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Augmented Tycoon

Page 8

by Marcus Sloss

  I guess I picked the wrong one because Mila was in the first one neck deep in bubbling water. I waved a bye but she never even looked up. I walked to the other room that was mine and stretched out on the large bed.


  I awoke the next day and spent a few hours reading over the latest human news. I knew I should have focused on something else but I kept going back to it like a bug bite wanting to be scratched. I learned a few things had indeed changed since I had been dead.

  Emperor Linus had grown bolder and more decisive after my death. The news sites and commentators had endless theories. There was one that they were not declaring or broadcasting. That was that Emperor ChiKhi’s conversation had shaken Linus. I wish I could see what was said when they asked for my body.

  When it comes down to it, who did Emperor Linus fear more? A hundred thousand lancer ships blinking into proximity of Earth or the whining bureaucrats he dealt with in the senate and the house. This is what gave me pause when I read over his recent declaration that had already incited internet riots.

  All men and women between eighteen and fifty who had not birthed three children were mandated to do so within ten years. The official orders allowed many outs, and I was certain that the poor exception receptionist was swarmed. I also loved the term internet riots, was humorous about how the news sensationalized angry thoughts. If the streets were burning I would get it. Not negative anonymous or pen named comments on social platforms.

  I thought of Beau and became conflicted. She had ten years to mature and then ten years to have three kids. I stopped mid thought.

  Wait… I eventually planned to reveal I was alive. If I did so I would be mandated to this. I nodded in confirming deep down what I had always rationalized about my future. It would have lots of joyful kids to play ZBall with.

  I moved on and read every prison was being emptied. I feared to view more when I released a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding. They were being sent to factories. The Empire was stepping up its production capabilities for expansion. Impressive, I was liking these new bold moves. The placated human population that was lavishly lazing about did not.

  Which brought me to his third declaration. If you got an exemption from raising the human population you were voluntold… I had to read that word a few times. Yes, you were forced to join the Empire Defense Force (EDF).

  There were twenty seven planets under the control of Earth. A few small colonies outside its grasp. Five instantly succeeded and declared independence. A new human civil war had erupted and the opening stages were developing in real time.

  “Test,” I pinged a thought to Mila.

  “By all that is holy, why did they augment you? I am shitting right now Mack, and you are inside my head.” Mila telepathically replied.

  “So you are going to hate me for this, but…” I couldn’t contain it and I giggled like a five year old. “Make sure you keep the sand in the box.”

  Silence ensued for a few moments. I bet she was figuring out the reference or had ignored me.

  “What do you want Mack?”

  “Humanity is in the process of a civil war, how does that work with our protected planets?”

  “Do not ping me for a simple question, this is extremely invasive and not okay. I know you can, and you have the right, but please save it and use your fucking legs. Or send a text message or video call. The Onatics’ rules are simple only one capital can claim one hundred planets. If your rebels gain more planets they can become the capital. If not they lose protection and can be raided if your capital removes them from your official planet list. If they can hold their planets, which few do in prime locations then they may live there forever. When they want to expand they cannot claim more planets besides in the disputed zones. Where the wars for territory and resources rage fiercely.” Mila explained while she sent the laws, rules, and regulations about species expansion to my display.

  I chose not to reply and offend her further. I grabbed a light snack, went to the gym, and studied. That evening we ate a quiet dinner together where I pestered her with more questions which she was getting tired of answering. We retreated to our private rooms. I was getting giddy to see Starla tomorrow.

  I tossed and turned all night. When the ship’s count down reached ten minutes I rubbed my hands together in anticipation.


  Mila and I stood in the circular navigation room. She adjusted the settings for the room. The podium morphed into the Griffin, an exact replica of the ship. The floor became translucent and we found ourselves with a full view of the surrounding space outside the ship. Right now it was the twirling myriad of black and whites of slip space. It was easy to get lost looking at the way the universe displayed itself.

  The countdown timer dropped to three, two, and then one. We exited not far from Earth that was a cluster cluck of epic proportions. There was a debris field of some blown up ship that we skirted around smoothly. The Emperor’s small space force was postured aggressively around a few smaller ships. Traffic was halted, inspections were conducted, and everything seemed a mix of chaos.

  “We are being pinged, asked friend or foe. I replied we are friendly. On official visit and to not bother us again. It looks like they are seizing ships friendly to the rebels. We arrived where either a ship was blasted to slag or self-destructed.” Mila said as we watched the space around us.

  “Impressive, have to admit, it is nice to skip the line. Book us a fancy secure hotel room we can dock a shuttle in. We need to be able to leave in a hurry if we have to.” I ordered her while studying the changes around Earth’s orbit.

  “Already done. If you will follow me we can shuttle down to the hotel. It is rather nice even to us lancers.” She said and led the way to a different portion of the ship.

  We went down a smooth gradual ramp. The walls displayed a five meter section of water we passed through similar to how zoos and amusement parks did water tunnels. Once we were past the water the walls reformed and sealed the walkway. I was curious as to how we would get past the water shield, I had to start thinking that advanced technology would solve most issues. It was indeed interesting to watch clear walls form and the water rush back in.

  “Stop gawking at something developed three millennia ago. Come on, I bet this shuttle has massaging seats and a bar. Being your bitch sure has its perks, Mr. Raul!” She did the Raul perfectly and even gave a slight purr after.

  “I am glad you are happy, you seem to be adjusting well.”

  “Yes! To the shuttle…” She paused and did exaggerated arm movements. Pointing all around. “You see this baby? This is what I thought the ship was when we first entered. An airlock, changing room, and then a relaxed cabin mixed with navigation. Named ‘The Purr’, well I am biased but I love the name. Let us get comfy.”

  We passed an airlock that was open since we were in pressurized air. Once inside the changing area, the outer door clasped closed with a hiss. I picked up a helmet I had avoided in the other chamber like this on my first entry to the Griffin.

  “What are these helmets for?” I asked as I studied it. My suit had an emergency on one installed so I was curious why these were included.

  “That is to convert your carbon dioxide into oxygen, for long journeys without air. Your suit will last a month or so but equip that helmet and you can live for decades in space. Drastic improvements over your tech. Now don’t make me ask again. I feel exposed in the shuttle when you humans are in a civil war. Find a relaxing spot and let the seats do the rest.” She grabbed my arm and dragged me into the navigation and travel chamber.

  I decided the half-moon lounger would be ideal and plopped down. The seat contoured to my frame as the shuttle jostled at departure. I activated the shuttles details in my inner eye and saw an ETA of two minutes. Wow, no this was tech I could get used two. Mila walked to a shelf with drinks, her four legs able to adjust to the dampened movements of the shuttle far better than I could. A tall thin glass of green juice was
handed to me. I downed it in a gulp. The flavor was smooth and fruity.

  “Lucky you are immune to our… alcohol. Alright, I sent out messages to your semi father and your mate. Arenus will meet us ten minutes earlier than the thirty I requested. Your Starla girl did not believe I was legit until I overrode her communicator and showed her me handing you a drink. That got her attention, she is requesting a plus one. An Astrid, here is her an image of the two of them.”

  A photo of Starla quickened my pulse. Another young woman around the same age had her arm locked at the elbow with Starla. Astrid was another genebabies’ creation. Both girls were about the same in height. Astrid wore a summer dress in the photo that revealed a small amount of cleavage on her plump breasts. She had a rectangular body type that still held nice curves. You could tell she was not an athlete allowing for her body to round more. She was thin but juicy. Her auburn hair was worn loose around her shoulders. Her face had high cheekbones that accented her soft brown eyes. Small tight lips and dimpled cheeks brought out more defining beauty. I did notice she was gazing longingly at Starla. It was so intense I had to verify our contract was still intact.

  “Justification for her plus one?” I asked Mila who waved at me to be quiet.

  The ship jostled slightly and then settled. “We have arrived, give me a moment.” A shimmering bubble materialized around us. “Minor shield and protects what we say. Astrid is another student of xeno anthropology. She has been comforting, and supportive of Starla since your death. Starla rationalized you were alive from your contract but could not verify until now. They had an extensive amount of questions. So many I simply granted the plus one and will let you deal with it. Before the inevitable question leaves your lips. I was projecting myself in a video chat with them while remaining silent here as I enjoyed this drink. One day you may learn to multi project digitally. It is complex at first, we lancers find it akin to your toddlers learning to walk.”

  We exited the shuttle from a docking station that went directly into our hotel room. If I had not seen the lavishness of the Emperor’s quarters I would have been very impressed. The hotel room was an expansive mix of tropical and forest biomes. There was a pool shaped and designed to resemble a lake with a waterfall in the middle of the room. A lightly forested area rose up behind the waterfall. There was a bar, two attached bedrooms, and a private bathroom off to the sides. The lake edge turned into sand and palm trees. Dotted in between both the light forest and palms were lounging areas. A few hovering bean bags were over the sandy beach as were hammocks strewn between trees. A large private balcony extended into the fresh blue skyline that was busy with traffic below. We were high enough up to avoid most of the cluttered transportation of people.

  “How expensive was this room?” I asked knowing even my rich governmental parents probably could not afford this place.

  “Fractions of a D-coin, your E-bits plummeted from Emperor Linus’ declarations. Actually now may be a good time to convert some currency. My wealthy sister, probably the most successful of my…” I thought I saw Mila wipe a tear away at this juncture of her talk. “Prior family. She always said to buy low. I recommend it here unless you see the rebels winning and a new currency is established. Would lose value then.”

  I brought up the microsecond conversion transactions. E-bits had taken a hit with aliens deciding to not take the risk and humans pouring money into D-coins to prevent some downside. I agreed with the assessment. E-bits were at a fifteen percent discount from yesterday. I looked over the open buy orders and swapped a hundred thousand in D-coins. That spiked the market five percent alone. I would probably make the news or trigger some algorithms to join the bullish activity. Funny how with the mental push of the button I had helped stabilize the currency.

  “I approve, but probably should have only converted half that. Then again I am not known for my financial acumen. Your boost is already recovering the valuation of E-bits. An additional three percent in moments, which is a good return. Ah, your Arenus and Maranda are here. I told him to try to bring your mother when I forced the non-disclosure agreements she must have been enticed enough.” Mila said.

  I had not traversed far into the expansive room and waited near the door. I watched as my stepfather and mother exited an aircar that they departed. They approach the hotel door that I mentally opened for them. They raced inside when they caught sight of me. Arenus clasped me in a bear hug. My mother joined him and we stood like that for a few moments.

  “Come let us sit out on the private balcony, we have a few things to discuss. Milashva, please be so kind and join us.” I said.

  We walked on a stone path between the palm trees and sand. The balcony was view shaded and held a large table and a fire pit. I chose to guide us to the table where we all sat.

  “Son, you have caused a chaotic week. I have worked for years to get humanity expanding again, you managed to light a fire under our Emperor’s backside. He has every facility swapping from military to expansion ships. Even while we are in the middle of a minor revolt. The news broadcast on the way here said that the Onatics support the current regime and are pouring D-coins into our economy. They trust Linus over those false rebels. To make things even better I get to see you.” My mother was all smiles, she was so excited she had failed to notice her surroundings. “Wait how can you afford this? And how are you alive?”

  “I bought the E-bits with my D-coins, I am well off now,” I replied with a genuine smile. I was interested in how she would digest this news. Arenus ever the diplomat was bidding his time to talk, while Mila was pretending to listen. I saw her barely paying attention and figured she was utilizing her displays.

  “Define well off son?”

  “Richer than the Emperor,” I said and went to show her the amount when Mila grasped my arm so hard it hurt. “What?”

  “Your mother smells of deceit. I would withhold that information.” Mila linked to me.

  “I asked you here for two reasons. To let you know I am alive and well. And that I am caught up in things that may become bigger than I can handle. If something goes sideways I would feel better if you were both relocated somewhere safe.” I said with a sigh.

  Mother huffed at this and shot me an ‘are you kidding me look’. “Mack Raul, my sweet boy I am the lead senator on the colonization initiative. I will tell our Emperor to solve any problems you have.”

  I frowned and cast her a long look. “While I like the recent changes Linus has done you will not tell him about me.”

  “A son does not dictate to their parents what is and is not said.”

  Arenus was getting agitated but stayed mute.

  “The NDA prevents you from talking. Violate it and I will not have mercy.” I warned her. She shot a pleading gaze to Arenus.

  “I am glad to see you, Mack. Beau has been a wreck. May I disclose to her you are okay?” Arenus asked and I told him yes. “So the lancers warped in a massive fleet and flew off with you. Seven days later here you are, looking taller and wider than before. If I return to the emperor after being summoned by a lancer representative with no information I may be fired again, at the very least lose more faith.”

  I hesitated and contemplated my reply.

  “There is much I need to learn, and much I need to do. I feel it is best if I say out of the spotlight for a while longer. I was told to get some real world experience. I am glad to have seen you, and I hope you both stay safe. I have other guests arriving soon. I know how devoted you are to your jobs, please assign extra security for Beau, Donnie, and Thompson. Tell Linus the lancers approve of his steps and to not expect military support in his internal squabbles. An iron fist rules mightily.” I said and sent some money to Arenus.

  My mother was not content with her dismissal and fought to get me to say more to her. To promise to help Linus and to disclose what I had learned. She insisted so vehemently that Mila squeezed in between us and got her to give me space. Arenus then guided her out to an awaiting air shuttle and they shot ou
t the landing platform to disappear among the masses.

  “That could have gone better,” I muttered in anger.

  “You handled it well, she is fiercely loyal to Linus. I bet down the road your life becomes more difficult because of her." Mila warned.

  Well, that was an ominous statement. Hopefully, they would be protected enough if I gained enemies. While I may be immortal with enough money – they were not. I decided to think about better things and got lost in thoughts of seeing Starla soon.


  Starla arrived with Astrid in a fancy deluxe shuttle I had hired to pick them up. They were uncertain what to do when they vacated the vehicle and approached the doorway timidly. I mentally sprung the door open and raced to Starla.

  She squeaked with delight and opened her arms as I rushed her. I picked her up with ease and spun her around. Kisses landed everywhere until our lips locked. When they parted she went to speak but I beat her to it.

  “Mila please entertain Astrid, Starla and I need to have a chat about a reward I won!” I proclaimed and I shifted Starla into a cradle. I ran, damn well sprinted into the nearest bedroom with her giggling the entire way.

  The moment the door slid closed behind me we went at each other. It was a fight to show the most lust. I grabbed her ass, picked her up and shifted us to the bed.

  “Suit off,” I ordered and my clothes shed my body to pile on the ground.

  “You did behave with honor so I guess you deserve your reward.” Starla said teasingly while I stood there letting her bask in my naked glory. Her face softened and she lifted her gaze to meet my eyes. “Are you sure about this Mack?”

  “No way in hell am I dying a virgin again. I should have never left your door that night with only a kiss.” I declared. I saw her drinking in my nakedness with a blush. My cock was at full attention and she was not even naked yet.


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