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Augmented Tycoon

Page 24

by Marcus Sloss

  I was in man heaven. Four stunning beauties and only me. I exhaled in pleasure and noticed I had a boner.

  “Mack, save it, we need to enter the ball. There are more contacts to make, more people to woo. We promise tonight will be worth the wait.” Astrid said. Business before pleasure it was.

  “Okay… Okay. I want you all to know I am exhausted from the talk of today. If I react negatively to something it is because I want to be in bed getting you all out of those outfits you worked so hard to look great in. Minus you Lorie, we can undo the tape in a closet and go at it!” We chuckled and Lorie swung here finger left to right.

  “Tsk, tsk. Here we go.”

  Two doors pulled themselves into the walls and we entered. Four ladies and me with my ruined pants. I waved as we were announced. My title was Mark Raul marked by Emperor Chikhi. The human guests gasped at Lorie’s title. Duchess Lorie Raul the seventeenth daughter of Emperor Linus. A trio of ladies in extravagant outfits stormed to the restrooms. A few men flat out excited. I knew they were being tracked. It was important to be proactive to our throne ambitions and not reactive. I would prefer not to get merced by another agent of an upset royal.

  This was a ballroom! The ceiling was see through and exposed stars as they dotted the dark space. An expansive dance floor ended with a full orchestra. A classical melody reverberated smoothly through the hall. I always loved the sound of the violin and closed my eyes to listen to the music play. I was jostled and dragged by Lorie to the dance floor.

  “Wait… I have no idea how to dance.” I said not wanting to embarrass either of us.

  “I will send the steps to your display. You and I are dexterous naturals. Your ZBall and my piloting skills will mean we can do this no problem.” Her red hair swirled and she talked over her shoulder and made sure she avoided walking into people.

  A list of steps displayed in my eye. Off to the side it included how to execute the maneuvers in written and demonstrated video form. I had her pause for a brief moment as I studied what was needed. That was all I got because the next thing I knew my left hand grasped her right. My right hand slid from her lower back to her plump booty as she held my shoulder. She did a butt bump and my hand bounced to reset on an appropriate spot.

  We waltzed and I went from dreading it to thoroughly enjoying the dance. Lorie’s cheeks went rosy with happiness and she wolfishly grinned. Her blue eyes giving me a mischievous long look. I was fairly certain she was fantasizing about naughty things to do to me. When the music slowed she leaped into my arms and wrapped her legs around my hips to kiss me deeply. I wanted to toss her over my shoulder and steal her away to our bed but I set her down instead. We did another dance that had a steeper tempo and Starla swapped when it was over.

  I did one dance with all of them until the music slowed. Emperor Linus clinked a champagne glass with a small tuning force. He dove into a boring speech that neither the aliens present nor I cared for. I faked my way through it and it ended quicker than I thought it would. Small blessings.

  My business dealings were not over and I got to meet the Narshak governor. We came to an agreement on the Expansive Trading Group setting up factories on his planet. He would start paying people to collect the metal from the dead bots. I sent him more than enough E-bits to cover the initial costs.

  I never stood in one spot for more than a few minutes. It was a chaotic and hectic night. It seemed everyone had a vital thing to say to me until they got one on one time. Then people clammed up and most of the exchanges were awkward. I met some extremely lovely ladies that I found interesting but I was feeling beyond overwhelmed. I had three wives and a dragumi that was acting like a fourth. I needed to settle my house before adding more to it. This revelation was a sore disappointment to many ladies.

  The Emperor’s sons were almost all useless to me. Finad one of Linus’ youngest was the only one I hired. He was a hardworking man with roots in construction when our hands shook his were full of calluses. I needed that times twenty. I hired him pending an interview with Mila. I was fairly certain he would pass. When Linus heard the good news he patted his son on the back. I had checked that box for him. If I rejected the rest of his offspring it would have looked poorly on our relationship. Now he could point at Finad and say if you work hard you can get into my company. Which was true.

  After that round of interviews, I was approached by a webbed handed luni. I wish I could tell them apart, I really felt bad about that. We discussed a new event they wanted to try. A two person drop with only waves of large monsters. I told him the size of the teams should be four. He agreed to this after some thought and asked if I was interested. Hell yes I was in, I merely needed to build a team. We discussed how the event I had competed in never went long so most of the mega monsters were still caged up waiting for a new opportunity to fight to the death. It was very interesting to hear the inner workings of such a grand event. That the leftover not utilized monsters provided new opportunities. I knew in a week I would miss combat and welcome the rush. It also gave me a break from the endless dealings of business. After we shook on the deal I wiped the slime on my ass and yelped. I forgot about my branding.

  I waited to see if any of the stage six species showed up but none did. Either they were detained or when one didn’t show none did. I was fine with that. By the end of the night, I hid in plain sight on the dance floor. I did slow twirls with a head tucked into my shoulder. A closing speech was given and we headed home.

  My feet burned and my back ached. I was exhausted and tired. Even the girls were. An originally planned night of debauchery swapped into a night of pajamas. When Bexso retired for the night she stripped out of her yellow dress. Her tail bounded over her pert ass as her wings unfurled and stretched. She sunk into the hot tub and hit a button on the side. I never hit that button not knowing what it did. An egg shaped cover came down from the roof and enclosed the area. Huh, maybe she slept in the heat. I had a lot to learn.

  A cry of frustration rang from inside the enclosure and the shell was retracted. Astrid got up to help see what the issue was.

  “I forgot I have no scales. Mack I know I am not a wife but may I join you in your bed. This skin will take damage and become uncomfortable in that steam. Thanks for the towel Astrid.”

  “Lorie?” I asked. It was her wedding night to us after all.

  “You want to turn away that sexy naked dragumi, no way. Get over here girl! It is a sprawling snuggle night. Plenty of room… come get cozy,” Lorie teased in a confident sexy voice. “I am no simple virgin desperate to experience the joys of sex for the first time. We can fuck like bunnies in the morning. I am tired and we should all get to sleep before Starla starts mumbling out loud whatever weird dream she is having. The confusing shit you say, girl.”

  “I do not… okay, I do… but I can’t help it!” Starla replied. I rolled onto her as dead weight and kissed her neck. “Get off you hunky stud. Stop that. Wait I was joking. Come back.”

  I laughed and pulled all the women I could fit into my arms to fall asleep.


  I awoke to the smell of bacon! I went to race out of bed when I heard a soft moan. A quick glance and I spied Astrid mounted on top of Starla. They were thrusting their hips together in sync. Starla fought to stay quiet and ripped at her pillow. Lorie’s propped herself up to watch – tangled red hair revealed seductive eyes that locked with mine. She smacked the round curve of Astrid’s plump ass. I shot a look over my shoulder and found Bexso eating bacon. The torment, it was a struggle for what to do… for all of a nanosecond.

  With a mighty shove off the bed, I leapt over (Astrid pleasing Starla) and landed on a squealing Lorie. She tucked her arms over her face in surprise. I grabbed her wrists and yanked them down onto the bed above her. I snatched the hair tie out of Astrid’s hair who grinned when she concluded my goal. I bound Lorie’s hands above her head. I kissed her neck and slowly worked my throbbing penis past her welcoming tender pussy lips. We both cried out with plea
sure as she enveloped me deeply with her juicy self. I got into a rhythm with Astrid and the four of us fucked in unison. It was the hottest thing ever. Both Starla and Lorie’s voluminous breasts bounced in tandem as we made love.

  I had figured out Astrid was using some toy that gave the girls equal amounts of pleasure. She saw me watching her and pulled my face to hers. As we dominated Starla and Lorie, Astrid and I kissed. It felt so good. The tension was building when Lorie escaped my hair tie restraint. Lorie broke my kiss to Astrid and flipped me on my back taking control. She mounted my large cock into her swollen moist vagina and shoved her hips down. I saw only the briefest moments of discomfort from my size until she found the right spot and the perfect motion. Astrid and Starla paused to watch us as Lorie neared her climax.

  “Fuck me! Mack, shove that big cock deeper! Twist my nipples!” Lorie commanded. I obeyed all the requests. My hips elevated higher and I snatched her erect nipples in a turning squeeze.

  “Cum on my cock you dirty girl,” I said repeating talk I had heard in amateur porn before. I thought it was fairly weak, but for her… it did the trick.

  Lorie arched her head back, shuddered on my cock, and moaned the entire time until she collapsed on top of me. Her squeeze during the finish caused my load to burst inside her.

  “That was so fucking hot. Did you release also Mack?” Starla asked. Her eyes spoke of wanting to keep going with me.

  “Yeah, my seed is somewhere in her lungs.” I said with a giggle and nailed Lorie’s ass with a stinging slap that got her off me. “Let me eat some breakfast and I will be ready for round two. We are not leaving the bed today.”

  It probably would not be a reality, but I wanted a day off. I decided eating bacon was the best thing I could do to recover. Because bacon has superpowers…

  “That whole mess of love over there, amazing. I knew I picked the right family to sign on with. Much better than watching three cower afraid of a betting until one gets it so rough they bleed. I say that so you girls understand that your mate while mighty is very tender. Enough of the sadness of my species. Mack I ordered a giant plate of bacon. A quick review of your favorite breakfast from previous mornings and I grabbed as much as I thought we could eat. Go rinse off or at least place a towel down before you sit on these velvety chairs. You’re still leaking cum.” Bexso said trying hard not to stare but kept stealing glances.

  The ladies trailed behind me deciding on bacon as well. We sat around the table munching food. There was fruit, biscuits, and eggs. I found it reassuring that Bexso was working so hard to be a member here. Simply things exactly like this would do wonders. She invested the time to see what we enjoyed eating for breakfast. I planted a kiss on her check in thank you that she blushed from.

  I checked our location in Earth’s orbit and was stunned. We were not in the Sol system. I grew dizzy for a brief moment until I realized we were okay and in the friendly species territory of Planu. I was about to ask why when Bexso shot me a wink. What did that crafty dragumi know that I did not?

  I was thoroughly confused when Oont materialized. I will admit I jumped and screamed like a little bitch. That was incredibly spooky. “Is there no way to prevent that from happening? Hey Oont you startled me, I was about to ask why we were here in Planu’s orbit?”

  “Greetings Mack, I was hired by your wives. I have come to collect the samples. Starla here placed an order. Is everything ready?” Oont asked.

  “Here you go. Thank you for your time.” Starla handed him four vials and then poof he was gone. I glanced around and saw gazes avoiding mine. They were all in on something and I was in the dark.

  Bexso broke the silence. “You can activate an inhibitor to prevent people from materializing on ships. It is relatively easy to create, install, and implement. The main issue is they have limited range. More than enough for a vessel. A foe of ours spent hundreds of million to inhibit us from blinking into their star system. A few lowly soldiers in speedy fighters blew it all apart. Was taught in our tactics academy ever since. It is one of the many scenarios you and I will be going over soon enough.

  “Mila or Starla brought it down for Oont to jump in. That little jolt you felt, we are going back to Earth in slipspace ETA six hours. What are you going to name the new dreadnaught?”

  “Hold up no changing the subject. I do greatly value your insight and friendship but what just happened?” I asked. I folded my arms and frowned.

  “You had an orgy with your wives and you are now eating bacon,” Astrid said with a straight face. The sassy little babe darted eyes toward Starla. Bingo.

  I rolled my eyes hard until they fell onto Starla. I could get her to squeal. I got up and chased her around the table.

  “Okay, if you must insist on knowing. We wanted to surprise you. You normally work out in the mornings.” Starla said while looking me deep in the eyes. She pulled my hands together in my calming posture that I was needing a lot less. I was having less anger outbursts. It seemed my rage boiled fewer times when I got laid and killed things. Who knew?

  “Congrats you are a dad in a few months. We each are having one little toddler to run around the house at the same time. They will be deluxe genetically altered babies, far superior to the genebabies of Earth in their longevity. The estimate has them living to two hundred. The contract states they will be edited to perfection. Incubation of one month per gestated year. We had the option to pick the sex but we all selected random. Cost sixty thousand each. Astrid and I pooled our money to buy Lorie one since she never got any D-coins.” Starla was rambling and I stopped her by doing the smartest thing I could think of.

  I kissed her with all my being. When I became stiff from the passion we made love over and over. That was how my morning went. Bexso asked if she could join and we all approved. That dragumi rode Astrid until they both were worn out. The entire sex escapades lasted for hours. We sustained and survived on bacon and fruit concoctions. Exhausted from sex I loaded up on a full belly and collapsed on the bed for a nap.


  Mila woke me up with a mind spike. It hurt, was awful, and rotated my mood from bliss to very angry. I found myself naked in bed alone. I stank and so did the bed. The shower was fast and I dried quickly to get my spacesuit on. When I lifted the blue and white outfit I noticed a logo over the heart.

  ETG for Expansive Trading Group. There was a metallic spear going under the letters. It looked exactly like the one I had battled on Lunish with. It was clean, elegant, and unique. The logo was circled in a blue ring, with the writing being blue. I loved it and let the suit seal around me.

  Time to go find out what Mila needed. I let my earlier anger fade, genuine happiness settled into me. A blue set of arrows led me to where my lancer friend was. I knew this route, it was taking me to the airlock. I rounded the corner and entered the changing room.

  Mila was holding a sobbing young woman I did not recognize. Her features were familiar but I was lost as to who this was. The young lady noticed me and launched into my arms. I enveloped her in confusion. I ran an eye scan. Bethany Dalwick. Oh shit. This was mom without my last name. She had made an exact replica of herself from when she was in here early twenties. She cried furiously into my chest.

  I let her sob in my arms while Mila caught me up. She sent over some recorded footage of dad getting his new body and fleeing. Off to meet some girl from his gaming simulations. Mom was between bodies when he left. He never said goodbye or thanked her for years of care. It was at that moment I lost my birth father. I also knew I had gained mom years ago, and she was not the abandoning type. I was glad she came to me.

  “Mom… mom…” I got her to stop sobbing. “I am here, I will always be here for you exactly the way you have always been there for me. Hey, you know what. I have some fantastic news that will immediately cheer you up.”

  I got an evil stare. Not that I was bad. Merely that it was impossible to hear something positive at this moment. And she had every right to be dispassionate with anger.r />
  “Out with it, I need some good news. I saw this coming but never expected it. All those years of care and love. Thanks for taking me in Mack. I do not know where else to turn to.” She said as she dried off her eyes. Mila exited stage right probably swamped with other important matters.

  “You are going to be a grandma. In three months there will be little toddlers to dote and love on.” I said and got the fiercest hug ever from my mom. She squealed in surprise and delight. This did the trick and I was being towed around the ship as she started planning. The woman was infatuated with little kids.

  The rambling went into full effect. All the planning that was needed, the items required, and the toys. It was best to buy in bulk in discount and stash some for later. Even three year olds have accidents and pullups would be needed. It kept going. I patiently listened until Starla showed up. I was immediately ditched for my wife. The two linking arms, leaving me standing there alone. The two women chatted at record speeds. I was forgotten about as the talk faded down the hallway.

  “Thanks, Mila,” I said initiating a video call. “What is on my agenda?”

  “I wish I could say that you were doing interviews for a proper assistant but alas I cannot. You will be stuck with me for now. Remember that hunk of a lancer who tore your guts out. He arrived with your new ship to offer his sincere apology. We are docked with the Torg right now. Oh, and what is the name of the ship? It needs one, like yesterday it needed one.”

  “How about we send a message to the family to get a few name ideas and pick one out. I am going to head over and meet the General.” I said and went into the airlock room. “My pick is the Oralis. I did a quick query on futuristic names and liked that one. I am interested to hear what the others pick.”


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