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Double Or Nothing: Gemini (Zodiac Alphas)

Page 6

by Gia Star

  “Well I'm ready,” he said.

  The booze hit me quickly. Almost immediately, I began to see why Paolo called it “Liquid Courage”. I felt my inhibitions begin to fade already. It wasn't a huge surprise. I'd been to college and had drank plenty before. This time, though, it was strong whiskey and on a mostly-empty stomach. Needless to say, I felt on top of the world.

  “Let's do it,” I said, hopping off of the swing. “Come on Castro, you're going to come in, too.”

  He laughed as he walked toward where Paolo and I were standing. “You guys are crazy, but who am I to turn down a swim on a nice summer day like this? You're on. Should we rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first?”

  “Nah, fuck that,” Paolo said. “Let's just do it.”

  With that, he slipped off his shirt and tossed it to the ground. My heart skipped a beat as soon as I laid eyes on his naked torso. He was so lean and muscular. His shoulders, chest and stomach were all toned, making him look more like an Olympic swimmer than an ex-con straight from prison.

  I'm guessing he did a whole lot of push-ups during his time in his cell, I thought.

  In a way, I was glad that we were about to jump in the water. It would at least give me a legitimate excuse as to why my panties were soaking wet.

  It was almost as thought my eyes were glued to Paolo. I stood there watching him take off his belt and pull down his jeans. He kicked off his black motorcycle boots as he did so. The next thing I knew, he was only wearing his black boxer/briefs. There was a thick bulge in front from his package. It was right then I knew I had to have him. One way or the other, I was going to hook up with Paolo.

  “Come on, you pussies,” Paolo said. “Get undressed.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he ran toward the tire swing. In one swift movement, he jumped on the tire and swung himself out toward the river. He had so much momentum that he shot gracefully over the bank, landing in the water with a splash.

  “Do you think the water is cold?” I asked.

  I hadn't been paying attention to Castro for the past few minutes. I'd been so enthralled by Paolo to even remember that he was there. But when I turned around, I was reminded of why I also liked the younger and sweeter brother.

  He had already undressed and was standing before me with his hands on his hips. His physique was just as amazing as Paolo's. His skin was a little less tan, but other than that, it was pretty clear that at least one part of them was identical.

  “Castro,” I said, my jaw dropping. “You look great.”

  “I'm about to jump in that river,” he said. “You better be coming in after me. I don't want to end up taking a swim with just my brother.”

  “You didn't answer my question, though,” I said. “Do you think the water is cold?”

  Right then, Paolo's head surfaced from the river. He had a shocked expression on his face.

  “It's not warm!” he shouted. “But it feels good. Get the fuck in here, guys!”

  Castro shrugged. “I'm going.”

  I then watched Castro run across the dirt. He was just as athletic as Paolo. He jumped onto the swing and shot himself into the river with the same grace as his older brother.

  Oh man, I thought. I guess there's no turning back now.

  The two boys were in the water now. Both of them were facing me, waiting for me to get undressed and join them.

  “Fuck it,” I whispered, grabbing the bottom of my dress and pulling it up and over my head.

  “Holy shit,” Paolo said, his words barely audible over the sound of the creek. I know for a fact that I heard him say it, though.

  As soon as my dress was off, I set it carefully onto the ground. I didn't want to get it dirty if I could help it.

  “Come on!” Paolo shouted. “Get in here!”

  I can't believe I'm doing this, I thought. At least I'm wearing a bra and panties. That's basically a swimsuit, right? It covers up the same parts anyway.

  I ran toward the river, lining myself up with the tire swing. As I ran, I couldn't help but to notice that Paolo's eyes were locked onto my body. He must have been enthralled by the way my boobs bounced as I jogged. It felt like he was fucking me with his eyes.

  As I approached the swing, I jumped up and held the rope, using my momentum to push the tire forward. I wasn't as heavy as the boys were, though, so I had to swing back and forth a few times in order to get enough height to where I felt it was safe to jump.

  I was nervous as hell, mostly afraid that I was going to eat shit on the river bank in front of the twins. There's no way I'd ever live that down.

  “You got this, Katie,” Castro said, his words and his smile encouraging. “Just go with your gut. Jump when you feel that the timing is right.”

  I did one more big swing, and when the tire hit its peak, I jumped off. A squeal escaped my lips as I flew through the air. I couldn't believe how high I'd gotten and I felt my stomach drop from the change in momentum. Luckily, I'd time my jump perfectly and got just the right arch in order to land me in the river. I tucked my knees against my chest and did the most obnoxious cannonball I could muster, directly in between the twins.

  The water was cold and took my breath away as soon as my head went under. When I surfaced, though, I was smiling. Even the cold water couldn't take my smile away.

  “It's freezing!” I exclaimed, shaking my head in an attempt to get my hair out of my eyes.

  It was exhilarating, and I immediately felt like a kid again. Standing in that water with my toes dug into the mud instantly sent me back to a time when nothing really mattered. All of my concerns and woes about the future seemed vain. I was completely in the moment, and it felt amazing.

  Castro splashed some water toward me. The small wave washed over my head, forcing my hair back into my face.

  “Hey!” I squealed, returning the same size wave his direction.

  I then got another splash, but this one came from Paolo.

  “This is war,” I said, hitting the water with both hands.

  We all started throwing water at each other. The best part, though, was that within seconds we were all laughing. For a moment, it seemed that we'd captured that one little thing that Paolo had said we'd lost: our innocence. Right then, we were just as innocent as we ever were.

  I glanced over to see Paolo dip his head under the water. I could see the outline of his body as he swam toward me. As soon as he was close, he reached forward and began tickling me, just above my hips. I let out a howl and pushed him away.

  “No tickling!” I shouted.

  “You shouldn't have said that,” Castro said, with a smile.

  As soon as he spoke, he disappeared under the water as well. The two of them swam quickly. I tried to run, but it was tough. Not only was the mud thick and stuck to my feet, but I was also laughing so hard that it made it nearly impossible to move.

  Both of them had their hands on me, tickling my sides and moving their hands up my rib cage. The actual tickling sensation only lasted a few moments, though. It didn't take long to fade, and as soon as their hands had passed the sensitive spot just above my hip bones, the only sensation I experienced was a pleasurable tingle from their touch.

  At almost the same time, both of them surfaced. I had one on each side of me. Paolo was on my left and Castro on my right. We were all breathing a little harder now. Our nearly naked bodies were touching. Our skin was slick from the water. Sexual tension was in the air. I could feel it, almost taste it.

  The three of us stood there for a moment. Paolo slowly slid his hand down past my lower back, placing it directly over my ass. He squeezed it firmly and gazed into my eyes as if to make sure that it was okay. I didn't push him away, though. I wanted him to touch me like that.

  I glanced to my right. Castro pushed his hair out of his eyes and then reached forward, doing the same for me. He tucked my hair over the back of my ear, then slowly leaned in.

  Is this actually happening right now? I thought. Oh God. Please tell me I'm
not dreaming.

  Chapter 7

  Castro's lips were pressed against mine, while Paolo's hand was on my ass. When I'd first jumped in, the water had been freezing. Now, though, a fire had grown inside me and it was warming me from the inside out.

  I darted my tongue out, slipping it into Castro's mouth. He accepted it and began twisting his tongue around my own. I moaned softly and leaned into him. It was like I couldn't get enough. His taste his smell, his everything. I just wanted him. Actually, I wanted them. Both of them.

  While Castro and I kissed, I felt Paolo's hands drift over to my other ass cheek. He squeezed that one, and then slipped his fingers into the waist strap of my underwear. Before I even realized what he was doing, he'd jerked my panties down all the way to my knees.

  Holy shit, I thought, suddenly feeling much more naked and vulnerable than I had before. The feeling only stayed with me for a moment, though. Then I felt Paolo's fingers slide up the inside of my thigh, landing directly on my pussy.

  “Oh fuck,” I whispered, as I broke the kiss the Castro.

  A tingling of pleasure filled me. Paolo let out a sexual growl and began fingering me underneath the water. My natural lubrication flowed out, allowing him to enter me all the way to his lower knuckles.

  My jaw dropped, and I held one arm over each of the boys' shoulders, using them to hold myself up. I hadn't been touched in several months, so it was shocking, but in the best of ways. While Paolo aggressively fingered me, Castro leaned in and began to sensually kiss the outside of my neck. The combination of the two instantly turned me on more than I'd ever been in my entire life. I was eating my cake and having it, too. Just like I had wanted.

  And they say that's not possible, I thought.

  A few seconds went by, and my entire body was on fire with anticipation. I dropped my hands from the boys' shoulders and reached into the water, reaching toward each of their dicks. My grip landed over the front of their underwear, latching onto their cocks. They were both as hard as could be and I could feel their length and girth, despite the fact that they were covered in cloth.

  “I'm going to fuck the shit out of you,” Paolo growled into my ear, his two fingers still buried deep inside of me.

  “I'm going to make love to you,” Castro said, his words much more relaxed and sweet than his brother's.

  I liked the sound of both of those things, though. Neither one was better than the other. Being caressed and taken care of sounded just as good as getting the shit fucked out of me. Luckily, it seemed like I was about to experience them both at the same time.

  “We can't do it here,” I said, my words wavering at the end because of the pleasure that was washing over me.

  “Where then?” Castro asked.

  “What about Mom and Dad's guesthouse?” Paolo said. “Nobody will see us since it's at the edge of their property.”

  “Let's do it,” Castro said.

  I was surprised to hear the brothers agree on something so quickly, but happy to hear that they'd figured something out. I wasn't about to let this day go by without having them inside of me. I would have done it right there on the river bank if I'd had to, but it was nice to hear that we could take this indoors.

  My panties were still around my knees, but it took me a few steps in the water for me to realize it. I reached down and pulled them back up, then the three of us walked back onto the muddy bank. I glanced down at the twin's package, shocked once again at the size of the bulge that had grown in the front. They were both huge and even though they still had their underwear on, I could see the outline of their mushroom-shaped tips as they pushed against the cotton.

  Suddenly, there was an urgency in all of us. We quickly gathered our clothes but didn't bother to put them on. We just tucked them underneath our arms, stepped into our shoes, and began walking up river.

  “Do you know where you're going?” I asked Paolo.

  “Are you kidding me?” he asked. “I know this river like the back of my hand. If we take this trail here, it'll lead us right to the guest house. Now shut up and come on.”

  He was rude, he was aggressive, and he didn't give a shit about what anybody thought. Still, I couldn't wait to fuck him.

  Castro, on the other hand, walked beside me like a gentleman the entire trail. It didn't take but a few minutes before the guesthouse was in sight. It was a single story home, located at the far edge of Rosa's farm. I'd remembered seeing it as a kid but had never been inside.

  The three of us approached the house. Paolo lifted the door mat by the front door, snatching the key out from under it.

  “Leave it to you to remember where the key is,” Castro said.

  “You should be thanking me right now,” Paolo said, as he unlocked the door.

  I glanced behind us, in the direction of their home. Off in the distance, I could see their backyard. It was a long ways off, though. Far enough so that the party guests appeared as small as ants. It made me feel a little better, knowing that we'd have least have some level of privacy.

  After following the boys inside, I closed and locked the door behind us. We all stepped into the small living room, which was furnished with a brown leather couch and matching love seat. There was a coffee table in front of the couch, which sat on a black and white cow skin rug. It was rustic and cozy. The perfect spot to have my very first threesome.

  It seemed as though we didn't skip a beat either. We tossed our clothes to the side, piling them up in the corner of the room. Then Castro began to kiss me. While we made out, I felt Paolo stepped in front of me and placed his hands just above my hips. He slowly slid them upward until they landed on the bottom part of my bra. In one quick movement, he unclasped the front of the bra and pulled it open, releasing my breasts to the air.

  I broke the kiss with Castro and glanced forward. Paolo's stood before me. His black hair was still wet, clinging to his face. It was a total mess but somehow made him look sexy as hell. His eyes dilated as he gazed at my chest. Something changed in him right there. It was like his animal instincts had kicked in. He was as though he was about to attack his prey. Once again, my pussy dripped in anticipation.

  “Goddamn, you grew up,” Paolo said, but never took his eyes off of my breasts.

  He then wrapped his arms around my back and leaned his face forward. I shuddered and my jaw dropped as he brought his lips over my right nipple. A wave of pleasure seeped into me and I felt as my nipple grew firm.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  I turned back toward Castro and we continued to kiss, while Paolo pleasured my breasts. I felt him lap his tongue quickly against my sensitive nub, each touch causing another pulse of sensation to enter me. Even though my mouth was locked with Castro's, I was still noticing an uncontrollable moan escaping my throat.

  Paolo's hands slid up my front and he squeezed my tits. At the same time, he slowly pulled his mouth from my right nipple. The movement created a loud and wet kissing noise. Without hesitation, he moved his face to the other side and began giving my left breast equal attention.

  I was in heaven. Or at least the closest thing I'd experienced so far. Getting attention from two of the hottest guys I had ever known was something I probably wouldn't have even been able to dream of. And here it was. A reality.

  We continued like this, but only for a few moments. Then Castro broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I can't wait to pleasure you.”

  Paolo pulled away from my chest. “You're such a fucking pussy, Castro.”

  As soon as he spoke. Paolo took my hand and pulled me toward the couch. He was strong and I stumbled to keep up. It's not that I was resisting, it was just that I hadn't been ready to move that fast.

  “Come over here,” he said.

  As soon as we got to the couch, he sat me down. The soft cushions seemed to pull me in and I leaned against the backrest. I sat there facing the boys, my tits out and my panties drenched. Paolo was the first to tak
e his underwear off. He didn't seem nervous in the slightest. It was like he'd had threesomes like this a million times before. He just slipped his fingers into the elastic waistband and pulled them all the way down, kicking them carelessly to the side.

  Oh, my God, I thought, as my eyes moved down toward his cock.

  He was as hard as could be. His dick protruded out of a patch of dark, but well-trimmed pubic hair. It seemed to quiver with each of his heartbeats. I kept my eyes on him as he stepped onto the seat of the couch, positioning himself to my right. He stood there, bringing the crown of his dick to the same level as my face. It was just inches from my mouth and I could feel the heat radiating off of it.

  “You want to taste my cock?” he asked, but it was obviously more of a demand than a question.

  I just nodded and parted my lips. As soon as I did so, Paolo bucked his hips forward, sliding his shaft into my mouth. I could taste his salty pre-cum as it dribbled out.

  When I looked up at him, I got more even turned on. Not just because his hard dick was in my mouth, though, but because he looked so fucking sexy. His tattoos, his long hair, the lust in his eyes and the aggressive way he treated me. Every part of him triggered areas of my brain that I don't think had ever been triggered before.

  “Does that feel good?” he growled.

  I attempted to nod my head, but it was impossible with how far his cock was buried in my mouth. It didn't help that he had his fingers intertwined with my hair and was pulling my face toward him.

  “Come on, Castro,” Paolo said. “Pleasure her like you said you were going to.”

  I watched out of the corner of my eye as Castro stepped forward. I expected him to take off his underwear, but instead, he dropped to his knees on the floor in front of me. He disappeared from my view, but I felt as he parted my legs, pressing outward on the inside of my knees.

  God yes, I thought, as I anticipated Castro's gentle touch.

  He kissed the inner part of my thighs, inching his way upward toward my most sensitive area. When he got there, he pulled the front of my panties to the side, exposing my pussy. The next thing I knew, he leaned in and brought his tongue to my clit.


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