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A Christmas Kiss

Page 26

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  He blew a sigh as he rolled against the mattress, his hand palming his hardened member. He stroked himself gently, wishing it was Bianca’s hand wrapped around his manhood. As the tension began to finally subside, he rolled onto his stomach and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Ethan buttered two slices of whole wheat toast, adding them to a plate of eggs he’d just scrambled. He sat down with a cup of hot coffee, slowly savoring his breakfast. He lifted his hand in greeting as Jarrod entered the room.

  “Good morning, son,” he said. “How’d you sleep?”

  “I really slept well once I got off the couch and got in my bed.”

  “I don’t know why you keep falling asleep on the sofa. You’ve done that since you were in high school.”

  Jarrod shrugged as he poured his own cup of coffee and sat down at the table with his father. “So what’s on your agenda today?”

  “I have some shopping I need to get done, but that’s all.”

  Jarrod nodded. “I’m done with my shopping and I have no desire to deal with the crowds. You have fun with that!”

  Ethan smiled. “It’s not that bad. I think it adds to the holiday fun.”

  “If you say so.”

  Ethan took a sip of his drink, slightly slurping the hot beverage. “Do you have any plans?”

  “I’m going to spend some time at the children’s cancer clinic this afternoon. I don’t know if you remember my friend Tyler, but he’s the admission’s director there and he invited me to visit. Dr. Malcolm Prince leads their medical team.”

  “Dr. Prince was one of your professors at Johns Hopkins, wasn’t he?” his father said, the name vaguely familiar.

  Jarrod nodded his head. “He was. He was a great mentor and I’m looking forward to seeing him again.”

  Ethan took a bite of his toast and eggs before continuing. “Tomorrow I need to go check on the cabins. They say we have some bad weather coming in. Do you feel like driving up with me?”

  Jarrod hesitated. “Actually I have a friend coming into town. I promised I’d pick him up from the train station. I was actually going to talk to you about him spending Christmas with us. I hope it’s not a problem.”

  “Of course not! You know any friend of yours is always welcome here.”

  His son smiled. “I know, but there’s still some things I’d like to speak with you about before he gets here. Maybe we can do dinner tonight? I can grab a couple of steaks and we can grill.”

  “Definitely! Let’s plan on it.”

  “Thanks, Dad!”

  Ethan nodded. He glanced down to his wristwatch. “I need to get out of here,” he said, rising from his seat. “You have a good time today,” he said as he slapped his son on the shoulder.

  Jarrod smiled. “You, too, Dad! You, too!”

  Bianca stood in line at the Belk department store, waiting for her last gift to be wrapped. It cost extra for the service. Her mother would consider it to be a waste, but it saved Bianca a few hours of much-needed time.

  As she watched the salesclerk select a box and then tear off a length of silver wrapping paper, she was oblivious to Ethan moving to stand behind her. His hands eased around her waist, his fingers resting gingerly atop her belly button. He pressed his lips to the back of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.

  “Do I know you?” she quipped, a sly smile pulling at her lips.

  Ethan chuckled softly into her ear. “Probably not. I thought you were my wife.”

  “Your wife must be a very lucky woman,” Bianca purred.

  She tilted her head slightly, allowing him better access to her neck. His touch was heated, a delicate caress that burned hot with anticipation. Biting down against her bottom lip, she didn’t miss the curious look the saleswoman was shooting in her direction.

  “I missed you,” Ethan finally whispered in her ear before taking two steps back to allow a waft of cool air to billow between them.

  Bianca smiled. “So what brings you here?” she said, spinning around to face him.

  “Last-minute Christmas shopping.”

  “You and me both. I can’t believe Christmas is just a few days away.”

  “It came fast, and I still have work I need to get done.”

  “What work do you have to do, Ethan?”

  “I need to check on some property before the weather turns. They’re predicting some major snow, and I need to make sure my investments are secure.” He changed the subject. “So, what did you buy me?”

  Bianca laughed warmly. “I actually found the perfect present for my best friend. Cilla has an impressive collection of blue glass and they had a beautiful platter that will be a nice addition to the other pieces she has.”

  “I can’t wait to meet your friends,” Ethan said, earning him a wide smile from her.

  She nodded. “How’s Jarrod?”

  “He’s good. He’s visiting at the hospital today. I was hoping he’d ride up the mountain with me, but he says he has plans. Some friend of his is coming into town. I swear the boy comes home and everyone else sees him more than I do.”

  Bianca’s head shook from side to side. “I’ll ride shotgun if you want some company,” she said.

  Ethan grinned. “Are you sure? I know your mother’s been keeping you busy.”

  “I’m positive. My uncle and his wife get in tonight. She’ll have more than enough help.”

  “Great! I can pick you up in the morning.”

  “I’ll meet you at your house. It’ll be much less complicated.”

  “You need to tell them, Bianca!” he exclaimed.

  Bianca didn’t respond, just smiled and turned to the woman who gestured that her package was ready.

  The two women were laughing heartily together.

  “So you and this man have been hanging out together since you got there and you haven’t gotten one kiss yet? I find that really hard to believe.” Cilla Jameson laughed again.

  “I know, right! It’s absolutely crazy, but there’s something really special about him, Cilla.”

  “Is that because he’s old enough to be your father? Or because he’s old enough to be your father? I never pegged you for having daddy issues, Bianca. You’ve always had a great relationship with your father.”

  “That’s the thing. I’m never reminded of his age when we’re together. He’s just a good time and we have fun together. And he’s sexy as hell! The man is foine!”

  “Obviously he’s not that good of a time since you two are still in the hand-holding stage. Especially since patience isn’t one of your strong suits. Or is that him being old-fashioned about sex?”

  “Ethan’s quite the gentleman, but there’s nothing prudish about him, if that’s what you’re asking. I think when it happens it’ll just be that the moment is right and we’re both ready. There’s nothing wrong with us taking things slow.”

  “Where’s Bianca Torres? What have you done with my best friend?”

  “You’re making fun of me when I’m being serious.”

  “I’m serious, too. You have always been the queen of hit it and quit it. Being in the moment and getting yours. Now you’re talking about perfect moments and the timing being right. You sound like a romance novel and my friend Bianca has never been interested in romance!”

  “I have, too!”

  “Do you remember Dante?”


  “Dante Pierce, the short little cutie that used to dance at Club Solas?”

  Bianca winced. “Don’t go there.”

  “I’m going there. Brother had it so bad for you that he would have washed your dirty drawers. He had your wedding planned, knew how many babies the two of you were going to raise and what you were going to be doing in retirement and you had only known each other for three hours!”

  Bianca laughed. “It was not that bad.”

  “Yes, it was. You were three sheets to the wind when you and some random guy got your groove on in the parking lot of Waffle House while D
ante was bum-rushing everyone inside the club trying to find you. Dante was pure romance the way that man fawned all over you, and you wouldn’t give him a hint of a chance.”

  “Dante was just a momentary distraction. You remember him better than I do.”

  “My point, Bianca, is that you have always been impulsive, slightly obsessive, and extremely crazy. You’ve never been afraid to just do you. That’s the Bianca I know.”

  “Well, you need to give a girl a break. Obviously, I’ve had some moments that I’m not proud of, but I’m trying to change my wanton ways. When you know better, you do better.”

  Cilla chuckled softly. “Bianca Torres! What is that I hear in your voice?”


  “You sound quite responsible. There’s an air of maturity there. Have you,” Cilla gasped with exaggeration, “dare I say it? Have you fallen in love?”

  There was a moment of silence that filtered over the phone line between them.

  “There’s just something about him, Cilla,” Bianca repeated, her voice dropping an octave.

  Excitement rang in Cilla’s tone. “You’ve fallen in love!”

  “Girl, hush your mouth! You know we do not use that four-letter word. If I were there, I’d wash your mouth out with soap and water!”

  “Bianca’s in love! Bianca’s in love! Bianca’s in love,” Cilla chanted.

  Bianca shook her head. “I thought you were my friend. I’m not talking to you anymore.” She laughed, her cheeks warm.

  The laughter between them continued, the wealth of it abundant and easy.

  “Bianca?” Cilla called her friend’s name one last time.


  “I’m happy for you, girl, so please don’t blow it. From everything you told me, he really does sound like a great guy.”

  Bianca smiled into the receiver. “I know, right!”

  Jarrod dialed his father’s number, making another attempt to reach the man. This time, Ethan answered on the second ring.

  “Hey, son!”

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “What time are you coming home?”

  “That’s why I was calling. I tried to reach you earlier to see if we could reschedule dinner. I’m still here at the hospital.”

  “Not a problem. I got stuck in a meeting myself and missed your first two calls. Did you want to do a late dinner?”

  “I’m actually headed to dinner with Dr. Prince and Tyler. They have a fascinating program here and I’m learning a lot from them.”

  “It’s no problem. I don’t feel abandoned at all.”

  Jarrod chuckled. “Okay, make me feel guilty. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Maybe we can do breakfast before you leave in the morning. I really do need to talk to you.”

  “Is everything okay, Jarrod?” Concern suddenly rang in Ethan’s voice. “I know something’s been on your mind for a few days now.”

  “Fine. Everything’s fine. It’s nothing serious,” Jarrod answered with a heavy sigh, the little white lie feeling like a lead weight hanging over his spirit. “I just need . . . I just need some advice about my career is all.”

  There was a momentary pause between them before Ethan finally responded.

  “Depending on what time you get in tonight, we can do hot chocolate and popcorn, like the old days. If it’s too late, then we can do breakfast.”

  “Thanks, Dad!”

  “Stay safe, son. I love you!”

  “I love you, too!”

  “Don’t you want to help me sneak out?” Bianca asked, shifting her cell phone from one ear to the other. She settled her back against the mound of pillows that decorated the bed in her room.

  Ethan laughed. “Are you planning to crawl out the window or something?”

  “Or something! If I don’t, I’m going to go crazy.”

  “It can’t be that bad, Bianca!”

  “You haven’t met my uncle Barber yet, have you?”

  “Actually, we have met. He and your aunt were visiting over the summer. He played golf with me and your father. He seems like a nice guy.”

  “When he’s not discussing my child-bearing hips and tapping me on my ass, he’s a really great guy!”

  Ethan laughed. “Oh, he’s that kind of uncle!”

  “Exactly! Which is why I might need a safe haven to run to.”

  “Well, you can always count on me to come to your rescue.”

  “Can I really?”

  “Without fail. And I come with a red cape and tights for your rescuing pleasure.”

  Bianca laughed warmly. “Tights, too! Now I’m excited!”

  “I’ve got a slight hard-on myself!”

  Bianca gasped. “Ethan Christmas!”

  He shook his head. “That was slightly crass. I apologize.”

  She was still giggling. “Apology accepted. But now you have me intrigued! Tell me more!”

  It was late when the two finished talking and wished each other a good night. They’d talked into the wee hours of the morning, their conversation branching in a million different directions. From cartoons to politics, no subject had been off limits, a few sometimes moving him, her, or both to blush profusely. Once or twice, Bianca found herself giggling with glee, feeling as if she’d gotten the attention of her celebrity crush. She’d been excited and emotional and completely out of control as Ethan had pushed her out of her comfort zone and she’d pushed back. For everything they didn’t have in common, every subject that had been debated vigorously, there were as many likes that they did share. The only thing that could have made the time better was if they’d been in the same room, side by side, relishing each other’s company as they traded easy caresses back and forth.

  Saying good night and disconnecting their call had come with much hesitation. But with a plan in place to spend the next day together, they wished each other well, excited for the night to end and the new day’s sun that would see them together again.

  Chapter 8

  A cold front promising ice and snow was inching in their direction. Although Boone was known for getting much snow in the nearby mountainous ski resorts, the downtown area was usually sheltered from the worst winter temperatures. Its elevation variance seemed to insulate the small town, with typical snowfalls fleeting but spectacular. This storm was going to be different, however; the local weathermen were issuing all kinds of warnings to prepare residents and visitors for the blizzard that was about to pummel them.

  Bianca noted the drastic change in temperature, that the air was cold and heavy with moisture. Gone was the temperate that had her in a wool blazer the day before and now in her mother’s down-filled, insulated parka. She inhaled, filling her lungs with the cold air.

  Ethan laughed at her. “You look like Nanook of the North,” he said teasingly. He eyed her from head to toe. Her denim jeans were tucked into UGG Adirondack boots and a black turtleneck peeked out of the collar of her practical, hip-length, winter coat. Her curls were trapped beneath a black, faux-fur trapper hat that completely covered her head, sitting low on her forehead with flaps that draped over her ears. A red wool scarf was knotted around her neck, completing her winter ensemble.

  “I feel like a polar bear. This is absolutely ridiculous!” She rolled her eyes, her arms wrapped tightly around her torso, her glove-covered hands tucked beneath her armpits. “I hate the cold!”

  “It’s just cold,” he said. “But I warmed the car especially for you.”

  “Good,” she said as she moved in the direction of his SUV. “And I hope you pumped the temperature to super high!”

  Behind her, Ethan was still laughing. He reached for the passenger door, pulling it open. As she slid inside, he tapped her backside, giving her a wink of his eye.

  “What was that for?” She grinned, eyeing him sheepishly as she palmed the spot he’d just slapped.

  “I didn’t want Uncle Barber to be the only one admiring my woman’s backside,” he said.

  “Your woman?” Bianca laughed, a loud chortle t
hat spilled from somewhere deep in her gut.

  “Damn right!” Ethan said as he laughed with her. He closed the car door and sauntered to the other side of the vehicle, sliding in behind the steering wheel. With a bright smile, he dropped a warm palm against her upper thigh and gave it a quick squeeze before starting the ignition.

  “You couldn’t change Jarrod’s mind about coming?” she asked as he checked his rearview mirror and backed out of the driveway.

  He shook his head. “I don’t know what time he came in last night, but he is knocked out cold. I tried to wake him twice. He’d said he wanted to talk about something, but I guess it’ll have to wait.”

  She nodded. “Did he say what?”

  “No, just that it had something to do with his career. I think he might be considering moving back here and working at the children’s cancer clinic. One of their doctors is someone he admires, and I suspect that he’s been thinking about working with the man.”

  Bianca’s gaze shifted out the window. She hated knowing Jarrod’s secret and not being able to tell his father. She found herself feeling out of sorts about keeping things from Ethan. She liked that they were so open and honest with each other, and she wanted to keep it that way. She blew a soft sigh.

  “So what did you tell your mother?” Ethan asked, cutting his eyes in her direction.

  “I told her that I was spending the day with a friend.”

  “But you didn’t tell her that friend was me, right?”

  “Not outright.”

  “So she probably assumes you’re spending the day with my son?”

  Bianca shrugged her narrow shoulders. “Are you going to ruin the start of our trip by making me feel bad? Because what my mother thinks really isn’t important. What is important is that I’m spending my day with you. My mother is not going to miss me. She’s too busy catching up with my aunt and uncle.”

  He sighed. “There isn’t going to be an argument. I want us to have a good time and I don’t want to ruin the holiday. But the day after Christmas I’m telling both of your parents. We can’t keep lying to them, Bianca.”


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