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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  His cock was pounding her, she could feel the moment building, and her sense of exposure was fueling her fire, then suddenly, something unexpected happened. Something lewd, something that make her cry out in shock.

  He was pressing an unwelcome, slippery visitor into her anus.

  Red? Should I say red?

  As the visitor was insisting she allow its entry, his cock was continuing to ravage her, and her climax was hovering. Though she was mortified, the visitor was making her pending orgasm even more powerful, and abruptly, without her permission, her bottom opened itself up.

  As it slid inside, the spasms hit, jerking through her body, and all thought was shattered into a thousand tingling, prickling lights. Though she could hear herself crying out, it was as though she was far away and had no control over the wails that were rising up and escaping from her mouth. The convulsions continued to surge, then as suddenly as they had started, they stopped.

  She had a vague sense of him untying her ankles, then being lifted with the robe draped around her. When she opened her eyes she was in his arms, on a couch, in a room she didn’t recognize.

  “Hey, you, that was impressive,” he murmured.

  “That was…”

  “I think you had multiple orgasms rolled into one,” he said tenderly. “You climbed on board a rocket ship.”

  “Where are we?”

  “In Kevin’s workroom. It was the closest place.”

  “Wow,” she breathed. “That was absolutely wild. Talk about feeling weak. I’m not sure I can even walk.”

  “Catch your breath. I’ll run upstairs and get your things.”

  “Thanks. That would good,” she managed. “Matt?”

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Just, um, hurry back.”

  “I’ll be seconds,” he promised.

  Curling herself inside the robe, she watched him head out the door, then closing her eyes she had only one thought.

  I’m truly in love.


  Matt and Dusty were sitting in a booth across from each other, in a small, family owned Italian restaurant. They had shared a generous helping of a rich, tomatoey, cheesy lasagne and a bottle of red wine, the perfect meal to follow to the fervid and passionate episode in the workroom.

  The sun had set as they’d been dining, and the candle in the potbellied Chianti bottle was lit and flickering. With the ambience warm and cozy, Dusty leaned back and rested her head on the padded leather behind her.

  “I think this is the most relaxed I’ve been in very long time,” she breathed.

  “I can see that,” Matt smiled. “Are you relaxed enough to meet my folks?”

  “That came out of nowhere,” she remarked sitting up.

  “Yeah, I guess it did. If you’re not up for it, that’s cool. I’ll drop you at my house and swing back over there. I don’t need much time.”

  “I’m up for it, but why do I get the feeling there’s more to this spontaneous visit than just wanting to stop in and say hello.”

  “Because there is,” he frowned. “I don’t trust him, this Slim Jim guy.”

  “Well, duh,” Dusty declared. “What’s there to trust?”

  “I mean, somethin’ doesn’t smell right.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “He caught me off guard today. That wasn’t an accident. He may look like a homeless person and a drunk, but I’m startin’ to think that could be part of an act.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “His appearance at Silver Streak. He must have known I’d be there alone, which means he’s been watchin’ my routine. That’s a surprise. I’m suddenly not feelin’ so confident about tomorrow. That’s why I wanna see dad. He’s the smartest man I ever met. I want his take.”

  “Then I of course I want to be there,” she exclaimed, “and you might be right. Slim Jim knew exactly what to say to freak me out, like what he said to you about me being a whiner or a screamer. That would make any man nuts. I’m amazed you didn’t race out there. Thank goodness you had the presence of mind to stay put.”

  “Exactly, that’s what I mean. There’s more to him than meets the eye. Maybe I’m bein’ paranoid, but I don’t wanna be caught with my pants down again.”

  “Then you’re right. We should talk to your dad on the way home. Will my car be safe in your parking lot?”

  “Yep. There are the security cameras, the lot is lit up like a football field, and I have a security patrol that drives by throughout the night. Speakin’ of which, I’d better call them and tell them your car is allowed to be there. Then I’ll call my dad and make sure he’s not too tired for us to stop in.”

  Matt’s father wasn’t just okay with them visiting, he was thrilled that he was going to meet Dusty, the girl now famous for her hot pink chaps, and the new owner of Black Lightening, aka Licorice.

  As they headed away from town, the mood in the truck was unusually somber. Matt was quiet, and even Jinx napped in the narrow seat behind them.

  “I hope you’re wrong,” Dusty mumbled as they turned off the main road towards the lake. “I hope everything is just as it seems, but now I’m starting to feel that something is off.”

  “If there is, dad will figure it out,” Matt assured her.

  They pulled into the driveway of the large rambling house, and sitting up behind them, Jinx stared through the windshield and began to bark.

  “What is it, Jinxy?” Dusty asked seeing how excited he was.

  “He loves comin’ here,” Matt smiled. “Mom always has a marrow bone for him.”

  “Lucky dog,” Dusty remarked.

  “He thinks so,” Matt replied climbing from the truck.

  Excited, Jinx leapt from the truck and bounded ahead. Seconds later the porch light turned on, the front door opened, and Matt’s mother was there with her arms spread open, an invitation for a hug.

  “Hello sweetheart,” she smiled embracing Matt and kissing him on the cheek, “and you must be Dusty. What a pleasure. Please, come in. I’ve put a tray with coffee and cookies in the den.”

  “Thanks, mom, that sounds good,” Matt replied. “We just had dinner but we didn’t stay for coffee.”

  “Congratulations, Dusty, on your wonderful win,” she said enthusiastically. “You must be so excited. Have you ever competed at the State level before?”

  “No, no I haven’t. To be honest, I’m a bit nervous.”

  “Matt, you take your girl into the den while I get Jinx his bone.”

  Taking her hand, Matt led her down the hallway to his father’s sanctuary. The introductions were made, Matt and Dusty sat next to each other on the couch, and as Matt began to pour the coffee, his father stated the obvious.

  “All right, son, you must have somethin’ on your mind.”

  “I do,” he sighed. “It’s about Black Lightenin’ and this crook, Slim Jim. I’ve figured out a way to deal with the whole, messy situation, but I’m worried there might be a catch, or maybe I’ve missed something.”

  “Go on then, I’m listenin’.”

  “I think Slim Jim’s wife let Dusty take Licorice because her husband was gonna be gone much longer than either of them had planned, and since Dusty was a local girl, she figured Jim would just steal the horse back when he finally came up for air.”

  “Sounds about right,” his father nodded.

  “So, if he was underground that long, I had a hunch that Jim Lewis was bein’ hunted by the FBI.”

  “You are so clever,” his mother remarked as she joined them. “Just like your father. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Keep going.”

  “Thanks, mom,” he grinned. “Anyway, it was kinda amazin’ how fast I was able to reach an agent who knew all about Jim Lewis, and sure enough, he’s a wanted man. Long story short, everything has been arranged, and I’m meeting Lewis tomorrow at four o’clock, at a barn where he thinks Licorice is bein’ boarded. I’m gonna give him twenty-five grand, and supposedly, he’ll leave us alone.”<
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  “Except he’ll be met by the feds,” his father finished.

  “Exactly, but I’m worried,” Matt frowned. “I feel as if I’m missing something. Am I?”

  Without speaking, Matt’s father leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. The room fell quiet, the only sound the ticking of an antique grandfather clock in the hall, and Jinx gnawing on his bone. Dusty glanced across at Matt, slightly bewildered, but Matt smiled and winked, silently telling her this was normal.

  “Right, this is what I get,” his father finally proclaimed opening his eyes and sitting up. “Your gut was right. You’re dealin’ with a snake, a slippery snake, and to catch a snake you’ve gotta be slipperier. Snakes are fast, and you never know which way they’re gonna wiggle. If you wanna catch a snake, you’ve gotta outwit him. This is what I think you missed, and this is what you do about it.”

  As his father began to lay out his thoughts, Matt shook his head, almost embarrassed.

  “Dad, you never cease to amaze me. I only had half a plan.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short. Your plan was sound, but you were thinkin’ like a rational human bein’. This guy isn’t rational, he’s a snake. You’ve gotta think like him to beat him. Remember, a crook, whether in a shirt ‘n tie or dirty old dungarees, they don’t think like honest folk.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Montgomery,” Dusty said earnestly. “Matt was right. He said you were the smartest man he ever met. Now I know why.”

  “You call me tomorrow and let me know how it all spills out,” Matt’s father said.

  “The minute it goes down,” Matt promised standing up.

  “When your father was building the company, there wasn’t anyone who could outsmart him,” his mother said proudly.

  “There still isn’t,” Matt laughed. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Impulsively Dusty moved across and hugged the elderly man warmly, then kissed him on the cheek.

  “She’s a keeper,” he grinned winking at Matt.

  His mother walked them to the door, Jinx following with his bone held firmly between his jaws, and with a goodbye kiss and hug, Matt and Dusty headed down the path to his truck.

  “My gosh,” Dusty exclaimed as they buckled their seat belts and Matt started the engine. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “I told you. No-one can read people and situations like my dad. I knew he’d figure it out.”

  “But, Matt, you analyzed everything brilliantly, and you knew something wasn’t right, that’s amazing too.”

  “I’ve got a long way to go before I’m like him, if I ever will be.”

  “You will, I know it,” Dusty said confidently.

  A short time later they were climbing into bed. Matt turned off the lamp on his nightstand, and as Dusty curled into him, he put his arm around her and held her against his body.

  “I’m glad your father’s home,” he murmured.

  “Me too.”

  “I mean, I’m glad he’s home because it sent you back here tonight. I’m gettin’ used to havin’ you next to me, and it’s a habit I don’t wanna break.”

  “Me too,” she repeated.

  “Do you think your mom and dad will want the house to themselves again tomorrow night?” he asked hopefully.

  “I doubt it. Dad will probably want me around for a family night.”

  “Bummer,” Matt sighed.

  “Besides, I don’t want you getting tired of me,” she purred lifting her head and kissing his cheek.

  “As long as I know you’ve got those pink chaps in your bag, I won’t be gettin’ tired of you any time soon.”

  Dusty giggled, then yawned, and closing her eyes she felt sleep fast approaching.

  “Speaking of tired,” she mumbled, “I’m exhausted.”

  “I’ll bet you are,” he sighed, “and you’ve got company.”

  With the solace of his father’s advice, and the comfort of each other’s arms, they drifted into sleep.

  A short distance away, at the house on Cottontail Lane, Jim and Kathy Lewis were celebrating, finishing their second bottle of sparkling wine.

  “You know I’m superstitious,” Kathy grumbled. “I still don’t think we should’ve cracked open this champagne.”

  “You worry too much, woman. These people won’t know what hit ‘em.”

  “Are you sure Mexico is where we should go? What about, I dunno, Vermont or somewhere?”

  “You’ll love it. I’ve got us a real nice place right near the beach, and after livin’ there four years I’ve got friends, important friends. Besides, the law won’t be bothered comin’ after me down there, just like they weren’t bothered before, and with twenty-five grand, fuck, Kathy, we’ll be livin’ like fuckin’ royalty.”

  “I’ll be real happy to get outta this dump,” she replied. “Real happy. Let the bank take it. I don’t give a shit.”

  “This time tomorrow we’ll be on our way to good times.”

  The clinked their glasses, and downing the last of the bubbly, surrounded by empty pizza boxes, they passed out on the couch.


  “I love waking up in your arms,” Dusty purred.

  “I love waking up with you in my arms,” Matt sighed.

  “What was it that famous old western star used to say? What was her name? You know, the sexy one.”

  “You mean Mae West?”

  “That’s the one, Mae West. Are you just happy to see me, or is that a banana in your pocket, or is the other way around? The banana bit first, I mean.”

  “Um, not sure, and it doesn’t matter because there aren’t any pockets in this bed, or banana’s,” he chuckled rolling on top of her.

  “Then that must be a six-shooter, cowboy,” she giggled.

  “Yep, and it’s comin’ to visit,” he growled reaching across to the nightstand for a condom.

  “I’m going on the pill,” she decreed.

  “Works for me,” he said kneeling up and donning the rubber. “Where were we?”

  “You said something about your six-shooter paying me a visit.”

  “Ah, so I did, and here it comes.”

  His cock snaked forward, and closing her eyes Dusty moaned with the sheer pleasure of it, then lifted her arms above her head. She felt the wonder of his weight on her body, and just as she’d hoped, seconds later his fingers were wrapped around her wrists pinning them down.

  “I love it when you do that,” she mumbled.

  “One of these nights, very soon, I’m gonna tie you to this bed, arms and legs wide apart, and tease you for really long time,” he breathed thrusting forward.

  His promise sparkled through her, and though she tried to lift her pelvis to meet his surging cock, the weight of his body prevented it, which only served to fuel her fever.

  “I’m gonna introduce you to some of my wicked toys,” he continued his mouth at her ear.

  “Ooh, what toys?”

  “You met one of them last night when you were over the saddle, and it made you crazy, didn’t it Dusty?”

  “Yes,” she panted, “yes, it made me crazy, and so is talking to me like this.”

  “You’ll be blindfolded and helpless,” he whispered, “totally, utterly helpless.”

  “Matt, stop, you’re-”

  “I’ve got more to show you, a lot more,” he muttered interrupting her, his cock pummeling as he accelerated his strokes, “and your lovely tits are gonna get to play with toys made just for them.”

  “Ooh, I’m s-so…c-close.”

  “You’re gonna be close a lot, and you won’t get to come until you’re beggin’,” he growled.

  Powerless to hold back she surrendered to the glorious gushing tingles, loving the warm, pulsing convulsions as they shuddered through her body. The feel of his fingers clenching her wrists as he groaned through his own exquisite release punctuated her joy, and when the last spasm left him, and he fell off her, she sighed happily, thanking the heavens for her overwhelmin
g happiness.

  “Good Lord, woman,” he groaned.

  “Mmmm,” was all she could manage.

  “Get over here,” he said breathlessly.

  “I want to, but I can’t move,” she whispered.


  Forcing her body to roll over, she curled against him and threw her arm over his chest.

  “There you go,” she mumbled. “You’re right. It’s better.”

  They rested for a few minutes, until Jinx decided it was time for them to rise and shine. Putting his paws on the side of the bed he leaned over, licked Matt’s arm, and barked.

  “Jinx, please,” Matt groaned.

  Refusing to be put off, Jinx barked again. Raising her head, Dusty looked across at him.

  “Jinxy, can’t you wait just a minute?”

  He answered by suddenly leaping on the bed, determined to crawl over Matt to reach her.

  “Oh, Lord, Jinx,” Matt shouted, “get off the bed.”

  Jinx decided he needed an ally, and straddling Dusty, he began kissing her face mercilessly.

  “Jinx, what are you doing?” she laughed trying to push him away.

  “Jinx!” Matt yelled.

  Thinking his master wanted what was on offer, he darted his head around, and sent his tongue to Matt’s nose.

  “NOO!” Matt wailed, and in his attempts to shove him off, he accidentally pushed him back on to Dusty.

  The rambunctious dog decided this was a wonderful game, and began jumping between them, barking and vigorously wagging his very large tail.

  “Dammit, dog, get off the bed,” Matt commanded.

  “And here I thought you had a well-trained dog,” Dusty exclaimed, spitting out the words between peals of laughter.

  “I never said I had a well-trained dog,” Matt retorted as he managed to extricate himself from the bed.

  “Come on, Jinx, outside.”

  Jinx jumped from the bed, ran across the room, and led Matt down the hallway into the kitchen.

  “What’s gotten into you this morning?” Matt muttered as he opened the back door.

  Turning on the coffee-maker, he started back to the bedroom quietly chuckling, but as he ambled in he found the bed empty and heard the shower running. He was about to move into the bathroom when he paused, and a realization began creeping into his head.


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