON25, 123
DeLancy, Jay, 90–93
DeLaney, John, 185n188
Deliver The Vote: A History of Election Fraud, An American Political Tradition—1742–2004 (Campbell), 163n86
Deliver The Vote: A History of Election Fraud as an American Political Tradition—1742–2004 (Campbell), 52
DeMichele, Thomas, 155n48
Demillow, Andrew, 174–175n141
Democracy Diminished: State and Local Threats to Voting Post-Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder, 151n24
“Democracy Lost: A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries,” 150–151n23
Democracy Springs, 129
Democratic Governors Association, 138
Democratic National Committee, email thefts, 108
Democratic National Convention, 27
“Democratic National Convention, 2016” BallotPedia.org., 148n4
Democratic National Convention (DNC), xxii, 29–32, 122, 147n6, 149n9
and Bernie Sanders, 3–7
Iowa Caucuses, 2016 election, 11–14
Democratic Party, xix, xxi, xxii, 30
and Bernie Sanders, 3–7
and civil rights, 62–66
intention to retake the House, 136–138
Iowa Caucuses, 2016 election, 8–14
need to step up, 139
New York, April 2016 primary, 21–24
“now I’m inside, now I’m outside,” 3
response to Trump win, 101, 105
vote rigging, xxiii–xxiv
“Democrats Better Focus on the Races That Matter in ‘18 or We Will Have Another Decade of Right-Wing Extremists in Charge: Retaking the House in 2018 slows the GOP. Only governors can stop GOP gerrymanders and political monopolies through 2031” (Rosenfeld), 201n287
Demos and Common Cause, 118
demos.org, “Voter Suppression Works” (McElwee), 167n108
Department of Corrections, 80
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 85
Department of Justice, 53, 166n103
challenge of voter ID laws, 63–66
Des Moines Register, xxii, 11–14
Detroit voter discrepencies, 116–117
Detzner, Ken, 83–85
Diamond, Jeremy, 120, 148n7
disenfranchisement of voters, xxv
“DNC Chair Says Superdelegates Exist to Protect Party Leaders,” 153n41
“Do voter identification laws suppress minority voting? Yes. We did the research.” (Hajnal, Lajevardi, Nielson), 167n109
DOJ Voting Section, 135
“Don Yelton, GOP Precinct Chair, Delivers Most Baldly Racist Daily Show Interview of All Time” (Coscarelli), 188–189n205
“Donald Trump is wrong. Rigging an election is almost impossible: This is how hard it would be to pull off widespread voter fraud” (Berman), 187n196
“Donald Trump Warned Of A ‘Rigged’ Election, Was He Right?” (Simon), 192n218
“Don’t Call It a Bern-Back:.” (LaCapria), 150n22
“Don’t Tread on My Vote” (Parker and Purvis), 194n240
early voting days, xvii, 63, 188n200
early voting, Election day, xvii
“Editorial: Something smells in the Democratic Party” The Des Moines Register, 149n12
“Election 2012: Voting Laws Roundup” (Brennan Center for Justice), 166n105
Election Day registration, xix, 174n138
election district lines, 37–39
election impediments, 125
Election Justice USA, Aug. 2016, 150–151n23
Election Law Blog, “President Trump Appoints Country’s Worst Vote Suppressor to His ‘Election Integrity’ Commission” (Hasen) June 29, 2017, 199n280
election voiding, call for, 126–127
ElectionLine Weekly, “Exit Interview: Michigan Elections Director Christopher Thomas: Thomas looking forward to having time to actually think about elections,” 191–192n217
“Elections: State Progress, Federal Train Wreck; State secretaries bask in smooth Election Day, joust in Washington’s battles” (Rapoport), 191n215
Electoral College
and congressional delegation size, 35
congressional ratification of, 197n260
and efforts to stop Trump, 125–129
Electoral vote vs. exit polls, 107
and gerrymandering, 138
gerrymandering threat to, 138
illegimately seat electorates, 196–197n259
and ratification of the 2004 vote, 55
Suprun won’t vote for Trump, 196n257
and Trump victory, xiv, 100
Electoral College convention, xiv
electoral mugging, 91
The Electoral Vote Objection Package, 127
electoral war of attrition, 61–66
“Electronic Voting Machines: Verification, Security, and Paper Trails,” 192n220
Ellison, Keith, 154n44
e-mail theft, 193n231
email theft, 108, 113
EMILY’s list, 48–49
Enten, Harry, 45, 156–157n56
“Epic Fight Over Florida’s Political Future Looms As Constitutional Amendment to Restore Felon Voting Rights Clears Hurdle” (Friesdat), 171–172n129
e-poll books, 123, 186–187n192, 187n195
ERIC (Electronic Registration Information System), 89
EricStates.org, 183n182
ES&S model DS200, 118, 120
Esposito, Richard, 187n195
Eugene V. Debs, 149n10
E-Verify, 178–179n159
ex-felons, voting rights, 52, 67–68, 76, 79, 84–85, 170–171n126, 171n127, 171n129
“Exit Interview: Michigan Elections Director Christopher Thomas: Thomas looking forward to having time to actually think about elections,” 191–192n217
exit poll/voter discrepancies, 19–20, 106–108
“Ex-NSA head suggests US also hacks political parties” (Uchill), 193n230
“Experts Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States” (Sherman), 192n226
Facebook, Inc., 121–122
“Information Operations and Facebook” (Weedon, Nuland and Stamos) April 27, 2017, 195n248
Facebook posts, targeted, 120–122
FactMyth.com, May 12, 2016, 155n48
“A Fair Election? Serious, Hard-to-Explain Questions Arise About Trump Vote Totals in 3 Key States: Voting rights advocates are scrambling to see if recounts are feasible in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania” (Rosenfeld), 192n224
Famighetti, Christopher, 177n155
“Feds believe Russians hacked Florida election-systems vendor” (Perez, Prokupecz, and Bruer), 192n221
Feeney, Lauren, 184–185n187
Felten, Ed, 192n220
Fernandez, Manny, 170n124
The Fight to Vote (Waldman), 36, 58, 84–85, 155n52
FindLaw.com, 158n64
Fitrakis, Robert J., 118–120, 166n101, 194n239
FiveThirtyEight.com, 45
“A Very Early Look At The Battle For The House In 2018: Donald Trump is unpopular enough that Republicans could lose the House, but there’s a lot of uncertainty.” (Enten), 156–157n56
Florida, 2014 voter purge, 83–84, 88
“Florida: An Outlier in Denying Voting Rights” (Wood), 171–172n129
“Florida halts purge of noncitizens from voter rolls” (Bousquet and Sherman), 181n168
“The 4 Most Damaging Emails From the DNC WikiLeaks Dump” (Abrasion and Walsh), 153n42
Fox News, xxiii, 55, 58, 105–112
Fox News poll, 147n3
Frankel, Judy, 152–153n37
FreePress.org, “The GOP’s cyber election hit squad” (Rosenfeld) April 22, 2007, 193n232
Freisdat, Lulu, 123
Friesdat, Lulu, xiv, xvi–xvii, xviii, 147n2, 171–172n129, 196n253
Friess, Steve, 109, 192n222
Gardner, Bill, 132
“Georgia judge sides with state in ‘missing’ voters case” (Torres), 179n161
Georgia voter laws, 78–82
gerrymandering, xviii, 37–39, 46, 51, 61–65, 67, 72, 136–140, 159n67, 159n72, 160n75, 161–162n78, 162n83, 163n85, 170n122, 200–201n285. see also redistricting, extreme; REDMAP (REDistricting MAjority Project)
get-out-the-votes (GOTV), 37, 39
Gibson, Carl, 148n7
Gill v. Whitford, 200–201n285
Give Us The Ballot (Berman), 84–85
Gonzales, Alberto, 58
“The GOP is Dying Off. Literally” (McGraw), 168n116
“The GOP Targets State Legislatures: He who controls redistricting can control Congress” (Rove), 157n58
“The GOP’s cyber election hit squad” (Rosenfeld), 193n231
“The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters: Will an anti-voter-fraud program designed by one of Trump’s advisers deny tens of thousands their right to vote in November?” (Palast), 181–182n175
Gorsuch, Neil, 47–48
GotVoterId.com, 176n147
Government Accountability Board, 118
“Governor McAuliffe Provides Update on Restoration of Rights Numbers” (WWIR), 171n127
The Great Suppression: Voting Rights, Corporate Cash, and the Conservative Assault on Democracy (Roth), 155n50
Green, Joshua, 121, 195n247
Green Party, xiv–xvi, xxii, 101, 105–112, 115–119, 140–141, 194n241
Greer, Jim, 89–90
Grijalva, Raoul, 128
Grimm, Ray, 187n195
Gutierrez, Isela, 165n93
hacking. See Russian hacking; vote hacking
hacking, extent of, 113–115
hacking technology use, 114
“Hacking The Diebold Machine” (Felten), 192n220
Hajnal, Zoltan, 62, 167n109
Halderman, Alex, 110, 119–120
Hall, Bob, 165n93
Hamilton, Alexander, 125
Hamilton Electors, 125–126
Harris, Katherine, 84, 181n173
“Harry Reid delivers for Hillary Clinton: Nevada’s ‘neutral’ power players may have saved a campaign and changed history.” (Ralston), 150n19
“A Harsh Dose of Electoral Reality: Democrats Have Uphill Battle in ’18 and Need to Elect Governors to Fight Gerrymandered GOP Monopoly” (Rosenfeld), 162n83
Hasen, Rick, 134–135, 199n280
HAVV, 178–179n159
Hayden, Michael, 113, 122
Hazen, Don, 197n262
“Hearing Before The Committee on House Administration, Columbus Ohio, March 21, 2005.,” 165–166n97
Hearne, Mark “Thor,” 56–57, 75, 165–166n97
Help America Vote Act (HAVA), 135
Henrig, Jess, 166n104
Heritage Foundation, 53, 57, 113
A Sampling of Election Fraud Cases From Across The Country (Heritage Foundation), 165n94
Herren, T. Christian, Jr., 200n281
The Hill, “Ex-NSA head suggests US also hacks political parties” (Uchill) Oct. 18, 2016, 193n230
Homeland Security, database, 134
Horwitz, Sari, 200n284
House, retaking by Democrats in 2018, 135–136
House Judiciary Committee, 54–55
House of Representatives, 197n260, 197n261
Houston Chronicle, 61
“How the GOP Is Re-segregating the South: Republicans are using the redistricting process to undermine minority voting power and ensure their party’s dominance” (Berman), 172–173n134
The Huffington Post, “Obama’s DOJ Fought Texas Voter ID Law. Trump’s New Civil Rights Chief Offered Tips On Writing It: That’s not a great sign for voting rights” (Reilly) Jan. 25, 2017, 198n270
Huffington Post, 132
“Over 220,000 Ballots Didn’t Count In The Presidential Primaries; Try to cast a regular ballot, rather than a provisional one, when voting this fall” (Lachman) June 16, 2016, 163–164n88
“Snagged Votes In Los Angeles” (Frankel) July 5, 2016, 152–153n37
“Trump’s Former Aide Concedes There Was No Voter Fraud In New Hampshire: Corey Lewandowski is not reading from the same script” (Stein) Feb. 20, 2017, 198n266
“Hunt Commission,” 149n9
Hussein, Fatima, 187n197
Husted, Jon, 86–88
Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute, 200n283
Hutchinson, Asa, 74
ID requirements, 41
illegal Democratic voters. See voter fraud
illegal voting allegations, xix
“Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient: Evidence That America’s Voter Registration System Needs an Upgrade” (Pew Center), 184n184
Independent Voter, YouTube.com, 153n41
Independent votes, 21–22
Indiana voting barriers, 95–96
IndyStar.com, “Republicans limit early voting in Marion County, letting it bloom in suburbs” (Hussein) Aug. 10, 2017, 187n197
IndyWeek.com, “Voter Integrity Project boot camp teaches how to challenge voters” (Porter and Ball) Sept. 18, 2013, 185n188
“Information Operations and Facebook” (Weedon, Nuland and Stamos)), 195n248
“Inside The Recount: Jill Stein and a ragtag team of computer experts decided to take America’s elections to court. Here’s how it all went wrong” (Friess), 192n222
“Inside the Trump Bunker, With Days to Go: Win or lose, the Republican candidate and his inner circle have built a direct marketing operation that could power a TV network—or finish off the GOP” (Green and Issenberg), 195n247
The Intercept, 144
International Festival of Arts and Ideas, 195n245
Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, 81, 86, 88, 118, 124, 180n166
intimidation tactics, 78, 95–96, 120, 184–185n187
Iowa Caucuses, 2016 election, 4, 8–14, 27, 149n15
“The Iowa caucuses: An accident of history,” 148–
Iowa Democratic Party, 10–11
Iowa’s nightmare revisited: Was correct winner called? (Jacobs), 149n15
Issenberg, Sasha, 121, 195n247
Issues Related to Registering Voters and Administering Elections, 158n62
Issues Related to State Voter Identification Laws, 158n61
“It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class,” 147n1
Jackson, Simon, 46
Jacobs, Jennifer, 149n15
Jacobson, Jeff, 55–56
Jankowski, Chris, 42, 48–49
Jayapal, Pramila, 128
Jeff Sessions, wikipedia.org, 172n131, 198n268
Jefferson, David, 109
Jim Crow South, xxiv, 72, 96, 162, 172–173n134, 175n145
“Judge: North Carolina counties must restore voters removed in ‘insane’ process,” 185n189
Judges Find Wisconsin Redistricting Unfairly Favored Republicans (Wines), 163n85
Justice Department Suing NYC Board Of Elections Over Last Year’s Pre-Primary Mass Voter Purge (Tempey), 151n30
“Justice Dept. sides with Ohio’s purge of inactive voters in case headed to Supreme Court” (Horwitz), 200n284
JustSecurity.org, “Connecting The Dots: Political Microtargeting and the Russia Investigation” (Brannen) May 18, 2017, 195n249
KansasCity.com, “Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas” (Woodall) April 12, 2017, 176n147
Kaplan, Eric, 161n80
Kasdan, Diana, 167n110
Keith, Douglas, 177n155
Kemp, Brian, 78–82, 135–136
Kerry, John, xiii, 110, 115
Kessler, Glenn, 197n263
“Key Question for Supreme Court: Will It Let Gerrymanders Stand?” (Wines), 160n75
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 69, 132
Knight, John, 170n122
Kobach, Kris, 74–78, 82, 85–86, 91, 133–135, 138, 175n142, 199n275
Kobach et al. v. The United States Election Assistance Commission, 176–177n149
Kozikowski, Debra, 4–5
“Kris Kobach supports Donald Trump’s assertion millions voted illegally” (Carpenter), 177n154
“Kris Kobach” wikipedia.org, 175n142
LaCapria, Kim, 150n22
Lachman, Samantha, 163–164n88
Lajevardi, Nazita, 62, 167n109
“The Latest Voter Fraud Lie” (The Editorial Board), 198n265
Lawrence Livermore National Library, 109
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and others, 179–180n164
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) of Wisconsin, et, v. Judge David Deininger et al, Case no. 12-CV-00185, 189–190n211
Inside Job Page 23