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A Christmas Kiss

Page 24

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  Outside the weather was beginning to turn and the temperature was dropping rapidly. Bianca felt chilled through to the bone and she was excited for that cup of coffee. As she sat studying the menu, trying to decide on a BLT or a pastry, she didn’t notice Ethan enter the coffee spot. But he’d seen her, having spotted her mother’s car parked out on Broad Street.

  Sliding into the booth beside her, he flashed her a bright smile before gesturing for the waitress.

  “Mr. Christmas, how are you, sir?” the young woman asked, eyeing them both curiously.

  “I’m doing well, Ms. Barker. How are your parents?”

  “They’re good. Will you have your usual, sir?”

  “I will.”

  The girl nodded, her gaze shifting toward Bianca. “Ma’am, have you decided on what you want to eat?”

  Bianca nodded. “I’ll have the BLT on whole wheat, please. And one of those chocolate croissants.”

  “That actually sounds good,” Ethan interjected. “I’ll have the same.”

  The girl nodded with a warm smile. “Coming right up. Will this be on separate checks?” She looked at Ethan, then at Bianca and back.

  “No, one check and Ms. Torres is buying today.”

  The young woman named Ms. Barker nodded and, with a flip of her blond curls, headed back toward the front counter.

  “You have some nerve!” Bianca said, turning in her seat to eye him head-on.

  He shrugged, his broad shoulders filling a wool argyle sweater nicely. “I do, but then any man worth his weight would when it comes to you.”

  “Sounds like you still have a little attitude.”

  “You left me in a precarious position the other night. It wasn’t pretty.”

  She laughed heartily. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Christmas.”

  “Like hell you don’t,” he said, chuckling with her. “How was your day?”

  “It’s been busy. My mother is keeping me on my toes.”

  “Speaking of, I don’t like lying to your parents.” His expression had changed, an air of seriousness flooding his face.

  “Have you lied to them?”

  “By omission.”

  “That’s really not like lying. Trust me. I’ve not told them thousands of things. It’s kept the peace between us.”

  “That’s not how I operate, Bianca. You pretending that it’s Jarrod you’re interested in, it isn’t fair to him. And it’s not fair to me.”

  Bianca blew a heavy sigh. “You are seriously starting to ruin my good mood.”

  “Tough. So what are we going to do?”

  She reached for her coffee cup and took a sip as she reflected on his words. She turned back to face him. “You know my parents well. How do you think they’re going to react to you lusting after their daughter?”

  “Who says I’m lusting?”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Then what are you doing?”

  “I’m getting to know a woman who has captured my full attention. I find her desirable and I’m not ashamed to let people know that. I’m interested in seeing how far she and I can take our growing relationship.”

  Bianca blew a low sigh. “You’re killing me, Ethan. This was only supposed to be a holiday fling if it amounted to anything at all. And we are nowhere near the fling part yet. Why are you making it so serious?”

  “Is that what I’m doing? Because I don’t remember ever saying I was interested in just having a fling, holiday or otherwise.”

  “I . . .”

  He cut her words off, his voice raising an octave. “Are you telling me that you’re not feeling what I’m feeling?”

  “I’m telling you that this is not the time or the place for this conversation,” she hissed between clenched teeth as she tossed an anxious look around the room.

  Ethan slid his body closer to hers, cornering her in the booth. He slid a large hand around the curve of her neck, his fingers easing into the thick of her hair to cup the back of her head. His other hand clasped the side of her waist, the tips of his fingers heated as he pulled her body against his own. His face was millimeters from hers, his warm breath teasing. Her mouth parted slightly, her lips moist with anticipation. Heat had risen with a vengeance, almost combustible. It took her breath away.

  And then, just as quickly, he let her go and he slid himself from her, moving himself out of the booth to the other side of the table. Bianca inhaled swiftly, gasping for air as she fought to catch her breath.

  “You feel it,” Ethan said matter-of-factly. “And we can talk about it when and where you want. But I wouldn’t wait too long if I were you because, if it comes down to it, I have no problem having the conversation with your parents first.”

  Bianca’s eyes widened. Before she could comment, the waitress returned with their orders, leaving them with one last smile.

  Bianca watched as Ethan took a bite of his sandwich, chewing it slowly. “Are you challenging me, Ethan Christmas?”

  He met her stare. “Do you feel challenged?”

  In that moment, something like joy filled Bianca’s spirit. For the first time in forever, she finally felt as if she’d met her match. Ethan was clearly a cut above all the other men she’d ever dated. He had no problem calling her on her crap and didn’t think twice about pushing her buttons. She liked everything about him. And she hated to admit that he was right. If they were going to take their newfound friendship any further, they would have to come out to her family. She blew another sigh.

  “You really should have kissed me, Ethan Christmas!”

  He grinned, his eyebrows raised. As she continued, he took another bite of his sandwich.

  “You should have taken full advantage of my weak moment and kissed me.”

  “So I did make you weak?”

  Ignoring his question, she rolled her eyes skyward. “If you had kissed me I would know if going public with you is worth it.”

  Ethan chuckled. “Woman, please. You didn’t need a kiss to know the answer to that.”

  “Maybe not, but it sure would have been nice.”

  “Do you want me to come over there and kiss you now?”

  “No. You blew it.”

  Ethan laughed. “I’ll get another chance.”

  “You are so sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  Ethan reached for her hand, entwining his fingers between hers. “I’m sure of you, and you, my dear, are definitely sure of me.”

  The ride home found Ethan deep in thought. Every time he found himself in Bianca’s company, he wanted to spend more time with her. Bianca hadn’t been ready for the conversation they’d needed to have, but he’d known it was necessary. He’d known it when he’d found himself driving by her family home hoping to run into her.

  Over coffee and multiple refills, they’d talked for a good long while, and despite all her efforts to avoid discussing her parents, they’d still come to an agreement of sorts. Ethan had agreed to be persistent, and Bianca had agreed to not fight him on the issue, even if she didn’t agree. The absurdity made him smile. Everything about Bianca made him smile. She was stubborn and defiant, engaging and funny, and he had never met any woman who moved him in the way that she did.

  As he maneuvered his way home, he turned on the car radio and cranked up the volume. He allowed himself to drift into the music, the jazz station playing Ramsey Lewis’s version of “Here Comes Santa Claus.” A master of the saxophone, Lewis had transformed the holiday favorite into a soulful blues improvisation. It made Ethan smile.

  He took a deep breath. He had a long list of things he needed to do, but he couldn’t focus. He was just days from the holiday concert. He still needed to do his own holiday shopping. Plus, the weather center was predicting heavy snow and he had property in the mountains that he needed to check and secure. With Christmas coming sooner than later he needed to get himself together but he couldn’t stop thinking about Bianca, and about him and Bianca together. He blew out the breath he’d been holding.

  As he
sat at a stoplight, traffic beginning to back up in the center of town, he engaged his Bluetooth and dialed her number. Bianca answered on the second ring.


  “I knew you were missing me so I thought I’d call.”

  “And how did you know that?” she responded, the hint of a smile in her tone.

  “Because I’m missing you.”

  There was a moment of pause before she spoke again. “You’re quite the romantic, Ethan. I never would have taken you to be so starry-eyed.”

  Ethan laughed. “Starry-eyed? Really?”

  She laughed with him. “It was a compliment.”

  “Even if it was a little backhanded, right?”

  “The only kind I do.”

  He chuckled heartily. “Have you made it home, yet?”

  “Not yet. I had to stop and pick up clothes from the cleaners.”

  “Can I see you later?” Ethan asked. His tone was teasing, but he was dead serious.

  “What would I tell my mother?”

  “The truth.”

  “I keep telling you, the truth can be overrated.”

  “Then lie. Because I really want to see you.”

  Bianca laughed again. “Ethan Christmas, did you really just tell me to lie? After all that sanctimonious posturing you did about our moral obligation to be open and honest with my family, you are now telling me to lie?”

  “Damn right. I want to see you so if it’s going to take a lie, so be it. I’ll apologize and make amends for it later. What do you say?”

  Bianca blew a low sigh. “Seven-thirty. Meet me at the mall. I’ll be in Victoria’s Secret,” she said.

  Ethan grinned. “I’ll be there with bells on!”

  It actually took Ethan twenty minutes to find a parking spot at the mall. He was in awe of the volume of holiday traffic that was moving into and out of the shopping center. By the time he’d parked and made his way to Victoria’s Secret, he was a good thirty minutes late.

  He rushed into the store, his gaze sweeping up one side of the store and down the other. Moving farther inside the establishment he passed the checkout corner, easing past the displays of bras and panties. Bianca was nowhere to be found.

  “Can I help you?”

  Ethan turned to see a tall, leggy redhead eyeing him curiously. He nodded. “I was actually looking for someone. She’s about this tall,” he said, gesturing with his hand. “Dark curls . . .”

  “Oh, yes, your wife said to tell you she’s in the dressing room,” the woman said, pointing him toward the back of the store.

  “My wife?”

  “You are Mr. Christmas, aren’t you? Cool name, by the way!”

  “I am,” he said with a nod of his head. “And thank you.”

  “Mrs. Christmas said you’d be looking for her.” She pointed again toward the back of the store.

  Ethan smiled his appreciation as he turned, easing past a table of silk thongs. Outside the dressing room doors, he called her name. “Bianca?”

  A hand appeared over the top of the end cubicle. She waved him in her direction, unlocking the door and pulling him inside when he reached her.

  “What took you so long?” Bianca asked.

  Ethan found himself tongue-tied as he stood staring at her. Barely dressed in anything at all, Bianca wore a bright red mesh and lace teddy with side cutouts, sexy crisscross straps at the open back and a racy thong bottom. The neckline plunged deeply, the lace was see-through and the garment fit her like a second skin. With a pair of gold pumps and her curls loose about her shoulders, she was mesmerizing.

  Like a deer caught in headlights, Ethan stared. An erection had pulled full and taut in his slacks and he sat down abruptly, crossing one leg over the other. Still unable to speak he forced himself to shift his eyes from her body to her face. His gaze kissed hers. The smile on her face was teasing, flaunting the temptation that painted her expression. She lowered her stare, peeking at him from narrowed eyes.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  Ethan took a deep breath. “Woman, are you purposely trying to give me a heart attack?”

  Bianca laughed, feigning innocence. “What? What did I do?”

  He gestured with both hands, fanning them up and then down. “My God, are you beautiful!” he exclaimed, no other words coming to his mind in that moment.

  Her smile widened. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure about this one, but if you like it . . .”

  “Like it? Hell, I’ll buy you one in every color if you want me to!”

  Bianca laughed heartily. She moved forward, easing her body over his. As she straddled one leg to his left and the other to his right, Ethan felt like he might combust, every nerve ending on the verge of explosion. She wrapped one arm around his neck as the other teased the buttons on his oxford shirt.

  Eye to eye with him, she shifted against him, her pelvis pressed tight against his hardened member. The touch was intoxicating, both consumed with desire so intense that it was palpable. She leaned in close, brushing her check against his, skin teasing skin. Ethan’s breath came in a low pant as he bit down against his bottom lip.

  Just as Bianca leaned in as though she intended to kiss his mouth, there was a knock on the dressing room door. The harsh rap startled them both, Bianca sliding off his lap and taking a step back.

  The redhead’s voice echoed from the other side. “Excuse me, ma’am, but only one person is allowed in a dressing room at a time. Your husband will have to wait out here.”

  Bianca tossed her head back against her shoulders, shaking it slowly from side to side. “Thank you,” she called out. “Sorry about that.”

  Ethan stood up. He took a deep breath, his hand pressed at his crotch as he adjusted himself. As he stepped past her, he drew his hand across her breast, his fingers lightly caressing the round of lush tissue. Bianca’s eyes widened, air catching in her chest. Her smile widened.

  He leaned to whisper in her ear, his lips pressed to the side of her face. “I’ll be outside, Mrs. Christmas.”

  When Bianca exited the dressing room Ethan was still beet red, his cheeks heated with color. He held his jacket folded over his arms, hanging low in front of himself. The redhead was chatting him up in conversation, but it was obvious that he wasn’t paying her an ounce of attention, his thoughts still focused on their earlier encounter.

  “How did everything fit?” the woman asked, turning her attention to Bianca.

  “Perfect. I’ll take everything,” she said.

  Ethan nodded. “Excuse me, but do you have that red one in any other colors?”

  The woman turned. “It does come in black.”

  “She’ll take it in black, too,” he said.

  Bianca laughed.

  Minutes later, the redhead wished them both a happy holiday as she left them and their selections at the counter. The young woman at the register gave them a bright smile.

  “Did you find everything you were looking for?” she asked as she began to ring up Bianca’s purchases.

  Bianca nodded. “I did. Thank you.”

  Ethan reached over the counter and passed the young woman his credit card.

  Bianca tossed him a look. “That’s not necessary.”

  “Oh, it’s definitely necessary. Consider it an early Christmas present.”

  Bianca smiled. “Thank you. That’s so sweet.”

  As the salesclerk passed him his card and receipt, she tossed Bianca a smile. “You’re lucky. I don’t think my father would ever buy lingerie for me,” she said.

  Ethan’s eyes widened, his mouth falling open with shock. Bianca burst out laughing, slapping her hand over her mouth. She was still laughing when he snatched the shopping bag from the counter and headed toward the door. The salesclerk eyed them both nervously.

  “He’s not my father,” Bianca said as she turned to follow him out.

  Behind them, she could hear the two saleswomen talking, the redhead correcting the other woman’s mistake. “That’s her husband!” the yo
ung woman whispered loudly.

  At the door, Bianca caught up with Ethan, who looked like he’d been slapped twice. He cut his eyes at her. “That wasn’t funny!”

  “That was really funny.”

  “I do not look that old.”

  “No, you don’t. You actually look very good for your age.”

  “I don’t find that mess funny.”

  Bianca’s smile was miles wide and she giggled. “It was funny.”

  He stood staring at her. The light in her eyes was electrifying and her laugh was engaging. Joy filled her face and flooded her spirit. He found everything about her intoxicating. He took a deep breath.

  “So maybe it was a little funny,” he finally said. “I can’t help it if you don’t look that mature. You still look like a teenager.”

  She slapped him playfully in the chest. “Oh, don’t get it twisted. This isn’t about how I look!” She took a step toward him, her arms slipping around his waist. “Besides, when we were in that dressing room I’m sure I looked very mature!”

  With his head tilted slightly back and his eyes lifted toward the ceiling, Ethan thought back to that moment. Heat rushed through his southern quadrant with a vengeance. He dropped his gaze back to her face, her expression speaking volumes. He nodded. “Yes, you did,” he said. “You looked amazing!”

  “I thought I’d give you something to think about when you go to sleep tonight.”

  “You made sure that thinking about you will keep me up all night, is what you did.”

  She smiled. “Mission accomplished. When a man as honorable as you are is willing to lie to see you, you have to give him something special.”

  They were holding hands as they walked the mall’s perimeter, maneuvering past holiday shoppers and peering into the windows to admire the seasonal displays. The level of comfort they shared was exceeded only by the sexual tension that danced its own dance between them. Conversation came easily, expounded by the subtle innuendo and overt teasing that kept the duo laughing warmly. Hours later, Bianca was grateful that she’d come to meet him, loving that he’d wanted to enjoy her company as much as she was enjoying his.


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