League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry 548 US 399 (2006), 188n201
League of Women Voters, 63, 125
League of Women Voters v. Newby, 177n151
“Leaked Email Proves DNC Rigged Primary Debates,” 148n6
“At Least 50 Trump Electors Were Illegitimately Seated as Electoral College Members: More evidence surfaces as calls mount to challenge congressional ratification of Electoral College vote” (Rosenfeld), 196–197n259
Lee, Barbara, 128
Lee, Shiela Jackson, 128–129
Lerer, Lisa, 153n38
Levitt, Justin, 194n244
Lewandowski, Corey, 198n266
LGBT rights and gerrymandering, 47–48
Limbaugh, Rush, 98
Lindell, Chuck, 185–186n191
Liptak, Adam, 159n672, 186n192
“logic and accuracy” tests, 110
Lopez, Tomas, 175n143
Los Angeles Times, 26
“Would-be independents joining the American Independent Party could blame California’s voter registration card” (Myers) April 19, 2016, 152n35
Los Angeles Times, February 23, 2016, 149n20
Lucey, Catherine, 153n38
Lupu, Noam, 147n1
Lynch, Loretta, 194n241
Malewitz, Jim, 162n82, 198n269
“The Man Behind Trump’s Voter Fraud Obsession” (Berman), 175–176n144
Maricopa county, AZ, 20–21
Marion Three, 198n268
Mark Martin, Secretary of State, et al v. Freedom Kohls, Toylanda Smith, Joe Flakes and Barry Haas [CV-14-462], Oct. 15,2014, Arkansas, 174–175n141
Massachusetts Party (Democrats), 4–5
Massaro, Ann, 196n258
Masset, Royal, 61
Matt, Paul, 12
Mayer, Kenneth R., 124
McAuliffe, Terry, 67
McCain, John, 47, 58
McConnell, Mitch, 48
McCrory, Pat, 53, 98–99, 165n93
McCue, George, 187n195
McDonald, Michael, 133, 160–161n78
McElwee, Sean, 167n108
McGovern, George, 9
McGovern, James, 127–128
McGraw, Daniel J., 168n116
McGuire, Andy, 12–13
Mebane, Walter, Jr., 123–124
media response to Trump win, 105–106
Medium.com, “Who Hacked the Election? Ad Tech Did. Through ‘Fake News,’ Identity Resolution and Hyper-Personalization” (Albright) July 30, 2017, 195n249
“Meet the Brains Behind the Effort to Get the Supreme Court to Rethink Civil Rights: Edward Blum has orchestrated a string of big cases targeting voting rights and affirmative action” (Mencimer), 168n115
Merica, Dan, 148n7
Michael McDonald, July 1, 2017, 199n276
Michigan Election Reform Alliance, 118, 194n236
Michigan recounts, 194n236
Mihalik, Lily, 150n20
Millender-McDonald, Juanita, 55–57
Miller, Stephen, 131–132
minority voters, 61–66, 74–75, 92, 96–97, 126, 132–133, 169n121, 178n157, 184–185n187, 198n269. see also Jim Crow South; voter ID laws; voter suppression
MintPress News, “Donald Trump Warned Of A ‘Rigged’ Election, Was He Right?” (Simon) Jan. 24, 2017, 192n218
“Monkey Cage,” 123
Mook, Robby, 105
Moomaw, Graham, 170–171n126
Mother Jones, “Meet the Brains Behind the Effort to Get the Supreme Court to Rethink Civil Rights: Edward Blum has orchestrated a string of big cases targeting voting rights and affirmative action” (Mencimer) March/April 2016, 168n115
Motz, Diana Gribbon, 96–98
MoveOn.org, 6, 57
“Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Give the voter file back to Bernie Sanders’ campaign” (Gibson), 148n7
Mueller, Robert, 121
Mulvihill, Geoff, 186–187n192
Myers, Jon, 152n35
myth of voter fraud. See voter fraud
NAACP, 55, 185n189
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 65–66, 91, 151n24
NAACP v. Florida, 181n173
The Nation, 71–72, 87, 96, 98
“How the GOP Is Re-segregating the South: Republicans are using the redistricting process to undermine minority voting power and ensure their party’s dominance” (Berman) Feb. 20, 2012, 172–173n134
“The Man Behind Trump’s Voter Fraud Obsession” (Berman) Oct. 15, 2013, 175–176n144
“Separate and Unequal Voting in Arizona and Kansas: Two states want to create a two-tiered voting system reminiscent of the Jim Crow South” (Berman) Oct. 15, 2013, 172–173n134
“This Election Is Being Rigged—but Not by Democrats: The GOP’s voter-suppression efforts are the real voter fraud” (Berman) Oct. 17, 2016, 181n173
“Will North Carolina Lead the Way to a New South? Progressives like Reverend Barber and candidates like Deborah Ross are hoping to assemble a multiracial coalition to defeat a conservative backlash” (Walsh) Nov. 7, 2016, 188n199
National Conference of State Legislatures, 156n55, 157n59
“Voter Identification Requirements | Voter ID Laws” (Underhill) June 5, 2017, 174n140
National Director of Intelligence, 108
National Public Radio (NPR), xiii
“Citizen Scientists Comb Images To Find An ‘Overexcited Planet” (Palca) June 1, 2017, 201n292
National Voter Registration Act, 1993 (NVRA), 23, 73–74, 84, 86–88, 91, 180–181n167, 180n166, 181n170, 182n177, 185n190, 200n283
National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), 135
“The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA): Questions and Answers,” 181n170
“NCGOP Sees Encouraging Early Voting, Obama/Clinton Coalition Tired, Fail to Resonate in North Carolina,” 188n200
Negron, Joe, 127
Neilson, Lindsay, 62
Nevada Caucuses, 2016, 15–18, 150n19, 150n20
Nevada Democratic Party, 15–18, 150n19
New Georgia Project, 78–82
“New Georgia Project releases financial records, renews voter push” (Torres), 178n158
“New Report: Extreme Partisan Maps Account for 16–17 Republican Seats in Congress,” 159n68
New Republic, 109–110
“New Video: Watch Wisconsin Election Officials Reject Hand Counts After Electronic Scanners Make Big Mistake,” 147n2
“New Voting Restrictions in America,” 164n90
“New Voting Restrictions in Place for the 2016 Election” (Brennan Center for Justice), 187–188n198
New York, April 2016 primary, 21–24
The New York magazine, “Cyberwar for Sale: After a maker of surveillance software was hacked, its leaked documents shed light on a shadowy global industry that has turned email theft into a terrifying—and lucrative—political weapon.” (Schwartz) Jan. 8, 2017, 193n231
New York magazine, 110
“Don Yelton, GOP Precinct Chair, Delivers Most Baldly Racist Daily Show Interview of All Time” (Coscarelli), 188–189n205
“Experts Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States” (Sherman) Nov. 22, 2016, 192n226
The New York Post, “Top Democrat backpedals after saying primaries were ‘rigged’” (Steinbuch) Feb. 10, 2017, 154n45
The New York Times, 77, 90, 125–126, 144
“Advocate for Tough Voting Rules to Steer Trump’s Elections Commission” (Wines and Bosman) May 14, 2017, 175n142
“Child of the Enlightenment” (Wills) July 2, 2017, 155n48
“Critics See Efforts by Counties and Towns to Purge Minority Voters From Rolls” (Wines) july 31, 2016, 178n157
“Key Question for Supreme Court: Will It Let Gerrymanders Stand?” (Wines) April 21, 2017, 160n75
“The Latest Voter Fraud Lie” (The Editorial Board) Feb. 13, 2017, 198n265
“Plaintiffs Claim Bias During Closing Argument Against Texas Voter ID Law” (Fernandez) Sept. 22, 2014
, 170n124
“Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case” (Liptak and Wines) May 15, 2017, 186n192
“The Success of the Voter Fraud Myth” (Editorial Board) Sept. 20, 2016, 184n185
“Texas Agrees to Soften Voter ID Law After Court Order” (Wines) Aug. 4, 2016, 189n208
“For Voting Rights Advocates, Court Decision Is ‘Temporary Victory,’” (Wines) May 16,2017, 160–161n78
“When Does Political Gerrymandering Cross a Constitutional Line?” (Liptak) May 15, 2017, 159n672
New York Times, 64
“Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump” (Suprun) Dec. 6, 2016, 196n257
“Wisconsin Strict ID Law Discouraged Voters, Study Finds” (Wines) Sept. 25, 2017, 196n256
The New Yorker, “Will Keith Ellison Move the Democrats Left? By running for the D.N.C. chair, the Minnesota congressman hopes to lead a populist opposition against Trump” (Cunningham) Feb. 27 2017, 154n44
Newby, Brian, 76–78, 177n151
NewRepublic.com, “Inside The Recount: Jill Stein and a ragtag team of computer experts decided to take America’s elections to court. Here’s how it all went wrong” (Friess) Feb. 15, 2017, 192n222
The News and Oberserver, “Will third time be a charm for those who want NC Supreme Court to invalidate election maps?” (Blythe) May 30, 2017, 169–170n121
Ney, Bob, 54–57
Nichols, John, 155n51
Nielson, Lindsay, 167n109
“No, 1.8 million dead people aren’t going to vote in November” (Bump), 172n130
No Party Preference (NPP), 25–26
noncitizen voting, 77, 165n94, 176n147, 177–178n156, 177n155, 184n184
“Noncitizen Voting: The Missing Millions” (Famighetti, Keith, Perez), 177n155
North Carolina Republican Party, Nov. 6, 2016, 188n200
North Carolina, State Board of Elections, April 2017, 53
North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP et al. v. North Carolina State Board of Elections et al, 185n190
North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP et al. v. Pat McCrory et al., 186n192
North Carolina voter discrepencies, 109
North Carolina voter hijacks, 96–97
North Carolina voter purges, 185n189, 185n190, 186n192, 188n199
North Carolina voting vigilantes, 90–93
Obama, Barack, xvii, 13, 44–45, 98, 108, 129, 198n270
Obamacare and gerrymandering, 47–48
“Obama’s DOJ Fought Texas Voter ID Law. Trump’s New Civil Rights Chief Offered Tips On Writing It” Huffington Post, 132
“Obama’s DOJ Fought Texas Voter ID Law. Trump’s New Civil Rights Chief Offered Tips On Writing It: That’s not a great sign for voting rights” (Reilly), 198n270
“October House Overview: GOP Risk Factors” (Wasserman), 156–157n56
“Ohio Voter Fraud Billboards Target Minorities” (Feeney), 184–185n187
Ohio voter purge, 86–87, 135–136, 180n166, 182–183n179, 182n177, 184–185n187, 200n283, 200n284
Ohlemacher, Stephen, 153n38
O’Malley, Martin, 11
“1.7 million people in 33 states and D.C. cast a ballot without voting in the presidential race” (Bump), 193–194n235
“The Other Right-Wing Tidal Wave Sweeping America: Federal and State Preemption of Local Progressive Laws: Preemption allows corporations to boost their profits by suppressing local government power, community groups and citizens” (Hazen and Rosenfeld), 197n262
Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Sanders), 13, 15, 19–21
“Over 220,000 Ballots Didn’t Count In The Presidential Primaries; Try to cast a regular ballot, rather than a provisional one, when voting this fall” (Lachman), 163–164n88
Padilla, Alex, 152n36
Palast, Greg, 85–86
Palca, Joe, 201n292
Palm Beach Post, 89–90
paper ballot-based systems, 120
Parnes, Amie, 11, 99, 149n13
participation barriers, 17–18, 20–21
partisan ghettos, 41–50
Paul, Matt, 149n14
Paxton, Ken, 185–186n191
Pence, Mike, 74, 133
pendulum swings, political, 19, 62–70, 98, 131
Pennsylvania recounts, 118–119
Perez, Evan, 192n221
Perez, Myrna, 177n155
Perez, Tom, 30
Pesce, Anthony, 150n20
Peterson, James, 98
Pew Center, 88, 110
The Pew Center on The States/Election Initiatives 2012, 184n184
The Pew Center on The States/Election Initiatives Nov. 2010, xviii, xix, 183n181, 184n184
A Philip Randolph Institute, Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless, Larry Harmon v. Jon Husted Sept. 23, 2016, 182n177
A. Phillip Randolph Institute v. Husted, 86–87
Phillips, Amber, 160n74
Phillips, Gregg, 131
“Plaintiffs Claim Bias During Closing Argument Against Texas Voter ID Law” (Fernandez), 170n124
Podesta, John, 5, 109–110
political action committees (PACS), 5
political maps, xviii
political microtargeting, social media, 120–122
political power grabs, 138–141
Politico Magazine, 144
“The GOP is Dying Off. Literally” (McGraw), May 17, 2015, 168n116
“Why Republicans Can’t Find the Big Voter Fraud Conspiracy: If the last federal investigation is any guide, the answer is simple: It probably doesn’t exist” (Rab) April 2, 2017, 166n103
politifact.com, “Sean Spicer wrongly uses Pew study to bolster claim that noncitizens vote in large numbers” (Carroll) Jan. 25, 2017, 184n184
“Poll: Nearly half of Americans say voter fraud occurs often” (Guskin and Clement), 184n185
Porter, Jane, 185n188
Praxton, Ken, 162n82
“President Trump Appoints Country’s Worst Vote Suppressor to His ‘Election Integrity’ Commission” (Hasen), 199n280
“Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, Mission, Procedures and Topics for Consideration” July 19, 2017, 199n278
“Presidential Executive Order on the Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity,” The White House, May 11, 2017, 199n273
Primary Day (CA), 26
“Primary Elections in California” (Padilla), 152n36
“Prince Harry,” 16
ProCon.org, “Are Felons More Likely to Vote for Democrats over Republicans?” (ProCon.org) March 7, 2014, 171n128
Progressive Democrats, 4
Progressive voters, 105
Projupecz, Sharon, 192n221
proof of citizenship requirements, 63, 65, 74–77, 87, 91, 122, 138–140, 169n119, 173n135, 174n138, 175–176n145, 176n147, 177n151
proof of electronic theft of election, lack of, 115
“Proof of US Citizenship for Voter Registration: NOTE: This requirement is effective January 1, 2013.,” 176n147
provisional ballots, 26
Purcell, Helen, 20–21
Putin, Vladimir, 120–121
“Quick Response Evaluation: Accuracy of the Help America Vote Verification Program Responses” (O’Carroll) June 22, 2009, 178–179n159
Quinnipiac University poll, xxiii, 147n3
Rab, Lisa, 166n103
race, use when creating districts, 43–44, 46–47
Ralston, Jon, 15–17, 150n19
Rao, Amy, 109
Rapoport, Miles, 118, 124, 179n163, 191n215
Raskin, Jamie, 128
“Ratf**ked: The True Story behind The Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy” (Daley), 201n286
Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to
Steal America’s Democracy (Daley), 37–38, 42, 136, 157n57
Reagan, Ronald, 9
“The Real Story of the Recount” (Fitrakis), 194n239
“Recidivism Watch: Trump’s claim that millions of people voted illegally” (Kessler), 197n263
recount process, 192n222, 192n224
recount requests, 105–110
recounts, aborted, 124
“red shift” in exit poll, 107
“red shift” in votes, 36
“Redistricting” (TexasTribune.org), 185–186n191
redistricting, extreme, 41, 58–59, 136–137, 169–170n121, 170n122, 200–201n285
REDMAP (REDistricting MAjority Project), 43–51, 54, 58, 61, 89, 92, 136–137, 157n58. see also gerrymandering; Rove, Karl
“Register to Vote and Confirm or Change Registration,” 174n137
“Register To Vote In Your State by Using This Postcard Form and Guide,” 174n138
registration, same day. See Election Day registration
registration drive errors, 59
Reid, Harry, 16
Reilly, Ryan, 198n270
Rennert, Joan, xv–xvi
Reno Gazette Journal, 17
“Update: Suspicious votes, long times at Dem caucus” (Robison) Feb. 20, 2016, 150n21
“repeaters,” 52
“reprehensible acts,” 56–57
Republican Party/GOP, xvii, xix, xxii. see also anti-voter barriers; early voting days; e-poll books; gerrymandering; REDMAP (REDistricting MAjority Project); voter ID laws
“ALEC Is Talking About Changing the Way Senators Are Elected and Taking Away Your Vote: A proposed resolution advocates for overturning the 17th Amendment so Republican-controlled state legislatures could pick senators” (Nichols), 155n51
and anti-voter laws, 22–23
attacks on voting, 114
and caging, 90–93
condemned by Sanders, 4
and extreme voter redistricting, 41–50
and false voter fraud allegations, 51–59
Georgia voter laws, 78–82
“The GOP is Dying Off. Literally” (McGraw), May 17, 2015, 168n116
“The GOP’s cyber election hit squad” (Rosenfeld), 193n232
Judges Find Wisconsin Redistricting Unfairly Favored Republicans (Wines), 163n85
“NCGOP Sees Encouraging Early Voting, Obama/Clinton Coalition Tired, Fail to Resonate in North Carolina,” 188n200
“New Report: Extreme Partisan Maps Account for 16–17 Republican Seats in Congress,” 159n68
power grabs, 138–141
“Republican redistricting is taking a beating in the courts (again)” (Phillips), 160n74
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