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Snow Job: Stranded with a Possessive Billionaire Romance

Page 35

by Luxe, Eva

  The Jeep didn’t reappear again. Maybe the driver was on his way home, and it happened to be in the same direction I had been going. Maybe I had to stop thinking about it.

  I parked in front of Sadie’s apartment building and checked my reflection in the rearview mirror. I was confident about my body and my looks, but this wasn’t just any woman. It was Sadie. The woman. I got out with the dessert and buzzed her apartment number.

  When I knocked on the door, she took a moment to open it for me, and I realized how nervous I was. I didn’t know what to expect from Sadie this time. Every time was different with her. I understood why. Living with amnesia had to be hard, but it made it difficult for me to gauge where she was at. I assumed tonight, she would be in a good place. She asked me over after all. But I was careful. I had to guard my heart.

  A moment later, the door opened, and she stood in front of me, looking like a vision. Her dark hair hung over her shoulders, thick and shiny. She wore a red blouse with a neckline just low enough to reveal the swell of her breasts, but it was modest enough to leave a lot to the imagination. Dark jeans and ballet flats finished her outfit, and she looked fantastic.

  Her gray eyes were dark. She smiled at me and stepped back so I could walk into the apartment.

  “You look amazing,” I said, kissing her on the cheek before walking farther into the apartment. She took the dessert from me and disappeared. I looked around.

  The apartment was modest. It was a good size for someone living alone, and it was decorated with ornaments, pictures, and plants. It was a mixture of nostalgia and hippy furniture that made it look unique. Like Sadie.

  The couch had a multicolored throw over it. The television stood in the middle of the room. There were plants in most of the corners, next to end tables and book cases.

  I had never seen this side of her before. When we’d dated, we were still in school, and her room had been decorated with posters of her favorite bands and movie stars.

  This was different. This was a glimpse into the life of Sadie as an adult, as someone who could choose her own décor.

  The apartment was a lot smaller than my mansion, but it was homey, personal. I would prefer something like this over a large house filled with loneliness anytime.

  And I fully planned to make it so that Sadie and I could christen it.

  Chapter 19


  “We’re having dinner on the patio,” Sadie said and led the way through a sliding door.

  Wow, she had cooked for me.

  I would follow this girl to the ends of the earth, but I was even happier to follow her right here, to a home-cooked meal.

  Her apartment was on the bottom floor. While the owners above her had balconies, she had a patio and a small garden like the other ground floor units.

  She’d made up a small square table with a colorful tablecloth, two plates, and cutlery. The table was set up so that we sat across the corner from each other, not on opposite sides of the table. It was intimate. A lamp against the wall cast a dim light over everything, and the setting was romantic. I wasn’t sure if that was what she was going for, but I was happy with it.

  “This looks really nice,” I said and sat down.

  She smiled and disappeared back into the apartment. A moment later, she brought out two plates with spaghetti bolognaise.

  “It’s nothing fancy,” she said, putting my plate down in front of me. “It’s the one thing I can make with my eyes closed. My mom used to make it all the time.”

  I nodded, looking at the food. It was spaghetti with meatballs and a marinara sauce that I could still taste even before taking a bite. I remembered her mom serving this most of the time when I was invited over for dinner.

  A wave of nostalgia hit me when I smelled the steam that rose from the food.

  “This smells great,” I said, trying not to choke on the memories.

  She produced a bottle of red wine. “It’s a cheap one,” she said. “But I like to have this with the spaghetti.”

  I took the bottle from her and smiled. When we’d been kids, we hadn’t had this with the meal, but I could see how this would work now.

  “What are you smiling about?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I’m just enjoying this,” I said. I didn’t want to discuss memories with her. It was a touchy topic, and I wanted the night to be relaxed and easy. I opened the wine and poured a glass for each of us.

  We talked about everything and nothing while we ate. She asked me what it was like to be famous. Most of the time it was hard work, I told her. And you didn’t have a lot of time for yourself.

  I asked her what she’d done after school. I wasn’t in the picture anymore by then, and it was a part of her life that I didn’t know about.

  She told me about her business studies again and how that didn’t work out for her, how she started cheerleading because she was good at it, even though she wasn’t sure why.

  I knew why. She’d been the best cheerleader on the team since she’d tried out. She had natural talent, and no amount of brain damage could take that away from her.

  “What do you want to do with your life now?” I asked.

  She shrugged, taking a sip of wine. “I don’t know. I love what I’m doing now, but it’s not the kind of thing you do for the rest of your life, you know? I think I would like to open a fitness place. Like a gym or something. The business degree will help with that, too, I guess.”

  I nodded. “It would. And that’s a great idea. If you make it something different than what’s out there already, you’ll do great. You have the drive to do something like that.”

  She smiled. I couldn’t tell in the dim light, but it seemed like she was blushing. I loved it when she blushed, when her cheeks went rosy.

  I didn’t say anything about her dreams, about how similar they were to what she wanted in school. She used to talk about opening a gym as long as we had been dating. She didn’t remember that part, but she was still the same person. Every time we spent time together, I was struck by how much of the old Sadie was still there beneath everything else.

  “What about you?” she asked. “What do you want to do with your life? I’m guessing that you wanted to go pro, and now, you’ve done that. Just more of the same?”

  I shook my head. “I am on track with my career, for sure,” I said. “But I want to settle down and start a family. I want to be with someone that I can come home to. Having a career is great, but having a family is everything. Riches don’t define me the way family and friends do.”

  Sadie looked down at her plate.

  “I’m in no rush, though,” I said.

  I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, like I was here to find a life partner in her. Of course, that would be the ideal outcome. It had been on my mind when we were still at school, part of my plans for the future. I still loved her. But I just wanted her in my life, no matter how I could have her.

  And I did want someone eventually. For now, I was happy where I was.

  When I told her I was in no hurry, she looked like she relaxed a little. She looked up at me, and her eyes were dark. The atmosphere changed, charged with that feeling that I always got when I was with her.

  She looked at me, and her eyes slid down to my lips. I didn’t want to scare her off, but I wanted to kiss her. Judging by her look, she wanted it, too. She was thinking about it, and it didn’t look like the thought scared her. I moved slowly toward her, leaning forward. She didn’t move away. I brushed my hand down her cheek, and her breath hitched in her throat. It was a soft sound.

  Every time I took a step forward with her, it felt like I took a step back again, ending up right where I started. We had slept together, but she seemed nervous of just a kiss now. I didn’t mind. I would take all the time needed to get her back. If it was with one kiss at a time, that was how it would have to be.

  When she still didn’t pull away, I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. She sighed against my mouth as if she w
as satisfied now. I ran my tongue over her lips, and she opened her mouth for me. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, entering her. The kiss changed from careful and unsure, to hot and passionate, almost immediately. She kissed me back, her arms snaking around my neck, and she shifted a little closer to me.

  I got lost in the feel of her. She tasted like wine and something so familiar it was like coming home. Marinara sauce? No, Sadie. The smell of her perfume was in my nostrils, and warmth spread through my body.

  Suddenly, she jerked away from me, and I looked at her. What did I do?

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  She jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the apartment. She moved away from the sliding door and tried to peek around the curtain.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I thought I saw a camera flash,” she said. “My eyes were closed, but still.” She swallowed.

  “Stay here,” I said and stepped through the sliding door again. The squeal of tires filled the night, and the blue Jeep that had followed me earlier sped away.

  Dammit. Fucking paparazzi were a pain in my ass.

  I walked through the sliding door and joined Sadie inside again.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “We’re not in danger.”

  She shook her head, pacing the living room.

  “It was the paparazzi, wasn’t it? I’ve seen how they follow you guys around like lapdogs, taking pictures left and right.”

  I nodded. I wasn’t going to lie to her. “It’s going to be fine, Sadie.”

  She shook her head. She was still pacing.

  “I think we should call it a night,” she said.

  She was clamming up on me again. Shit.

  “It’s not a big deal,” I said. “We can sit inside.”

  She shook her head. “I think I need to go to bed. I’m tired.”

  I didn’t want this to be the end. We were having such a good time. I wanted to spend more time with her and kiss her again if I could.

  “We haven’t even had dessert yet,” I said.

  She smiled apologetically at me. “You can take it with you,” she said.

  I sighed. I wasn’t going to win this one.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “You keep it. Have it tomorrow, if you want.”

  She nodded. I walked toward the door, irritated that the night had ended so quickly. It was impossible to shake the paparazzi. They were like vultures, preying on your most intimate moments.

  Sadie hugged me at the door. I didn’t even get a kiss. I walked to my car, and the door clicked shut behind me. It felt like I’d been kicked out.

  I didn’t blame Sadie for this. I blamed the fact that I was fucking famous.

  Chapter 20


  When Brian had told me it was no big deal that the paparazzi had gotten photos of us on my patio, I didn’t believe him. I knew what the paparazzi was. I knew how they haunted the players and made everything look terrible. It wasn’t that long ago when Hanson Bell, one of the other Sharks players, was all over the news with women and alcohol.

  I didn’t want it to look the same. I didn’t want to be one of the many women the rich and famous had access to for their own pleasure. The idea made me sick, and even though I knew Brian didn’t feel like that about me, I was scared everyone else would think of me that way.

  When I arrived at the University on Tuesday for training, I was all over the tabloids. No big deal? Yeah, right.

  It was a picture of me kissing Brian, but the photo was grainy so that it looked like they caught us trying to hide something. My arms were wrapped around his neck, my body leaning toward his, and I looked eager.

  I’d felt things when I was kissing him, but the photo didn’t portray that. Somehow, the photo made everything look dirty.

  And it wasn’t that I’d wanted to hide what was happening between Brian and me, but I didn’t exactly want the world to know. Privacy and secrecy weren’t the same thing.

  It was too late now. My privacy had been compromised, and it was embarrassing and invasive. And everyone must have seen it.

  As I walked to the field where I was going to train with the girls, people looked at me and did a double take. I was suddenly famous. Or infamous.

  “Nice shot,” a professor said to me when he passed me on my way to the training fields. It felt like he hit me in the gut.

  The girls were huddled around a phone on the field, talking excitedly. When I arrived, they stopped talking, and I knew right away what the topic of discussion was. All eyes were on me.

  “Let’s start our warm-up,” I said. I was in a bad mood, and it was getting worse.

  One hand slowly rose.

  “Yes?” I asked, even though I had an idea what she was going to say.

  “We were just wondering what it’s like to know a pro player,” she said.

  “And how you managed to land one,” another said. “They’re all so hot.”

  More questions and comments arose now that the first girl had spoken. It was like she had paved the way for the others, and they were all more confident now.

  They shouldn’t have been. I shook my head, closing my eyes. Maybe to them, it sounded glorious to be this famous and to be seen with someone like Brian. To me, it was a nightmare. I felt exposed to the world, stripped of all my comforts and put on display without being able to defend myself. That I was a topic of discussion just drove that point home.

  “I’m not going to discuss my personal life with you,” I said.

  Lorraine glanced at me. She didn’t say anything, which was wise of her. Calling it my personal life was a joke now. There was nothing personal about being posted across the internet.

  I knew I sounded grumpy. I was. My mood was foul, and I wanted to get this training over and done with and go back home to hide.

  Was this what it was going to be like with Brian? Would I be the center of attention? A face that was recognized even by strangers? Would my intentions and actions be analyzed without me being able to defend myself?

  Because if that was the case, I didn’t want any part of this. It was the life Brian, and all the others, had chosen for themselves, but this wasn’t my life. I didn’t have to do this.

  I pushed the girls harder than I needed to. I made them run around the field more times than was necessary. Lorraine didn’t once try to stop me. Maybe she understood what I was going through. Maybe she knew the girls could take more than I could at this point.

  “Core fitness is the foundation of a cheerleader,” I said when they complained, but I knew I was taking out my mood on them.

  We did stretches until they cried out, stopping because they couldn’t anymore. When the training was finally over, I was emotionally as drained as they were physically. I sent them away, and they left, grumbling. Lorraine left with them. She was my friend, and a part of me needed her, but I was glad she left so that I couldn’t bite off her head and then regret it.

  I would feel bad about it later. I would apologize to them some other time. Right now, I was being pulled apart by people that didn’t even know me. It put me on edge. I didn’t know who I was half the time. I had no foundation to work from. I had nothing solid I could fall back on to remind myself who I was when they made me look like someone else entirely.

  It was hard to defend a person I didn’t know at all, even if that person was myself. Add in the memories that came and went, making me feel raw, and it was all too much for me.

  When I got home, I opened the webpage with the photos again. I knew that I was torturing myself looking at it, but I wanted to know if there was anything in them that was real.

  The more I looked at them, the worse I felt. If this was what it meant to spend time with Brian, I couldn’t keep doing it. I didn’t remember what we were before I had my accident. Even though he hadn’t brought anything up since we started hanging out again, I knew he thought about things, remembering, every now and then.

  To me,
he was virtually a stranger. And the drama that came with knowing him wasn’t something I was willing to accept. I didn’t have to push through this for someone that I didn’t know.

  I was going to be selfish. Maybe this hurt him in different ways. Maybe it was unfair of me to write him off for something that he couldn’t control. But I had to look out for myself first.

  When I dialed his number, the call rolled over to voicemail after a couple of rings. I would wait for him to finish training before I called him again.

  I considered phoning Lorraine, but I didn’t know what I would say to her. She’d been at training today. She’d seen what happened, how I reacted, and she hadn’t said anything to me about it. Sure, I hadn’t exactly been approachable, but she hadn’t tried.

  At home, I lay down on the bed and tried to take a nap. Sleep was an escape. Time went past so quickly, and whatever was the matter had to wait. I couldn’t fall asleep, though. I got up and walked to the fridge where I found the Tiramisu Brian had brought with him.

  I opened it and ate both helpings. I was eating my emotions. Great. Now I was going to feel horrible about my body, too. I would train with the girls next time to burn off whatever I’d just put on. If the paparazzi didn’t capture it before then.

  I knew I was being ridiculous. I was bitter. But I was upset, and I told myself I had every right to be. I didn’t ask for this.

  Finally, it was late enough that Brian had to be done with his training. I dialed his number, and he answered on the last ring, when I expected to get his voicemail again.

  “How are you doing?” he asked immediately when he answered.

  “Have you seen the tabloids?” I wasn’t interested in making small talk.

  “I did,” he said. “I’m sorry that it comes across so ugly.”

  I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see it. “I can’t do this, Brian,” I said.

  I heard him draw a breath. “You mean like, at all, don’t you?” he asked. He sounded tired, and I didn’t get the feeling it was because of his training session.


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