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Shameless Submission: A Dark BDSM Romance

Page 16

by Amanda Heartley

  All she cared about was feeling warm, secure—and if she dared to think it, loved. Resting against his strong, muscular chest, Michael stroked her arm. She was still in shock and disbelief that Michael had turned up to rescue her. Perhaps he really did care for her after all? Finally, familiar surroundings came into sight, and Maga swung the car through the gates of Michael’s estate, parked it outside the entrance, and got out to open Michael’s door.

  “Come on, let’s go inside and get you cleaned up,” Michael said. “Can you make us some food, Maga? This poor girl is starving.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said with a big beaming smile. “I’ll make her favorite. It’ll be ready in about an hour or so.”

  “Excellent, whatever she wants.” Maga opened the front door and headed to the kitchen. “Stella, you coming?”

  Stella didn’t want to move from where she was cuddled up tight with Michael on the back seat, but she knew they couldn’t sit there for the rest of the day. Part of her didn’t want to let go in case she never got to hold him like that again. Would the closeness he was showing her now continue? She hoped it would, but she still hadn’t figured him out with his changing moods. Tomorrow, he may not even speak to her, as had happened in the past. Reluctantly, she let him go, and they both stepped out of the car. She felt weak, steadying herself against the trunk of the car. Michael scooped her into his arms as if she weighed nothing and carried her toward the front door.

  Happy to be in his arms again, she wrapped hers around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder. She expected him to take her to her room, but instead, he walked toward the grand central staircase that led up to his suite on the first floor. He stopped at the bottom step and called out, “Maga. Maga.” Stella raised her head and inquisitively looked at him.

  Maga appeared from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. “Yes, sir? Oh, is Miss Stella all right?” she said when she saw her in his arms.

  “Yes, she’s fine, but I don’t think she can wait until the food is ready. She can hardly stand up. Bring us some tea, sandwiches, and several slices of cake, please. We’ll have that dinner another time.”

  “I’m okay,” Stella piped up. “I’m just a little lightheaded, that’s all.”

  “Nonsense, Stella. Certainly, sir. I’ll bring it right up,” Maga said, scurrying back to the kitchen. Michael effortlessly carried Stella up the stairs, laid her on his bed, and took off her shoes. He massaged her feet then grabbed a couple of pillows, placing them under her legs to get the blood to her head. She drifted off into a light sleep. Ten minutes later, Maga arrived with a huge tray of perfectly-cut sandwiches, two slices of chocolate cake, and an ornate silver tea set which she placed on a coffee table next to the chairs by the window.

  “Will that be all, sir?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Maga, and take the rest of the night off. You’ve been through a lot today yourself. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you.”

  “Don’t be, Michael. You can’t be everywhere. Are you sure you won’t need me?”

  “We’ll be fine. Why don’t you give your sister a call and go out for a nice evening? You’ve been saying you two have been thinking about going to the movies for quite a while now.”

  “You know, I will call her. We’ve been wanting to see Fifty Shades Darker ever since they announced the release date,” she said with a grin on her face.

  Michael was so focused on Stella, it took a second for his brain to register what she’d just said. Then the light bulb went on, and Michael slowly turned his head toward her until their eyes met. She simply raised her eyebrows at him, gave him a wry smile, and said, “Well, I guess I’ll be off.” She abruptly turned on her heels with her head held high and began to close the door behind her.

  Michael shook his head, and a huge smile broke out across his face. “Have a great time, Maga. Thanks for everything, and I’ll see you in the morning,”

  “I will… and you, too,” came the happy, knowing reply as the door clicked shut, and he heard her heels tapping on the floor as she walked away.

  Michael moved to the side of the bed, took Stella’s hand, and kissed her forehead. She roused from her nap and smiled when she felt her hand in his. She opened her eyes to find Michael smiling back at her and looked around his bedroom. It was exactly as she’d remembered it the first time he’d brought her up here. So masculine with its dark wood furnishings and heavy drapes. It even smelled deliciously of him. Heady, musky, and oh so alpha male.

  “You need to eat,” Michael said.

  “Yeah, I am so hungry. Where’s Maga?”

  “She brought us some food, then I gave her the night off. She’s going to see Fifty Shades Darker with her sister.”

  Stella’s head snapped around to look at Michael. “Fifty Sh—?”

  “I know,” Michael interrupted with a grin on his face.

  “But… Maga?” Stella stuttered, her mouth open and her eyes wide.

  “Yeah, Maga. Who’d have thought?” he replied.

  Stella smiled then laughed aloud, and Michael laughed with her. As she thought about it now and the environment in which Maga worked, it really shouldn’t have been any surprise that she might have a penchant for a sensuously sexy movie, but Stella had never really thought of her as anything but an incredibly sweet, mature woman. A caring, cake-baking cook of deliciously yummy food... and a good friend to her.

  “Okay, now you really must eat. I didn’t rescue you to flake out on me. Come on.” Michael helped Stella off the bed, put his arm around her waist, and they walked to the table by the window. Michael poured some tea into the cups while she grabbed a couple of small, triangular sandwiches and ate them voraciously. While he had a bite to eat himself, she picked a slice of cake. As they ate, there was one question that burned in her mind. She had to find out.

  “Michael? Can I ask a question, and will you tell me the truth? I want to ask it as me, Stella, not your whore, okay?”

  “You can speak freely. Ask your question, and I’ll decide if I’ll answer it,” he replied.

  She broke her gaze from him and looked down at the table, wringing her hands, trying to phrase it in her mind first before she spoke. She didn’t want to annoy him or make him feel uncomfortable. If she was honest with herself, she wasn’t sure she’d like what he’d have to say anyway, even if he decided to answer her. After a few seconds, she decided the best thing to do was just ask and to hell with the consequences.

  “Okay, here goes. After what happened today, I don’t know where I am with you anymore. I’m confused,” she said. Michael opened his mouth to speak, but she was in full flow. She had to get out what she wanted to say without interruption or she’d lose it.

  “Hear me out. Like, you went to a lot of trouble to rescue me with your flashbang whatever they were you got from the military, putting your life in danger, and calling in favors with the mafia, for God’s sake. You could have just left me to my fate with those fuckin’ jackals, but you didn’t. Why? Why did you come for me, Michael? And don’t give me that bullshit about me being under contract and belonging to you okay, because I’m not buying it. Just tell me why you came for me so I know where I stand.”

  Michael looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with her and for the first time ever, Stella saw Michael’s guarded self-control weaken. He looked flustered and unsure of himself, and she didn’t know why. He stayed silent, like he was thinking of what to say. He looked down at the carpet and rubbed the palms of his hands nervously down the length of his thighs. When his gaze met hers, his eyes were hard and distant. Stella cocked her head to the side, trying to figure out why he was behaving so strangely.

  “What is it, Michael? Are you okay?” she asked.

  And in a flash, he straightened his back, composed himself, and the impenetrable guard was back up. “Yes... yes, I’m fine, Stella. It’s a valid question, and I came for you because it was the right thing to do. I got you into that situation, and I have a duty of care to you so it was
my responsibility to get you out of it.”

  Stella’s heart sank to the floor, and tears welled in her eyes. She’d hoped there was so much more to his daring rescue than simply honor and responsibility.

  “That’s it?” Stella said, her voice trembling with the crushing disappointment. “It was just a duty?”

  Michael looked away and ran a hand through his hair. “Of course. You’re mine. I had to get you back. I couldn’t let Willy get away with taking what isn’t his.”

  Stella hung her head low as her tears fell. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to hide the pain-stricken grief that was flooding through her. “Right. Right. No, of course not.” She felt foolish to have been taken in by the warmth and affection he’d shown her in the car on the way home. How fucking stupid are you, Stella? This isn’t a fairy tale, and there’s not going to be a happily ever after.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s late. You’re tired. Why don’t you take a shower, and I’m sure you’ll feel a lot better. You can use mine.”

  Stella dried her tears and steeled her spine. “Thanks, yes I will. I need one.” She got up from the chair and walked toward the bathroom, but she paused mid-stride and turned to look back at him. He sat in his chair, staring out of the window, seemingly deep in thought.

  “Michael,” she called. His head swung around to face her with an inquisitive look on his face. “Thank you for saving me. In fact, thanks for everything, but I’ll be leaving in the morning.” She continued to the bathroom, leaving him stunned and staring silently into the space where she’d just been.

  Chapter 25

  Stella stepped up to the stylish black and gold mirror over the sink. God, I look a mess. She turned on the shower and shed her clothes while she waited for the water to run hot. She couldn’t stop thinking about Michael and how caring he’d been after saving her, but now, his cold demeanor had returned. She sobbed quietly. Her sadness and disappointment overwhelming her as she stepped into the shower. She didn’t want Michael to hear her crying. She’d just have to pull up her big girl panties and carry on, just like she always had, even before her mama died.

  The hot water cascaded onto her head and trickled down her body—it felt good as she stood under the spray. She leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, and just let it fall like warm rain running down her face, hiding her tears from the world. She thought about what she was going to do and where she was going to live. She had some money, and she was sure Michael would pay her as he’d promised to. She’d be all right. Maybe she’d find a job, an apartment and live a ‘normal’ life, whatever that was. She’d loved being introduced to the sub lifestyle. She’d embraced it, but she also knew she needed more than he was prepared to give her.

  After a long soak under the soothing heat of the shower, she opened her eyes and was startled to see a figure standing in the doorway through the steam that billowed around her. She rubbed the glass with her fingertips and peered through—Michael, bare-chested, silent, and staring at her through the misty air.

  “H—how long have you been there watching me?” she asked. Without uttering a word, Michael walked across the tiled floor and into the shower with her, the water soaking his pants in an instant, making them even darker than they were before. His perfect muscular body towered over her. She felt apprehensive, wondering why he was there. What was he was going to do? Was he mad at her because she was leaving him?

  Stella jumped when he reached up and cupped her face in both his hands, pulling her toward him. His eyes looked wild, burning into hers. His lips crashed onto hers, kissing her deeply, his tongue slipping inside and entwining with hers. He ravaged her, pressing her small body against his hard chest as he growled lust-filled moans of desire.

  Stella was so consumed with his sudden transition that her apprehension melted away the moment his lips touched hers. Michael sucked and bit her lower lip, the water raining down on them. She moaned against him, her hard nipples brushing against the hair on his chest—her pussy wet and throbbing with desire. If he wanted to fuck her one last time, she was okay with that—she wanted him to. Finally, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers, breathing her in, in short, ragged pants.

  “Stella, you can’t leave,” he said in that low, sexy voice.

  She looked up into his eyes, searching for… something. “Why not?” she said. “Are you going to keep me here?”

  “No... No, you’re free to go if you want. I won’t stop you. It’s just…”

  “Just what?” Stella said impatiently.

  Michael looked around then took a deep breath. “You know this isn’t easy for me to say, but I don’t want you to leave. Won’t you stay a little longer?”

  Stella thought for a moment. Of course, she’d love to stay and be with him, but for how long? “I could. But my head says no.”

  “What about your heart? What does that say?” he whispered, raising an eyebrow. She’d never known him to show much emotion before, and Maga had always been very guarded about what she told her about Michael and his past. It was like he didn’t want to let anyone in.

  “I’ve been here too long already, Michael. And since I’m leaving, I don’t mind telling you, my feelings for you have grown beyond anything I could have imagined. I don’t think my poor heart could stand the pain of being around someone I want so badly, but can never have, you know? Right now, my heart aches, but better I get out now. I’ll be okay.”

  Michael hung his head and nodded as the water splashed off his broad shoulders and ran in rivulets down his back. “Yes, I do know how you feel… and I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but the real reason I rescued you today… and why I want you to stay is…” He hesitated again, the suspense tangible.

  “Come on, Michael. Is what? You’re killing me here,” she said impatiently.

  “Because… I love you, Stella.”

  Stella was stunned silent as her mouth fell into an open O. She blinked rapidly, willing the tears to stay at bay. His words rang loud in her ears, even above the sound of the water. Did he just say what I thought he did? she thought, looking deep into his eyes.

  “You love me?” she repeated. “You love me?”

  “Yes, and I haven’t loved anyone in a very long time, so I hope you’ll stay.”

  The words she’d been longing to hear her whole life came to her like the sweetest music she’d ever heard. She’d never been truly loved by any man before. Sure, they may have said it during the throes of passion, but she knew they just used her for their own pleasure—and then they were gone. Stella threw her arms around his neck and snuggled her face against his chest.

  “You mean that, right? You’re not going to change your mind and be all mean and moody with me again tomorrow?”

  “It’s taken a lot for me to say it, so yes, I mean it. I don’t want you to go,” he whispered.

  Stella took her head off his chest, put her hands around the back of his neck, and pulled him to her. She opened her mouth and crushed her lips against his in a long, deep, passionate kiss. Michael instantly responded, his big hands running down her back and squeezing her ass, pulling her to him and the growing bulge in his pants. She moaned again, rubbing her body against it, feeling his cock stiffen and grow as they feasted on each other.

  Stella’s emotions overtook her—she never wanted to fuck with Michael as bad as she did in that moment. She moved her hands to his waist, feverishly unbuckling his belt—eager to feel his dick in her hand. She wanted him naked and tugged at his pants, pushing them over his hips to the tiled floor in a soaking, black pile. He moved against her, his hard cock sliding against her wet belly as he gently bit her lower lip. His mouth grazed over her jaw and onto her neck, kissing and sucking the soft skin from her shoulder to her hairline. He growled in her ear, “I want you, Stella. I want you now.”

  Before she had time to respond, he took one hand off her ass and it came back down with a loud smack that echoed around the room. She jumped, “Oooh!” the
n felt the hot stinging sensation creep across her right ass cheek and down her leg. Michael rubbed it with his palm, massaging the pleasurable pain then gave her left cheek the same hard spank followed by another soothing rub. “Aaahh!” she cried, her clit tingling and her pussy throbbing with the anticipation of what was surely to come—and what she craved so badly.

  “You like that, don’t you, Stella?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Fuck yeah!” she said, grinding her body against his hard cock.

  “Turn around,” he growled. Stella willingly obeyed, sliding her wet skin across his thick, pulsating cock and turned to face the wall. Bending forward, she spread her feet and grasped the sturdy chrome bars on the wall in front of her with both hands. She’d seen them the last time she’d used his shower and wondered what they were for, and why they were fixed so low. Now it was obvious. Her pussy got wetter as the heat in her cheeks took her mind right back to the first time Sir had bound her to the bench in the dungeon; the thoughts of her ass stinging deliciously from the crop and how sexy it had made her feel.

  A moment later, a hand landed on her bottom again—harder than the first time—and she felt her ass jiggle with the impact. “Ooohh, fuck! That feels so good, Sir,” she said as the pain traveled down her legs and up her spine. In the months she’d been with Michael, she’d grown to love being spanked by him. With the warm water cascading onto her back and Sir handling her roughly, she was horny as hell. She wanted more… and blissfully, she didn’t have to wait too long.

  “Ssshh, my dirty girl,” he whispered as another hard smack came down on her other cheek and had her staring, eyes wide open, at the tile in front of her—her mind reeling from the endorphins flooding her brain. Stella felt euphoric. Her whole body felt alive, charged with electricity, hot, and every inch of her body tingled with pleasure. Whatever he was going to do with her next, she wanted it, and his stiff prick, slick with his own pre-cum, sliding along the crack of her ass left her in no doubt.


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