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A Powerless World (Book 2): When the Peace is Gone

Page 24

by P. A. Glaspy

  “What’s the third faction?” Sean asked.

  “Unfortunately, due to what we’ve heard on the radio, that will be our own government, trying to ‘help’. Their whole ‘for the greater good’ philosophy would see us stripped of everything we have here, to be dispersed among everyone in this area.”

  “Oh, HELL no!” Monroe exclaimed.

  “I don’t think so!” Bob added.

  Mike nodded grimly. “Agreed. I’m not sure what to expect on that front. They will have us out-gunned, possibly out-manned – just depends on how many police and U.N. troops they bring with them. I truly don’t think any U.S. service men or women will bear arms against law-abiding citizens. I hope local law enforcement doesn’t either. U.N. troops will have no such loyalty. Right now, though, our biggest threat is civilians.”

  Russ looked at all of us. “I told you when we got here that bad people were coming. I hate that I was right, and more so that it was this soon. We’ll do what we have to do to keep our family safe. Let’s get busy doing that.”


  I’ll start off by saying this again: thank you for purchasing this novel. The success of the first one was more than I dreamed possible. This installment has some pretty big shoes to fill.

  I want to take a moment to thank all of you who left a review for the first book. I read every one of them, and some of them more than once. I received messages on Facebook, and email messages from my website. While not all of the above were positive, I understand where some of the negative comes from as well. This is a very scary idea, perhaps even more because it, or something like it, could actually happen. Everybody has their own ideas as to how a scenario like this would play out. I did take to heart some of the thoughts that were shared with me and incorporated them into this volume. If you see something you messaged me about at some point, give yourself a pat on the back, including my dad and my sister.

  For any of you who are offended by the swear words, I’m sorry, but I’m pretty sure it would be a whole lot worse than that if this really happened. I try to keep them situation and character appropriate.

  I have been called to task for situating the women in traditional homemaking roles. Here’s the thing: if I’m a better cook than my husband, and he’s a better fence stringer than me, why wouldn’t we play to our strengths? Yes, this is the 21st century, and yes women are taking on more positions formerly male dominated, but when you are thrust back to the 19th century technologically, are you going to fight over women’s rights, or what you perceive as his and hers roles, or are you going to do whatever you are best at to help everyone get by, survive, and thrive? Regarding all my references to coffee making and coffee drinking: if SHTF and I couldn’t get it anymore, that would be one of the things I would miss the most. I might need to buy some more for my preps, now that I think about it.

  It’s easy to sit back and read a book and think “This guy’s an idiot. It would never happen like that.” Believe me, I know. I’ve done it as well. Having now been on the other side of the page, what my imagination came up with may not be what someone else’s sees, and that’s okay. I’m a glass-is-half-full kind of gal, so I want to see positive, good things in people. My husband is my alter ego, and helps keep me in the middle of the path.

  This book series is based on something that could happen. It isn’t like outer space science fiction we can read and enjoy, knowing it probably won’t happen, at least not in our lifetime. We read books about mythical creatures, not expecting them to ever come to life, so we can immerse ourselves in the story without being bothered by “what if”. This book is fiction. While I have based some of the characters’ personalities and history on people in my life, it is ultimately a story I dreamed up one day and decided to try to write. Forgive my ideas and ideals as to the way the events might happen. I want the books to make you think, but it isn’t a true story and it hasn’t happened – yet.

  Now, to the thank yous. I have to again thank my husband, Jim, for his help in this whole endeavor. He helped me with quite a few sections in this book as to how to describe what the people were doing or building. On pretty much every trip we’ve taken this summer, he took on almost all the driving so I could write on the road. He keeps my mailing list completely up-to-date and has done the cover of both books. He’s my number one fan and keeps me both grounded and over the moon. Thank you again, Baby.

  My circle is small, so again I thank my aunt, Carol, for her proofreading work and input along the way. She never failed to message me to tell me how much she loved the most current version she had been working on and couldn’t wait to read the next part of the story. My number two fan, right behind my hubby, with her own full plate, makes time to keep me as grammatically correct as possible. Thank you again, sweet aunt.

  Thank you to all the followers on my social media pages. Your loyalty and enthusiasm are not something I will ever forget. I feel as if some of you are old friends. I wouldn’t change that for anything.

  Last, but certainly not least, I give the glory to God that he blessed me with a gift I didn’t know I had, to share with others. I don’t think I can say it any better than I did in the first book’s acknowledgements: I placed my life in His hands and all I have is because of Him. Thank you, Lord, for the many blessings you bestow upon me every day.

  Keep an eye out for the next installment in the A Powerless World series, scheduled for spring next year!

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