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Augmented Tycoon

Page 17

by Marcus Sloss

  I was sad to visit with them and then have to leave so rapidly. I said goodbye and peeled myself from them. Rio and I maneuvered through the Britannia to the shuttle bays. My indicated lights for directions led us to a massive empty shuttle. Inside the center row of the vessels bay was our gear. Soldiers were aimlessly meandering looking for conversations or endlessly chatting.

  When I entered the bay my official orders populated. Get my troops into the shuttle, land on Narshak, and locate a missing platoon. We were designated Whiskey Company, Third Battalion, Fifth Division, EDF Britannia. I read that over when it changed. Raul’s Rangers, Third Battalion, Fifth Division, EDF Britannia. Mila at work.

  A chime sounded alerting me it was time to board. There was no more instructor here to yell at me with a guiding hand. It was my job now.

  “Raul’s Rangers…” I bellowed out to the scattered troops. “First platoon left side. Third Platoon right side. Second platoon split. Move your troop’s soldiers, Lieutenants on me.”

  The tall lankly lady I remembered from my first flight to Britannia, and an unknown older man, and Rio approached me. These were my Lieutenants. I did a quick scan. The woman was Francine Lafot, from the planet Pari. Citation for speeding, three months of service. That was some horse turds. The old man was Daniel Rockford. Planet Swall wasn’t familiar with that one. Volunteered when the rebellion killed his son in an incident. Details not included. No vengeance for him but I could work with all three. They were all competent killers in their own rights, with brains. The rest of the privates, well… some were downright dumb and that was putting it nicely.

  “I am Captain Raul, you will refer to me as sir in front of the soldiers and Mack in private settings. Our mission is basic. We drop today, get picked up on Friday. Five days in the desert of Narshak. We find a missing third platoon of some disbanded company. Rio, go get an extra two pallets of water. The shuttle will wait for it. Daniel check every soldier for proper gear and attachments. Francine go through our supplies. Dismissed.” I said.

  That was one thing about getting orders without room to quibble for a straight week. People executed tasks instead of asking why. I passed my troop and worked my way to the flight deck. There was a cute pilot at the stick who smirked at me when I arrived. My mind instantly drifted to what was under her flight suit. She was another perfection generated babe. Warrant Officer Lorie Williams, Earth, top of her class. Requested to fly high probability combat missions. My kind of girl. Alas, I had two beautiful wives I wanted to connect with more. A few months ago I would have been drooling at the eye tease she was giving me. Now I needed to focus and leave my dick in my flight suit… For now anyway.

  “Those water pallets are inside, we are ready to go if you are done undressing me with your eyes… Sir. Are you up here to watch me handle this stick or do you need something?” Lorie asked as she rotated the cyclic around.

  “Uhh… both work? Yes, both. It is funny I am an oversexed man recently but my god you genebabies make me lose my mind. Get us out of the Britannia, please. I need to find a missing platoon on some dust planet. Hopefully, I will not get a hundred fresh soldiers killed locating them. Has there been any surface to air fire being reported near the landing zone?” I replied. I planted my ass in the seat across from her and was automatically strapped in.

  “Not reported but things have deteriorated based on statements from on the ground sources. It is odd somehow those reports are being buried. I am not sure what to expect. Here we go.” The shuttle rocketed out of the gate at a full burn. Lorie liked to fly fast. We jetted to the gateway and the Britannia shrunk as we parted. “I looked you up when I was informed you were a VIP. Not sure why they would insert a VIP into a combat situation. When I asked they said, “classified.” Then I continued to look you up finding little to nothing. I must have set off some sensors or algorithms because I was suddenly granted access. You fight well… The way you downed that dragon bitch. I got to be honest, it made me a little wet. Recently married to two gorgeous bombshells who both are bi. Check. Looks fantastic naked and is almost as hot as I am. Check. He runs a profitable business and is not a bum. Check. Is in need of a kick ass super sexy pilot. Check. The only box you have not checked is hiring me. I submitted a contract to the Expansive Trading Group. I am awaiting an interview with your assistant Mila.”

  I observed her intently. She was a red haired bombshell that belonged on a movie cover. Lorie was taller than Astrid and Starla by a dozen centimeters. She had the same curvaceous hourglass figure of Starla with small D or large C bust. It was evident by her tight flight suit. I checked her resume out. Exceptional pilot, with almost a year of service. Her contract expires this week and declined multiple bonus offers by the EDF. Schooling for flight before that. Exceptional student. Twenty three with no debt and a clean record. I saw a notation from Mila, hired - pending interview. Mila wanted to sniff her out. It was only a matter of time before the Emperor planted someone in our midst. I figured it would be one of his daughters with a marriage proposal. So maybe he is luring me with a sexy pilot. Only Mila could tell.

  Traffic at the gate parted and the portal dialed into our location. We transitioned smoothly into space not far from Narshak and an eta until atmospheric entry populated. An hour and twelve minutes, another twenty after that and we were on the ground. I ordered the troops to relax and rest if possible. Nothing to focus on until we hit the sand. I let Lorie try to figure out what I was thinking as we sat in silence.

  “Mila you there?” I queried.

  “We are trailing and out of sensor range. Mack something is off… Also, I missed you like a sister misses a nice brother. Sorry, your training was a waste. I got good news and bad news. The good is Lorie is a plant. By the Emperor himself, but not for nefarious reason, but I will need to scent her to be certain. He merely guided her to your shuttle by swapping ship assignments. That was all I could find. I did a very, very, thorough background check on her. You ever hear of a Madam Loufort?”

  “Yes, a stage name for miss nude universe five years running. What perverts galaxy wide nicknamed the fap queen? I found nudies of her on my dad’s filesystem when I was ten… Now that I think of it, I believe dad left those there on purpose. What she got to do with this?”

  “That is Lorie’s mother. She only had one child. The father was never disclosed, and they lived a private life. Lorie knows who her father is and if she scents clean - she will be hired. You would also check a block by adding her as a wife. Her dad is the Emperor, one of his few secret children. I think he is extending an olive branch as the saying goes. She volunteered for this mission and looked you up herself. Not on his orders. That is why it is good. This could be a big win for you and all of us. Hopefully, she is legit and we can get her on our side before she becomes a pawn.

  “Now the bad news. Your missing platoon is… in fact missing. There are things at play here on Narshak that even my digital skills cannot figure out. Tread carefully, if I uncover anything special I will ping you. I am exerting every effort I can to discover what is at play on this planet. I will try not to fail you, Mack. Goodbye for now, lots of stuff to dig through.”

  I let the conversation end and looked over at Lorie. She raised an eyebrow and then winked.

  “Lorie, Lorie… What to do? You have me at a crossroads.”

  “Did you look me up? Did you find my miss nude universe photo op? That one tends to leave men speechless. Those provocative wives of yours… maybe you can handle a woman as fine as me.” She teased.

  I rushed to my eye display to find the photos when Mila sent them. I gave an audible gulp as I swallowed air. Her red hair flowed past her shoulders contrasted by her blue eyes. A lush set of lips were puckered in a kiss as she bent over. Her natural full breasts hung deliciously and she posed giving her plump ass a spank. Okay, I had seen enough. I closed the files before I got worked up.

  “Hmm… You only now looked at my photos. I never competed… only thought about it and did one photoshoot I still
regret. And those files were sealed. I paid a lot of money to have them never exposed. I was testing you… Which means you are full of surprises for a dead man. You figured out who my father is didn’t you?” Lorie said as the shuttle flew itself.

  “Yes, we did. You and Astrid will get along very well. Our meeting was only part chance. Could it have happened… sure, did someone nudge you in my direction. Yes? Mila pop up on sensors and go back off please.” I said.

  “Who is?” An alert sounded loudly then went quiet. “That was a stage six ship. Lancer by the signature…” She was piecing it together. I threw her a hint.

  “You want to fly it.”

  “Sir, don’t tease a girl. No human will ever get to fly a ship like that. Why they watch over you is beyond me? I admit I am missing some information but you have some powerful friends…”

  “If I tease… I am to please!” I said which got me an eye roll so dramatic she rotated her head with it. “My wives can fly the ship. It is rather boring but I always selected automatic flying. When we get on the ground all will be explained after an interview with my lancer friend. She runs my business when I am away. Pass that and you are hired. Now, business aside. We have forty five minutes before we land. How about I tell you a few things about myself and then you tell me about you?”

  “What… no consent contract so we can brazenly fuck when I close the cock… pit door. You just told a girl who dreamed for years of nothing more than flying fancy alien ships that she not only can, but probably will do so. That Sir, is worth of a quickie.” She grinned mischievously at me like I was a yummy snack for lunch.

  The door slid shut and I timidly shook my head no. I was doing my own interview of sorts.

  “Okay let me begin first then,” Lorie said with a pout.

  Lorie grew up on Earth and never knew who her father was for a long time. Her mother hid her previous occupation. During her rebellious teenage years, she got lucky and guessed correctly one night when she cornered her mom. The only important man she was seen with before she vanished was then Duke Linus. Lorie said she never let it eat away at her. She knew if she wanted to see her dad she would have to fight through countless siblings for affection. Lorie said she also rationalized he would be too busy to kindle a relationship. She dropped the subject and decided to focus her aspirations on becoming a pilot. EDF had the best training for free with a year of service.

  Her love life consisted of on and off relationships with guys and girls. She mentioned how a multilayered relationship had always intrigued here. Where you could rarely be alone. Lorrie confessed she was lonely and tired of the extensive EDF tours where she couldn’t establish a home.

  It was my turn next. I went over growing up on two planets. My passion for ZBall and told her I loved strawberry milkshakes and green apple candy slushies. I tried to keep some secrets but she had watched my combat on Lunish. She knew I had died, twice now. I dodged her more invasive question until Mila could interview her.

  We scorched through the atmosphere as the flames peeled off the shuttle. The descent was far rockier than the Purr I was used to. A thud and a hiss of escaping air let me know we had landed. I exited the pilot room and walked past the troops. When the ramp touched the ground I stepped onto a dusty barren world.

  Why would anyone settle here, it was so dry it would be hard to grow anything? Maybe there was water deep underground. My sources of information were conflicting. The best thing I found was that Narshak was supposed to have a cool 21c temp year round. When in actuality it was 29.5 on average. A little more digging and I learned the tow company hired to move this planet further away never showed up. They took the money and poof… gone. Well, no wonder these people were cagey. I could not find a single happy report from this place. The governor was always demanding more food, saying the EDF was shorting him and people were starving.

  I knew at that point I had my work cut out for me.


  Mila landed the Griffin not far from the shuttle. I ordered the soldiers to don helmets before the sand got kicked up into the air. A few struggled and needed help. I felt like I was herding chickens and we had only left the shuttle. Lorie was by my side when the ramp on the Griffin opened. I told her and Rio to follow me while I had Lt. Lafot and Lt. Rockford organize the troops.

  I walked the hard packed sand, gratefully it was not soft mush. We reached the ramp and I went up. Mila was waiting at the top and guided Lorie away for her interview. I saw Astrid and Starla raise eyebrows at her looks. They then gave me a wave and a cute smile. When I left to go into the ship’s cargohold with Rio the girls went with Mila and Lorie. I would hear how it went later.

  Rio gaped and cautiously shadowed me. He was acting like the walls were going to reach out and strangle him. The girls had indeed decorated with many unique and intriguing alien items.

  “Rio, calm down. You are authorized to be on the ship by the vessel owner… me!” I said letting him get beside me. I gave him a hard slap on the back to get his senses aligned.

  “It is so alien. A bit spooky. Where are we going?”

  “That my friend is a surprise. I am following some blue lines you cannot see – we need to get to some special gear.” I told him as I found the desired room. “And here we are. What do you think?”

  We stood in front of the six butterflies. The small mech suits were open and ready for inhabitants. They looked intimidating and awesome. They were about to get some combat experience… well, at least two were. I figured if I was not in my combat clone I should be in a butterfly.

  I raced over to the nearest one and entered the pod in its center. My legs folded into the two leg slots and my arms into the upper limb holders. My hand slid into a custom glove to complete the mech.

  “Mack, you want me to get into one? I have no idea how to operate it!” he exclaimed.

  “If you can work that gun I am sure you can work this suit. Hurry up, those troops are out in the heat suffering while you dally.”

  This motivated him and he hopped in the unit beside me. We got situated and the pod closed with a creak. The outer half fused with the shell and a hiss completed the seal. A display in front of my face populated. It was not in my eye so this was unusual. It gave me three options. Manual control, automatic control, or custom control. I selected automatic.

  The options came up. Run diagnostic, exit ship, enable combat mode. I selected all three. I heard the whirling of some part as the systems ran checks. “Check Raul to Rio. Select auto mode, then all three options you see.”

  He confirmed he heard me and we stomped our way out of the hold and down a newly created ramp for us that led directly to the sand. I enabled manual mode and tried walking. It was smooth and felt exactly like normal. I flailed my arms and stretched my legs. There was the whine and creaking of joints but other than noises it felt great.

  I let Rio know I was jogging over to our troops and quickly closed the distance. A few jumpy people raised weapons, but they were quickly scolded to lower them.

  “Listen up company. Last we heard the lost platoon went through that village you can see on the horizon. We will trek over there and see what we can learn. I have a specialist on the job, but things are not adding up. So we will proceed with abundant caution. In accordance with EDF policy, you will not fire unless fired upon. Keep your weapons ready. Lt. Ramirez, you’re on point. Figure out how to stealth up and get a sergeant to lead the troops. I want you two hundred meters in front. Move out.”

  I was expecting the unit to move orderly, but people clumped up and chatted. I wanted to pull my hair out.

  “Silence the side chatter. Twenty of your fellow soldiers have vanished and are probably dead. Take this serious or you can end up dead… You do not want that. Trust me.”

  Lt. Lafot and Rockford organized the company into two single file lines spaced out. That was better. It took twenty minutes to reach the fifteen building village that could have been a replica for an old western movie. Everything was boarded up,
a tumbleweed passed through the middle of town getting stuck by the well. Only one building was open and it was the pub. Dave’s Dive was etched over the door. My mech suit would not fit through the opening so I sent a random young soldier to escort the residents out.

  When they exited they were skin and bones. I grew more confused. I figured the governor was exaggerating the desperation happening here. Now I knew I was wrong.

  The internal display had a microphone volume I had amped up for talking to my troops. These scared townspeople did not need me bellowing at them so I adjusted it to a soft volume. I checked my internal cornea display to find a name for the little blimp on the map and found none. Oh well.

  “An EDF platoon passed through here recently. This was the last report we received. They were arriving here and then nothing. Maybe you can help dissuade our ambitious officers you had something to do with their demise?” I asked and watched the response.

  “Mr. Monster alien sir. We told them Mclain’s mine two klicks that way was rebelling against the Empire. Last we saw of them. I wish there were more but the Lefty guy…”


  “Yes, Mr. Machine man. That was his name. He got all worked up and hurried his troops due to rebels. Could you spare some food, please? Our ration quota never shows up anymore, and the planet has yet to be moved away from this blasted heat. We are dying, sir.” The other townsfolk nodded at this. I gave an internal message for Lafot to hand out some food but to hurry… we would be moving in minutes.

  I then chimed only Rio. “Go find this mine, and report what you see. Stay undetected please.”


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