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Broken Promise (The Denton Family Legacy #1)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Pulling his fingers out of her pussy, he moved them back to her ass. She tensed up, and he rubbed her cream against her puckered hole. Pressing a finger inside her ass, he heard her wince, and he’d only applied a little pressure.

  Flicking her clit a final time, he pulled his fingers away, wiping them on his pants, not caring as they smeared in a streak on the leg. Lou lowered her leg and stared at him. He pulled his belt off, letting it drop to the floor. Next, his jeans fell, and he wrapped his fingers around the length of his cock.

  “Look at me, Lou.”

  Her gaze dropped to his cock, and he watched as she visibly swallowed.

  The tip leaked pre-cum, and he started to massage it into his length. “You ever had a cock in your ass?”


  “You ever had a man as big as me?”


  The smart ass had gone, and Jacob truly believed he got to see the real Lou. Stepping forward, he released his own cock, and wrapped an arm around her. Pulling her out of the entrance hall, he made his way down toward the sitting room, turning on lights as he went.

  “Do you have staff?”

  “They’re gone at night,” Jacob said. He wouldn’t risk anyone seeing his woman naked. Lou was all for him. At the sitting room, he turned the light on, and placed her on the edge of the seat. She lowered back, and he spread her thighs wide, staring down at her pretty, naked pussy. “You surprised me with this, Lou,” he said, running his fingers down the plump flesh of her lips. They were still slick, and he’d not let her come. The taste of her was still in his mouth. “Have you ever gotten dirty?” he asked.


  “Sex, Lou.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Plunging two fingers inside her, he watched her cry out, her eyes closing. Pulling them out, he held them up, rubbing his thumb against the slick digits. “I don’t do fucking proper, nor making love. I like it to be real, no holding back, baby.”

  She swallowed once again, and he couldn’t wait to see her swallow his load as he pumped it into her mouth. “I’ve never done that.”

  “You’re in for an awakening tonight.” Gripping his cock, he rested his length between the lips of her sex, and he slowly pumped backward and forward. He bumped her clit, and she moaned out his name. “That’s it, Lou. I want to hear my name screamed from those lips.”

  She tried to thrust up against him, but he wouldn’t let her. Grabbing her hips, he held her in place, staring down at his swollen cock with the tip leaking pre-cum. He left a trail across her clit, and it smeared up, covering a little more of those plump lips.

  “Please, Jacob.”

  “Please, what?”

  “Fuck me.”

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Do you want my dick inside you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  “Tell me, baby.” Moving his hands down to her pussy, he spread the lips of her cunt, and pushed his cock over her clit. Each movement had her gasping out his name.

  “Put your cock inside me, please, please,” she said.

  He pulled away from her and paused at her entrance. Staring into her eyes, he slowly eased inside her, taking his time, relishing the first thrust within her tight cunt.

  Lou gripped the edge of the chair as he thrust inside her, an inch at a time.

  Jacob wasn’t a small man. Several women had complained about how big he was, and when he slammed the last inch within Lou, she gasped out, arching up. He felt her cunt tightening around him, clenching his cock hard.

  “Fuck me, baby, you feel so damn tight.”

  He stared down at where they were joined. Her pussy lips open slightly, touching the fine hairs around the base of his cock. They were one. His cock was deep within her, and he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Running his hands up her body, he flicked the catch of her bra, pulling it off her.

  She threw the bra across the room, and he started to pull out of her. His cock was slick with her juice.

  “Jacob!” She screamed his name as he slammed every inch back inside her. This time he didn’t give her a chance to grow accustomed to him. He fucked her hard, pounding the length of his dick deep inside, opening her up with his rough claiming. Her tits bounced, and he cupped her ass, needing to come. When he felt that he was close to spilling his cum inside her, he pulled out, sinking to his knees, and capturing her clit between his teeth. Using his fingers, he fucked them inside her, flicking her clit, tonguing her.

  She was so soft, and dripping with her arousal.

  The time they had spent together had heightened her need. Jacob had been taking care of himself each night with his hand, and he was curious now as to how Lou had been taking care of her own needs. Had she waited?

  He’d ask her as soon as he was done eating her out. Filling her cunt with three fingers, he went as deep as he could, trying to stretch her. Tomorrow, when she was walking, she was going to remember who had been fucking her.

  “Jacob,” she said, crying out his name, and a second later, she came all over his fingers. He pulled out of her once again, stroking over her clit, and then filled her tight pussy with his cock as she was in mid orgasm. He groaned out as her pussy tightened around him. It was the best feeling in the world, and he pounded his dick deep inside her. He kept stroking her pussy until she was thrown into a second orgasm, and then a third. All the time, he fucked her hard.

  When she came a fourth time, he moved his hand away, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as he pumped his spunk inside her, filling her up. Even though he’d been beating off regularly, he believed that he’d filled her with enough spunk to run a small sperm factory.

  Claiming his lips, he plunged his tongue within her mouth.

  The pleasure ebbed away, and he stared into her green eyes.

  Her cheeks were flushed as she stared back at him.

  “I’ve not fucked Pam or any other woman since the night I met you. The same night Landon won the fight.”

  “You haven’t?”

  “I’ve not been with Pam for a long time, Lou. She’s just trying to make you jealous. There’s nothing between us. There never was. Don’t let jealousy get in the way.”

  She touched his cheek, running her thumb across his lip. “What have you done to me?”

  He smiled. “I could say the same to you.”

  “I didn’t care, Jacob. The men before you, they didn’t mean anything. You, it’s different, and that scares me.”

  “I’m not a good man.”

  “No, you’re not.” Tears filled her eyes, and he wiped them away.

  “I’m not a good man, Lou, but with you, I’d be the best damn man there is. No one will be better than me.” It was what his father was to his mother.

  They were monsters, and yet, their women were the most cherished.

  “My parents?”

  “I’ll handle your parents. This is not about you chasing me. I know that, and you should know that. This is something different, something more.”

  He was in love with her. It wasn’t just the legacy either. Lou had gotten under his skin, and in the last few months he’d fallen for her as well. He loved listening to her laugh, being with her, and sharing everything.

  “This home, it’s yours, Lou.”

  She gasped, glancing around. “No, it is not. That’s crazy, Jacob.”

  “Didn’t you hear? The Denton men are all crazy.”

  Lou chuckled. “I doubt that. There’s no way an entire family is crazy.” She chuckled, and then groaned as his cock started to swell.

  “Be careful. It has been a long time since it has been inside a pussy.”

  “You’re being dirty.”

  “With how wet you are, I’d say you fucking loved it.” He eased out of her and stared down just in time to see his seed spilling out of her. “Time for a bath I think.”


  Jacob was c
ompletely different with her as he carried her upstairs into his bathroom. He placed her on the toilet, filled a monster tub, and then urged her into the water. Lou sighed as the warm water surrounded her.

  You’ve just had sex with Jacob freaking Denton.

  She watched as he climbed into the tub in front of her. It was surreal to her as she stared at him. He was a handsome man, sexy, and she understood why people like Pam wanted to make her jealous. Jacob was the kind of man who didn’t go with women like her. Lou wasn’t a model, never would be, but she’d always been happy in her own skin.

  Her pussy throbbed, and she drew her knees up against her chest.

  Jacob reached out, gripping her knees, and spreading her legs open. He didn’t stop there. He moved close, stroking his hands down to grab her hips. She loved his touch, and every second that she spent with him, she found she liked him even more. He wasn’t the man she thought he was. Jacob was so much more.

  Lou squealed as he hauled her over him, getting her to straddle his thighs. The action was so unexpected that she gripped his shoulders.

  He chuckled.

  “You’re not very funny.” She smiled though.

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and then her arms around his neck. “I feel like I have to pinch myself.”

  “Why’s that, babe?”

  “You, and this, and everything. If someone had told me four months ago I’d be straddling the Jacob Denton after dating him for several months, I’d have laughed at them.” She teased the hair at the back of his neck, liking how familiar she was with him. “Surreal.”

  He stroked her back as he pressed a kiss to her chest. His cock pulsed against her pussy, and she glanced down to see that his cock was thickening where it rested between their bodies.

  “You’re ready to go again?” Not that she had a complaint.

  “I’ve got a healthy appetite.” He tucked some hair behind her ear, and she stared into his eyes.

  Jacob held her captive. For three months, he’d wormed his way into her heart by his constant persistence. Yes, he was a bad man, and he did bad things, but with her, he treated her like she was the most treasured thing in the world.

  “Why me?”

  “You’re going all serious on me?”

  She chuckled, looking down at his stomach. Licking her lips, she tried to get under control. Her emotions were all over the place. He’d been driving her crazy with need, and now that she’d had sex, she was scared. Lou hadn’t wanted to be with Jacob, and now, he was part of her, and she’d given in to her own need. This was more though. Biting her lip she was afraid to ask, but she had no choice.

  “Have you had your fun? Did you get what you wanted?” This wasn’t her being a bitch. Old insecurities started to flood her being, and she couldn’t hold them back.

  He cupped her chin forcing her to look at him. “What the fuck is that?”

  “Well, you’ve got what you want, right? You can move onto the next woman.” She really didn’t want him to.

  His jaw clenched. “You think I’m that fucking fickle?”

  “What? No, of course not.” She didn’t know what to expect from him. Pam had been feeding her horrible tales about Jacob, and she shouldn’t have listened to them.

  His anger shook her to the core.

  “Lou, fuck, if all I wanted was a fuck I would have screwed you the night I took you to my parents’ for dinner.”

  “You’re presumptuous.”

  “And you’re being fucking stupid if you think for a second that you wouldn’t have given it to me. Don’t be a fucking bitch on me now. I got that you were in the beginning because you didn’t know me. You know me now, so don’t be something you’re not. The bitch, she’s for the outside world, not between us. I’ve been here with you, Lou. Every single time I’ve touched you, you’ve fucking wanted it. There’s not been a moment when you haven’t.” He dropped his hand into the tub with water splashing over the side of the bath.

  Tears filled her eyes as she saw the hurt look. He was right. She had just been the world’s biggest bitch, and Lou regretted her actions. She was fucking stupid.

  “You don’t get it, baby. You’re it for me. This is far more than getting a fucking screw. You’ve seen the bitches that have tried to give me their number, the way they are. If I wanted to fuck, I could have phoned them.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m not that man. This is it for me. You’ve got to believe me.”

  “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have doubted you, and I won’t do it.”

  He shook his head.

  “No, Jacob. I am sorry. I owe you an apology, I just—this kind of stuff, it doesn’t happen to me, okay. I listened to Pam—”

  “That was your first mistake. Don’t listen to bitches that don’t get what they want. Pam, she wanted more. I’m not giving her it, and now she’s after you. Be the better woman, Lou.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Good, now prove it to me.”

  Jacob sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her in close so that his breath fanned across her lips. He slid his tongue against her lip, and she opened up, moaning as he plundered her mouth. She sank her own fingers into his hair, holding him tightly to her. This was more than just sex, and hearing him say that eased her troubled mind.

  After years of only ever doing something to piss her parents off, Lou was finally doing something she wanted.

  “You’re moving in here,” he said, pulling away from the kiss.


  “This place, you’re moving in with me. I’ve taken you now, claimed you, you’re not going anywhere else. You’re the one I’m coming home to every single night.”

  She snorted. “Don’t you think you should ask?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, you’d only argue with me, and find some smart assed comeback. You’re mine, and it’s time you realized who you belonged to.”

  Before she could comment, he lifted her up, moved his cock, and slowly lowered her over him.

  All argument fled her brain as her body awakened with his dick sliding to the hilt within her.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. You’re so tight and perfect.” He stroked her back, caressing down to grip her ass. Jacob tightened his hold on her, and with his brute strength, used her body to fuck himself with.

  Grinding her pussy onto him, she didn’t fight him because she wanted him just as much. Holding onto his shoulders, she took over, thrusting onto his cock. She watched his cock fill her, and wished she could see it better, but there was no way for her to see it better unless they did it with mirrors surrounding them.

  He held her tightly as he fucked her, going deep within her.

  She screamed his name as his cock pounded inside her. Jacob grabbed the back of her head, pulling her toward him so that he took possession of her mouth. He swallowed all of her kisses, and held her tightly as she screamed his name, wanting more, needing more.

  “That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock. Fuck my cock. Use me, Lou.”

  Lou rode him hard, taking what she wanted, and he did the same, using her body for his own pleasure. She loved every second of it. Jacob consumed her, set her on fire, and held her tightly as he did so.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m going to come. Touch yourself, bring yourself off.”

  She reached between them, and started to finger her clit. Her orgasm was so close that all it took was a few flicks of her clit, and she came, squeezing his dick.

  Jacob growled as he erupted within her, filling her with his cum. She collapsed over him, resting her head on his shoulder, as they both panted, trying to catch their breath.

  “I’ll be moving you in tomorrow. Me, my brothers, and Riley.”

  “My parents are going to try and worm themselves into your life.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. I want you, not your parents. Are you going to let them dictate the rest of your life?” he asked.

p; She sighed, lifting her head to look him in the eye. “You really don’t care?”

  “I care, but I only care about you. Not them. I can handle them, Lou. Trust me.”

  “They suck everything dry, and they will use our relationship to better themselves. I don’t want your parents to hate me.” She liked Maddox and Charlotte Denton. They were wonderful parents.

  Jacob sighed. “You’re going to have to trust me. My parents are not going to judge you based on what your parents think. Besides, I’ve already organized it so they’re here to move your stuff here. You’ve got no choice.”

  “Oh my God, your ego knows no bounds.”

  “Not when I’m going after what I want, and I want you.” He tugged her toward him, claiming her lips.

  She felt his cock swell within her, and she gasped. “Again?”

  “What can I say? I’ve got over three months to make up for.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Seriously, you couldn’t find a company you trust to move this stuff?” Landon asked, lifting one of the futon chairs.

  “Why would I do that when I’ve got five strapping brothers ready and waiting for me to use them?” Jacob opened the door. “Be careful with that,” he said.

  “Stop being mean,” Lou said, moving past him. She tried to help Landon, but he caught her around the waist.

  “Remember this is the man who beat your brother’s face to a bloody pulp.” Jacob spoke loud enough for Landon to hear.

  Lou tensed. “You’re right. You can certainly handle the chair by yourself.” She folded her arms over her chest, and Jacob smirked at his brother.

  “That’s not very nice,” Riley said, coming into the room carrying two boxes from her kitchen. “That was all in the name of sport, and you’re using it to stop her working hard.”

  “See, Riley doesn’t hold a grudge. We’re totally friends, right, Riley?” Landon asked.

  “Total BFFs all the way.” Riley clapped Landon on the back. “I’m still not helping you carry that chair. I’ve heard you’ve spent most of your down time playing games. You’re not going to catch any girls by becoming a couch potato.”

  Lou laughed and moved away from him. Jacob caught her by the waist, tugging her against him. “You see, I told you that my brothers would be more than happy to help.”


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