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Eternal Hearts (A Darkness Within)

Page 19

by Jennifer Turner

  Drake groaned as Toni’s muscles contracted, sleek and tight around his cock. He’d never felt anything like her before. Hot, wet. And the damningly seductive way she moved against him, how her fingers tightened in his hair as her body squeezed and pulled him in deeper.

  She was reckless in his arms, licking and biting at his mouth as he eased out then thrust back into her. But he wanted more, needed to feel more of her, all of her. Leaning forward, he captured her bottom lip and pinched it between his teeth. Only after she moaned and locked eyes with him did he stop.

  He brushed his lips across hers. “I want to taste you.”

  Her eyes shimmered a little more as each second passed and the true weight of his request processed. “I’ve never shared…”

  “Me neither.”

  When she answered by pushing his lips to her neck as she wrapped both legs around his waist, something changed inside Drake. He felt it. He felt the heaviness he’d always carried in his chest, dissipate – replaced by something entirely new.

  Something that scared and awed him at the same time.

  But his fear surged into absolute bliss when Toni’s body shuttered and clenched around him as he bit her neck. Thrusting hard, he exploded inside her as the razor’s edge of her fangs pierced his shoulder.

  As Drake and Toni’s life essence mingled, their souls intertwined.

  Drinking deep, Drake shivered as every shred of pain and love in Toni’s heart coursed through him as if it were his own. He felt the longing she had when she was away from home, how much she missed her family, and how much she needed to stay in Chicago.

  He saw her crying alone in different beds as she wandered from city to city, desperately searching for a place she belonged. And she hadn’t found that place…until now. He saw the worst of her tragedies and her greatest moments of joy, and was stunned to see himself in the center of that joy.

  Tears welled in his eyes as he felt her heart open to him. Felt it warm him, and heard it promise that he’d never be alone again. As long as there was a spark of life in her body, she’d never leave him. Never let him go.

  Toni’s body shook as the power of Drake’s blood screamed through her veins. She felt his detachment from the world and everything in it…except her. She felt the terrible sting of his loneliness like it was her own.

  She saw flashes of him in battle after battle, returning bloody and beaten to an empty house. Saw tears shining in his eyes, but they never fell. She watched him swallow the pain and wear it as a deserved mark of shame. She felt his anguish and fear for her, but also knew that she, and this moment, was the closest he’d ever been to real love. Then she heard his soul whisper its love for her. Heard it promise to never forget her. Never give up on her.

  It wasn’t until she felt the tug of the morning sun that Toni eased her fangs from Drake’s shoulder and looked up at him. She’d never felt more exhausted or complete in her entire life. And when he laid her back on the bed and pulled her tight against his chest, she knew she’d never feel about another man the way she felt about him.

  Closing her eyes, she smiled as the stubble of his cheek brushed against her skin. She felt like she should say something to him, but she couldn’t find the words. Her heart had already told him everything she wanted to say.

  Drake hugged Toni tight as she drifted off to sleep. Nothing would ever compare to what they’d just shared. Words failed every time he searched for a way to describe it. The only thing he knew was that a part of him had changed because of it…

  A part of him had changed because of her.


  “She’s back in the city, I saw her with my own eyes.”

  Natasha Stryker let out a shriek as she snatched up a crystal vase and hurled it across her office. “What do you mean she’s back? She can’t be back!” When her biggest mistake ducked the flying vase just before it would have crashed against his face, she glared at him.

  He stood up and brushed the broken shards of glass from his shirt, his brown eyes following her as she moved. “I saw her at The Underground.”

  She paced behind her desk. “Jayson, are you sure it was her?”

  “Yeah. She was standing at the bar with Drake Black for a while, but then she disappeared and I saw him carry her out to his car about twenty minutes later. I remember what she looks like. It was definitely her.”

  Stryker glanced down at the stack of papers on her desk before slamming her hand against the hardwood. “I can’t believe Christian would let her back into the city. Do you realize what this means? Do you realize how much this could jeopardize the plans I’ve set in motion?”

  As usual, he looked completely oblivious. “What are you talking about? What plans?”

  “Don’t worry about my plans, Jayson. You can’t even manage to eat without getting caught, let alone think about anything that isn’t right in front of your face!”

  She watched as Jayson slid his ebony skinned, six foot four inch leather clad body into one of the chairs on the other side of her desk. His black dreadlocks hung in his face as he lowered his head. She crumpled a piece of paper and threw it at him. He would be the last time she’d ever bring someone across because they had decent street contacts and the body of an Adonis.

  He looked up at her when the white ball landed in his lap. “How was I supposed to know the girl was a hemophiliac? It’s not like her medical history was stamped on her ass or something. It’s not like picking out a steak at the supermarket.”

  Oh, the stupidity of Fledglings. She leaned forward and braced her hands on the desk. “You’re damn lucky Brick didn’t beat you and drag you to Christian after the mess he and his team of misfits had to clean up.”

  “Brick didn’t beat me because I called him the minute I realized I couldn’t heal her wound and the bleeding wouldn’t stop. And he didn’t drag me to Lord Locke because I tried to control everyone’s mind the best I could. I tried to save the Veil until he got there.”

  “You shouldn’t have called Brick. You should have called me! Why in the world would you go to another family for help? Have you lost what’s left of your hood-rat mind? Do you realize what this is going to cost me in terms of favors?”

  The little bastard actually found the spine to glare at her. “I went to another family because you were off at some secret meeting and wouldn’t answer your phone!”

  Oh, this just wouldn’t do. Calling on her blood for speed, Stryker whipped around the desk and wrenched Jayson out of the chair. She purposely waited to slam him back against the wall until his feet were a full foot above the floor. “Because of you, Christian and the idiots he calls Enforcement are going to be crawling all over my ass.” She bared her fangs at him, pleased only when he winced. “So help me Jayson, if you cause my plans to fail – I’ll personally arrange your meeting with the sun.”

  After forcing him to the floor, she stood over him. Her pathetic excuse for a Child was now exactly where he belonged – at her feet. “If you wish to remain in this world, I suggest you find out why the little Spanish whore is back in this city. And I don’t care what you have to do to get the information, but you better have an answer for me in the next 48 hours.” She took a step backwards. “Now get your worthless ass off of my expensive Italian tiles.”

  Jayson kicked himself to his feet then hurried out of the room. Even a vampire lost the “badass” quality while scurrying.

  She shook her head as she moved to stare out the window behind her desk. Why would Christian allow Toni Tutoro back into the city? What was he planning?

  What kind of nonsense was he trying to pull?

  Stryker let loose with a shriek as the animal inside her lashed out. She wouldn’t let him get away with this. He was going to die! No matter who tried to save him, no matter who she had to pay – Christian Locke was going to find himself on the wrong end of a wolf’s claws if it was the last thing she ever did!

  It wasn’t until she caught sight of Jayson in the window as he climbed into his Viper and
sped off that she remembered exactly what he’d said. Toni was with Drake Black…

  Stryker cackled as she walked over to the bar and poured herself a stiff drink, the wheels in her mind practically smoking. There had to be an open contract on Toni. That was the only reason why Oktober’s best friend would be with her. And Christian must have allowed her to come back so that Drake could fulfill the contract, which would be yet another point against him that she could use when she took his place.

  For some inexplicable reason, a number of vampires in the city, both old and young, liked that little bitch. And when they found out Christian had allowed a contract to be taken out on her, they’d cheer his destruction and toast Stryker for permanently removing him from the world.

  She smiled as she sank back into her office chair. Soon, not only would she finally be rid of Christian, but she’d put Toni Tutoro in her rightful resting place once and for all.

  Stryker lifted her glass and tipped it towards the window in a mock toast. “Here’s to you, Toni and Christian. Your days are numbered.”

  Chapter 13

  Sensing the weight lift from her body, Toni’s eyes fluttered open just as the moon forced the sun from the sky. And for the first time in three long years – she wasn’t tired. She felt warm, rested, and safe in the arms of the man she knew she was falling in love with.

  Drake’s inviting scent drifted in the air all around her, clinging to her body as though it was as much a part of her as he was now. And a part of her he was, because she sensed his essence inside her, felt his happiness coursing through her veins. She pressed her lips together when she also sensed something hot and rather hard nestled between her thighs.

  Apparently, he was a little too happy.

  She tipped her head back to look up at him, but as soon as his smiling face came into view she got a mouthful of his tongue instead. She smiled around it, but groaned when it slid away as he rolled her onto her stomach. Before she even realized what he was doing, she was on her knees with him bent over her from behind, the weight of his body making her ache to feel him inside her again.

  She moaned when all at once he forced his knees between hers, pulled her back against his chest, and then granted her wish. She reached up and sank her hands into his hair as his thick, full cock stretched her until she wasn’t sure she could take any more. Hot needles of pleasure prickled her skin as the rough pads of his thumbs found her nipples.

  “How many strokes does it take?” he asked, his stubble tickling her ear. But when he grabbed her hips and slowly pulled out then slammed back into her, she knew exactly what he was talking about. “One. Two. Three.”

  “Oh God…”

  “Four. Five...”

  Six was stalled by the screaming doorbell.

  “I’m gonna rip that damn thing out of the wall,” Drake growled against her ear.

  “Only if you get to it before I do.” She started to pull away from him but didn’t get very far.


  Toni sank her teeth into her own bottom lip when Drake resumed his count by thrusting back inside her, deeper than she thought possible. Ecstasy coiled around the bottom of her spine. Excitement rushed and danced around every nerve.

  “Seven. Eight.”

  She smiled when eight made her teeth click together, but froze when the next word wasn’t a number…

  “I know you’re in there! I can hear you breathing!” a familiar voice yelled.

  Toni fisted her hands in Drake’s hair. “We have to stop. That’s Clint!”


  Obviously he must not have heard her, because nine filled her with so much burning sensual tension that it forced a moan so loud past her lips, she was afraid the people on the street heard it.

  “What if Daddy. Ten. Finds out what I did. Eleven. To his innocent little girl?”

  She tried to fight back against the erotic assault, tried to ignore the delicious feel of Drake inside her. “We have to stop. I can’t…while he’s out there. I just can’t.”

  “No?” He rolled his hips hard. “Twelve.”

  Toni shook her head, but wasn’t at all convinced as that exquisite pressure laced with anticipation built between her thighs. She was so close…so damningly close.

  Drake’s breath seared her ear as he pulled one of her hands from his hair and used their entwined fingers to stroke her clit. “This is what you do to me. Feel it.” He moved her hand a bit lower then pressed her fingers against his hard shaft. “Thirteen.”

  Toni shivered and moaned again at the sensation of his wet cock sliding inside her. He made her so wet and spread her so wide that she could feel herself quivering against their fingers. She’d never felt anything so sexy, so wildly erotic.

  What he did to her was incredible.


  She pulled on the hand still in his hair when he groaned and ground his hips hard against her.

  “Come on! I’m too old to stand out here in the hall for long periods of time. My legs are starting to hurt!”

  “Do what he says, Toni. Fifteen. Come.”

  Toni gasped and arched her back as waves of orgasmic bliss tore through her. She barely noticed Drake’s hand cover her mouth as her body contracted around him while he tautly rubbed her clit. And the man didn’t stop until he’d wrung every drop of pleasure, every whimper of satisfaction, from her shaking body.

  His heated lips curved against her ear. “Fifteen it is.”

  Heat burned a trail across her cheeks as Drake pulled out of her then worked her tank top down her arms. She watched him as he laid her back and slid her pants on, unable to tear her eyes away from the man who’d just made her feel like a dirty little teenager.

  He grinned as clothes appeared on his body. “You better let him in.”

  Feeling far too comfortable under Drake’s intense stare, Toni jumped off the bed and ran for the door. If she didn’t go now, Clint might be out there for days.

  She opened the door to find Clint looking about as bored as she’d ever seen him, holding a gray garment bag in his right hand.

  He frowned at her. “It’s about damn time.”

  She ignored his comment. “What the hell is that?”

  “This is what you need to wear when you talk to Christian, who is requesting to see you immediately. Now, can I actually come into the room or do I have to stand out here all night?”

  She moved to the side so he could pass then closed the door behind him. “Why does he want to see me immediately? I’m not in trouble am I? I haven’t even done anything – I swear.”

  Clint’s green eyes narrowed on Drake for a moment before his gaze slid back over her. “I don’t know what you’ve done, although I could probably guess.” He shook his head as he drew a heavy breath. “Anyway, I was chatting with Christian this afternoon and he asked me to make sure you had something suitable to wear. He also asked me to pass along that he’d like to speak with you as soon as possible.”

  Fire erupted in Toni’s cheeks. Did Clint really need to embarrass her more by inferring something had happened between her and Drake? Damn him! She hated how he always seemed to know everything. And she hated knowing he could stay awake all day even more.

  If she and Drake had been awake all day…

  She immediately derailed the naughty-train and refocused both her mind and her attention back on Clint. “Christian doesn’t sleep either?”

  “Nope, he’s old too.” He turned to Drake. “Don’t you have some place else to go? I’m sure Derek would like to talk to you.”

  When Drake gave Clint a curt nod and his leather coat appeared, Toni moved to stand in front of him. “Are you leaving?”

  He smiled down at her. “I have some things to check up on. I’ll be back in a few hours though.”

  She reached up and let the silky strands of his hair slide between her fingers. “I’ll be back here after I’m done talking to Christian.”

  He didn’t say anything. Instead, he leaned down and pul
led her into his arms. She sighed as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips before he released her. “I’ll see you in a little bit then.”

  The moment Drake walked out the door, Toni instantly felt like she was missing a vital part of her body. She didn’t know how he’d come to mean so much to her in such little time, she only knew that he did.

  “Well, well, well…it looks like my little girl is growing up,” Clint said as he sniffed and rubbed his nose. “I knew this day would come. I told myself I wouldn’t cry, but now that it’s here…I’m devastated.” He pouted and tipped his head back before he clutched a hand to his chest. “I just don’t know what to do without you!”

  Toni rolled her eyes. For anyone who wondered where her award winning wit came from…

  Behold, Clint – the King of Sarcasm.

  She reached out and tapped the middle of his forehead, hoping it would serve as an off button. “You’re way too old to act like a teenager. I don’t care what you look like.”

  He flashed a grin. “Okay, I’ll stop. Here,” he said as he held the garment bag out towards her. But when she just stared at it, he shook it. “It’s not going to bite you.”

  She arched a brow. “It might not bite me, but it damn sure might kill me.” When he gave her a fatherly look that said he was tiring of her banter, she returned the childish reply that seemed to fit the situation best. She stuck her tongue out at him.

  He shook the bag even harder.

  Realizing she had nowhere to run, Toni reluctantly took his offering and stared through one eye as she unzipped it. Maybe it was a pantsuit…

  Maybe flew right out the window and crashed into a damn tree when she caught sight of the full length, black velvet evening gown. She frowned as she pulled the dress from the bag. Not only was it a full length, but it had spaghetti straps, a straight neckline, and a long slit up the side. A she’d-be-lucky-if-she-didn’t-show-everyone-her-ass kind of slit.

  “Wow. Thanks, Clint. I’ve always wanted to look like a high class hooker. I hope 8-Ball isn’t there, he’ll probably try to bite me.”


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