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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Ask me that question again tomorrow. I hope I’ll have an answer by then,” Matt replied. “Dusty should be arrivin’ any minute. Can you please make sure she stays outta trouble for me?”

  “Don’t worry, I will,” Patrick promised. “Keep me posted.”

  Satisfied, Matt leaned back in his chair and dropped his hand to pat Jinx. The feel of his dog’s soft, furry head always helped him think. Gazing idly around the patio, his eyes fell upon the table in the corner, and a vague memory floated into his head. Like a bolt from the blue the scene came alive, and he shook his head.

  Damn, girl, what happened with you today was like that moment all those years ago, except I wasn’t there to protect you.

  Shaken by the unexpected recall, he took a deep breath and sipped his coffee, then picked at his muffin.

  I need to control this. I need to find a way to neutralize Jim Lewis and make sure Dusty has unquestionable ownership of her horse.

  Refocusing, he pondered all the players, and was searching for an answer when Mary Jo reappeared, coffee pot in hand.

  “You want some more?” she asked.

  “I guess so. I’m not leavin’ here until I figure this out.”

  “Should I assume you don’t want to break any china, and you don’t want to wrestle the bull either?” she said as she poured the fresh coffee into his mug.

  “That’s about the size of it.”

  “Then you need to let someone else do it for you.”

  “What did you just say?”

  “I said, if you don’t want the bull in the china shop, and you don’t want to wrestle him yourself, you need to let someone else do it for you.”

  He stared at her for a minute, then broke into a broad smile.

  “Mary Jo, you are the bee’s knees,” he exclaimed pulling out his wallet and placing a fifty dollar bill on the table. “Keep the change.”

  “Seriously?” she beamed.

  “Yep, I’ve gotta make tracks,” and grabbing the newspaper, he and Jinx headed out to his truck.


  When Matt knocked on Dusty’s door a little before six, he was greeted by an unexpected, appreciative hug from her mother.

  “Dot is still getting ready,” she said as she stepped back. “How can we ever thank you? I’ve told her father everything and he’s so grateful. We both are. Come with me, I have to show you what she’s done.”

  A little taken aback, Matt followed her out of the kitchen and on to the patio.

  “My genius girl, look at that,” she declared pointing to the back gate.

  Piled up was a pyramid of large empty metal cans rising almost to the top. Matt laughed out loud.

  “That is very clever,” he chuckled. “If anyone pushes open that gate it’ll make a helluva racket.”

  “It sure will,” she grinned, “and it’s the only way into the yard. We’ve padlocked the gate as well.”

  “What if an intruder jumps the fence and quietly dismantles them all?”

  “Dot, sorry, I just can’t get used to calling her Dusty, anyway, she had the same worry, so she tied them together with some fishing line. If you pull off the top one, they will all come tumbling down.”

  “Dusty is a very resourceful young woman,” Matt chuckled. “I almost hope someone tries to open that gate.”

  “I had the same thought,” she laughed. “Especially if Tom’s home. It’s a shame though. She was looking forward to riding over to Patrick’s barn tomorrow. She’s so excited about her new saddle.”

  “Probably not the best idea, not yet,” Matt said soberly.

  “She can take Licorice out the back way though, through the neighbor’s paddocks and up those hills. Apparently her horse loves it. When she’s at the top she can look down into the town.”

  “I know. The barn where I keep my horse, Jackson, is at the foot of those hills. Maybe we can meet up there sometime.”

  “I’m sure she’d love that. Let’s hope this nasty business is behind us soon.”

  “Try not to worry. I have a feelin’ this is all gonna work out just fine.”

  “You say that with such confidence,” she remarked. “Is there more news?”

  “Let’s just say, I have an iron in the fire,” he replied.

  “You like my burglar alarm?” Dusty giggled walking up behind them.

  “It’s brilliant,” Matt declared. “Where did you get all those cans?”

  “Dad likes to refinish furniture when he’s home. They’re his empties. He swears he’s going to take them to the toxic waste disposal place, but he never gets around to it. I’m really glad about that now.”

  “Me too,” her mother agreed. “I’ll never nag him about it again. Now off you go, and have a good time.”

  As they walked back through the house, Matt spotted the flowers he had bought Dusty the night before sitting proudly in a golden vase on the living room coffee table. It made him smile. Ambling out the front door and up to the truck, he opened the passenger door, but as she was about to climb in he touched her arm.

  “You make me real happy,” he purred.

  “Back at ya, cowboy,” she whispered

  “Let me help you with that bag,” he offered, taking it from her and placing it behind her seat. “Your chaps are in it, right?”

  “Nope, no hot pink chaps for you tonight,” she said with mock seriousness.

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to make your backside hot pink to make up for it.”

  “I was kidding.”

  “I wasn’t,” he quipped.

  He closed her door, and couldn’t help chuckling as he walked around and settled in behind the wheel.

  “They are in the bag,” she declared as he started up the engine.

  “Just as well,” he grinned, “but now I’m thinkin’ I’d like to see how closely I can make your ass match them.”

  The butterflies that burst to life robbed Dusty of thought, and with nothing to say she simply stared back at him.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Matt asked as he backed the truck out of the driveway.

  “Nope,” she managed, “I was just thinking about dinner. I’m really looking forward it.”

  “Uh huh,” he grinned. “Sure, that’s exactly what you were thinkin’, about.”

  She felt her face flush, and shifted her eyes to the road ahead.

  “You sure clean up good,” he said warmly.

  “Thank you,” she smiled. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. You can ask me whatever you want.”

  “Was it my riding that first got your attention, or those chaps?”

  “Uh, neither. It was seein’ your flaxen mane flowin’ down your back when you were standin’ outside the cafe. That’s what caught my eye. Then you started walkin’, and those chaps of yours sealed the deal.”

  “Flaxen mane?” she laughed. “I love that. Are you talking about when you were in your truck?”

  “Yep. You gave me such a weird look,” he remarked shaking his head.

  “I was mad, really mad.”

  “Because I didn’t know who you were?”

  “Uh-huh,” she mumbled.

  “We’re past that, right?”

  “Yes, definitely, but that morning I didn’t know you were looking at me, like, looking at me because, uh, you liked what you saw. I thought it was only after you watched me ride that you were interested.”

  “Nope. If I’d seen you all grown up before that mornin’, I’d have been knockin’ on your door.”

  “There’s a sign on the wall of Patrick’s office, and it says, Mud on My Face, Dirt In My Hair, The Way I Barrel Race, Makes The Cowboys Stare! When I was younger and totally shy, he told me to think about that. I did, and inspired me to ride hard. That’s probably also why I assumed it was my riding that got your attention.”

  “You ride like the blazes, no doubt about it, but I felt somethin’ that mornin’ when I was drivin’, and it wouldn’t have mattered to me if you’d come d
ead last in that race.”

  Dusty smiled across at him, and leaned back in her seat.

  “You have no idea what that means to me,” she sighed.

  “Hey, just speakin’ the truth,” he said.

  As they pulled into the parking lot of The Sunset Lodge, the sun was low in the sky, reflecting off the still lake waters.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she sighed as he rolled to a stop.

  “I’ve reserved us a special table, and we’ll catch the sun droppin’ behind the hills just about when we’re havin’ somethin’ real decadent for dessert.”


  “Yeah, darlin’?”

  “Thank you for everything. Thank you for looking out for Licorice and me, and for, I guess, just being the way you are.” You’re everything I dreamed you’d be. You’re my handsome Prince and my White Knight all rolled into an amazing, sexy cowboy.

  Not sure what to say, he reached for her hand and brought it to his lips.

  “Thank you, girl, for ownin’ those chaps,” he grinned.

  The comment made her laugh out loud, and climbing from the truck they made their way into the restaurant.


  During dinner they had held hands under the table, shared an occasional kiss, and sampled each other’s meals. Dessert had been served, a hot apple-raisin-cinnamon crumble with ice cream, and after feeding her the last bite of the rich, delicious sweet, he placed the spoon on the dish, folded his arms over the table and leaned forward.

  “I remembered somethin’ today, somethin’ that happened at the cafe when you were, I guess, fifteen, maybe sixteen years old.”

  “You did? I’m shocked. You didn’t even know I was alive.”

  “Sure I did. That was just in your head! I was with my dad, and you were sittin’ by yourself at a table in the corner. A tough lookin’ biker walked in and sat opposite you. Do you remember this?”

  Dusty caught her breath, then silently nodded.

  “When that big, rough guy in the leather jacket sat with you, I couldn’t believe my eyes. My dad and I were both real worried.”

  “Oh, my gosh,” she breathed feeling herself blush. I know exactly what you’re going to say.

  “He got up and went off to the bathroom, and what happened?”

  “You came over to me, and you, uh, told me I shouldn’t go anywhere with him.”

  “A bit more than that, I think.”

  “Okay, yes,” she admitted.

  “What did I say?”

  “You said,” she began taking a deep breath, “a fella like that doesn’t ask, he takes what he wants. Are you sure you want to ride off into the sunset with him?”

  “Yep, what else.”

  She stared at him, knowing what he’d said to her all those years before, how it had sent heat through her entire body, how totally embarrassed she’d been, and thrilled, and tantalized, and completely overwhelmed.

  “Go on, what else?”

  “You said I should have my butt spanked for even having coffee with him,” she murmured.

  “Yep, and when he left and you were still sittin’ there, what happened then?”

  “You smiled at me, gave me a thumbs up, and paid my bill,” she managed.

  “I was proud of you for listenin’, but before that I was so dang worried,” he remarked shaking his head, “then just as relieved when he left without you.”

  “You saved me that day,” she said gazing at him. “You were my hero,” and have been even since.

  “But, today, Dusty, I wasn’t there to step in. You’ve gotta be smarter.”

  Trying to swallow the unexpected lump in her throat, she nodded her head and began to fidget with her napkin.

  “I know going up to that guy was stupid,” she muttered dropping her eyes and staring at her busy fingers.

  “You should’ve been spanked back then for meetin’ up with that biker, but that’s water under the bridge. Now though, for what happened today, you will be.”

  Warm moisture flooded her sex, and as he unfolded his arms and took her hand, pulling it from the tortured napkin, she lifted her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again,” she mumbled.

  “I can’t have you takin’ chances like that. I care about you, Dusty, I care about you a whole lot, and I’m gonna make that clear.”

  Speechless, she stared back at him, and began searching for some words that might make him change his mind. Seeing the resolve in his eyes she knew it was pointless, then realized she didn’t want him to, not really, not in her heart.

  Moments later the waiter arrived and dropped the leather wallet on the table. Releasing her hand Matt opened it up, signed his name, and rose from the table. Her legs felt unsteady as she stood, but he was quickly at her side, and with an arm around her waist they walked out into the parking lot.

  The air between them crackled during the drive home. She wanted to ask him if he was going to spank her very hard, but she couldn’t make her voice work. She felt nervous and fearful, but she couldn’t deny the electric excitement that was sparking through her, and the strange, salacious desire to be over his knee.

  Though it was a short drive, to Dusty it felt like an hour, and finally back in his house, after Jinx had joyfully welcomed them, Matt took her hand and led her out on to the patio. The evening was warm, the moon a cream globe hanging low in the sky, reflecting gold on the still lake.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he smiled. “Look over there.”

  Her eyes traveled past him, and she spied a double lounger covered with a fur throw, a small table next to it with two bottles of water, and some other items she couldn’t quite discern.

  “Would you like to make love under the stars?”

  “Ooh, Matt, yes,” she sighed wondering if he’d changed his mind about spanking her, “but will anyone be able to see us?”

  “Only if they hover in a helicopter,” he assured her. “Where’s your bag?”

  “I put it down when I was petting Jinx in the kitchen.”

  “You go get it, use my bedroom to change, and what are you gonna be wearin’ when you come back here?”

  “My chaps,” she breathed.

  “Your chaps, and what else?”

  “Uh, nothing?”

  “That’s it,” he nodded, “and I’m gonna be timin’ you. You’ve got five minutes. For every second you’re late you’ll get a swat. Considerin’ I’m already gonna be warmin’ your backside, you might wanna keep your eye on the clock.”

  Leaning her head against his shoulder, she let out a heavy breath.

  “Matt, you turn me on so much.”

  “It’s mutual, darlin’,” he replied softly, then gripping her hair he pulled back her head and locked her eyes. “Now go do as I say.”

  She wanted to kiss him, to wrap herself around him, to fall on to the fur-covered lounger with him, but feeling as if she was under some kind of spell, she turned and moved back into the house.

  Matt checked the time, peeled off his clothes and laid them on the glass top table, then lit the hurricane lamp he’d left a few feet away from the lounger. Stretching out on the soft fur he unbuckled his watch, and as he placed it on the table he saw she had two minutes left.

  Having discovered his love of the darker side of sex early on, he’d had the pleasure of turning a number of sexy young women over his lap. His explorations had been great fun, and he had shared his fantasies with a few eager and willing females, but being with Dusty was different. He knew his feelings were growing, and there was a part of him that felt slightly out of control.

  “It feels a bit weird, but I like it, I like it a lot,” he muttered.

  A rustling sound caught his attention, and lifting his eyes he saw her moving slowly towards him clad only in her hot pink chaps. He could see her rosebud nipples were sharp, pointing at him as if asking for attention, and though the light from the living room lamps helped illuminate the patio, the hurricane lamp was sending an amber
glow against her skin.

  “Don’t you look a treat. Come on over here,” he said picking up his watch to see if she was back on time. “Just made it,” he grinned sitting up and perching on the edge of the lounger.

  Feeling oddly self-conscious, she padded across the redwood deck and stood in front of him.

  As he ran his palms over the soft leather, and glided them around her to caress her naked cheeks, her soft, sultry moans floated through the air. Pressing his lips to her stomach, he slipped a finger into her pussy, finding her slick with need.

  “Dusty, you are drenched,” he groaned tilting his head back to look up at her.

  “I feel weak,” she mumbled.

  Rising to his feet he encircled her with his arms, closing his eyes, loving the feel of her breasts against his chest.

  “My bad girl,” he whispered. “You ready for your spankin’?”

  “No, yes, no,” she muttered.

  “I’ve gotta do it, and I’ve gotta make it count. You can’t be doin’ such foolish things.”

  “I know.”

  “You left your young student and confronted a man you were scared of, a man you already thought was dangerous.”

  “I know.”

  “I know you know,” he sighed, “but I’ve gotta scold you. I’ve gotta make sure you understand why I’m gonna take a hairbrush to your lovely bottom.”

  “A hairbrush?”

  “Yep, just enough to make my point. There’s a pillow next to the little table there. I’m gonna sit back down, and I want you to put it right where you’re standin’ and kneel on it, facin’ away from me.”

  “Okay,” she quivered.

  Settling back on the lounger, he watched her pick up the cushion, set it directly in front of him, then kneel facing the lake. He could have put it in place for her, but it was important she learn to follow simple instructions. It was the subtle start of her training.

  Dusty had felt breathless as she’d followed his order, and as she’d picked up the pillow she’d spotted the oval, wooden hairbrush sitting on the small table. There were other items as well. A black scarf, and what looked like a couple of short leather belts.

  “How do you feel?” he asked picking up the hairbrush.


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