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Pack and Mate

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  “Not hungry for food. Hungry for you.” Cort’s hand dropped down to his lap.

  “Oh.” Finn groaned softly.

  Pat rumbled and the sound wasn’t soft at all. “Be good. We’re at the table.”

  “We could leave the table,” Cort murmured in his ear.

  Oh, God. Please. His entire focus was on the sounds Cort was making, the heat. Cort stood, that arm around his waist holding him tight against Cort’s body. His feet didn’t reach the ground at all—Cort was bigger than he, and so strong.

  “Finn,” Patrick called for him, and it was no fair. Not at all.

  “We’ll be back.” Cort turned and carried him off to the kitchen.

  Please let there be more kisses.

  Once they were in the relative privacy of the kitchen Cort turned him, put him down on the counter and brought their mouths together.

  Yes. Yes. Finn reached up, arms wrapped around Cort’s shoulders. Cort grabbed his ass and tugged him in close so they were all pressed up together. His cock rubbed against Cort’s firm belly and it made his eyes cross. Insane. This was utterly insane.

  But also utterly amazing.

  The kiss went on and on, Cort’s mouth absolutely magic. He whimpered, aroused in a way he didn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend. One of Cort’s hands left his ass, pushing down the front of his pants instead.

  “Oh.” Finn’s eyes widened.

  Cort’s hand found his prick and wrapped right around it.

  “Can we? Oh!”

  “What do you want, my pup?” Cort asked.

  “I just—I haven’t really, with someone who makes me ache.”

  “I’ll make you come, and when we get home I’ll make you come again and again and again.” Cort’s words felt as though they were a promise.

  “Again?” Was that possible?

  “Oh yes.” Cort’s gaze was trying to burn him.

  “I…” He wasn’t sure what to do, so he nodded.

  Still holding his gaze, Cort began to move his hand, stroking. The pressure built inside Finn, his balls drawing up so tight they hurt.

  “I want to smell you, pup. I want to taste you.” The sound of Cort’s voice echoed inside him, so deep, and Cort brought their mouths back together again, stealing his breath.

  A gentle tug to the tip of his cock and he shot, his entire body alight.

  A moan filled his mouth, Cort breathing in hard.

  Alpha. His Alpha. Oh, God.

  Stroking him a few more times, Cort made his pleasure go on. When Cort let go of his cock it was to bring his fingers up to his mouth and Cort licked his hand clean right there in front Finn’s eyes. The corner of his eyes burned, they went so wide so fast.

  Cort offered his hand. Whimpering softly, Finn panted, unsure what Cort wanted.

  “Taste yourself, Finn. See how wonderful you are.”

  He leaned in, lapping softly, his entire body awake and so aware.

  “Good, hmm?” Cort’s eyes were shining at him.

  “Good. So good.” He lifted his face for another kiss.

  Cort gave it to him, licking into his mouth. He could taste Cort and the faint hint of his own come. Finn moaned, hands sliding down Cort’s belly, curiosity almost more than he could handle. Groaning for him, Cort pushed against him. It seemed like encouragement to continue his touches.

  The man’s prick looked as if he had a club packed in the soft slacks, and he measured Cort, base to tip.

  That earned him a soft growl. “Yes.”

  “So fine. Can I—I want to touch it, you.”

  “Please, Finn. I was made for your touch.”

  He reached down, carefully unfastened Cort’s slacks, exposing the hard flesh. Cort licked his lips. God, Cort was huge. A keening sound filled the air and it took Finn a second to realize he was the one making it.

  “I’m right here and I’m not going to let you go, I promise.” Cort’s words were soft, but still fiercely spoken.

  “You’re so fine.” He whined, shuddered as his fingers wrapped around the heavy shaft.

  “Thank you, Finn.” Cort’s lids dropped almost all the way closed at his touch.

  He stroked, up first, then down, focusing on every single inch.

  “Finn, your touch is like magic.”

  He leaned in, rubbed their cheeks together. Cort vocalized softly for him. Oh. Oh, heaven. He called back, his wolf spinning wildly inside him. Their mouths met over the sound, Cort’s kiss filling him.

  His fingers dragged over the shaft, fingertips bumping over the tip. Oh, more. More. Cort deepened the kiss, pressing against him. He licked at Cort’s lips, tongue flicking. Cort grabbed hold of it and began to suck on it.

  He whimpered, both hands clasped around Cort’s cock now. Humping, Cort pushed the large cock along his palms. Finn felt dizzy, confused, aroused.

  “Don’t stop, pup. Make me come.”

  “Yes. Yes.” He wanted Cort to feel this too, to know the pleasure.

  Cort kept rocking, body moving sinuously, and he matched the rhythm, breath joining Cort’s. Their gazes held, their chests rising and falling together as low sounds poured out of Cort. Finn was caught in Cort’s web, held tight in it. And he didn’t even want to escape. He wanted to stay, forever.

  Cort grunted, his hips pushing harder. On the next upstroke his thumbs dragged along Cort’s slick, wet slit.

  “Finn!” Cort cried out, eyes full of need. “Again.”

  A rush of desire flooded him and Finn repeated the gesture, needing that response again. Cort jerked, nodded and heat flooded up over his hand. The scent was amazing, delicious, and his mouth watered with the need to taste.

  “Taste me,” Cort demanded.

  He swooped down, tongue dragging along the wet tip of Cort’s cock and his own slick fingers.

  “Yes!” Cort’s hands wrapped around his head, kept him there.

  Pure need flooded him and he wrapped his mouth around the tip, sucking the bitter salt from Cort’s prick. Cort repeated the word yes, hips moving, pushing the thick head deeper into his mouth. All Finn could do was suck and keen, his entire body flying.

  More drops slipped onto his tongue, Cort’s prick jerking in his mouth.

  “Finn? Finn, I have… Oh.” Little Red dropped a plate.

  “Oh, Goddess.” Finn jerked back, stumbling over his coveralls that were tangled around his ankles and he went down, head slamming against the edge of the counter and the world went black.

  Chapter Four

  Cort growled as chaos broke out. Everyone came running after the plate shattered, filling the tiny kitchen with far too many people. All he really cared about was one. Finn had tripped and hit his head, slumping to the ground. Cort growled again, quickly doing up his zipper and snarling. He turned to face the threat, putting himself between Finn and everyone else.

  Pat met him, head-on. “Get the fuck out of my way.”

  “No. Get out. Everyone just get out.” He needed to attend to Finn.

  Kyle started ushering the pups out, all of them but Pat going easily.

  With another warning snarl to Pat, Cort turned to Finn, hand cradling the poor, bumped head.

  Finn moaned, eyelashes fluttering. “Careful of the glass.”

  “Shh. Shh. Pat will take care of the glass.” He stroked Finn’s face with his free hand.

  “Finn? Finn, you need to open your eyes, Brother.” Pat sounded worried, scared. “Seriously, man. I can’t take care of these hooligans alone. You have to be okay.”

  Goddess, so much pressure on these pups. Kyle was right, they needed to be at the club.

  “I have him,” Cort told Pat. He moved to cradle Finn’s head. “I have you, Finn.”


  “Is he bleeding?” Pat asked.

  “He’s fine. Go clean the glass.” Cort nodded toward the mess in the doorway, tiny shards of glass everywhere.

  Pat needed a sub. Someone who wasn’t Cort’s.

  “What’s your fucking probl
em, man? He’s my brother! I love him!”

  “He is mine.” Cort held Finn closer.

  Finn groaned. “No yelling.”

  “I’m not yelling. Are you okay? Does it hurt?”

  “Uh-huh.” Finn sat up, moaning. “Ow. I fell.”

  Pat crossed his arms over his chest. “Totally. Whacked your head. Mom would call you graceful.”

  “He was startled.” Cort growled. How dare this pup insult his own?

  “He was being naughty,” countered Pat.

  Finn giggled. “Totally. Was worth it.”

  “It’s what mates do.” Cort turned to smile at his pup. “We can be naughty again later. At my den.”

  “Come on. Stand up, Finn. I need to see if you’re bleeding.” Pat was holding it together, trying hard, and Cort could appreciate that, even if it also annoyed the heck out of him.

  He stood, bringing Finn up with him before slowly setting his pup down on his feet. He stayed right there to support Finn if he needed.

  Pat watched him too, as if Pat were a hawk. “Just stand there, okay? I have to get the broom.”

  “Then I’m taking you home, Finn. As I should have done from the start.”

  “You can’t. I need him.” Pat stood there, yellow broom in hand. “I can’t manage this on my own. I can’t pay the bills, I can’t get Little Red and Cillian to work. I need help, Finn.”

  “The moon is coming. You’ll all come to the club and things can be figured out.” He wasn’t giving Finn up.

  “I…” Finn hesitated. “My head hurts, man. I don’t know what’s right.”

  Cort turned to Pat. “You know it’s the right thing to do.”

  Kyle came in, touched Pat’s arm. “If it’s okay with you, I’d be happy to arrange transportation to your jobs tomorrow. The pups are scared and stressed and a change of scenery might help.”

  “You think so?” Pat asked, clearly trusting Kyle more than Cort.

  Kyle nodded. “Absolutely. And if that doesn’t help there’s a huge indoor pool in the facility and you can run them until they collapse.” Kyle was very good at this.

  “There’s steak at the club,” Cort added. If the pups lived on spaghetti, steak would be a huge enticement.

  “Steak. Beds for everyone. Hot water to last for a real shower.” Kyle was working hard to seal the deal.

  Pat and Finn both made the exact same face—pure need.

  “It’s settled.” Cort helped Finn get his overalls back up. “Pack all your things. You’re coming home.”

  “For the moon.” Pat tried to stare him down.

  “You and the pups, yes.” He wasn’t backing down for a second. Not with Finn in the balance.

  “I need him. I can’t do this by myself,” Pat insisted.

  “I won’t leave you in the lurch, Pat. Ever. We’re twins.”

  “We’ll sort something out.” If it was important to his Finn, it would be important to him. He just wanted—no, he needed—to get Finn home, to make his claim and become the pup’s Master.

  “Come to the club, please,” begged Kyle. “It’s late and you must be tired.”

  Nathan peered around the door. “I can do dishes.”

  Cort took charge. “They’ll keep. Let’s go.” He grabbed Finn’s hand and headed out. Enough was enough. These boys needed a Master, someone to lead them.

  Finn was obviously dazed, confused, worried. “I don’t understand. Are we in trouble? Did we do something wrong?”

  “Nope.” He headed out the door, trusting that Pat and Kyle would get the pups rounded up.

  “But.” Finn held his head, eyes crossing. “I don’t understand. They’re coming soon?”

  “Kyle will make sure they all get to the club safely.” He wasn’t letting Finn go again though.

  It spoke volumes that Finn leaned in, trusted him to put them into a cab.

  He gave the address of the club and wrapped his arm around Finn’s shoulders. “How are you feeling? Should we see the doctor when we get to the club?”

  “My head hurts and I’m a little confused.”

  “Confused about what?”

  “Why you were mad at Pat.”

  “He wants to keep us apart.” Cort didn’t think Pat liked him very much.

  Finn looked at him. “Why would he do that? He loves me. He’s just—it’s hard, to try and be an Alpha to so many pups.”

  “I bet. He needs to be an Alpha to just one. Kyle could find Alphas for the others.”

  “That isn’t how pack works at home.”

  “You’re not at home anymore, Finn.”

  “I know.” For a second his pup sounded hurt, lost and incredibly frightened.

  Cort held Finn tight. “You’ve got a new home with me. I swear it.”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “You let me take care of you.”

  “But who will take care of the pups?”

  “Kyle will figure something out.”

  He knew this was difficult, so many changes, and he was trying to listen to something besides the song between them, but all his instincts screamed at him that Finn was his and he needed to claim the pup now.

  The cab pulled up in front of the club and Cort paid the diver, then helped Finn out.

  “They’re okay, right? I’m not deserting my family?” Such a dear, kind pup.

  “They’re just fine. I promise.” Cort might be new enough to the club himself but he knew Kyle well enough to know the man wouldn’t abandon pups in need.

  They headed in, the club quiet tonight, lights low and music sultry. Cort stopped at the bar. “Could you have two steak dinners sent to my room, please?”

  The little blond bartender—another kitty if he wasn’t mistaken—replied immediately. “Absolutely, sir. Wine?”

  “Do you like wine, Finn?” Cort asked.

  “I don’t know. I like milk and I’ve tried beer.”

  “We want milk, please.” He wasn’t much of a drinker himself. The smile he got from Finn proved he’d made the right decision. “Oh, and a nice selection of desserts, please.”

  “Yes Sir. I’ll have it sent to your room as soon as it’s ready.”

  “Thank you.”

  They went through the door at the back of the bar that led to the living quarters. Finn watched every step they took, every direction they turned into the wild warren that was the Kennel.

  “Do you recognize any of it from last night?” Cort asked.

  “No. No, there are so many scents.”

  “It’s a bit overwhelming at first.” Cort remembered his first days here.

  Finn nodded, obviously overwhelmed and near tears. Home. Home and a bath and a meal. That’s what his pup needed.

  Cort finally gave in to his urges and picked Finn up, cradling his beautiful pup against his chest.

  “Cort?” Finn curled into him, trusting him, even as Finn asked the question.

  “I’ve got you, Finn. I’m taking you home.”

  Soft lips brushed against his jaw then his pup went boneless and he carried Finn down the hall.

  Cort got to his room, managing to open the door without putting down his burden. Although that was the wrong word, Finn wasn’t a burden at all. His pup felt right in his arms.

  “Would you like to soak in the tub, pup?”

  “Oh, please. I haven’t had access to a tub in so long.” That was a terrible thing for a pup.

  Cort carried Finn right into the bathroom where there was a huge tub with jets and a separate shower. The room was done in beige and brown and gray—as if it were a river on a gray day.

  “Oh. Oh, how pretty.”

  “I like it. It’s why I chose these rooms. Well, and because they were far from the common areas.” He liked the quiet, the fact there weren’t five thousand smells here.

  He set Finn on his feet and started stripping his pup down. It was the first time he was going to see Finn fully naked. So even though he got Finn’s clothes off quickly, he then took his time loo
king Finn over from head to toe. His pup was fine—lean and pale and dusted with coppery-red curls everywhere, especially above the long, thin cock. And the freckles were adorable.

  Cort vocalized softly, voicing his pleasure.

  A sweet blush climbed up Finn’s belly, down the lean cheeks.

  Leaning in, Cort took a kiss. Finn stepped forward, then back when the needy cock touched him, brushing against his thigh. Groaning, Cort tugged Finn up against his body, letting that sweet cock rub on his skin.

  “Oh.” Finn hummed, body beginning to move.

  “Take my clothes off, pup.”

  Finn looked confused, but only for a second, then his clothes were eased off. “A bath. A real soak.”

  “A real soak, followed by a real steak, followed by real pleasure.”

  “It’s as though it’s a dream.” It was obvious that Finn didn’t know where to look, what to do.

  “Except that it’s real.” He stepped back and held out his arms. “Do you like what you see?”

  “You’re lovely. Strong. You smell…” Finn’s blush grew darker.

  “I smell like yours?” Cort suggested, because that was how Finn smelled to him.

  “Like home.”

  Oh, how perfect. Nodding, Cort pulled Finn into his body, dropping his mouth over Finn’s. He held Finn, rocked them together so their bodies could learn each other, learn where they fit. Skin on skin felt amazing and he moaned, rocked Finn closer. Finn’s cock began to fill, grow stiff against his hip. His own was rising eagerly, rubbing on Finn’s belly.

  Bath. They needed in the tub. He didn’t stop kissing but he did put a bit of focus on moving them to the bath. He started the water, the jets. Then drew his pup into the big tub with him.

  “Oh.” The look on Finn’s face was blissful, pure joy.

  They sank down into the hot water together and he set Finn on his lap, facing him. That way they could kiss while they soaked.

  “Tell me this is real.”

  “This is real.” Cort grabbed Finn’s ass and tugged them tight together. “Doesn’t it feel real?”

  “No. No, it feels like a fantasy, like a prayer.”

  “I like that I’m your fantasy.” He used his hold on Finn’s ass to rub them together.


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