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Augmented Tycoon

Page 15

by Marcus Sloss

  We split apart both grinning at the exchange. My cortex augmentation scanned the boxes for my armor. It was the exact same digital information dump as the combat version. It found the correlating box I needed and I set it aside. I pried open the container to look at the best a zone four armor set had to offer.

  A few things ran through my mind as I studied the suit. The first was - while human wars had ceased to occur on a large scale since world war two, we still rapidly advanced our technology. The top of the line elite soldiers of the Empire wore a small mechanized suits that was eerily similar to a certain action hero. It was after all the core inspiration of the design. The thin metallic covering of that suit had built in weapons that would track and target with unmatched precision. There was very little input besides to identify the target and select it for a quick demise. This lacked that. All of it really. I was surprised zone four contested planets were so restrictive. Then again when I thought about it, the rules were not to be fair to one side but to both. The easiest way to do that was to establish an easy to reach standard. That was what this was an easy to produce set of armor.

  I grabbed the leggings and noticed the layers. There was a soft cotton fabric on the inside. Useful for wicking the sweat off the body. The next layer was scales of some sort. The more I inspected them for detail the more my brain itched at seeing these. I remember that the hot dragon lady Uniza had something like these as her natural outer layer. My spear hit her face, I doubted it would have pierced her hide or skin... I got lost in the thought of what was under the scales if anything. The last layer of the armor was a hardened metal I had never seen before. It was lightweight, flexible, and underwhelming yet vital for a few reasons.

  This is what I would be wearing on humanity's hundred and first planetary battlefield. I had a copy of what we needed and felt dumb for not getting a spare for Emperor Linus. Then less dumb when I realized I could scan the armor for complete details. I would need to get Mila to build a welcome to the Onatics package for humans. It was time we knew what was allowed and how we could best utilize our tech for the future.

  I thought of all this as I geared up. The helmet was a full facial cover that when equipped provided no benefit besides minor armor. The bonus was it did not limit my vision and the clear shield was crystalline armor. I opened a weapons case and grabbed four rifles. One for each type. I awkwardly slung them in arms when I realized I would need directions. Blue lines illuminated the floor and I followed them to a doorway not far.

  The ship allowed me entry but it flared a warning in my eye. Any training done in here was real. In the sense I could die if I shot myself or managed to get covered in plasma. I had to verify I was not in a simulation. The range was two meters wide and designed for only one being. I would wager Emperor ChiKhi had a second range. I placed three weapons against the side and inspected the plasma weapon first. It had a selector for spray size and a safety button.

  “Okay, should be simple. Let’s have some fun.” I said to the empty room.

  I flipped through the options for the range and selected (stationary targets). A five meter, ten meter, and twenty five meter dragumi outline was rendered. I chuckled at this as I tucked the rifle firmly into my shoulder. With a slight hesitation I squeeze the trigger. Nothing happened. I hammered the trigger. Still nothing. I ensured the safety was off and it was. Huh.

  “Mila you busy?” I sent a video message request.

  “How may I help master?” Her tone was flat and dry. She was adding items to her room and I had interrupted her.

  “I am trying to get this plasma rifle to fire and nothing happens when I squeeze the trigger. The safety is off.”

  “Performance issues Mack, not smart to call a woman to complain about your gun failing” a chuckle escaped her lips. She tilted her head for a moment. “Mack I am not a combat expert. Do not ask me for tips, tricks, or general help for how to kill your foes. My hands are literally full with your other tasks,” two vases were held up to show me her emphasis. “But I did do a simple search… You have to turn the safety off the plasma container in order for the rifle to fire.”

  The call abruptly ended and I felt dumb. This was part of the reason I wanted an instructor. I could self learn but it would only take me so far. I needed professional help… The military kind. I vowed to myself that I would join the EDF first chance I could and get a quality training. They had weekends off and only one week of basic training. I could handle that and weapons issues like these would be resolved.

  An inspection of the container found a safety indent on the side and when I selected it a hum started. I aimed the weapon downrange and fired. I was awkward and clumsy but after some practice I hit my targets. The required math to adjust my stream size to distance of my targets came easy. I lacked the smooth transitions that only practice would perfect. I ensured the weapon was safed and picked up the projectile weapon.

  Bang! Bang! I fired rounds down range and my aim was shit. I may be able to throw a handball with precision but not fire a bullet with one. The range knew it too, because I was instructed on how to breathe. Aim, exhale, and then gently squeeze. I tried this and improved slightly. Still I felt I needed more help and guidance.

  The laser weapon was money. I understood why Baruni recommended it. It was a point, squeeze, and adjust. There was a slight kick at the initial expelling force of the beam but outside of that I could give this to Beau to use. Easy enough.

  I picked up the electric weapon and struggled to get it to power up. It had far more buttons and was the most complex. I decided the EDF would teach me how to use one and went to go test out this armor.

  I left the range and headed for the gymnasium. The walk let me get a feel for the armor’s weight. It was not overly cumbersome but certainly more stiff and heavy than a spacesuit. I arrived at the track and ran a full lap. This body was not as toned as my combat body but the armor felt fine. I was sure I would eventually tire but for now, I was still comfortable.

  My next test involved water, and surprise… I sank like a lead weight. The only saving grace was I tested by the ramp and was able to walk back up for air. In retrospect, I concluded that the test was beyond reckless of me. I decided to lift weights and found it harder than normal and knew this was from the lack of flex my muscles needed. The next test I wanted to do was to see how much damage it could stop. I decided not to risk destroying my new armor and instead went to eat.

  The armor was a disappointment. I shed the top off and gave it another study while I sipped on a milkshake. It was the metal, too rigid, and clunky. The scales were fine and I scanned them for details. It had (replica) beside the trademarked name. So someone had made a knock off scale of the sixth stage race. An inspection of the armor notated that it could not be pulled apart into separate layers and was copyright protected by fusing the armor together. That clearly would stop no one from cutting it up, but it did stop me from trying only the scales and ditching the metal. Oh well.

  I had given up on the testing and was ordering a meal when Mila, Astrid, and Starla entered. They were a mix of happy and serious. That did not bode well. I kissed their cheeks minus Mila and seated myself while I waited for them to join me.

  “So Mack I am sure you have noticed us talking today. You have been patient and kind to not irritate us with useless questions. I have informed the girls of some hard realities. They have been informed by myself they should not continue by your side. A set of inevitable events will more than likely occur. I want Astrid and Starla to be fully informed. Emperor ChiKhi, may he reign forever, did not mark Emperor Linus, nor will he. Assuming you continue to generate revenue you will be the next Emperor. Before you stop me by saying he has fourteen sons in succession line, I know and do not care. They are for all purposes irrelevant. You have surprised and brought happiness to my Emperor twice now. Did you know we fight the dragumi across hundreds of planets?” Mila said.

  I shook my head no, choosing to let her keep speaking.

  “You tossed
a pike through the face of one like it was second nature to you. That was impressive. While the Emperor was happy with it, you made enemies. You will continue to make enemies. Emperor ChiKhi has died thousands of times Mack. Think about that. Their lives revolve around ensuring no one can kill every clone they have and that they always have the support of our species military. Those two things have allowed them to prosper. They have born children, and not a single one of them is a legitimate heir. Or ever has contact with their fathers. Why is the probable question? And the answer is extortion as well as safety. They are constantly on edge. It cannot be fun imaging where your next death will occur. There have been occurrences where an offspring was linked to the Emperor that was tortured. The result is always the same, no giving in to end the suffering. Swallow the pain and suffering of the victim and focus on the big picture.

  “Which brings me to Starla and Astrid. They exude lust for you, are always honest, and the smell of love is seeping from them. I am happy for them and for you Mack. But… Things will not always be rosy... peachy… stupid translator. You will have bad times for certain ahead. Emperor Linus will figure out you’re his next successor. I have a detailed explanation already written waiting for your approval, or for the right time where you cannot deny it. That means one of his twenty daughters of which only nine are eligible will be sent to you for a marriage contract. You would be foolish to deny at least one of them. The Emperor has five wives, as most powerful men and women are apt to do by spreading their genes. The wife you choose of his lineage would bring the connections you need. It would allow for a more peaceful and seamless transition of power. From Linus to his daughter and her husband… you. Is it starting to sink in yet?”

  “What do I smell of?” I asked defiantly not answering her questions.

  “The same, if you haven’t clued in girls I can sense everything you feel. Including lying. Species secret, you know now because I can already smell what you girls will choose.” She turned to face Astrid and Starla. “Mack is pure. An aberration among a sea of deceitful humans. You girls tell white lies. Like when you said bigger breasts would look better on Astrid. You didn’t mean it, you like them the way they are but was being supportive. Mack doesn’t lie. It is a fault we need to fix with him. Right now Mack smells of frustration. My guess is this armor and his weapons testing results bug him. It is fine we can sell the armor to Linus for a favor, it was cheap. Plus if the girls go into combat it will help keep them alive.

  “Back on topic. Mack is full of lust, and love for Starla. He reeked of it the moment he thought of you that first time I meet him at his house. His love for Astrid is starting to leak out, its scent strong. You humans bond quickly it seems, or maybe you are foolish and young. The key here is you have bonded. So what happens next? Do you girls go back to school?”

  I was expecting the girls to give a serious answer. Instead, Starla ejected herself from her seat and tackled me out of mine. The most passionate kiss of my life was planted on my lips as her palms clasped the side of my face.

  “I love you too,” Starla said when she broke the kiss. Her green eyes were sparkling with desire as she gazed at me.

  “I love you Starla, and I knew that for a few days before my first death. Now get off me, we got more to talk about.”

  She wiped a tear from her eye, pecked my cheek and went back to her chair.

  “Astrid I spent hours every day getting to know Starla, and what I know of you now is only a matter of time. The way you are sincere and…” I was saying when Mila interrupted me.

  “Save the undying love sappiness for later. You will need to get married, and these women will need to have your babies. Or they need to say goodbye and return to being ordinary earthlings. Married because Mack has already shown he can love, support, and care for you. You can stay unwed but I do not recommend it. Mack certainly will not, in order to transition to Emperor it is prudent he marry a daughter of Linus. Which if arranged… further enforces his need for women who will stick by his side no matter what… and eventually mother his heirs. I shudder to think of mini Macks trying to climb all over me but it is a must. The children are required for a few reasons. Emperor ChiKhi will want you to establish your own lineage for your own dynasty. You will want his continued support. You will have to work hard to protect your family. I recommend a strong fortress, impervious ship, and hidden base to cover all your scenarios. Or blend them in with the general population and caretakers to keep them safe. The key will be to find protection and people you can trust. The other reason is Linus. Politics are evil. If an opponent finds out you are dodging your baby quota, they may place your ladies into combat roles hoping you die. While I am sure Mack could leverage his wealth and power to stop this who knows what he may be up against. You being entwined as the mothers of his children cements you to his fate. Lastly, if you love Mack then marry him and have his children. Do you want to look back at this point in your lives and say “The best man I ever dated got away because I was scared of commitment”? I have three grown children you will never hear me speak of again. It was hard and a struggle but they were my everything.” She cried at this and suddenly left.

  A silence fell over us that I broke with an offer of ice cream. I checked on our arrival for Earth and noticed we had arrived five minutes ago. I was not sleeping without sheets again, so I convinced the girls to come to a hotel room with me. The ride down to Earth was mostly quiet besides talk of the hotel. The seriousness of the situation was weighing on us. I ordered a smaller but just as private suite as last time. In mere minutes we were out of Griffin, into the Purr, and exiting into a hotel room.

  The nighttime sky allowed the moon to glow brightly. We sat on the balcony and I talked with Astrid while Starla made some preparations for tomorrow. When Starla returned she said she needed to get some things and would be back shortly. The shuttle darted out of the private hanger and went earthbound. Astrid and I continued to talk.

  There was no awkward ‘out of things to say’ pauses or tense moments. She ended up in my lap and tucked her head under my chin using my peck as a pillow. I had tossed my armor top off and was shirtless. I twirled her hair while she traced my muscles. She rested like that for what was an hour while we got to know each other more deeply. We really enjoyed the experience but my mind wondered if Starla was okay. I was about to check where she was on my display when the shuttle docked in its bay. Starla exited with an older man in a black suit with a white bowtie.

  The man was told to wait at the balcony entrance as Starla walked alone to us. I raised an eyebrow and Astrid looked puzzled. Starla was all business with a brisk walk and determined face. When she reached us she got down on a knee. It did not take long for my slow brain to catch on to the situation. I was able to add the priest to the kneeling and respectfully stood. I place Astrid beside me.

  “Mack Raul, Astrid Bunt. Over the past few months, I have gotten to know and love you both. I do not know what the future holds, or what opportunities will pass me by later in life. This is not one that will escape me. I want you both, I need you both. Together we are one and I know in my heart you feel the same. Will you Mack, and you Astrid take me as your wife?” Two matching ring were presented. Astrid cried and I beamed with happiness. I realized then that I didn’t need to ask Astrid to marry me, by us combing to Starla we would be married. The polygamy laws of the twenty third century were clear on that.

  We said yes of course, and the priest married us. Starla had him sign our papers and then a private vessel shuttled him away.

  To say we rushed to consummate our nuptials would be an understatement. The moment that old balding priest was gone we rushed for the bedroom. I peeled off the stupid armor pants in excitement. The girls unsealed their suits and I was at that moment the luckiest man alive. They jumped into bed beside me and pressed their breasts against my sides as they kissed eagerly in front of my face.

  Unsure what to do I traced my fingers down each of their back as my erection grew. I felt Starla’s l
eft hand grasp me below Astrid’s right. When I reached a full hardness they stopped. Astrid was the dom in our trio for tonight. She arranged Starla into my spot and left me standing by the bed as she went down on her. I was then motioned behind Astrid as her ass arched up while her face was rapidly licking Starla’s moistness. My penis teased Astrid’s little lips for only a moment. She felt my cock line up and hopped back to plunge me completely into her swollen pussy. Starla shifted towards us to receive the love Astrid was willingly giving.

  The entire ordeal was beyond hot, and I was still new to sex. At least that is how I justify exploding into my wife with only a few thrusts. Five minutes later I was back at it and we swapped positions multiple times as the night of sex lasted for an hour. I was sore and exhausted by the time we finally got ready to sleep. With two curvaceous beautiful women tucked into my shoulders I fell asleep with a goofy grin on my face.


  With great effort, I leveraged myself out of the bed. It was early morning before even the sun had crested the horizon. I went to a desk and found a pen with an actual piece of paper the hotel provided. A few minutes later I had completed my note.

  Dear Astrid Starla and Mila,

  I am going to get some real world experience. It was recommended by someone important and I feel would be wise to heed the advice. While I am gone, here is what I would like for you to do. Travel to Vensi and oversee our business there. Speaking of which decide on a name for our company. Once that is done explore more markets and figure out what else we can utilize to turn a profit. Mila I need you to info dump everything to Emperor Linus. Including that I will be his successor. It is vital humanity gets on the right track for that hundred and first planet. Exchange currency as needed and know that I have faith in all of you. The accounts are unlocked so you will not have to bother me for purchases. I will be turning myself in to serve my three months in the EDF. I need to learn the ways of combat and to see what is being taught by our Empire. There was a notice saying I would get weekends off after the initial training week. Please visit me then.


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