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Secret Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 5)

Page 10

by Marysol James

  “Nuh-uh.” He shook his head. “I’m not putting it away.”

  “No?” She wandered over to the sofa, and relaxed on to it.


  “So… what are you doing with it?”

  Curtis leaned back against the kitchen counter. “I’m going to blindfold you and feed it to you.”

  Tessa almost fell off the damn sofa. “You – what?”

  “I’m going to sit you here on the kitchen floor blindfolded, and I’m going to feed you by hand.”

  “Oh, my God.” Tessa burst out laughing.

  “What?” Curtis said, grinning back at her. “What’s funny?”

  “It’s just…” She giggled. “I think I saw this in a movie once.”

  “Baby, everyone saw this in a movie once.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “So.” He cocked his head at her. “We gonna do this, or what?”

  She stopped laughing now, seeing how totally serious he actually was.

  “Uh.” She flushed. “You mean it? Like, you’re going to blindfold me with a tie and feed me?”


  Relief flooded over her, but only for a few seconds.

  “I’m not going to blindfold you with a tie, ‘cause I’m not a tie kind of guy, and I ain’t got a tie.” Curtis held her eyes. “I’ll blindfold you with my scarf.”

  “You – what?” she whispered.

  “You heard me.” He crossed those huge arms now, and she looked at him, transfixed and terrified. “You heard me as clear as day.”

  Tessa blinked. She didn’t have the first goddamn inkling what to say to any of this, so she just sat and stared at him. Curtis saw the uncertainty on her face, and he waited. He wanted her to think it over without him pushing, and decide how far she was willing and able to go.

  “You – you…” She faltered and fell silent. He waited some more. “You’re going to feed me?”


  “By hand?”


  “On the floor?” She choked out the next word. “Blindfolded?”


  “Oh, my God.” Her voice was hushed now. “You’re serious?”

  “You know it, baby.”

  “But –” She stuttered to a stop again. “But why?”

  “I’m going to help you learn to enjoy the taste of food, Tessa.”

  “You….” She shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts. “Really?”

  “Yes.” He gave her a slow smile, and her stomach tightened up. “Really.”

  Tessa opened her mouth to say really? yet again, then shut it. They’d been in a conversational loop for almost a full minute now, and Curtis’ answers remained unchanged. He wanted to do this, and she had to decide if she wanted to, too.

  Oh, Lord. Who was she kidding? Of course she did. The thought of being close to Curtis in this way – while vulnerable and supplicant, her mouth open and her eyes covered – was turning her on. Big-time. Her pussy was actually fluttering, her clit was pulsing and throbbing. Tessa had never been so aware of her sex before… and now it was literally the only thing that she could think about.

  Curtis saw it in her face, and his cock jumped to attention. Was she going to agree to this? If she did, it said a lot about how she felt about him. If she let him do this, it meant that she was starting to trust him, and right now, that was all that Curtis wanted from her. If he got that, he’d wait for everything else.

  “OK,” she said softly. “I – I’ll try.”

  “Come over here, baby.”

  She got to her feet, slowly walked to him. He opened his arms and gathered her close, then cupped her sweet face in his huge hands, holding her eyes.

  “I love you,” he said. “You know I won’t take advantage of you, right?”

  “Right,” she whispered.

  “Sit down.”

  Her legs weak and shaking, she sank to the floor, leaned against the kitchen cupboards. She watched him go over to the door, grab his scarf from his coat pocket. He approached her, so large and muscular, and she swallowed hard.

  Curtis knelt down in front of her, and stroked her cheek. “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  The scarf came towards her now, and she shut her eyes. Curtis tied it around her head, adjusted it a bit.

  “Alright?” he asked. “Too tight?”

  Right away, she noticed how different he sounded. She’d always found Curtis’ voice sexy as all-hell, but listening to it in the dark was an entirely new experience. It was low and husky and rough – and beneath his words, she heard his molten, simmering desire.

  Desire for me.

  “No, not too tight,” she said now, her voice constricted. “I’m OK.”

  “So you relax for a minute, then.” She heard him stand up, and move to the kitchen island. “Let me grab a few things.”

  Tessa nodded. Feeling oddly exposed, she pulled her legs to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, rested her chin on her knees. She listened intently as plastic bags rustled, objects clinked and thudded on the counter, and he cut something in to pieces. She tried to remember what Curtis had bought at the grocery store, but it had been a bewildering selection. All she recalled off-hand were lemons, croissants, carrots, and butterscotch chips.

  She heard bowls and plates being set on the floor around her now, and she tensed up a bit. In her disorientation about being sightless, she’d completely missed the fact that she’d actually be eating. And based on what she knew he’d bought, Curtis would be feeding her several things loaded with sugar, carbs and fat. Suddenly afraid of the calorie-bonanza coming her way, she felt her breath catch.

  Curtis heard it and in a flash, he was kneeling in front of her again, his hands on her shoulders.

  “Tessa? What’s going on?”

  “I’m just –” She fought to stay calm. “I’m talking myself out of panicking.”

  She sensed his stillness. “You about to panic?”

  “I don’t know.” She gulped. “I don’t want to.”

  “Talk to me, then. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She concentrated on his voice, on his hands, on his body so close to hers. “I’m worried about eating too many calories, all at once.”

  “OK.” He stroked her hair, and she leaned in to his touch. “What else?”

  “Uh.” She considered. “That’s it, actually.”

  “That’s the truth?”


  “So then you have nothing to worry about. Yeah, I bought some sugary things, some fatty things, but I also bought lots of healthy stuff. This isn’t about topping up your calorie intake – it’s about trying as many different tastes and flavors and textures as possible.”

  Tessa felt her chest open up a bit. “It is?”

  “Yep. I’ll give you a tiny bit of everything, and not too much of anything. I want you to just taste the food, Tessa. Just – just enjoy it. OK?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good.” He kissed the top of her head, got to his feet. “Two more minutes, baby. Hang in there.”

  Feeling much better, she relaxed. And as she did, she started to think about what was going to happen here. She was going to sit, blind and defenseless, and let this giant of a man feed her. She was going to open up to him, let him in. She was going to take from him, take what he gave her, take without question.

  She was going to trust Curtis. Really, really trust him.

  Curtis sat down in front of Tessa slowly, giving her lots of time to know where he was. He opened his legs, tugged her between them. When she came willingly and rested her hands on his thighs, his heart jumped at her total lack of fear. He looked around them, eyed the food, and then with a grin, he picked up a peach from the fruit bowl.

“Open up, baby,” he said, holding it to her perfect mouth.

  Without any hesitation at all, she did. She opened up. And Curtis’ cock hardened in his jeans as he watched those rosebud lips clamp down tentatively on the golden-pink flesh. She bit, sucked, withdrew with a smile.

  “A peach,” she breathed. “I love peaches.”

  He tried to focus. “How’s it taste? How’s it feel in your mouth?”

  She chewed, really seemed to think about his question. “Sweet. Juicy.” Her tongue snaked out and licked her lips, and Curtis almost groaned at the sight. “Soft.”

  Beating down the dirty, erotic fantasies that her words evoked in him, and giving himself a stern talking-to about the purpose of this little exercise, Curtis set down the peach and reached for the lemon slice. “And this?”

  Obediently, she bit down on it. Her nose wrinkled in the most adorable way, and she grimaced. “Lemon!”

  “Yeah, clearly.” Back in control of himself, he grinned. “How’s it taste? Feel?”

  “Sour, obviously. But also… it’s stringy. Ummm.” She swallowed. “It makes the sides of my mouth tingle and water at the same time.”

  “You like it?”

  “I don’t know. It’s… refreshing, in a way.”

  “Good, baby. You doing OK?”

  “Yeah,” Tessa said. She really was, too. She was actually enjoying this, and to a surprising degree. She’d never taken the time to sample food before, to savor flavors. She was eager to see what taste or texture she’d be introduced to next, and any fear or trepidation she’d had at first was long gone.

  Curtis grabbed the bar of chocolate. “Stick out your tongue.”

  Playful now, she did, and he deposited a square on it carefully. She chewed, smiled a bit.

  “That’s bitter. Is it chocolate?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “Dark chocolate. Ninety percent cocoa.”

  “Hmmmm. I’m not crazy about it. It’s kind of grainy too. Sandy.”

  “Yeah?” Curtis ate a square too. “You’re right, actually. Weird that I’ve never noticed that before.”

  “You should eat blindfolded.”

  He laughed. “Maybe.”

  “What’s next?”

  And so for the next twenty minutes, Curtis fed her. Tessa sampled everything, and discovered a whole new world.

  She found out that marshmallows were too damn sweet, and also unpleasantly spongy; that carrots were hard enough to hurt her teeth, and were weirdly acidic. She decided that salt-and-vinegar potato chips made her lips itch, but she liked the crunch; that cheddar cheese had a great, sharp taste, but the consistency was buttery. She declared that brown bread tasted like a damp blanket, that tuna was slimy and oily, that salsa was fiery and chunky, and that meat was a delicious combination of smoky and earthy.

  Curtis had almost as much fun as she did. OK, sure, there was still a sexual element to all of this, but it had taken a backseat to her genuine enjoyment of really tasting food for the first time in her life. Her beautiful face was alight with excitement, and she laughed and chattered without any self-consciousness or embarrassment. Seeing her like this – relaxed, free and natural – was incredible. Curtis didn’t think he’d ever seen her so fucking gorgeous.

  Tessa smiled up at him now. She’d totally lost any residual discomfort about wearing the blindfold, and she didn’t want this to end.

  “Alright,” she said. “What else have you got?”

  He grinned, sure that his girl with the sweet-tooth was going to love this. “One last thing.”


  “Open up,” he said, and when she did, he gently rubbed his finger on her lower lip, then slipped it in to her mouth. Immediately, she closed her mouth around him, sucking the maple syrup off him. She was greedy and hungry, and suddenly, the sexual component was back; back in a goddamn big way.

  Tessa felt it, too. Without even fully realizing it, her tongue started to swirl around and stroke Curtis’ finger. Her mind went straight back to the world of dirty fantasy, and her small hands came up and covered his large one. She held him in place as she began to move back and forth, sucking and pulling. She slid his finger in and out, slowly, then faster.

  Without her sight, her other senses were so heightened, so hyper-aware. Tessa heard his breathing change, smelled his clean, lemony soap, felt every muscle in his legs pressing in to her sides. Curtis felt like pure, deep, wicked temptation to her, and she knew that she wasn’t even going to try to resist him. He just felt too damn good.

  Curtis’ mind was also thrown in to the gutter. His whole body had gone rigid, first from surprise, then from blazing arousal. And he was rigid everywhere. If he’d thought that it had turned him on to listen to Tessa describe a peach the way that he imagined her pussy, it was nothing – fucking nothing – to having her suck his finger the way that he imagined her working his cock.

  “Tessa,” he rasped, barely holding on to his control. “Careful, baby.”

  “Why?” she murmured. “Why careful?”

  “Because,” he said. “What you’re doing makes me want to put my mouth on you, all over you.”

  She smiled, a hot, sexy little smile, and Curtis knew that he was totally fucked now.

  “You want to put your mouth on me?” she asked. She licked his fingertip again, gave a little moan that just couldn’t be contained. “God, you’re delicious, Curtis… do you want to see if I am, too?”

  His mind went blank, and all he knew was the raging need in his body.

  “Hell, yeah,” he said, husky and low. “I want to kiss you, baby. Taste you.”

  “Where?” she teased him, breathless.

  Without a word, he pulled her to him. Surprised, she gave a small scream, then moaned again when he kissed her, just kissed her like he owned her. He tasted the sweetness of the syrup, tasted the sweetness that was Tessa, and his head started to spin. He pulled back, almost panting with want, but he had to make sure she was alright.

  His hands moved to the scarf. “You want me to take this off?”

  Her hands covered his again. “No. Leave it on. I want to – to really feel you.”

  “Tessa, baby.” He grated the words out, rough and harsh. “Be sure. Be sure about all of it.”

  “I am,” she whispered. “I’m sure about you, Curtis. I love you.”

  “Oh, God.” With that oath, he yanked off his t-shirt, folded it and put it on the floor, then lowered her on to it. He gently positioned her head so she was fully cushioned on the material, and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

  “This OK?”

  “Yes.” She stretched her body out, all long limbs and warm skin. She was still too thin, still not fully in her own body, but she was utterly breathtaking in her abandon, in her trust of him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re not uncomfortable? We can take this to the bed, if you want.”

  She shook her head, her wild curls all spread out around her. “Here.”

  “OK, sweetness.”

  She paused, raised her head a bit with a grin. “‘Sweetness’?”

  “Ummm-hmmm.” His growl was deep in his chest. “You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, Tessa. And I just know you’re gonna be sweet all over.”

  “Oh,” she gasped. “Oh, my God…”

  His large hands moved to the top of her jeans, and she held her breath. Slowly, carefully, he undid the snap and her zipper, then tugged her jeans and panties down and off her long legs. He just stopped then, sat very still, and she realized that he was looking at her. Her whole body clenched up with excitement at the thought, and Tessa was halfway to orgasm before he’d even touched her.

  Shuddering heat moved all the way up her body, from her toes to her face. She knew her skin was heating up too, flushing pink. Her chest rose and fell, her thighs spread wide, her back arched. She was displ
aying herself for him, offering herself. She was begging with her body, and she didn’t give a damn if that made her shameless. All she wanted was for Curtis to answer her silent plea.

  “Tessa,” he said, and all she heard was wonder. “Baby, you are so, so beautiful.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes, soaking the scarf. “You really think so?”

  “I really think so.”

  Curtis bent over her now, took most of his weight on his forearms. His kiss was deep and slow, his whole body stretched along the whole length of hers. Tessa felt amazingly safe and cherished; she felt worshipped and wanted. Loved.

  “You ready, baby?” he muttered against her lips.

  “Yes.” Her answer was a whisper, a moan, a whimper. “Curtis… please.”

  In his wildest dreams and most x-rated late-night fantasies, he’d imagined what it would be like to have Tessa begging him to take her. He’d thought it would be hot and amazing… and unbelievably, the reality was even better than his imagination.

  Curtis moved back down her body, and Tessa tensed when his large hands spread her wider, opened her fully to his gaze. To his mouth.

  “Relax, sweetness,” he said softly. “This is going to feel good. I promise you.”

  Good Christ, she believed it. Nothing in her life had ever felt better than this man… and they hadn’t even started yet.

  Curtis paused to savor the view. She was totally open to him, her lower lips slick and swollen. Her whole body trembled, and that more than anything showed him just how close to the edge she already was: she was losing control, and he loved seeing it.

  Not able to stand it for one second longer, Curtis kissed her inner thigh, trailed his tongue up its curve. Tessa gave a small gasp as he slid between her folds, his tongue gliding up to her pulsing clit. He gave it a teasing little lick, then moved down again. She moaned in frustration now, felt his satisfied grin against her pussy.

  “Hey,” she admonished him. “No laughing while you’re down there.”

  “OK, sorry.” He stroked her with his tongue again, watched as her back arched up off the floor. “I won’t laugh anymore. I’ll refocus.”

  “You’d better,” she grumbled.

  He went back to dropping slow, hot, lazy kisses on her inner thighs, and she almost screamed in impatience. She wanted him to just do it already, to just taste her. Her breath was coming faster now, and he rested a steadying hand on her stomach. The other stroked her face, a calming rhythm that she started breathing in time to.


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