Book Read Free

Pack and Mate

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  “They want to eat at Pat’s. The boss says to call next week if we want to work.”

  “You have time off?” That was such good news.

  “He says next week. Monday. If we want work.”

  “So that’s five whole days?” They could really celebrate their bond in five days. Especially as those five days fell over the moon.

  “Yes. Yes, five whole days. I—can I be with you? Please?” Finn asked.

  As if Cort would allow anything else. “Yes, I insist. And Kyle has a place for Pat and the other pups for two weeks.”

  “Oh. Oh, really?” Finn squeezed him tight.

  “Yes. And that’ll give us time to figure the rest out.” He squeezed right back. “And if you’re finished for the day, we can go home and eat—you never got more than a bite of your steak.”

  “Oh, is it waiting for me?” Finn nodded, walking with him. “I worked extra hard today and we finished all the trim. We got done early and the Al—boss was very happy. He said we did good work.”

  “You were motivated.” There didn’t seem to be any cabs and it wasn’t too far back to the club, besides, the urgency had abated now that he was with his mate. So they could walk.

  “Uh-huh. I wanted to have lunch with you.”

  “And now you can have more than just lunch with me.” Cort was totally taken by Finn. Such a sweet pup.

  “We can have a bath!” Finn’s eyes were lit from within.

  “And I haven’t seen your wolf yet. I want to groom you in both forms.” His fingers itched to feel Finn’s fur.

  Finn looked at him. “I thought the rules said only during the moon.”

  “Maybe those were your pack rules, and certainly you don’t want to be shifting on the streets in the city. But you can shift whenever you want at the club.” It was one of the pluses of a club that catered to weres. Besides, most of the club subs were wolves and many of them spent a lot of time in their wolf form.

  “Whenever you want?” Finn stared at him as if he were doling out state secrets.

  “Yes. It’s a safe place. Like in the wilds.”

  “Oh. Oh, we have to tell the others.” Finn bounced a little.

  “Of course. If I’d realized they didn’t know I’d have said something yesterday.”

  They crossed the road, the club only a few blocks away now. Cort couldn’t help but hurry as they got closer, eager to get his pup home. Finn laughed, running along beside him. They went to the side door and Cort tugged out his card, running it through the reader.

  “Almost home,” he promised his pup.

  “Almost. Five days, Cort.”

  Five days. More if Cort had his way. “I’ll have to get a membership card for you so you can get in on your own.”

  They went down the hall, turned right, then right again and came to his rooms. Finn petted the door, bouncing on his toes, and Cort unlocked it, groaning as his phone rang.

  He pushed the door open, ushering Finn in as he answered the call. “Hello?”

  “Cort, it’s Kyle. What did you need?”

  “Oh, Kyle. Hi. I wanted to make sure Pat and the pups were sorted out. Bryan said they were good for two weeks?” He went to the kitchen and opened the little fridge where Finn’s steak was sitting, entirely untouched. He’d finished his own. He grabbed a couple of new eggs. He’d eaten the ones that had come with Finn’s steak so they wouldn’t go to waste.

  “Yes, two weeks and then we’ll have to make some decisions.”

  “I need them taken care of. I have money.” He wouldn’t have his pup worrying about his family.

  “Let’s schedule a meeting after the moon, hmm? It’s a busy time of month for me.” Kyle did sound a little more stressed than his usual calm.

  “I can do that. We have two weeks to figure it out.” Cort smiled at Finn.

  “Five days too. We have five whole days.” Finn was nearly vibrating.

  Cort nodded to Finn. Five whole days together, and two weeks before he had to worry about where the rest of Finn’s family was going to live.

  “Perfect. I’ll email you a date and time. Have a lovely day, Cort.”

  “You too, Kyle. Thanks.” He hung up and turned his phone off. “Now we won’t be disturbed.”

  He put the pan on the stove and heated it up.

  “I’ll go put my work—Cort. Cort, I don’t have any clothes but my work clothes.”

  That made him smile. “I don’t have a problem with your skin.” They could go to one of the stores in the club and find some clothes together. But it would wait.

  “I want to take these off. They smell bad.”

  “Take them off. We can burn them.” He began to strip so that Finn didn’t feel awkward about being the only one naked.

  Finn chuckled but stripped off, padding into the bathroom where Cort heard the sink.

  Tying an apron around his waist, Cort put butter in the pan and tossed in the steak. They would have to share it but he figured that was okay. It was a huge steak and Finn was a slender pup.

  Soon his pup was back, shining with water and smelling of soap, his stomach growling vigorously. “All clean!”

  Cort pulled Finn in close, not caring that it made him damp, and put his nose in Finn’s neck, breathing in. “You smell like mine.”

  “Mmm. Makes me shiver.”

  “Did the others see my mark?” He stroked the dark spot.

  “Pat did. He said that he was so jealous that I’d found a mate.” Finn gave him a serious look. “I told him you said we were all still family.”

  “We are, Finn. I made you a promise. Kyle will help me find a way to keep everyone together after two weeks.”

  “Someone will find him, want to be his mate, right?”

  “Pat? Of course. You know he’s not like you though, right?” Cort could tell that Pat was a Dom like he was. It was why he managed the young pups so well.

  “He’s a wolf, Cort, I promise.”

  That had him chuckling. “I know that. I meant he isn’t a sweet sub like you—he’s a Dom.” He could see the confusion in Finn’s eyes and added, “He’s an Alpha.”

  “Oh. Pat? I think he could be, yes. With a pack, but he’s like me. He doesn’t want to start a family.”

  “He doesn’t need to, he already has one.” Cort kissed the top of Finn’s head. He didn’t think Pat’s mate was among the pups, though, or Pat would have already made his move.

  Cort pulled the steak off and threw the eggs on, frying them quickly, then they headed for the table and it was déjà vu all over again. He even made Finn sit on his lap. This time, though, he cut the steak and offered Finn a piece from his fingers.

  Finn leaned forward, snapped the bite up. Oh, his pup was hungry. Had Finn had anything but that one bite of steak from this morning to eat? Cort guessed not. He offered a second piece over.

  “Thank you.”

  Finn ate eagerly, wiggling on his lap. Cort’s prick, which had already begun to fill, continued to do so, getting firmer with every wriggle.

  He fed Finn the lion’s share, dropping kisses on the sweet lips as Finn’s hunger ebbed. The eggs needed a fork and he almost pouted at not being able to feed them to his pup with his fingers. Almost. They were messy enough anyway, drops of the runny yolk falling on his chest. Finn swooped down, lapped them off. Such lovely instincts.

  Humming, he stroked Finn’s back, fingers tracing Finn’s spine. Finn’s lips found his nipple, the suction gentle and steady, fine enough that his eyelashes fluttered. He wrapped a hand around Finn’s skull, not wanting his pup to stop. Finn slid to the side, moaning against his skin, tongue flicking the tip of his hardened bit of flesh. Jerking, he grabbed hold of Finn’s hip with his other hand so he didn’t buck his pup off.

  Finn sat up, licking his lips. “Eggs then bed? Is that okay? Bed? I want to touch.”

  “Not only okay, I insist on it.” Smiling, he stroked Finn’s cheek, his cock pressing hard against Finn’s thigh.

  “Oh, good.”
br />   It took them seconds to wolf down the last of the eggs and as soon as they had he picked Finn up and carried his pup to bed. Finn’s hands moved over him restlessly, petting and pushing.

  He put Finn down in the middle of the mattress, climbing up after him and lying down on the slender body. Finn stretched, the smile on his lover’s face pure bliss.

  “Mate.” The word purred out of Finn.

  Cort stole a kiss, meaning it to be quick, but once he was there he sank into it, tongue pressing between Finn’s lips. Finn’s hands pushed into his hair, fingers curling and holding on. Moving against Finn, he undulated and rubbed their entire bodies together. The most amazing little sounds filled his lips, his pup calling to him. It made his balls ache to hear those sounds.

  He’d had a dozen subs, more, but none who gave themselves so easily. None who belonged to him, body, heart and soul.

  Feeding a moan of his own into Finn’s mouth, he rolled them, put Finn on top of him so he could touch.

  “Cort.” Finn moaned and ran calloused hands up his belly, counting his ribs.

  He shivered at the almost tickles, such a lovely sensation.

  “Touching you.” Finn hummed the words, singing softly.

  “You are. You’re touching me good.” He ran his own hands down Finn’s back, cupped the pert little ass.

  It was fascinating to watch Finn respond, arch his back and push into the touch. Cort squeezed tight, his fingers digging into the warm flesh.

  “Mmm.” Finn smiled, growling happily as one cheek slid along Cort’s chest.

  He wanted to leave bruises on Finn’s ass. He wanted to leave bruises all over his pup, mark every inch as his. He wanted to expose his sweet pup to things they didn’t teach in the woods. Right this second, though, he wanted to smell Finn’s need.

  He slid a finger between the tight cheeks and tapped Finn’s hole.

  “Oh.” Finn’s eyes flew open.

  “I’m going to take you.” He met Finn’s eyes. “I’m going to make you fly.”

  “It didn’t hurt before. I felt you everywhere.”

  He smiled, so pleased he’d made it good for his pup.

  “I’d never felt that before.”

  “I’m going to do all sorts of things to you that you’ve never done or felt before.” Everything was new to his pup and that was exciting.

  “As good as joining?” His pup was so curious, so fucking alert.

  “I don’t know if anything is as good as joining with your mate. But we’ll have that always, no matter what else we do.”

  That answer seemed to satisfy Finn, who went back to exploring, tasting and touching him. He loved how sensual his pup was, how much Finn wanted to learn him, to bring him pleasure. He moaned as his cock was licked, nuzzled.

  “Oh, Finn, yes, please.” He nodded, pushing toward those sweet, hot touches.

  “Love your scent, your flavor,” Finn told him.

  “Your scent and flavor complete me.”

  Finn’s eyes went wide and he swore he could scent pleasure in the air.

  “Did you come?” he asked.

  Finn lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t apologize. I’m very pleased.” His mate had come, just from Cort’s words. How amazing was that?

  “I…” Finn hid his face in Cort’s belly.

  “Do you know how sexy that was?” He stroked Finn’s head.

  Shaking his head, Finn pushed into his caress.

  “It was very sexy,” Cort told Finn. “You made me feel like a stud.” He felt Finn’s cheeks heat against him.

  Grabbing Finn under the arms, he tugged his pup up and took a kiss. So sweet, so innocent. It was intoxicating. He rubbed Finn’s come into him, the scent stronger.

  He loved that smell. “Mmm. So very good.”


  “Yes, Finn?”

  Finn looked at him and then simply pushed up, kissed him hard. He took the kiss, giving Finn as good as he got, loving on his pup with everything he could put into the kiss. His sweet pup rubbed against him, rocking into his body. Still needy even though he’d just come. It was a testament to their bond as mates. He had time now though to touch, to tease, to teach Finn about need.

  He pulled Finn’s tongue into his mouth and sucked on it, gently at first but then more vigorously. Finn climbed over him, rocking down against him. He found Finn’s ass and encouraged the movements, loving the feeling of Finn’s hot erection against his belly. They rolled together, rutting a bit, bodies dragging on the sheets.

  He loved how eager Finn was, just how much his pup wanted him. He rolled them again and covered Finn, teeth on the pup’s throat, dragging across his mark. Humping into Finn, he ground against his pup, pushing him into the mattress. Finn arched, sliding against him, near desperate.

  So much for taking it slowly this time. He grinned wildly. They would take it slow next time. Or the time after that. At some point. Maybe. Right now they had a new bond to explore.

  He moved faster, giving Finn more friction. One of Finn’s legs wrapped around his hip, holding on. He ran his hand along Finn’s side then did it again with his fingernails. His pup hummed, stretching against him.

  Wrapping his mouth around his mark on Finn’s throat, he slapped it with his tongue. He loved the tiny cry he got. He hit it again then scraped his teeth along the mark. Finn bit the air, wild beneath him. Growling his approval of his pup, Cort let the sound vibrate against Finn’s skin.

  The sheets pulled out of their corners beneath Finn’s grasp, bunching up around them and it tightened the world to just the two of them in their den. The scents of them together were heady, perfect.

  He ground against Finn, feeling his pup’s thickness against his hip. Reaching down, he pumped both of them. Then he bit down hard on his mark. His sweet pup shot again, pouring over his fingers.

  He kept stroking, wanting to come but also wanting his beautiful Finn to suck him. Finn moaned, reaching down, coating his cock in Finn’s come.

  “Finn!” He cried out, his own orgasm taking him.

  Finn’s hand kept moving, kept sliding over them, rubbing through the aftershocks. It made him shiver and shudder a few times and he loved that. He loved that Finn wasn’t one of those subs who just lay back and expected you to do everything. He loved that Finn wanted him.

  Of course, he wasn’t sure his Finn even knew that submissives existed, outside of the pack structure. They had so much to learn together. It was exciting.

  He kissed Finn as his pup’s hand slowed and then slid away from their cocks. Lying back, he drew Finn in close. They had five whole days together and that didn’t even count today’s half-day.

  Cort was pleased.

  Chapter Seven

  Finn called Pat just before the moon, needing to know they were all inside, safe. His twin was already snarling and aggravated. “What do you want?”

  “To check on you,” he said calmly.


  “Because you’re always growly before the change and I know you’re wigged.” And hurt because Finn wasn’t there to help.

  Cort’s hand slid along his back, warm and soothing, the touch quickly moving to his shoulders, turning into a massage.

  “The room is super nice and they sent food,” Pat admitted.

  “What’s wrong?” Cort asked, murmuring in his ear.

  Finn lifted his chin. “It’s our first moon here and he’s scared. Can we go see them?”

  “Of course we can.”

  “Who are you talking to?” demanded Pat.

  “Cort. Can we come visit?”

  “You want to come visit?” There was a little more warmth in Pat’s voice now. “Sure. I have no idea how to tell you how to get here though.”

  “We’ll figure it out. Be right there.” Finn looked at Cort, grinning wide. “He’s excited.”

  “So are you, pup.” Grinning back, Cort kissed his nose. “We’ll have to put on clothes though. We could stop at the c
lub store on the way there and get you something.”

  “I bet Pat brought some I could wear so we don’t waste money.”

  “It’s not a waste. I want to buy you things to wear.”

  Oh. Oh, how dear. He smiled, so pleased. “Something that is mine.” That would be new.

  “Exactly.” Cort went to the door and grabbed paper bag that was sitting there. “The laundry room cleaned your work clothes.”

  “Oh, thank you.” He slipped them on, dressing quickly. His clothes were paint spattered but that was okay.

  “We’ll hit the store first,” Cort told him as they left. They went down the hall and turned left.

  “I don’t need much. I’m careful with my things.” He’d always shared with Pat, so they were gentle with clothing, books.

  “Just one outfit for now then we’ll go through the internet stores. See what kinds of things you like.”

  They went around another corner and there was a storefront, right there inside the club. It was as if this place were its own world. There was a lot of leather stuff in the storefront window.

  “That looks tough.” He didn’t need that.

  “Bad boys and motorcycles, eh?” Cort held the door open for them. “They don’t just have leather gear. Still, you’d look really nice with a soft pair of leather pants.”

  “I like soft. A pair of jeans and a t-shirt would be fine.” Finn wouldn’t be greedy, he was already so lucky.

  Cort snorted. “You can get jeans anywhere.”

  They went in and a grumpy-looking man came over. “Can I help you?”

  “My pup needs a pair of soft leather pants and a silk shirt, please.”

  Silk? Silk was fancy.

  “I want you to enjoy the feeling of your clothes,” Cort told him.

  He looked at Cort. “I will be super careful. I swear.”

  Cort kissed him. “It’s clothes. You’re going to get them dirty.”

  “They’re fancy clothes though.” Dress clothes. Expensive clothes, he’d bet.

  “You’re going to look good in them. And they’re going to feel wonderful on.”

  The grumpy man returned with a pair of black pants that were as soft as butter, and a silk shirt in a lovely silver.


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