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CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)

Page 11

by Delaney, Clair

  “I thought you might say that.” He adds wryly and stands to leave. He holds out his hand to help me up, I ignore it.

  “I’m fine thank-you.” I say standing sharply. I’m quite capable of getting out of a seat by myself, even though I am feeling a little wobbly again.

  As I follow Tristan and we reach the door, he pulls it open and gestures for me to go first again. I have to wonder where he gets it from? It’s like he’s straight out of an old black and white movie.

  As I walk outside, I’m blasted by the sheer heat of the day, sapping at my skin, making my head pound even more. I look up and see the sky is blue, there’s not a cloud in site, and the sun is scorching, belting down with wave after wave of ferocious, fiery heat.

  I stop walking, close my eyes and pull in a ragged breathe, but there’s no air, it’s so stifling. Ugh! My head suddenly feels woozy and I feel a little sick. Opening my eyes, I take a step forward and that’s when I feel like I’m going to pass out.

  My right leg buckles and I almost hit the ground, but strong arms quickly encase me from behind, griping me tightly. I don’t panic, because I know from the hands that it’s Tristan, and for some unfathomable reason, I feel ok with it. I place my hands over his and grip tightly, subliminally trying to tell him not to let go as I haven’t found my voice yet.

  “Do you need to sit down?” He asks his lips millimetres from my ear, his voice low and husky, the sheer proximity of him...Oh!

  I feel a shiver run down my spine. I shake my head slowly, unable to understand why I don’t want his arms to leave me. I take in a deep ragged breath, trying to control my irrational thoughts and I’m instantly knocked over by his hypnotic scent. It’s potent, really, really potent; a scent all of its own. I know I can smell the faint odour of aftershave but that’s not what’s taking over all my senses. It’s him, his scent. It’s sweet, sexy, and musky all at the same time. And those pheromones are racing through my nostrils and setting my blood on fire, igniting something deep within me. I feel as though I want to rip every piece of clothing off his body and make crazy, deep, passionate love to him. Whoa! What is that?

  Tristan slowly turns me around, his arms tightly encasing me and pulls me against his chest. Then he gently moves us so that we are under the canopy and out of the direct sunlight. I keep hold of him, my hands on his upper arms; they feel so strong and bulky.

  “Better?” He asks huskily, staring intensely at me. I cannot pull my gaze away from him – Coral what are you doing?

  “Are you alright?” He adds, his eyes examining my face. I manage to move my head up and down once. He brings his hand up to my face and runs a cool, soft finger down my cheek, my breathe hitches at the contact. “Are you sure?” he asks. I can feel his breath against my lips, he’s that close.

  “Yes.” I whisper breathlessly. I almost lean forward to...

  His breathe hitches stopping me. “I feel it too,” he whispers.

  My head instantly clears. I scowl at him and pull slowly out of his arms, pushing him away from me. As we stand their silently staring at one other, I notice he looks lost, hurt, confused. I feel...I don’t know what I feel, which is even more confusing.

  He’s my boss I can't...“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” I hiss and start marching back to Chester House.

  I hear his footsteps close behind me, and quicken my pace. I need to get away from him, away from his proximity, his smell, his eyes; all of him. I hear him call my name, but I ignore it and keep walking. Beads of sweat form on my brow from the relentless sun beating down on me, I take a deep breath trying to calm my thumping heart, but there’s still no air, I feel faint again.

  My head swims and sways as I try to focus my footsteps on getting back to work. If I wasn’t feeling so rough, I would be running full pelt by now.

  “Coral!” He calls my name again, and it’s a plea.

  My steps falter, I don't know why I slow down but I do. He reaches me in seconds and rounds on me so he is facing me, walking backwards.

  “Will you please just stop for a moment.” I carry on walking keeping my eyes to the ground and stumble again, he instantly catches me, but I pull out of his arms and continue walking.

  “Please...” he begs, and it’s the tremble in his voice that makes me stop and look up at him. He takes a deep breath and visibly relaxes in front of me, then reaches out with his hand, his palm open. I turn my head away and stare at the ground.

  “Will you please come with me?” I shake my head at him. I can't do this. He drops his hand to his side. “Please,” he begs again. “This heat is killing me and I’d like to talk to you,” he adds running his hands through his damp hair.

  “I don’t think so,” I whisper.

  “Coral, it’s a conversation. That’s it, I give you my word.” I look up at him, that same intense look is plastered across his face, his eyes tight, his jaw tense, his frown deep.

  My gut instinct is screaming at me to run, to get as far away from Tristan Freeman as I possibly can, but another part of me is intrigued, curious even - I cannot get my head round why he is pursuing me? I feel like I’m being torn in two, part of me wants to take his hand and go with him, the other part of me feels like I’m being dragged along the floor against my will, kicking and screaming the whole time, my fingernails scrapping along the floor trying to stop me.

  “Please?” He takes a step towards me so he is inches from my face. “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, his thumb gently brushing against my cheek.

  I close my eyes in surrender. The sensation of him touching me is exquisite. No man has ever made me feel this way. I take a moment to analyze and assess my feelings. I try to think logically, sensibly about it all, but I don’t feel I can keep fighting it – whatever this is, is too strong for logic or reason. But there’s a few things I need answers to first, I take a deep breath.

  “Tristan, are you married?” I ask, even though there’s no ring – but you never know.




  “Anyone?” I croak. He shakes his head at me. I see a flicker of pain flash across his face. I close my eyes for a moment, when I open them I gaze up at him, decision made. “I have to be somewhere at 6pm tonight. No excuses, I have never missed these...appointments.” I tell him sternly.

  He looks relieved and nods once. “Again, you have my word.” He holds out his hand for me to take it, I look away from his open palm. “I just want to keep you steady on your feet Coral.” I look up and see his eyes are sincere, his words a heartbeat away from making me fall...deeply...Shit!

  “Come to the car with me?” He’s asking? “I really want your help today,” he adds, sounding nervous.

  “Ok.” I croak feeling nervous too, and place my hand in his. The moment I do, I feel like there’s a firework display going off inside me, one boom after the other; my body starts to tingle all many sensations? His fingers slowly entwine themselves with mine. His grip is firm, but gentle. I swallow hard and look up at him.

  “Shall we?” He asks, his thumb gently circling my hand, calming me, relaxing me.

  “Yes.” I manage to whisper, even though I’m feeling completely overwhelmed, on every level. Emotionally, mentally, physically, metaphorically, and at the same time, I feel really confused – I don't know this man, yet, the feel of my hand in his feels like home. Oh god, what am I doing?

  Enjoying CORAL? – Buy The Next Book In The Series, CORAL - Fallen Now By Clicking This Link –


  WE TURN AROUND AND START WALKING AT A GENTLE PACE. Tristan is glancing at me every now and then from the corner of his eye. I try to fathom it, to work out why I suddenly feel so peaceful, so relaxed, I’ve never felt like this before. I frown deeply as I try to understand it – I am walking with a man I hardly know, my hand in his, and I’m not scared - by some god damn miracle I’m not afraid of him; at all.

stan looks down at me and gently squeezes my hand, my heart flutters madly in response. I am astonished that I am feeling ok, no panic attack, no fight or flight reaction.

  I fight back the urge to cry in relief.

  We turn left and walk down the concrete steps to the underground car park, its dark, but a welcome relief from the heat of the sun; down here it’s cool, comfortable. Tristan takes out his mobile and makes a call.

  “We’re here.” He says and hangs up. Who was he calling?

  I look up at him from the corner of my eye. Then Tristan stops walking and keeping hold of my hand, he turns to face me. “Ok?” He softly asks giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I nod silently my eyes perusing the car park for any would be attackers, as I always do. “I saw you in the Gym last night,” he says. “Self defence?” I knew I had seen him. I instantly remember the reason for my aching ribs. “Coral? Is it to keep fit, or to learn how to protect yourself?” He asks looking concerned. I decide not to answer, he already knows too much. “You’re safe with me Coral.” He whispers, his expression is so profound I feel my legs start shaking. How did he know what I was thinking?

  “I know.” I whisper. Because I know it’s true, that I am safe with him, but at the same time I know I shouldn’t say that. This cannot happen; I’m not good for him.

  “I mean it.” He states more firmly. “I’ll protect you, no matter what.” He smiles down at me, his eyes glowing with sincerity. I look up into his wide, sincere eyes – I can only see truth. I swallow hard against the lump that’s formed, and try to make my lips smile back at him.

  I hear male voices heading into the car park, and from all the swearing and bantering, I’d say they’re roughnecks, exactly the kind of guys I avoid like the plague. Tristan cocks his head to the side, noticing my reaction and turns around to watch them. I see them enter from the far right corner, and take a small step behind Tristan, keeping hold of his hand.

  They look like builders, construction workers, I'm not sure which as they are both dressed in combat shorts and boots, their torsos are bare and very tanned – I guess that’s all the good weather we are having – and are holding what looks like an early lunch, or late breakfast depending on how you look at it. They both notice me as they walk towards their vehicle, I can tell they’re dying to say something but with Tristan stood next to me I guess it changes things, but I still feel nervous.

  I have no social skills when it comes to dealing with men like that – I just clam up. I squeeze Tristan’s hand and he gently squeezes me back, it’s as though he’s silently telling me not to worry. They head straight past without a word, a wolf whistle, or some derogatory remark. I am astonished and gleeful at the same time – God that felt good!

  I have never been able to walk past a building site without something being shouted at me, it’s not nice, especially for someone like me. Debs has always lapped it up when she’s wolf whistled at. Personally, I think it’s just asking for trouble when you jeer them on. Tristan is still watching them walk away – I use the opportunity to study him.

  He’s tall, more than six feet - I think. Has long lean legs, a slim waist and very broad shoulders, I guess that’s all the swimming. But there’s something else about him that I’m missing, something I can't quiet put my finger on? He certainly has an air of authority about him, a knowing...I try to work it out – Is it inner-confidence? He seems very sure of himself – wish I was confident like that.

  I sigh inwardly, whatever it is, I guess I’ll figure it out. Either way, standing so close to him, I feel safe and protected. I can tell he can look after himself, which means he can look after me. And I know in that moment, he has made a fundamental difference to me. I don’t quite know what it is yet, but I’ll soon find out when I see George tonight.

  Tristan turns and gazes down at me, my hand still in his. I think he’s waiting for something, but I don’t know what?

  “What are you waiting for Tristan?” I whisper feeling shy.

  “The car.” He explains.

  “The V8?” I ask looking around me.

  “You knew what car it was?” He asks slightly astonished.

  I nod shyly. “You have my dream car.” I tell him playfully – What the hell - I’m never playful?

  “Seriously?” He looks at me like I’ve just told him I’m an alien, totally amazed.

  “Yeah...F-Type, it’s the 5.0 litre supercharged V8, right?” Tristan laughs out-loud throwing his head back as he does. It echoes and bounces off the cement walls of the car park. His laugh is simply wonderful. I light up inside. How can he have that effect on me? Then I realise, he’s laughing at me, not with me. I immediately feel defensive. I have no confidence, so I can't take a joke, whether it’s at my expense or not, I really can't take people laughing at me.

  “Are you mocking me?” I snap, my face losing all humour.

  “No.” He laughs again, but emphasises his point by shaking his head. “I’m just shocked you knew which model it was.” He adds still chuckling hard.

  I let go of his hand, cross my arms and pout at him.

  “Amazing.” He mumbles to himself, then turns and holds his hand up to an approaching silver Jaguar, only this one is completely different to his.

  “Where’s your car?” I say feeling a little miffed that I won’t be getting a drive in it.

  “At the hotel.” He smiles.

  “Oh...” I can't help scowling.

  “You wanted the F-Type?” He says knowingly. How does he know?

  “Which model is this?” I ask as it pulls up along-side us. Tristan opens the rear passenger door for me and I slip inside. The luxury leather seats immediately encase me and I’m amazed by the amount of legroom available, and it’s so cool inside; I actually shiver a little. Tristan shuts my door and I look up at the driver, feeling a little embarrassed.

  “Good morning.” I say quietly.

  “Good morning, Miss Stevens.” He knows my name, how?

  I watch Tristan walk around the other side and slip in beside me. I'm finding it hard to stop looking at him.

  “Morning Stu.” Tristan beams widely at the man behind the wheel.

  “Good Morning Sir. Shall I head to the first appointment?” He asks pleasantly.

  “Please.” Tristan replies kindly. “Seatbelt, Coral.”

  “Oh...” I quickly clip it into place just as Tristan does and we head out into traffic. “He knows my name.” I whisper a little shakily to Tristan, he smiles warmly at me.

  “I told him to expect you. This is my driver, Stuart Riley.” I look up at the rear view mirror again, Stuart nods to me.

  “How long have you known him?” I whisper not wanting to seem panicky. Trusting people is a huge issue for me. Tristan maybe sort of winning me over, but that doesn’t mean I trust others around him.

  “Coral, relax, I’ve known Stu ten years. He’s been my driver for five of those.” He whispers back.

  “Oh...ok.” I say feeling a little more relaxed. As I look down at Tristan’s legs, I see he still has plenty of room, which brings me back to my original question. “So what model is this?” I ask again, scanning the huge panoramic tinted glass roof that extends the full length of the car, making me feel cocooned. And I’m surprised at how private the cabin area feels. I had no idea Jaguar made cars for chauffeuring.

  “It’s an XJ premium luxury long wheel base model.” He answers.

  “It’s really nice.” I offer, feeling quite spoiled that I am been driven in complete luxury.

  “What engine does it have?” Tristan laughs loudly again.

  “What?” I bark. Why does he keep laughing at me? I already have enough self-esteem issues.

  “Nothing...” he chuckles, shaking his head in amusement.

  I huff and frown sulkily at him.

  “Hey.” Tristan reaches for my hand, the moments our skin touches I relinquish. “I’m sorry. I don't mean to laugh...I just find it so sweet and fascinating that you like cars.” He smiles down at me, then gazes o
ut the window. “Most women don’t.” He adds, then taking me by surprise, he lifts my hand up to his lips, making his intention clear and lightly kisses my knuckles.

  I shiver from head to toe. His lips are warm and so soft, I practically melt like ice-cream into the leather – and I’m surprised at myself, I have always thought guys that do that sort of thing are corny and are literally trying to get into a woman’s knickers, but with Tristan, I can't find anything that’s corny, fake or shallow about him at all. I swear he’s all heart and soul.

  “So the engine?” I ask trying to keep my voice steady.

  “Not sure, Stu?”

  “Sir, this is the 3.0 litre petrol V6 supercharged model, 0-60mph in 5.7 seconds.” I cock one eyebrow up and smile at Tristan.

  “You have a thing for supercharged cars.” I chuckle.

  “I didn’t choose this.” He says. Huh?

  “Really?” I ask a little high pitched.

  Tristan shrugs. “Well I’m not the one driving it so’ – “You picked it Stu?” I say working it out by myself.

  “Yes Miss Stevens.” He says.

  “Nice choice.” I say. “And please, call me Coral, I don’t like Miss Stevens, makes me sound like a teacher.”

  “As you wish.”

  I smile at Stu, then turn to Tristan. “So you let your staff choose their cars?” I tease, feeling quite astonished that he does.

  “No.” He shakes his head to emphasise his point. “Stu was told which model I wanted. He could choose the engine, the extras all that kind of stuff.” He says waving his hand.

  “Oh.” I don’t know why but I feel like playing him up, teasing him. “So do I get to choose?” I say, trying to keep the grin off my face.

  “No.” He snaps. “Company cars are always the same, no matter who it is.” Holy Shit I’m getting a car?

  “I was only joking Tristan.” I say, choking on my own words.


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