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Saving Eira (Fated Seasons Book 1)

Page 13

by Laura Greenwood

  “If you don’t want to, we don’t have to.” Josh leaned across and placed a gentle on her leg. She wished he wouldn’t, gentle wasn’t what was going on in her imagination.

  “That’s not what I’m saying.” She met each of their eyes, noticing that none of them looked the slightest bit uncomfortable. Which was good for her. Very good. “And you’re all fine with it?” Josh nodded and Leth just smiled, leaving Rueben to answer for them.

  “We’re more than fine with it.”

  “You might end up touching each other,” she pointed out, unsure how they’d cope with that one.

  “You say that like you have experience.” Leth smirked from where he was leaning against her living room wall, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world. Nothing new there then. Eira looked away from them, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. She’d never felt this way about sex before, and yet here she was.

  “Maybe,” she murmured.

  “And you liked it?” Josh asked softly. She nodded.

  “How many men, Eira?” Leth asked. She whipped her head up at the use of his name, and her pale grey eyes met his glowing ones.

  “Never three,” she admitted.

  “Good.” He stalked forward, his face deadly serious for a change, and with two fingers under her chin, gently tipped her head back. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that was both demanding and reassuring. After what didn’t feel like long enough, he broke the kiss and met her eyes again. “Then let us be your first.”

  She leaned back, sinking into the worn sofa, Leth following her down til his hard body was pressed against hers, excitement building up inside her that had nothing to do with her succubus coming to the surface. He broke the kiss, staring down at her with glazed eyes.

  “We should move somewhere with more space,” Rueben said from Eira’s right, and she nodded, making an odd affirmative noise. Leth held out a hand, and pulled her to her feet. She let go, and moved off towards her room.

  “Coming?” she asked over shoulder when none of them followed.


  For all her bravado, and the excitement she was sure as hell feeling, she was also kind of nervous. Which wasn’t being helped by the three sets of eyes staring at her intently.

  Rueben broke first, and stepped around so that he was behind her, brushing her pale blonde hair to the side to give him access to her neck. She shivered slightly, remembering the feeling of his teeth breaking her skin the last time they’d been together, and silently hoping that he’d do it again. Tonight. While Josh and Leth used their magic. Alone, the three of them were amazing, together, she almost dreaded to think. Well, she was certain that thinking would be beyond her within moments.

  Rueben peppered kisses against the soft skin of her neck and she rolled her head back, already beginning to lose it.

  “Josh, if you please,” Rueben said, his low voice sending vibrations through her.

  “Of course,” he replied, and green sparks began to dance along Eira’s body, her clothing quickly disappearing and leaving her completely exposed to their gazes. Not that she was complaining, maybe it would encourage them to get a move on and touch her more already.

  Rueben pulled away, leaving the path to the bed completely clear, one look from Josh telling Eira that she was expected to there, and preferably three minutes ago.

  “You look nervous, Frostie,” Leth said, closing the distance between them, leaving just Josh outside of touching distance. “What can we do to help?”

  “I’m not sure,” she whispered, not wanting to admit to her nervousness.

  “Would another kiss help?” he asked.

  Leth’s kiss came within seconds of her nod, not quite as tender as before, moving towards demanding. He slipped across her bare skin, leaving a trail of heat behind him. She still wasn’t used to how warm he was compared to her, and how amazing the heat difference felt. She moaned into their kiss, beginning to relax.

  Instead of holding still, Leth backed her towards the bed, falling down on top of her, much like he had on the sofa outside.

  A hand began to trail up her left leg, and she felt Leth shift to the side, not breaking the kiss, but making room for whoever it was that was now positioning himself between her legs. She was pretty sure that it was Rueben, Josh would feel slightly warmer rather than the same temperature as Eira. Not that she really cared. The only thought crossing her mind was that there were only two of them touching her right now. She pulled away from Leth’s kiss, and he took the opportunity to begin trailing kisses in a path down her neck.

  “Josh,” she murmured through the haze.

  “I’m here,” he whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from her face and looking at her with his caring green eyes. He was sat slightly off to the left, confirming her suspicions that it was Rueben’s hand smoothing up her leg. She tore her eyes away from Josh’s, to see the wicked look on the vampire’s face. Seeing her watching, he leaned down and kissed the inside of her thigh, moving slowly higher, and drawing out a low moan from Eira. Between the sensations of Rueben’s kisses, and those of Leth’s, who was ever so slowly making his way towards her breasts, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle it when Josh touched her too.

  Almost as if they’d planned it, Leth took one of her nipples into his mouth at the same time as Rueben reached her core, making Eira throw her head back as the pleasure took over. Through half opened eyes, she saw the slightly amused look on Josh’s face, only then noticing that he held up one of his hands covered in green sparks. Which could only mean one thing. This was about to get even better. He smiled at her, letting the sparks go, and she tried to focus as they began to dance over her skin, only adding to pleasure that was welling up inside her. Damn them for knowing all her weaknesses. Damn them in the sweetest possible way.

  It took mere moments for it all to overtake her and stars began to dance behind her eyes, pleasure exploding through her and making her lose control.

  “Well, that didn’t take long,” Leth said once she’d come back down to earth, a self-satisfied look on his face.

  “Like it ever does,” Rueben added, getting to his feet and unbuttoning his shirt, swiftly dropping it to the floor.

  “We’re not done?” she asked weakly.

  “Why would we be done, E? I haven’t even touched you yet.” Josh’s tone wasn’t it’s normal playful, instead, it was full of the promise of what was to come. Eira shivered. She liked it when Josh got this way. It was another side to him, and not one he tended to use. Goosebumps covered her body, anticipation already building again.

  “But the real question, is which of our promises do you want us to keep the most, Frostie?” Leth asked.

  “All.” The one word was all she could manage to get out, there was too much already going on for more.

  “Maybe we should blindfold her, make her wonder which we’re going to do,” Leth suggested.

  “No,” she responded instantly.

  “Not a fan of the idea?” Josh asked softly, dropping the commanding tone he’d had just moments before.

  “Later. Not today.” The idea excited her, that was certain, but she wanted to be aware of what was going on this time. It would forever be their first. If she thought about it, she should probably try to unleash the frosts again already, that was why they were doing this after all. Or maybe not. If they’d been discussing it the night before, then they’d have no idea that being with her seemed to unlock her magic. Which meant they wanted it as much as she did.

  “Stand,” Rueben said, and she shuffled down the bed, planting her shaky legs on the floor and rising to her feet. “And turn,” he added, his voice softer already.

  “How do you want to do this, E?” Josh asked, watching Rueben as he stepped up behind Eira, brushing her hair away from her neck and pressing his now naked body into hers. She moaned slightly, and leaned back into him.

  “I don’t know,” she managed to get out, only to be distracted by Rueben nibbling gent
ly on her neck. She was impressed by his self-restraint, especially as she could feel the points of his fangs pressing against the soft skin there.

  “So we can call the shots?” Leth prowled around the bed, before stopping in front of her and leaning down to kiss her, pushing her back further into Rueben’s body. Leth rested a hand on her waist, circling the skin and making her moan.

  “I think we can,” Josh’s voice broke through the haze, as it was bound to, he was speaking in his authoritative tone, the one that always made her hot. Well, metaphorically hot.

  Leth ended the kiss, and Eira whimpered at the loss of contact. At least she still had Rueben pressed up against her, and he seemed more than happy to be there.

  She reached around to take him in her hand, but he stopped her. “No, Eira.”


  “No.” She deflated a little inside, disappointed that he was back to denying her. “Get on the bed, hands and knees,” he whispered into her ear, and the deflation instantly vanished. She did as he commanded, aware of how on display she was, and of the satisfied smirk on Josh’s face. He could smirk all he wanted so long as she got the ending she desired.

  Familiar hands smoothed over her back, igniting her already sensitive skin. “Remember what I promised?” Rueben asked, and she nodded. She didn’t know what he was waiting for though, she was already willing and ready. “Good.”

  With a surprising amount of gentleness, he slid into her, pulling her hips back towards him, making her cry out. She was still coiled up tight from before, and this was only adding to it. The room was silent except for their heavy breathing, and the uncontrollable sounds caused by skin meeting skin. It was intense, and completely unlike she’d ever experienced before, and knowing that the other two were watching was only winding her up tighter. She wasn’t sure she could take much more, at least without spontaneously combusting, which would be impressive given her normal core temperature.

  “E,” Josh commanded, and she looked up, meeting his intense green eyes. It was difficult to maintain the contact, particularly as Rueben took the opportunity to increase his pace, causing her to let out a sharp moan. Josh cupped her face in his hand, and leaned down to kiss her swiftly. “Think you can take two of us?” he asked quietly, not looking away from her eyes. Right now, she wasn’t sure, but the fluttering deep in her belly told her she didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity. Slowly, she nodded, and a grin broke out over Josh’s face. He stood back exchanging glances with Rueben, who pulled out, leaving her feeling empty and incomplete. Though she suspected that would be changing very soon.

  “I’m happy just to watch,” Leth said in response to Josh’s unspoken question. “But not next time.” Eira looked up and noticed he was stroking himself, his eyes locked on her, and a hungry expression on his face. Somehow, she didn’t think next time was very far away.

  “Have you done this before?” Rueben asked. While she appreciated how sweet and caring they were being right now, sweet and caring weren’t exactly what she wanted.

  “Yes,” she said past the slight lump in her throat. Excitement most likely, though a few nerves. Before it hadn’t mattered if this had gone wrong, but now...

  “Relax Eira,” Rueben said, smoothing a hand down her back. “Come to me when you’re ready,” he added, withdrawing his hand, and going to sit on the bed, leaning against the headrest and waiting for her. She shouldn’t be as nervous as she was.

  She crawled towards him, his knowing grin spurring her on. She moved up his body, pressing hers against his and kissing him, slipping her tongue between his lips and deepening it. Rueben pulled her to him with a strong hand at her back, and she mewled, wanting more. She moved to straddle him, but Rueben backed off and shook his head.

  “Back to me, Eira.” His voice was low, and full of promise. She shivered, the anticipation being almost too much. “I’ll go slow,” he whispered in her ear. She locked eyes with Josh as Rueben eased into her, the initial pain giving way to an intense full feeling that she knew would only push her higher. He moved against her slowly, and she moaned, leaning back against him and exposing her neck.

  “Give it a moment, E, and he’ll bite.” Josh chuckled as he moved towards them. “Are you ready?” She nodded once, and he moved up her body, positioning himself between her legs. The moment he entered her, she forgot just about everything, there was no way she couldn’t with the two them moving against her, and the almost too full feeling that was only pushing her closer to the edge.

  “Now might be a good time to bite her,” Leth suggested through slightly baited breath.

  Instead of responded with words, Eira felt Rueben’s teeth against the skin of her neck, and without waiting any longer, he sunk his teeth into her, and began to draw her blood into him. She felt sparks begin to make themselves known against her skin, and a familiar warmth that must be Leth’s magic, joined it.

  Everything became too much for Eira, and her thoughts faded into nothingness to the point that everything ran together in her mind. She began to shake, the only thing grounding her being the hands of the two men on her arms.

  “Let go, E.” Josh’s voice was strained, much like she’d expect her own to be if she was trying to speak. His words seemed to be her undoing, and she exploded with a flurry of snow behind her eyes. Given the the soft wet splotches against her skin, she suspected the snow was outside of her head as well.

  She collapsed back onto Rueben, Josh following suit. She didn’t want to move ever again if she could help it. There was no need she was sure.


  “We’re doing that again, right?” Eira’s voice sounded blurry as she came to, finding that the men had moved away from her and cleaned up. Probably a good thing, she wouldn’t have been able to do it herself. Then again, maybe Josh had just used his magic and made the whole process ten times quicker. She really should work out what she could do herself now too. Maybe she could even stop babies until she was ready. Then again, she had three mates who clearly weren’t shy about the act itself, in all likelihood, no contraception could contain them. Now there was a scary thought. Looking after kids wasn’t exactly top of her list.

  “Right now, E?” Josh asked, chuckling to himself.

  “Maybe not right now,” she replied, stretching slightly.

  “Has it worked?” Leth’s voice came from the doorway and she looked up, disappointed to see that he was already dressed. Actually, so was Josh. Well that was annoying. At least it sounded like Rueben was still in the shower. She could go enjoy that show if she wanted. Maybe she should...swinging her legs around, she placed them on the floor and winced. Or maybe she wouldn’t be going anywhere. Apparently, there was a drawback to amazing sex.

  “Let me help,” Josh said softly, touching her leg and bringing forth his magic. Amazingly it seemed to work, soothing away the pain. She gaped at him.

  “You can do that?”

  “Evidently,” he deadpanned.

  “How didn’t I know that?”

  “You didn’t need it last time.” He looked at her with so much devotion in his eyes that it almost hurt, but in the sweetest possible way. She covered his hand with her own, giving it a squeeze.

  “True,” she sighed and finally stood.

  “So, magic?” Leth prompted, not having moved from the door.

  “I don’t know,” Eira responded, reaching inwards. “It feels kind of different.”

  “Want to try it out?”

  “I kind of need to,” she pointed out, gaining an amused smile from Josh and a somewhat exasperated sigh from Leth.

  “I’m serious, Frostie.”

  “Because it’s your Mother who’s at fault most likely,” she joked, instantly regretting it when she saw the look that passed over Leth’s face. Instead of heading towards the shower like she’d intended, she made her way over to the door and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close to her and nuzzling into his neck. “I’m sorry, Leth, I didn’t mean it like that.”
  “I know,” he responded, pulling her closer still. “I just don’t like that she’s done this to you. It can’t be good keeping the frosts so pent up.”

  “Huh.” She hadn’t thought about it like that. She was definitely worried for the consequences, but she hadn’t thought about them in terms of herself and how the bottling up of her powers may affect her aversely.

  “Realising I’m right, Frostie?” His tone lightened somewhat and she sighed in relief. At least she hadn’t upset him too much.

  “Yes,” she admitted reluctantly. “Guess we should get this over with.”

  “Erm, Frostie?” he asked as she pulled away and pushed past him so she could get to the door.


  “Maybe put some clothes on first.” His eyes danced with amusement, but the undercurrent of lust was still there. She hoped it always would be. The moment he stopped wanting her would be a sad day.

  “Oh, yes maybe.” She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out some leggings and a baggy jumper. While looking good would have been preferable, right now, making sure winter came on time was probably the far better option.

  Now fully dressed, she made her way to the living room, where she noticed that everything was pushed back from the edge, making room for her.

  “We thought it might be easier,” Josh supplied, having followed her out of the bedroom.

  “Wouldn’t want to ruin your flat,” Rueben added, walking out of the bathroom, towel drying his hair and making Eira’s mouth water.

  “Are you ready?” Josh asked, a caring look in his eyes that was completely at odds with how he’d been looking at her an hour or so ago. Not that she minded, in fact, Eira loved that he seemed to have two completely different sides to him, and that she got to see both.

  “As I’ll ever be.” She tried to ignore the knots in her stomach. “She’s going to come through a door, isn’t she?” she asked, turning to Leth.

  “Most probably, I don’t think you stealing the frosts back will go unnoticed.”


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