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CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)

Page 7

by Delaney, Clair

  My eyes wonder up, finally resting at his deep, hypnotic, chocolate eyes. He smiles warmly at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners; little dimples appear in his cheeks. I hadn’t noticed those before, they’re cute. And for the first time I see he’s probably older than me, forties maybe?

  “Good evening Coral.” He holds out his hand to me. I don’t smile back at him, I don’t want to give him the wrong impression, but I take his hand and shake it, feeling that same surge of electricity as I felt earlier today; if anything it feels stronger.

  I clear my throat, relocate my heart to my chest and exhale. I hadn’t realised I’d been holding my breath.

  “Tristan,” I say more breathlessly than I want to.

  He lets go of my hand and looks from me to Rob, but my brain just isn’t firing right. Rob quickly stands, extending his hand to Tristan.

  “Rob Delgado,” he says, Tristan takes his hand and shakes it.

  He must realise Rob is gay, yet it’s making no difference to him, which pleases me immensely. There are so many straight guys out there that think they are less of a man if they are associated with gay guys, or back away because they think it’s a disease they might catch or something, morons! Yet, Tristan seems really relaxed about it, he seems really nice – Stop Coral!

  “Tristan Freeman, I know you by reputation of course.” He says.

  “Well that’s good to know.” Rob replies, simply glowing from head to toe. Sitting back down he glances once at me, his look says it all - Yeah I know he’s pretty damn fine!

  “Coral, would you and Rob like to join us?” Tristan asks politely.

  What the hell is with this guy, he’s all alpha male virility, walks like he has total confidence, should be a control freak, yet he seems Is that at all possible?

  “Yes’ – “Thank you,” I blurt stopping Rob. “But’ – “You’re going to say no to me again, aren’t you?” He smiles widely at me, his dimples deepening.

  I feel something deep within me flutter madly – Damn it, stop smiling like that! I blink twice trying to get my brain to work again.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just Rob is my best friend,” I explain, my voice a high pitched octave, I clear my throat and continue. “We haven’t seen each other in a while and’ – “Don’t worry,” he smiles. “I understand. You want to relax and have a fun evening out together.”

  He looks back at his table, my eyes inadvertently follow. Joyce and leggy blonde seem to be hitting it off together. Tristan turns and looks back at me, his expression intense; his deep frown marring his lovely features. “I’m sure the last thing you want to be talking about is work,” he says frowning deeply.

  I squirm uncomfortably in my seat. He sighs heavily and looks down at our table, his eyebrows knitting closer together then he looks up at me and something...something strange and silent passes between us, but I have no idea what it is. Whoa! What was that?

  He stares down at the table for a moment, and I don't know why, but I actually feel sorry for him. It’s as though he’s trying to subliminally tell me something. But what? Maybe work is all he does? Maybe he doesn’t have any friends? Maybe he never gets to blow off steam and have a good time?

  “Well, enjoy your evening.” He says forcing a smile across those amazing lips.

  “T-thank you,” I stutter and hold my hand out to him.

  We shake again. I feel the strange current run through me once more, his lips part as his gaze holds mine for a moment, and I wonder if I’m having the same effect on him as he is with me? His deep frown returns as we stare at one another.

  I squirm again – this should feel wrong – I should be yanking my hand out of his – but I don't want to. I want to stay like this, and that scares the living hell out of me. I don't understand why it feels so right? No man has ever made me feel like that? – Jeez, I really need to see George!

  Releasing my hand, his eyes briefly bore into mine once more.

  “Rob, it’s been a pleasure,” he says pulling his gaze away from me, they shake again. “Do you have a card? I may need your services in the not too distant future.”

  Rob’s eyes sparkle with delight. Rob!

  “Sure.” His eyes light up even more as he digs his wallet out of his back pocket and hands Tristan a business card.

  “Thank you.” Tristan says, placing the card in his wallet. “Have a good evening.” Tristan nods once, his frown still creasing his eyebrows and forehead, then turns and walks away.

  We both turn and look at each other, Robs look says it all - He so would if he could - I can't help the nervous giggle that escapes.

  “Don’t say a word!” I gasp trying to figure out what that was all about? I suddenly feel stone sober, all the alcohol I have had seems to have vanished out of my system. “Let’s eat and leave,” I say all the blood draining from my face.

  “But’ – “I know you want to talk about him Rob, but I can't, not while he’s in here. Let’s eat and drink somewhere else, deal?”

  “Deal!” He beams and starts frantically shoving his Fajita into his mouth. Really, it’s not attractive.

  “Nice!” I comment dryly, and even though I have absolutely no appetite whatsoever, I pick up my fajita and take my first small bite – Ugh, takes like cardboard! – Maybe I am getting sick?


  ROB HAS DEMOLISHED HIS MEAL IN RECORD TIME, and we have finished the second pitcher, but I’ve hardly eaten a thing. “Is that really all you’re going to eat?” He asks. I nod in reply, feeling queasy again. Crap! I don't want to get ill, I hate being’s so boring!

  “Shall we go?” Rob asks, looking disapprovingly at my plate.

  “Yes.” I answer far too eagerly. Rob stares down at me with a quizzical look, but I studiously ignore him. I’m so desperate to get out of the restaurant, away from Tristan’s proximity; that I’m almost hopping in my chair. As Rob calls Chloe over and asks her to get our bill ready, I head for the ladies. When I return to our table, I see Rob is beaming from ear to ear again.

  “What now?” I ask totally bemused.

  “It’s all on him.” Rob says, waving his hand in the air as he stands from the table.

  “What do you mean Rob?” I huff, my hands on my hips.

  “Tristan,” he slowly drawls his name. “Has paid our bill,” he adds, his eyes smiling knowingly at me.

  “What!” I hiss. I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel angry that he’s done that, I wanted this evening to be my treat, my way of thanking Rob for coming out with me at short notice.

  “What?” He huffs seeing the look on my face.

  “I wanted to treat you.” I snap, wondering why I’m feeling so antagonistic towards Tristan. That was a nice thing to have done.

  “Well, he evidently wanted to treat you,” he smirks. “Come on, let’s go,” he adds.

  “Shouldn’t we say something?” I ask.

  “I’m game.” His eyes glint wickedly as he takes hold of my hand and starts pulling me toward their table. That wasn’t what I meant!

  “Rob,” I hiss, trying to pull my hand out of his, but it makes no difference at all. God damn it Rob!

  “Tristan,” Rob says slapping him on the shoulder. “You shouldn’t have, but thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Tristan stands and they shake hands again, but his attention is on me. I stay rooted to the spot, behind Joyce’s chair, my eyes locked on his. He nods to me, and then sits back down, finally breaking eye contact with me. Rob starts casually chatting with Joyce, they know each other well. I can't help getting annoyed with him, he’s holding up the proceedings here! Come on Rob, I want to get out of here!

  As I stand there, feeling totally embarrassed, I catch Tristan staring at me from the corner of his eye. I cannot help staring back; it’s as if he has some sort of hypnotic power over me. I watch as his long fingers pick up his glass of wine and he takes a sip – Oh those lips!

  “Hello Coral.” Leggy blonde is talking to me.

  “Hi.” I say mulishly. She stands and stretches out her hand for me to shake it. I lean across the table and take hold of her hand, it’s so cold – that’s odd! It’s really warm in here?

  “Susannah Johnson.” Her handshake is firm, almost too firm. I don't think I like her, I can't help thinking she’s got it bad for Tristan and I know that shouldn’t bother me, but it does.

  “Coral Stevens.” I tighten my grip, she looks flustered for a second then loosens her grip apprehensively. I let go just as Rob comes and stands beside me.

  Suddenly all eyes are on me.

  “Umm, thank you Tristan,” I say quietly. “For the meal,” I add literally squirming with embarrassment. Why did I just say that out-loud? What else would I be thanking him for?

  Coral, you idiot! Oh, I’m so embarrassed – Rob, please get me out of here! Tristan smiles a slow sexy smile at me, stopping my heart and my breathing at the same time.

  “You are more than welcome Coral,” he says in a croaky, deep, sexy voice.

  I swallow hard, feeling totally flustered. Is it hot in here? Why can't I breathe? And why has my heart suddenly taken off, strumming so fast against my chest, it’s humming like a bird.

  Frowning deeply, I pull my hand up to my throat trying to get myself together, unable to tear my gaze away from his. I notice Susannah glance across at Tristan, and then narrow her eyes at me. Do something Coral!

  Breaking eye contact, I quickly bend down and kiss Joyce on the cheek, trying to take the spotlight off me. “Are you ok?” I whisper.

  “Yes darling.” She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes, so I know she’s not. I make a mental note to ask Gladys to call her tonight. Rob bends down and gives Joyce a farewell kiss, as Rob stands I secretly tug on his shirt to let him know I want to go.

  “Um well, goodnight everyone, enjoy your meals.” I say, smiling down at Joyce. We both turn to leave, but Tristan quickly stands, I stop walking.

  “See you tomorrow Coral, have a nice evening.” He says, his eyes molten lava - Holy crap, I'm going to see him tomorrow? I'm not really sure how I feel about that? And could he be any more polite? Shit, shit, shit!

  “Tristan.” I nod at him and bolt out of the restaurant. I don’t stop until I’m out of eye-view, a few doors down, then I stop and lean my head against the brick wall. Closing my eyes, I try to calm my rapid heartbeat and get some air into my lungs. I hear Rob’s footsteps approach and open my eyes, keeping my head against the wall I stand staring at him.

  “Well that was interesting?” He says a little confused. I snort sarcastically at him. Interesting is not a word I would use for what has developed this evening. Grabbing him by the shirt, I start stomping down Jubilee Street. “Err...where are we going?” He asks, walking fast to keep up with my rapid pace.

  “Northern Lights ok with you?” I ask.

  “Sure,” Rob shrugs.

  We walk in silence, my head filling with all kinds of idiotic thoughts like, Tristan likes you, Tristan wants you – I suddenly stop and take a deep breath trying to stop the wayward chatter, the stupid thoughts.

  “Sunshine! You ok?” Rob asks, wrapping his arms around me.

  I silently shake my head. I have no idea what to say and I'm definitely not ok! I change my mind about Northern Lights. I want the calmness of the sea, a relaxing mellow atmosphere.

  “You want to go home?” Rob asks softly.

  “No.” I mumble into his chest.

  “Come on.” Rob takes me by the hand and ushers me into a waiting taxi. I slide over so he can shuffle in beside me.

  “Where to love?” The driver asks.

  “The far side of the moon,” I mumble, wrapping my arms around my stomach. Why is it fluttering so badly? Rob bursts out laughing at me. I’m so glad he’s finding the whole thing amusing.

  “Eh?” The driver turns in his seat, a confused expression slapped across his face.

  “Don’t mind her,” Rob exclaims. “She’s had too much sun today,” he adds turning to me. “So where to?” he asks softly, his eyes taking on his warm I'm-your-best-friend look.

  “I don’t care.” I answer, turning to stare blankly out the window.

  “Marina mate.” Rob tells the driver.

  “Are you taking me home?” I question.

  “No, I'm not, but I know you well, and when you look like you’re looking now, you always end up drinking too much. So, we go to the Marina, get drunk trying to work all this out, and then I don't have too far to carry your arse home.” Rob teases.

  I finally smile and hit him fondly in the chest. “Well thanks,” I admonish.

  The taxi pulls out into traffic and we head back to the Marina, a few minutes later we arrive. The driver drops us straight outside The Master Mariner, Rob pays and we both step out.

  “Fancy this place?” He asks.

  “I don’t care. I just want a strong drink.” I need to steady my shredded nerves. Rob follows me in and we walk up to the bar together.

  “So what’ll it be sunshine?” I glare at him even though I know he’s trying to cheer me up.

  “I’ll take a J.D on the rocks.” Rob nods to the barman. “Actually can you make that a double?” I add knowing a single will be gone in seconds.

  “And for you?” the barman asks Rob.

  “I’ll take a large glass of Chardonnay.” I pull my purse out my bag to pay, but Rob stops me by placing a twenty on the bar, I’m too mad to argue with him.

  Looking around I feel it’s quiet, relaxed atmosphere start to calm me, I like it in here. This place is all about boating, wooden beams, open brickwork and normally an open fire blazing, but I guess the good weather has put a stop to that.

  Rob passes my drink to me, I take a large gulp of my J.D and swallow. I feel it hit my stomach then spread outward, warming my insides. I shiver a little, which surprises me; I didn’t expect to feel cold tonight? But somehow, I don't think it has anything to do with my body temperature.

  “Outside or inside?” Rob asks taking a sip of his wine.

  “Um...inside I think.” Why do I feel so despondent?

  We wonder over and take a window seat, Rob sits down opposite me. I can't help staring out at the view. I can tell he’s watching me vigilantly, waiting for me to crack, which I have been known to do on occasions...when I’ve had too much to drink.

  “Coral, why are you getting yourself so worked up about him?”

  I sigh heavily and turn to face Rob. “I don’t know it’s really weird, I feel like he can see straight through me or something?” I answer trying to get my own head around it.

  “Is that such a bad thing?” Rob whispers.

  “It’s not that...I,” I take another big gulp of J.D. “I just don’t think I’m ready or capable of anything right now, not with everything going on at work...” I drift off again, staring at the boats bobbing on the water. Rob knows nothing of my horrid past, my reasons for dodging men and relationships. George is the only one I’ve ever opened up to, and even then it took ages for me to do so.

  “Look we’ve discussed the work thing, it’s a given right?” I nod in agreement. “Ok, good. But this guy Coral, he seems really great and he’s got it real bad for you.” I go to interrupt him, but Rob holds up his hand. “Let me finish. Now I mean that, as in it could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Look, I hate to say this, but you’ve been on your own way too long. It’ll send you mad you know.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “It’s not that easy.” I reply shuddering slightly as the memory of my last date comes unbidden into my mind.

  “What’s hard about it?” Rob argues. “It’s simple, you like him, he likes you. You give him your number, you go out on a date...?” Rob shakes his head at me. “You know Coral, for such a smart woman you can be a real dumb ass sometimes.”

  My mouth pops open in shock. “Nice, thanks so much,” I hiss.

  “Sorry babes, but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind.” He adds flippantly.

much for cheering me up tonight,” I say gritting my teeth at him.

  “Coral, just...why are you so against relationships? I’ve never been able to get my head round it?”

  I instantly feel like I'm having a session with George. “Look, if you’re not going to cheer me up I'm going home.” I tell him firmly.

  “Oh come on...I mean I know about Justin, but there’s got be more than that?” He asks.

  “You don't know what you’re talking about Rob.” I spit. He stares back at me with a wounded look – Christ! I run my hand through my hair in frustration. “Rob, you don't understand, I...I’m not like other people, I don't run right, never have, never will, so a relationship is just...” I stare blankly out the window.

  “Why?” Rob whispers.

  “It’s...complicated.” I whisper back, keeping my eyes on my glass of amber liquid.

  “And you can't tell me?” He asks.

  I slowly shake my head at him.

  “Great, I’m your best friend. You should be able to tell me anything.” He rightly points out.

  “I know.” I whisper back, feeling melancholy – I hate it when people probe, why can't he just let it be? Rob cocks one eyebrow up at me. Great, so much for a fun evening out!

  I go back to staring blankly out the window. Rob runs his hands through his black hair and takes a gulp of wine, then he claps his hands together making me jump, I turn and look at him.

  “I’ve got it,” he says looking triumphant. “Ok, so think about Twilight,” he adds excitedly.

  “What?” I ask, frowning in confusion.

  “As an example,” he says enthusiastically.

  “Still not with you?” I say staring blankly at him.

  “How many times have you watched those films?” I grimace feeling too embarrassed to actually say out loud.

  “Too many times,” I say squirming.

  “And what is it you always say to me?” He questions.


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