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Tempting Research

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She tasted sweet.

  He loved her cries and pants as he swirled her clit and thrust inside her pussy.

  “Please, pretty, please,” she begged him.

  It was nice to see the passionate woman begging for his tongue. After he’d messed up with him rushing everything, he wanted to show her how good he can be.

  Her legs were shaking. He wanted to bring her screaming. His tongue worked her button, his fingers used her lubrication and brought it to the pucker of her anus, he applied gentle pressure, with his other hand he thrust inside her pussy as his finger penetrated her ass.

  She climaxed immediately. She was screaming for more, fighting him off. The pleasure too intense. It was too much. He could feel the quivers in her body as her climax consumed her entire body and thrust her over the edge of oblivion and beyond.

  He held her as she took everything he gave. She looked so beautiful completely lost to lust. His cock was throbbing but this was better than any other attention he could have gotten. Just watching how much she loved it was more than enough of a turn on.

  When the last shudders took her body, he stopped teasing her clit and removed his fingers from her aching body. He wiped them on a piece of his clothing. He had no intention of leaving tonight. He wanted to take her anyway he could.

  He dropped down next to her on the sofa. He loved it when she curled up next to him, snuggling against his chest.

  Jack usually hated it when a woman got all touchy-feely after sex but with Melissa it felt so right.

  They hadn’t had complete sex but this felt nice, it felt good.

  “Have I helped inspire you?” he asked her.

  He felt her chuckle.


  Chapter Four

  Melissa poured them both a drink of instant coffee and walked naked back to the sofa. They had her laptop open and writing a really hot massage scene where the heroine started looking for her younger man and the cougar was born.

  “What do you think she should do?” Melissa handed him her cup. He lay with one of her favorite pillows across his lap.

  “Why should she do all the work? Just because the guy is younger doesn’t mean he can’t take the initiative and start it up. Look at me and you.” He took a sip of her coffee.

  “Me and you are not characters in a book.”

  “Why not? It worked for us, why can’t it work for them?” He leaned over and kissed her on the lips his hand coming to cup one of her full breasts. She moaned. He was teasing her beyond her imagination.

  She put her coffee down and took his. She climbed onto his lap so her knees were straddling his waist.

  “I thought we needed to work on your story?” His hands came up to cup her ass, his lips circling her nipple.

  She groaned.

  “The story can wait but I can’t.”

  She tore his lips away from her body she kissed him thrusting her tongue between his lips. He had his back against the sofa. This was all her.

  Her hand went down and grasped his cock which was already hardening with the closeness of her body.

  “I want to fuck you,” she whispered against his lips, biting down on his lips.

  “You’re in control, Baby. Fuck me, ride me, do whatever the hell you want with me. Just don’t stop touching me.” He growled as she fisted him.

  His hands grabbed hold of her waist and as she held his cock steady and firm, he guided her body down his shaft.

  Jack swore as he felt her wet dripping pussy eat his cock. They both watched between their bodies as they connected and became one.

  She cried out as he seemed to go on forever. Melissa held onto his shoulders, gasping for breath. It had been so long and she felt full. She could feel him pulsing inside her. She sat there, allowing her body to become accustomed to such a large dick. She looked down at him and he smiled at her.

  “You have a tight cunt.” He fingered her clit making her convulse around his shaft, tightening around him further.

  Their screams mingled and echoed off the walls.

  Melissa held onto his shoulders. She couldn’t stay still anymore. She needed to move and to feel him inside her.

  She lifted up and thrust back down on his cock.

  “You look so fucking hot.” His hands went back to her waist and she could feel her wetness from his fingers as they touched her skin. She was so turned on. She couldn’t stop herself.

  As he forced her body to receive all of him, she forced his head down to lick and suck her tits.

  She cried out as his teeth bit down into her flesh. They rode each other, rough and hard. Jack thrust up to meet her. His cock beating inside her.

  Melissa felt on a wave of incredible orgasm.

  She screamed and cried.

  “It’s not enough,” he cried.

  Taking her hips, he pushed her to the floor, changing positions with him on top. He took his cock in hand, opened her legs wider, pressed against her dripping entrance and slammed inside her.

  He lifted her legs over his shoulders, cupping her ass and bringing her body into the curve of his lap. He used his cock and strength to fuck her harder and deeper.

  It was unlike anything she had ever experienced in her life.

  “Touch yourself. I want to see you come all over my cock.”

  She moved her hands and fingered her clit, she was slippery and swollen and the slightest touch had her quivering.

  “Fuck. I can feel how close you are.”

  She didn’t stop. She needed that sweet release. That point where nothing mattered, where the world went blank and all that mattered was the wonderful feeling of lightness.

  “I’m so close. I can’t stop,” she cried, as with one final flick and his hard dick thrusting inside her cunt she screamed as release consumed her.

  She felt his thrusts get harder and faster as her pussy tightened around his cock.

  She was still absorbing the climax when she felt him thrust so deep inside her and kick as his cock shot his release soaking her with his seed.

  She didn’t care.

  Melissa looked up, his head was flung back, the muscles and tendons stood out on his neck.

  This was pure lust.

  He collapsed against her.

  She could feel his body weight pressing her into the floor. The pleasure coming down, she could feel the rub marks off the floor and his shaking.

  She held him, whispering endearments and soothing him.

  After several minutes, he came up and looked at her. He seemed lost somehow. He cupped her check tenderly and kissed her.

  She couldn’t help but kiss him back.

  “You are amazing,” he whispered.

  For some reason, Melissa was starting to feel their time together was meaning more to him.

  It was late at night and they had managed to write a good portion of the book.

  “Thank you for all your help,” she told him, kissing him on the lips.

  “No problem. I love helping a damsel in distress.” He pulled her across the short space and made her curl round him giving her a hug.

  “This feels nice.” She snuggled down, her hands stroking his chest.

  “It feels great.” One of his hands was resting behind his head as his other stroked her arm.

  “Have you had sex with many women who come to you for a massage?” she asked him.

  He laughed. “No. Never. You are the first woman I ever thought about asking out,” he confessed.

  She looked up at him. “Really?”

  “Yes, since the first week I’ve wanted to ask you out on a date.”

  Melissa was shocked. She’d never even thought for a second he would want a date with her.

  “You know I am older than you, right?”

  She watched as he smiled at her.

  “I think I’ve proven to you more than once, I don’t care about the age gap. You are still amazing and sexy as hell.”

  Her ego was getting seriously stroked.

��How much did you want me?”

  “It was hard to keep my hands in appropriate places.”

  She took his hand and placed it over her boob. “Like this?”

  He moaned, his hand squeezing the plump flesh. “You don’t know how much I wanted to do that.”

  “I think I’m getting the idea.” His other hand cupped her between the thighs.

  “I struggled not to take a peek. I was dying to know if you waxed, what you would look like.”

  Melissa opened her legs. “Go and look all you want.”

  He crawled down the bed until he was between her legs. She opened herself wide and let him look at her.

  There was something erotic about watching a man look at you in the most intimate of ways and see the wonder and lust appear in his eyes.

  He came back up the bed and slid all the way inside her.

  This time they made love, looking into each other eyes without a care in the world. They connected with each other unlike any way they had connected with others. This was more than fucking. This was the start of something new, something special.

  They held each other as they came together in an earth shattering climax. Both confused by the turn of events. Within hours they had gone from being employee and customer, to helpers, to lovers to something more.

  Neither could understand, nor was willing to understand the power of the love making they were sharing.

  It takes years for people to find someone special. Some people hunt their entire lives and never find love. Others go through life never knowing what they had missed.

  This was Melissa and Jacks time to have their moment. To either embrace their moment or let it slip them by to never know if they would feel such passion and love again.

  No one spoke when it was over. They collapsed in an exhausted heap and allowed sleep to consume them.

  Chapter Five

  Two months Later

  Melissa smiled at the email. Her publishers were really impressed with her cougar story. They needed a title and some edits and everything else that came with writing. She checked her watch. She had the rest of the morning to do some chores.

  She glanced at her phone, begging for it to ring but again it stayed silent.

  He’d left the morning after, before she had even woken. He left no notes, nothing.

  Jack Hill had given her some experiences all right. The moment she had woken up, her mind had been buzzing with ideas.

  Within no time her cougar story had been written and put out of her mind. But Jack stayed firmly in place. Never before had she shared her work with anyone the way she had with him.

  The intimacy had been hard to ignore.

  She owned him more than a phone call, more than her silence. She shouldn’t have just cancelled all of her other massage appointments as if he meant nothing to her. In truth she barely knew him but she wanted to get to know him.

  He was smart and funny and he didn’t take the piss out of her for being an erotic romance writer.

  He got extra special points for that.

  Melissa tapped her fingers on the desk, it wouldn’t hurt and he would still be at work. What did she really have to lose?

  Making her mind up, Melissa grabbed her purse and car keys. Within moments she was sitting behind her car, she started it up and off she went.

  Moments like she shared with Jack shouldn’t be passed aside. They are few and far between.

  With that in mind she charged for his work place.

  She just hoped in her heart of hearts. He would still accept her back after two months of absence.

  Jack sat at the lunch table with all of his friends, he listened to their endless chatter about the girls they’d laid and the parties they’d been invited too. He tried to act his part. Get involved with everything.

  He was struggling to find the energy to care about partying and screwing every female that crossed his path.

  He couldn’t get his mind away from her. His older woman, the passion and fire she held within her.

  For such a short period of time she had become part of him. It was insane. He was the king of love ‘em and leave ‘em. Not this time, the one woman he didn’t want to leave, the one whom he wanted to phone him back, had practically blanked him. It was like he didn’t exist for her.

  She hadn’t even come back for her appointments with him.

  Had he been that awful in bed?

  Surely she hadn’t been faking the screaming orgasms or the tightening pussy?

  Or had she?

  Women were known to fake it.

  Had Melissa?

  He ran his fingers through his hair. This was driving him insane.

  “Yo, Jack, ya listening?” Jack turned towards the voice.

  He noted how they were all looking at him waiting for his answer.

  Shit. What had they been talking about?

  “Sorry, man. My head is everywhere.”

  They all shook their heads and continued with the conversation. It wasn’t important obviously.

  Feeling more like an outsider, he took his bottle of water and sandwich and left the table. He didn’t need this crap.

  He made his way out of the building, finding the community park where people were basking in the sunshine.

  Jack sat and watched while kids ran around, playing and couples leaned together, supporting each other.

  Why is it when the heart is yearning for another, it seems that everyone is happy and contented doing what you wish you were doing?

  He wished Melissa was here with him—by his side—basking in the warmth and the glow of each other.

  Man. He was turning into a sentimental jerk.

  Shaking his head, he took a long slug of his drink.


  He really didn’t need this.

  “What do you want Tyler?”

  He saw the shadow of his friend standing over him.

  “It’s about her? Isn’t it?” Tyler asked him sitting beside him on the bench.

  “Look, Tyler, I’m not in the mood for this okay?” Jack didn’t need this, not right now.

  “You’re never in the mood anymore. You walk around dead most of the time. Don’t say you don’t because I know you. You’ve been different ever since that Melissa woman stopped coming by.”

  Jack knew he tensed up at the mention of her name. He couldn’t help it. She had become much a part of him just through her being his customer. His favorite customer.

  “See. I can see it. What actually happened between you two?” Tyler asked him.

  “That is none of your business. Stay out of it.” Jack lost his appetite. He threw his stuff in the bin.

  “Is this because she is older?”

  Jack turned on him. “Don’t say it Tyler, don’t say shit to me about her age.”

  “Look man. I wasn’t going to. I was going to say, if she makes you happy why are you sat around moping. Why don’t you go and get her yourself?”

  Jack stopped glaring at his friend.


  “You ever thought she is the one you need to chase. She is older than you right? What’s to say she isn’t nervous about approaching the young guy. You’re my best friend and I care about you. Go fight for your woman.” Tyler tapped him on the shoulder ushering him on.

  Jack thought about it. He should go after Melissa. Why should he be the one waiting around?

  “After work I’ll—”

  “Screw after work. Women don’t wait around. You want to prove to her you’re serious go after her now. Don’t wait. I’ll tell the boss.” Tyler urged him on.

  Jack hesitated for a few seconds and then he was sprinting towards his car. He jumped into his car and was zooming out of the car park. He emergency braked when he saw Melissa coming into the parking lot.

  She didn’t see him. He honked his horn.

  She didn’t turn to look.


  Doing an abrupt U-turn and pissing someone off who beeped at him, he followed h
er to where she parked her car.

  Jack jumped out, pissing more drivers off as he just abandoned his car.

  “Melissa!” he yelled her name.

  This woman could sure walk fast. He started running calling her name.

  Finally—after everyone turned to look at him because they thought he’d gone mad—Melissa finally turned.

  He watched her eyes widen but she didn’t ignore him. She stood and waited for him.

  “Jack? Why are you all sweaty? Why aren’t you at work?” she asked as he approached her.

  He went to her. He didn’t care about the people looking on. It had been two months since he last saw her. He stopped her with his lips on hers. He brought her body close to his and consumed her lips with a searing, soul destroying kiss.

  She responded immediately. Her hands curved round his neck and she met him stroke for stroke on the kiss.

  Time stood still for this couple. It felt so right to have her back in his arms. He held her and kissed her over and over again.

  The crowd applauded. The guys laughing while the girls looked on in awe. None of it mattered.

  After several minutes, they broke away gasping for breath.

  “What are you doing Jack?” she asked on a sigh.

  “I’m staking my claim. I want you Melissa. I’ve wanted you since the first day I met you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Give us a chance,” he begged.

  He watched as the tears sprung to her eyes.

  “Oh, baby, don’t cry.” He wiped each tear as it fell on her cheeks.

  The tender way he was looking at her was making her heart melt with each touch.

  “I was coming to tell you the same thing,” she confessed and in that moment she owned his heart.

  The crowd cheered and clapped as they embraced.

  They stopped both going bright red as they realized the spectacle they were making. He kissed her again and rubbed her nose with his.

  “Should we get out of here?” He nodded his head in the direction of his car.

  She nodded. “Yes, Please.”

  “I’m so sorry, mate,” Jack apologized to the queue of cars. They waved him off laughing.

  He smiled and drove Melissa back to his place. They left her car in the lot for the next two days. He called in sick and made love to his woman, to his cougar for the rest of the week.


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