Book Read Free

Pack and Mate

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  “Yes. Yes, that’s a fair assumption.” Pat nodded stiffly.

  “Excellent. I’m so glad we could help each other out.”

  “Me too,” Finn replied for both of them, feeling far more grateful than Pat looked.

  They stood and Finn followed Pat out. His twin still didn’t seem very happy.

  “You okay, brother?”

  “I don’t know.” Pat shrugged one shoulder, mouth twisting. “It’s almost too good to be true.”

  Finn got that—finding his mate had felt like that, but it was too intense not to be real. “How can I help?”

  Pat shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m tired, you know?”

  Cort came around the corner, face breaking into a smile. “There’s my mate.”

  “Hey, Cort.” Finn beamed, reached for Cort.

  His mate pulled him in close and pressed a kiss onto him.

  Pat grunted and rolled his eyes.

  Cort looked over at Pat. “You okay?”

  “No. I’m fucking off balance.”

  “Can I help?” Cort offered immediately and Finn was so proud of his mate.

  Pat stopped, took a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

  At least that wasn’t a no.

  Cort pursed his lips. “You look tired. Finn and I could entertain the pups for the afternoon—give you a break.”

  “Totally. We can watch movies and stuff.” Finn thought it would be great fun to spend some time with the pups—he’d been rather focused on Cort lately.

  “We need to talk to them about working, Finn,” Pat insisted.

  It was Cort who replied. “Finn and I can do that. You can have the afternoon off.”

  “Seriously,” added Finn. “I’ll even make sure someone gets to work at four.”

  “Yeah? Because I could totally nap.” Pat looked as though he expected someone to come and take everything away at any moment.

  “Go ahead, Pat. Get an ice cream or a drink or something before you get some rest. Finn and I have this.” Cort clapped Pat on the back then turned to him. “Come on, pup. Let’s go get everyone and bring them back to our place.”

  “Sounds good.” Finn bounced a little bit. “Kyle offered to let the puppies work for room and board.”

  “Oh, Pat must be so relieved. And now you can all stay here.” Cort stopped and hugged him. “I was worried that you would insist on leaving.”

  “Pat’s going to work so they have money, like me, but the puppies have jobs that will pay for room and board.”

  “So now you don’t need to worry about them,” Cort repeated. “I’m so pleased.”

  “Me too.” Finn knocked on the pups’ door. “Guys, it’s me.”

  The door flew open, the pups pushing at each other to be first to hug him.

  He gave hugs and kisses then he tried to settle them all. “We have to talk, guys.”

  “Back at our place, though, right?” Cort pointed them down the corridor.

  “Yeah. Pat needs a nap.”

  Little Red giggled as they moved down the hallway. “Is he having a time out?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, that’s it.” Finn had to grin at that and all the pups laughed and Cort snickered.

  It didn’t take long to get to Cort’s—their—place and Cort got them all Cokes as they settled in a pile on the couch.

  “So what’s up?” Nathan asked. “You said you had news.”

  “Yeah. They offered you guys jobs, if you want to stay, but one of you has to start today.”

  “It’s a good deal,” Cort added, handing him the last Coke. “Working for room and board. And you’ve got to admit—it’s really nice room and board.”

  “Is it—is it sex work?” Those words were whispered, Cillian’s eyes absolutely enormous.

  “No.” No, that wasn’t the deal. “Dishwashing. Cleaning up. Laundry. Maintenance.”

  “This is a good place,” Cort added. “If they say it’s that kind of work then it is. There’s more than enough pups wanting to be subs.”

  “So we can work and have the house and change and eat?” Little Red nodded as he spoke. “I can work. I like to work.”

  Cort smiled. “You lot are the sweetest pups.”

  They were. They were good guys, each and every one of them. The best family, the best pack and Finn was so proud of them all. And just so happy with this solution. They owed Kyle a lot.

  They all looked at one another and it was Nathan who nodded. “Okay, yeah. It’s a deal. Who has to start tonight?”

  “I will. I like the kitchen.” Little Red volunteered, and it was Louis who offered to go along with him so he wouldn’t be alone.

  Finn was ecstatic this was working out. “That’s great. And Mr. Kyle said the rest of you should go to his office tomorrow morning.”

  “Sure. Mr. Kyle is great. He’s like super cool.” Nathan made shooting motions with his thumbs and forefingers.

  Super cool. Was he getting old?

  Cort chuckled. “Well, do you need a nap, Little Red? Before going to work or should we all just watch a movie?”

  “I’m good. Let’s watch a movie, that’ll be fun.”

  “As long as it’s not those vampire/werewolf movies. I know they’ve got wolves in them but they make my teeth hurt.” Cort turned the television on, putting it on the movie channel. “How about one of the Transformers movies?”

  “Sounds good. Should I make popcorn?” Finn asked. He knew there were packages in the cupboard that went into the microwave. They’d magically appeared the other day after they’d sat down for a movie and he’d said that a bowl of popcorn was all that was needed to make it perfect.

  A chorus of yeses answered him, the pups pouncing him happily. He cackled, hugged them all to him. He was so lucky, so lucky to have found this. Cort smiled at him from over by the television, eyes full of love and heat and pride.

  It was a good life, simple, honest. It worked.

  The heat in Cort’s eyes reminded him that not everything was simple, but that was okay because it worked too.

  Chapter Eleven

  The pups were all settled in with their jobs. Even Pat seemed to be appreciating the new setup. It made Cort happy because Finn was so much easier in his skin now, not worrying. The only thing that made him grumble was Finn’s insistence that he go to work too in order to contribute. Cort hadn’t been able to convince his pup yet that he had more than enough money for both of them. He would keep working on his pup though, make Finn see that he contributed in better ways than money.

  Today Finn didn’t have to go to work and Cort was taking his pup to the toy store. The club had the greatest store stocked with absolutely anything you could think to want. He and Finn were going to look, explore.

  Finn was napping in their bed, rolling one shoulder as though it was sore. Cort kissed it, hand sliding along Finn’s leg.

  “Wake up, pup.”

  “Mmm. Was dozing.” Finn woke with a smile. His pup was the happiest wolf he knew. That joy was undeniable and totally contagious.

  “I know. You were very cute.” He was head-over-heels crazy for Finn.

  “Glad you think so.” Finn stretched, winced.

  “What’s the matter, pup?”

  “Nothing. Just stretching.”

  “You were favoring your shoulder while you slept.” He rubbed it then kissed Finn’s nose.

  “I’m okay. Honest. You hungry?”

  “We can go eat in a bit. I want to take you to the club’s special store first.”

  “Special store? What kind of special?”

  “It has sexual toys. Stuff like plugs and dildos and nipple clamps and cock rings and whips and handcuffs. And anything you could think of, as well as a lot you would probably never dream of.”

  Finn’s eyes got huge. “No way.”

  Cort chuckled. “Yes. Yes way.”

  Finn whispered low. “Is that even legal?”

  “Yes, it’s legal.” He took Finn’s hand and they left their rooms, moving thr
ough the maze of halls to where the stores lived.

  “But mate, sexual toys?”

  “Doesn’t it sound like fun?” Cort asked.

  Finn gave him a naughty little grin. “Totally.” Oh, there was his eager, curious pup!

  Laughing, he held the door to the shop open for his pup. Finn chuckled too and walked in, eyes wide.

  “We have as much time as you want—and you can ask any question you have. If I don’t know the answer there’s an aide who will.” Cort had to admit there was stuff in here even he wasn’t entirely sure he knew what to do with.

  “Yeah? It’s…wow.”

  “What appeals to you the most?” He wanted to know what would intrigue his pup in this arena.

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know what they are, some of them.”

  “Honestly I don’t know what they all are either, though I can guess for most of them.”

  Finn leaned into him, chuckling. “So many penises, so little time.”

  He looked at Finn and started laughing. “Should we just take one of everything and go explore?”

  “That wouldn’t be very friend—Cort. Cort, that’s a fake mouth. A fake mouth with lips!” Moving to the shelf in question, Finn pointed.

  “It is. I like your mouth better.” Cort grabbed the “mouth” and gave it to Finn.

  “Ew. Ew, it moves!” Finn looked at him, eyes huge. “It’s supposed to suck you!”

  Wait until Finn saw the rubber fist.

  “It is. You want to try it?” He asked, taking it from Finn and turning the dial on it to high.

  “No. No, that’s creepy. No fake lips. No way.”

  “Not for me either. Like I said, I like your mouth better.” Grinning, he turned it off and put it back on the shelf.

  “Yeah. Good!” Finn looked a little affronted. “My mouth is way better!”

  Chuckling, he dropped a kiss on Finn’s nose. He hadn’t had so much fun in years. “Let’s see what else we have here.”

  They wandered together and he loved noticing the things that caught Finn’s eye. The leather was touched, caressed, sniffed. It seemed almost to draw Finn to it.

  “Smells good, doesn’t it?” Cort asked.

  “Yes. Yes, it’s… It makes me want to howl.”

  “Like my hand did on your ass.”

  “Cort!” Finn went bright red.

  “Didn’t it?” He let one eyebrow go up.


  Oh, Goddess. This was fun.

  “You know that made you howl. Of course there’s lots of other things we could use. Floggers, paddles…” He moved Finn to that section, pointing out all the things that connected hard with skin.

  “There’s a whole lot.”

  “There are. Something for every day, every mood, every wanton thought.” He picked up a paddle, tapped Finn’s ass playfully. What would his sweet pup think of that?

  “You should be nice!” Finn might be complaining but Cort could see the ridge of Finn’s erection in his jeans.

  “I’m being very nice.” He swatted a little harder this time.

  “You shouldn’t!”

  “Why not?” He outlined Finn’s erection. “You’re enjoying it.”


  Oh, he wasn’t about to. Cort was loving the tease. Palming Finn’s erection, he let the paddle fall again. Finn tried to move away but Cort wouldn’t have it. He continued to bring the paddle down on Finn’s ass, his free hand working the hardness beneath Finn’s jeans. “Tell me you don’t like this.”

  “I… I don’t—we shouldn’t.”

  “Shouldn’t what, pup? This is what this place is made for. You are made for it too.”

  His pup’s body knew that. Finn keened softly, turned to where he couldn’t reach the sweet, tight ass.

  “Pup.” Cort growled softly.

  A rush of pure arousal crossed Finn’s face, his lover backing up another step. Cort growled again, putting on a fierce face as he stalked his pup. A paddle, a plug—so many toys and it was the chase that aroused them. Whatever worked though, right?

  He took another step, not trapping Finn in place, giving his pup room to escape. For now. Finn took the opening, moving faster now, eyes shifting to search out the next escape. Cort growled more loudly, made sure Finn knew he was giving chase.

  Finn bolted out of the store and Cort made sure that someone saw the paddle, knew to charge it to his room. He got a nod from the twink behind the counter and he took off, catching sight of Finn to the right just before his pup disappeared around a corner. Giving a howl of triumph, Cort put on the gas.

  He took the corner and saw Finn zipping through the main lobby. Ignoring everyone else, he gave chase, growling loudly enough to let Finn hear him. Finn’s moan was audible and once they were in the halls again, Cort slowed, stretching the chase out. His pup’s sweet ass was a temptation but he wanted it to be good so he didn’t pounce yet.

  His own cock was hard in his pants, pushing at his zipper and letting him know he was getting off on this as much as Finn was.

  Finn—his good, smart boy—led them back to their home, to a safe place. He let Finn get inside then he pushed through, slamming the door closed behind him.

  “I have you now, pup.”

  Finn’s eyes twinkled, cock hard, needy. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure.” He stalked toward his beautiful, fascinating pup.

  “Oh, good.” Finn growled, the sound wanton.

  Cort growled back, stalking over to Finn and grabbing his pup up. Finn pushed into him, diving into his kiss. He opened Finn’s mouth, pushing his tongue in to devour his pup. They were on fire, burning, tugging at each other.

  He tore at Finn’s clothing, desperate for skin. When the shirt came off Finn yelped, the sound pained. Frowning, remembering Finn’s movements while he napped, Cort turned him around.


  “What’s wrong with your shoulder?” he demanded.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Just sore from the sprayer. It’s heavy.”

  “There’s some bruising here.” Cort growled. “Your work is hurting you.”

  “It’s not that sore. Just a little tender.”

  “I want you to stop working.” He hadn’t liked it before. Now that he knew it was hurting his pup all bets were off.

  “Cort, I don’t have money to help you if I don’t work.”

  “I don’t need your money. I have enough for us both.” Cort had been trying to convince Finn of this for weeks now.

  “But… I thought a man was supposed to work. I thought those were the rules.”

  “You have some strange ideas of what the rules are.” Cort drew Finn over to the bed and laid him down on his belly. “You are my mate—what’s mine is yours.”

  “But I don’t have so much.”

  Cort started to massage Finn’s shoulder. “Are you crazy? You are everything to me. Everything.”

  Finn whimpered quietly. “Oh. Oh, sore. Sore, mate.”

  “This’ll help, pup.” He growled, though, mad that his dear pup was hurting.

  Finn went still, quiet. “Sorry I ruined our afternoon.”

  “You didn’t ruin it.” They were together, weren’t they?

  “No? I feel like I did.”

  “Why?” He kept rubbing Finn’s shoulder, needing to soothe his mate.

  “Because we were playing and I cried out.”

  “You’re in pain—I’m glad I found out. Playing is better if we’re both at our best. Besides, as long as I’m with you, it’s good.”

  “But we were having fun.” Finn didn’t seem inclined to let it go.

  “This isn’t fun?” Cort wriggled his hips, his prick rubbing on Finn’s ass as he kept rubbing Finn’s shoulder.

  “You know what I mean.” Still, Finn wiggled back.

  “We have all the time in the world to have that kind of fun again. I won’t be getting any less possessive, I promise you.” He thought carefully about his next words.
“I need you to be here with me, mate. To care for things, to offer me your precious time.” It meant more to him than any money Finn could offer. Any money, no matter how large the amount.

  “If that is what you need. I want to be everything right.”

  “You are so right in my life, Finn. You are the most right thing.” Cort had no doubt of that.

  Finn turned in his arms, pushed close. “The most right thing. Oh, mate.”

  He hugged Finn to him. “It’s true, pup.”

  Finn nuzzled his throat, nibbled gently.

  “Love you, mate. With everything I am.”

  “Love. So much.” Finn held him tightly.

  “Then I’m happy.”

  Finn smiled, rubbed their noses together. “Does that mean we can play again soon?”

  “How’s your shoulder feeling?” There would be no playing that caused Finn pain like that.

  “It’ll get better. I promise.”

  “Then we’ll have to find a way to play for now that doesn’t put any pressure on your shoulder. Because I will show you we can play again right now.”

  “Now?” Finn offered him a grin. “I like that idea.”

  Smiling, he came up with a plan. “I’m going to tie you down so you can’t hurt that shoulder. And then I’m going to torture you with silk.”

  “Torture me with silk?”

  “Uh-huh. Soft and featherlight on your skin and there will be nothing you can do about it.” He gave Finn a quick kiss before popping up and moving to the cupboard built into the bedframe where he stored the things he had for playing.

  His sweet pup watched him, eyes warm, happy. Finn seemed settled, happy in his skin.

  Cort pulled out soft rope and a length of silk then stalked back across the bed to his mate.

  “You don’t have to tie me. I promise to stay.”

  “I need to make sure that you don’t strain your shoulder,” Cort insisted.

  “I’ll be good.”

  Cort kissed Finn’s nose. “It’ll be a part of our game.”

  Then he wrapped one wrist and the other so carefully. He kept Finn’s arms down against Finn’s body, looping the rope around his mate’s chest. He didn’t want Finn straining the shoulder worse because he was yanking at it in his struggle to get free.

  “This is…new.”


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