Saved By The Werewolf (Paranormal, BBW, Breeding Erotica)
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Saved By The Werewolf
Tori Westwood
Copyright © 2013 by Tori Westwood
Smashwords Edition
This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Adult Reading Material
More Titles By Tori Westwood
I'd left the nightclub at about three in the morning, completely spent from a nights dancing and drinking and oblivious to the chain of events that was about to unfold before me, leading to one of the wildest, most terrifying and erotic nights of my life.
"Jump in the cab Laura, we can split the money then," my friend Jodie called from the back of the taxi.
"But I only live around the corner, I might as well walk," I said, attempting to reason with my drunken friend.
"Come on, we can split it then and it's cheaper all around," Jodie continued.
"Yeah but it's cheaper for me if I don't go at all."
The rest of my friends seemed uncaring as they slumped and giggled in the taxi, the conversation continuing outside of their sphere of consciousness.
"Suit yourself," Jodie huffed, slamming the sliding door closed and blowing me a kiss by way of a half apology, half goodbye.
The taxi trudged away, a wave from a miscellaneous hand just about being visible in the window before it rounded the corner and left the street as I stood alone outside the club.
"Suit myself..." I scoffed as I began to hobble home, the pain in my feet making me immediately regret not taking the ride.
Truly, my apartment wasn't too far away at all. The nightclub was a local haunt that had regularly rounded off a good night out and I'd often walked home before by myself. It hadn't occurred to me before how vulnerable a young woman could be, walking home through the seedy streets in the early hours. I'd grown up here and thought I was streetwise and savvy. How wrong I was.
The tormentor of this whole affair was an alleyway not too far from my apartment that cut ten minutes off an otherwise completely safe, well-lit journey. The pain in my feet was close to unbearable and anything I could do to get home quicker was a no-brainer of an option.
I stopped at its mouth, gazing down into the darkness, a circle of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel that would see me close to my destination.
I glanced around quickly, the street empty, save for a few people exiting the night club several hundred meters away and made a quick dart into the side-street, scuttling my way quickly over rubbish bags and around bins.
The light from the street faded as I sank further into the darkness of the alleyway and I became immediately nervous, hurrying my steps to lessen my exposure to the terrors of the night.
I stared forwards, aiming for the ever widening slit of light that would be my escape, when suddenly my pace lessened. Squinting into the black of the alleyway I could just about detect the silhouette of a figure making their way towards me.
I slowed and weighed things up in my mind. It could easily be someone just like me, stumbling home through the seldom trod short-cut after a long night out, but the more macabre side of my mind interjected, hinting at the worst.
I stopped now as the figure approached and turned to walk back, cursing myself for not accepting the taxi ride home. I could have been there by now and foregone all of this. Why hadn't I listened?
Then, panic struck me. The faceless figure of another person was fast approaching from the opposite direction and I stood trapped between them, my head quickly looking left and right, assessing my options.
Quickly I crouched behind a large bin, hoping my antagonists weren't a threat and wishing further still that they didn't notice the terrified, large woman crouching timidly in a dirty alleyway for no apparent reason.
The adrenaline was coursing through my body and I could hear my own heart beat as I tried to stem my breaths, attempting to remain as silent as possible as the two figures converged in front of me.
They both stopped close to each other and I wondered for a moment if I might bear witness to another person's plight, before one of them spoke a sentence that almost made me shriek with fear.
"She must be around here somewhere," one of the men said in a low, hushed tone.
My head sank and my hand automatically came up to my mouth, smothering myself and praying I could remain silent
"She didn't come past me," the other said, as I listened to them deducing my location.
Suddenly, as though fate were conspiring against me, the moon came from behind the clouds, illuminating the alleyway in twilight, exposing me completely, should either of my would-be aggressors dare to cast their eyes in my direction.
All at once, the loud howl of a nearby dog startled me, before the ringing of my phone came echoing into the narrow gullet, stifled only by the thin material of the purse that hosted it. Immediately their heads spun, locking their eyes on me as I cowered helpless and exposed.
The gig was definitely up.
"Got ya," one of the men growled, his face cast in shadow, only his grizzled maw and gnarled teeth visible.
His hand thrust out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to my feet as I began to let out a scream.
"Hel-" was as far as I made it before his other hand came from behind my head and wrapped around my mouth.
I squirmed and jostled as he held me from behind, his wretched breath hot on my neck, both my wrists tied behind my back in the large grip of one of his hands, the other silencing my screams as my second assailant approached from in front of me, staring manically at my heaving chest and licking his lips.
I didn't believe in God, but I closed my eyes and prayed for a divine intervention anyway. And one came.
I heard a deep thud that shook my eyes back open in time to see shirtless man, crouching behind my approaching attacker, eyes shining brightly in the moonlight, face strewn with anger, his teeth long and protruding slightly over his lower lips, mouth snarled and ready to bite.
The shock of the whole affair made me doubt my own eyes as my long-haired soon-to-be hero rose to his feet as his victim turned to stare, eye level with his powerful chest before looking up in horror.
As quick as a flash, the beast-man's hand shot up to my offender's throat, gripping it tight and forcing a curdled gargle from this gullet, before effortlessly tossing him some twenty meters down the alleyway, sending debris and rubbish flying.
I felt the grip behind me relax as a whimper escaped my assailant's mouth, hearing his footsteps backing away from me as my savior approached, allowing me to view his full figure in the moonlight.
Were he not seemingly saving me from whatever my fate was, I would have thought him almost menacing himself and certainly a little on the side of strange. His only item of clothing appeared to be a pair of worn, light blue jeans, walking barefoot and bare-chested, a fine physique of a man, if one could be sure he was a man at all.
He had a towering figure that must have been somewhere around seven feet, his chest hairy and magnificent, eyes a dazzling, azure blue.
He strode purposely forwards, gaze locked behind me at his target. I heard the footsteps behind me quicken as their sound faded, my attacker escaping down the alleyway and back into the street.
The beast watched a while longer before his eyes locked with mine. It took me a while to notice my mouth was agape as I struggled to form any words.
"You're safe now," he said in an accent I didn't recognize. It sounded slightly eastern European but I couldn't be sure of its exact origin. He clear
ly was not from around these parts. I lusted after him almost immediately.
He bent down and began to lift me in his enormous arms, my mouth still incapable of forming any words as I released myself to him, letting him take me anywhere he pleased as long as it wasn't here.
"Hold tight," he said into my ear and my arms wrapped around the soft, warm flesh of his neck and body, hugging him close.
I heard the whoosh of air passing my ears as my feet left the ground, looking down in amazement to see the alleyway shrinking below us as we climbed high into the night's sky, before hitting the peak of our ascent and dropping softly on top of the building that lined the scene of my attack.
He put me down and stared into my eyes, as if he enjoyed gauging the reaction of someone who had just witnessed something that they had long thought impossible.
"How..." I began before he cut me off.
"I'm Lucien," he said, extending a hand. I noticed the thick, long, razor sharp nails gracing his finger-tips, but still thought it rude to decline a handshake from a man who may well have saved my life. I took his hand in mine and he brought me in closer to him, pulling my hand towards his face, that now looked normal and unthreatening and planting a kiss on the back of it. "Nice to meet you."
I felt myself becoming almost faint in his presence, a mixture of awe and attraction, disbelief and adrenaline racing through me.
"Nice to meet you too," I whispered, almost trance like, still piecing together the past few minutes. "I'm Laura."
"I've been watching you for some time, Laura."
I stood, confused and still unable to fully articulate my thoughts. "What? Why?" I said in quick succession.
He seemed to take a moment to compose himself, as if forming the words.
"I often find myself fascinated by women. How they are both strong and vulnerable at the same time. How they think and act. How they look..." he said suggestively. "Sometimes, I find myself attracted to them. This is one such time."
He spoke confidently and didn't appear to mince his words. In my state of dizziness I scarcely noticed he'd paid me a hefty compliment.
"How long have you been following me?" I asked, curious of his deviancy.
"Not a long time. I have noticed you in my late night saunters through the city's roof-tops. You are very eye-catching," he said, gesturing his hand over my body. "I saw a damsel in distress and felt obliged to offer my services. I hope they were welcome."
"Oh yes," I said, caught off-guard by an air of rudeness I hadn't realized I was giving. "It was very much appreciated. I don't know what those men would have done." It suddenly dawned on me what might have befell me, had Lucien not intervened.
I ran to him and hugged him without thinking, overcome with my gratitude. Surprised at first, his hand soon wrapped around my back and rubbed it reassuringly as I lay my head on his chest.
After a moment I pulled away from him. "So what are you?" I asked bluntly before once again addressing my ill manners. "I mean, if you don't mind explaining?"
"Not at all, my love," he began. "I think a term which might aptly describe me from your point of view would be 'werewolf,' but as you can see, I am not as wolf-like as I could be," he continued, pacing left and right in front of the full-lit moon. "I prefer to think of myself as a 'wereman.' A kind of diluted version of an ancient species almost completely wiped out by modern man. One of the last of my kind."
He seemed to be quite proud of the fact he was the last of his lineage, as though he were the savior of a species. A rare gem. And truly, he was.
"I've never seen anything like you before," I exclaimed. "Well, obviously I've read of werewolves but I thought they were a myth...a legend. I'd no idea one might be saving my life."
"Myth. Legend. Fairytale. All completely acceptable terms," he reasoned. "There are many out there who are unaware of our existence. Many who have seen us but convinced themselves otherwise and some who seek to do us harm."
"Why would they want to hurt you?" I asked, puzzled.
"Because people fear what is different," he answered, solemnly. "Where do you live, my darling, so I may take you home?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Erm," I began, a little confused to be giving directions from a rooftop. "Well, over there I guess," I said pointing at the skylight of my apartment a few hundred meters away.
"Hold me again my dear and I will take you home," he said in chivalrous fashion.
I wrapped my arms around his powerful frame once more and felt the rush of wind pass me as he glided effortlessly through the night, bounding and leaping from one roof to another, the lit streets flashing below us, before arriving at my skylight. I'd make a note to close it more often after tonight.
He lifted the heavy window with one hand and dropped down into my lounge, thudding hard on the wooden floor and placing me down beside him.
I hastily switched on the dim lamp, still panting with the shock that ran through me, my mind still processing the heavy weight of both information and terror that had consumed me that night.
"Would you like a drink," I offered. It was the least I could do.
"Red wine if you have it."
Thankfully I did, although I couldn't vouch for its quality. I poured out two large glasses and gave one to my hero.
"You said you were the last of your kind, are there any more like you?" I asked, sitting down on the couch, eager to find out more about this intriguing specimen.
"A few, but not many. We live fairly solitary lives, but we have a duty to continue our legacy," he said, shooting a steely blue look in my direction. I felt my pussy quiver almost immediately. Maybe it was the alcohol in my blood or the fact I'd left the club alone, but I desperately wanted to be ravished by this beast of a man.
He moved across the room to sit near me and a rapid flash of fur coated his upper torso before quickly receding again. He'd hardly flinched.
"What was that?" I asked, bewildered.
"The moonlight," he said nonchalantly. "It does strange things to me sometimes."
"So you are sometimes more beast than man?"
"Sometimes, but rarely. Sometimes I can control it. Sometimes not." It was as if he'd answered these questions a thousand times before. "All of the appropriate parts remain all man all of the time," he said with a sultry smirk, sending a hot flush through my body.
He sat down beside me on the sofa and put his drink on the coffee table, making himself at home.
"And you?" he queried.
"Me what?" I asked, confused.
"You are all woman, all of the time?"
I began giggling coquettishly. "Haha, yes, all of the time," I said, putting the extra effort into my laugh to ensure my breasts bounced along with my chest.
"Then I guess you will be perfect."
"Perfect for what?"
"For me," and with that he moved in to kiss me, thrusting his tongue passionately into my mouth as my hand reached out to dispatch my drink, desperately seeking two hands with which to explore his body.
My tongue searched around his mouth, exploring his unique teeth as my hand moved to scratch at his back as I injected a little more intensity into our embrace.
I felt his hands tease and stroke my plump body, my nipples becoming hard beneath my dress, eager for him to undress me and make me his. His long nails tickled at my scalp, sending a jolt of electric bliss shuddering through me. He seemed to know just how to please a girl.
I couldn't bare it any longer and had to pose the question for my own sanity, breaking from the kiss to look at this handsome rogue.
"But why me?"
He looked at me lovingly. Though we'd only just met, it felt like I could be with him forever. He had a strange way of making me secure in my own skin.
"Because you are all woman, Laura," he reiterated. "Skinny girls...they cannot handle someone like me. Besides, I want my child to grow strong inside you."
Usually I would have questioned a statement like that immediately, but his gaze, or his wor
ds, or something about him made me bend to his will and feel perfectly comfortable doing so. It was as though all my prayers had been answered at once and I wasn't about to let Lucien out of my life.
Satisfied, I pounced on him, straddling his legs and grinding up along them, kissing him deeper now with greater lust, feeling his enormous cock growing in his jeans, my pussy moistening beneath my panties, eager to take him inside.
He moved a hand around my back to fondle my zipper, sliding it down my back, the fabric tight to my skin that was slowly released with each opened inch. It seemed to stick momentarily and I was certain any solution was going to be completely undignified. His hand flashed up beside me, the sound of fabric tearing ringing out in the silent apartment as he deftly cut up my dress with his nail, leaving the side wide open and my flesh intact.
"Problem solved," he winked before draping the side of my dress open. I could buy another.
I stood and let it fall from me, presenting my full body to him. A glimmer of animalistic fervor appeared in his face as he rose from the couch, moving in to kiss me.
Just as before, fur sprouted from his body as the light of the moon shone in through the skylight and I ran my hands all over his powerful physique, exploring the strange sensations of his haired body pressed against my own.
My hands searched down inside the back of his pants, gripping his tight, furry, muscles ass and squeezing it, before sliding them around the front of his jeans to touch the flesh of his cock. As he said, it was all man.
His hand moved to unclasp my bra as he continued to kiss me, sending a strange, never-before-felt sensation echoing out through my body. A kind of semi-conscious state of euphoria. An almost trance-like feeling of bliss.
He kissed his way down my neck, his hot breaths giving me goose bumps as they flowed softly over my skin and his lips descended towards my milky breasts, his rough, wet tongue gliding over my nipples and forcing them to attention, standing pert on my heavy bosom.
He teased and circled around them, nibbling softly on the stiff node that he'd coaxed out as his hands stroked up and down the sides of my chest and stomach, pulling me into him further, his mouth enveloping my tits.