Book Read Free

Light Switch

Page 29

by Lauren Gallagher

  I bit my lip even harder. Reliving Damien’s delicious submission with Matt’s lips on my skin made speech nearly impossible. I swallowed hard and forced myself to continue. “I tied him… to the… to the Saint Andrew’s…” Words became a whimper as Matt nipped my earlobe.

  “Keep going,” he whispered. The warm rush of breath on my skin almost knocked my knees out from under me. “You tied him, and…?”

  “I flogged him,” I said quickly. “I flogged him, and—” I barely kept myself from whimpering at the memory. The crack of tails hitting skin. The way Damien had gasped and moaned and growled and trembled. The satisfying shade of pink that had darkened his broad, tattooed shoulders and back. They way Scott had absently moistened his lips when we’d made eye contact, a second before he gave me the single nod of approval that had aroused me almost to the point of madness.

  Just like I was aroused now, with those memories in my head and Matt’s breath on my skin.

  Matt raised his head, looking in my eyes. Then he rested his forehead against mine, but still kept his lips just out of my reach.

  “You flogged him, and…?”

  And what? I couldn’t remember what we were talking about.

  “Tell me more, Kris. I want—”



  “Kiss me.”

  “I would,” he murmured, “but you can’t talk to me while I’m kissing you.”

  “I’ll tell you after. I need—”

  “I will.” His thumb teased my nipple through my shirt. “But first, tell me more.”

  I shoved him back, slammed him up against the opposite wall, and kissed him. Hungrily, desperately, and violently, just the way I needed it.

  When I broke away, we stared at each other, both struggling to catch our breath. The front of his shirt was bunched in my fists. My hair was twisted and tangled in his hands.

  Matt licked his lips. “So, it’s going to be like that tonight, is it?”

  “Yes. It is.”

  “Bring it on.” He tightened his gasp on my hair and kissed me just as violently as I had him. He pushed me back against the other wall, pressing his hips against mine and letting me feel every rock hard inch of his cock beneath his jeans.

  A kiss wasn’t enough now. We tore at each other’s clothes with no regard for buttons or the threads that held them. Seams ripped, and I simply didn’t give a damn, not when ripped fabric got me that much closer to the skin on skin contact I so desperately needed.

  Stumbling down the hall, we shoved each other back and forth across the hall and pulled clothing off each other. A picture fell off the wall, landing on a discarded pair of jeans. Something crashed beside an end table. Something else clattered as Matt kicked aside his boxers, but I wasn’t about to care about that now that he was naked.

  At the sight of his cock, I couldn’t hold back another second. I forced him up against the wall beside my bedroom door and dropped to my knees. The hand in my hair was probably intended to keep control over me, to keep me from besting him and putting him at my mercy this way, but as soon as my lips touched his cock, his hands hit the wall beside him.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s incredible,” he moaned as I stroked and sucked him. “That’s— Christ, that’s too good. You’re gonna—” He gasped. “You’re gonna make me come if you keep going like that.”

  I ran my tongue along the underside of his cock one last time, then stood. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?”

  “Not when I haven’t fucked you yet, we can’t.” He kissed me and slammed me up against the opposite wall. He pinned my arms above my head and gripped my wrists with one hand. With his free hand, he caressed my face. “I’m not coming until I’m inside you, and I’m not ready for that just yet.”

  “I want you to fuck me,” I moaned and instantly regretted it. He had the upper hand now, and he knew it.

  He laughed. “I know you do. And I fully intend to.” His hand drifted down my face, my neck, my chest, and I bit back a whimper when he pushed my thighs apart. “But first, I want to tease you.” One finger, then two slipped inside me, and he cupped my clit with his palm.

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes, not sure if I was more turned on or frustrated.

  “Like that?” he whispered.

  “Mm-hmm.” I didn’t just like it. I’d been horny all afternoon, counting down the minutes until he got here, and his relentless teasing when he’d first arrived had me just this side of madness. His fingertips on my G-spot were almost too much, as was the way he pressed the heel of his hand into my clit.

  “I love the way your pussy feels,” he said, bending to kiss my neck. “You’re so fucking hot and wet, especially when you come.” He beckoned against my G-spot, but I suppressed the whimper that tried to escape. He laughed against my neck, then lifted his head and looked me in the eye. “You’re close, Kris, I can feel it. I’m going to make you come.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You can try.”

  He blinked. “Is that a challenge?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Oh, you’d better believe I’m going to make you come.” He kissed me deeply. “I’m going to make you come, and then I am going to fuck you so. Damned. Hard.” A tremor—whose, I didn’t know—made us both catch our breath. He exhaled hard and whispered, “Jesus, baby, your pussy is too wet not to fuck.”

  I moaned. My knees went slack, and only his body against mine kept me upright. “Oh God, Matt…”

  “Come, baby,” he half-whispered, half-growled, “Let me feel you come so I—” He kissed me, then panted against my lips and said, “I want to fuck you so bad right now, you’re…”

  I didn’t hear the rest, because a powerful orgasm consumed me.

  As my climax dissipated, Matt released my wrists and I slumped against him, letting my arms fall around his neck. He kept one arm around my waist and guided me into the bedroom. There, he lay me on the bed.

  “Don’t move,” he said.

  I wasn’t going anywhere. Not a chance.

  He got a condom out of the drawer and came back to bed. Before he’d even gotten the thing open, I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me, and we kissed just as breathlessly and violently as we had all the way down the hall.

  “Let me put this on,” he breathed between kisses. “Baby, I have to get inside you, I—”

  I let him go. He quickly sat up and tore the wrapper with his teeth. Unwrapping the condom and rolling it on was a simple task, but not for hands as desperate as his. I wasn’t much better, but between the two of us, we got the little bastard to cooperate.

  “Finally,” Matt muttered.

  With one hard thrust, he was all the way inside me. We both stopped, gasping for breath.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded, digging my nails into his shoulders. “Fuck me hard.”

  He did. Good God, he did. He was always desperate and insatiable, and tonight I couldn’t get enough. Desperate for more, I rocked my hips in time with his thrusts, trying to pull him even deeper.

  “You’re trying to make me come, aren’t you?” He laughed, panting against my lips.

  “Maybe I am.”

  “I’ll come when I’m damned good and—oh, God…” He groaned as I rolled my hips back. Digging my heels into the bed, I thrust up to meet him, taking over everything—rhythm, angle, depth. His head fell beside mine and a long, helpless moan escaped his lips. “Oh God, baby, that’s perfect, keep—” He gasped. Shuddered. “Keep doing that.”

  I raked my nails down his back. A split second of icy panic surged through me as I remembered that was Scott’s thing, not Matt’s, but that panic vanished when Matt threw his head back and moaned. I scratched him again.

  “Oh fuck, baby, just…” He shivered. “Like…” Again. “That…” And he shuddered against me, burying his face against my neck and shoulder as he came.

  He collapsed over me.

  “Good God,” he whispered. “I just can’t get enough of you.”

se.” I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair. Scott or Byron or Damien might have called the sex Matt and I had “vanilla.” We didn’t use floggers or handcuffs. I didn’t call him “Sir.”

  Vanilla it may have been, but it certainly wasn’t boring.

  Matt wiped sweat from his brow. “I think I could use a shower.”

  “You’re not the only one.”

  In spite of shaking legs and a light head, I made it to the bathroom without passing out or falling on my ass. Matt wasn’t much steadier, but his arm around my waist certainly didn’t hurt.

  In the shower, as the hot water washed away the sweat, our desperation cooled. It was surreal to think we’d just been throwing each other into walls, tearing at clothes, fucking each other to the point of pain and begging for more. His hands were as gentle now as the water cascading down my back, his touch soft and tender.

  He kissed me lightly. “I would’ve loved to have seen you last night.”

  “Watching me play Domme?”

  “Just watching you with someone else.” He grinned. “You know how much I love that.”

  “Yes, I definitely do.” I put my arms around his neck. “Maybe I’ll have to drag you to the club with us one night.”

  Matt’s eyes widened. “I’m not quite sure I’m cut out for a club like that.” He paused, furrowing his brow, then added, “But I wouldn’t object to another threesome.”

  “With Scott?”

  He shrugged. “Anyone, really.”

  “I don’t think it would be too difficult to talk Scott into another one.”

  “Smart man.”

  “He’s just a dirty bastard like you.”

  “Hey, I’m in the shower.” He gestured emphatically at the falling water. “I’m as clean—”

  “There isn’t a shower hot enough to get you clean, Matt,” I laughed.

  “Whatever.” He kissed me. “I don’t imagine there’s one hot enough to get you clean, either, so I guess we’re even.”

  “Nonsense. I’m as pure as the driven—”

  “Bullshit.” He laughed and kissed me gently, his lips barely touching mine, but lingering a second longer than I expected. As he started to draw back, he paused. Instead of making another comment, he tilted his head and came back for another kiss. Our lips met, both of us pausing for a long moment before moving slowly together. Whatever we’d been talking about slipped out of my mind like the water slipping down the drain, and all I cared about was Matt’s gentle, sensual kiss.

  His mouth left mine just enough for him to speak. “I know I’ve told you this before, but I fucking love the way you kiss.”

  I pulled him closer. “Then kiss me again.”

  Chapter 28

  Just as I’d predicted, it didn’t take much to talk Scott into another threesome with Matt.

  What I didn’t predict was the phone call on my way home from work the night the three of us planned to meet at my apartment.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have a slow cooker, would you?” Scott asked.

  “I do, yes.”

  “Okay, good. What about a candy thermometer?”

  I laughed. “Scott, is someone leaving you unsupervised in the kitchen or something?”

  “No, no, they’re for tonight.”

  My eyes widened. “They’re… what?”

  He chuckled. “Just trust me on this. So do you have a candy thermometer?”

  “I, um, yes.”

  “Good. Have those handy, along with a decent-sized towel that you don’t really care about.”


  “I’ll see you in an hour or two.”

  “You’re planning something, aren’t you?”

  “Always, darling.”

  After we hung up, I eyed my phone, but it had no answers, so I dropped it on the passenger seat. I gave it another wary glance, then shook my head and kept driving. Scott was nothing if not full of surprises.

  When I got home, I didn’t even have time to change into my usual blue satin robe and lingerie before Matt was at my door.

  “Hey you.” He kissed me, sliding his hand under my T-shirt and grinning against my lips when I shivered. “What’s wrong?”

  I laughed and wriggled away from him. “Your hand is cold.”

  He shrugged. “So help me warm it up.”

  “I don’t think so.” I shot him a playful glare. “You’re not touching me until you warm those hands up.” I turned to walk into the kitchen, gesturing for him to follow me.

  “You never said I had to have warm hands.”

  I glanced over my shoulder. “Come at me with cold hands, you’ll be keeping them warm by yourself.”

  “That’s cold, darlin’.”

  “No, your hands are cold.”

  He leaned against the counter and, with a theatrical sigh, stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Fine. I’ll warm them up.”

  “Damn right you will.” I leaned down to look through a cabinet. “Now where the hell did— ah, here it is.” I pulled the slow cooker out and set it on the counter.

  Matt raised an eyebrow. “So you’re cooking for us and fucking us tonight?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” I opened the drawer beside the stove and rifled through it. Once I’d found the candy thermometer, I set it on the counter beside the slow cooker.

  “I’m not even going to ask,” Matt said.

  I shrugged and picked up my drink. “Just something Scott’s got up his sleeve.”

  Matt gestured at the thermometer. “As long as he’s not going to suggest I put this or anything else up—”

  I choked on my drink. “Come on, he’s not going to make you put a candy thermometer up your ass.”

  “Damn right he’s not.”

  “Please. He’s got much bigger toys for that.”

  “Fuck off. Fuck right off.”

  Just as I opened my mouth to come back with something snide, the doorbell rang. I set my glass down. “That would be the mad scientist himself. I’ll be right back.”

  When I opened the door, Scott had his usual devious grin on his face and his bag of tricks slung over his shoulder. He kissed me quickly, then I shut the door and we headed for the kitchen.

  “Hey, Scott,” Matt said as they shook hands.

  “Hey, Matt, how’s it going?”

  “Not bad, not bad.”

  I rested both hands on the counter and leaned over them. “Okay, so what’s the deal with the slow cooker, candy thermometer, and towel?”

  “Quite simple, really.” Scott dropped the backpack on the counter, unzipped it, and dug around in it. “You supply those, and I supply these.” He pulled out three long, white candles, and I was instantly weak in the knees.

  Matt’s eyes flicked back and forth between us. “What am I missing here?”

  “Hot wax.” Scott gestured at me with the candles. “She told me a while ago she wanted to try it, so I thought tonight would be a good time. Assuming you’re both okay with that?”

  Matt shrugged. “As long as I’m not going to have it poured on me, I’m fine with it.”

  Scott looked at me. “You?”

  “Like you have to ask.”

  He grinned. “That’s what I thought. Now, why don’t I go set all of this up and get the wax melting? Krissy, could I trouble you for a glass of wine?”

  I shivered. “Absolutely.”

  He winked, picked up everything he needed, and disappeared down the hall. As I pulled out the bottle of wine and a glass, I had to laugh when I glanced at Matt, who still stared in the direction Scott had gone. His eyes were wide and his lips were apart.

  “What?” I said, struggling to keep a somewhat straight face.

  His eyes darted toward me. “Hot wax? Seriously?”

  “Yep.” I opened the wine bottle. “I’ve been after him for a while to try it.”

  “But doesn’t that…hurt?”

  “Of course.” I looked up from pouring the wine. “That’s the idea.”

  He b
linked. “You’re really into this pain thing, aren’t you?”

  I shrugged. “Sometimes. I’ve never tried it with heat, so we’ll see how this goes.”

  “And what happens if it’s not your thing?”

  “Then he stops and we move on to something else.”

  “Something equally unusual, I’m sure.”

  I winked at him. “But of course.”

  Chuckling, he cupped the sides of my neck and kissed me gently. “You really are crazy, you know that?”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Absolutely not.” He kissed me again, deeper this time. “We’d better get in there.”

  “What’s your hurry?” I trailed my fingers up the back of his neck.

  He bit his lip, almost suppressing a shiver. “I’m not in a hurry, but if we stay out here much longer, I’m going to have to bend you over the counter.” He nodded down the hall. “Which might put a crimp in his plans.”

  It was my turn to shiver. “Then let’s go.”

  With the wine poured and the bottle put away, Matt and I went into the bedroom to join him. There, Scott had the slow cooker set up on a chair beside the bed, slowly stirring the liquefied white wax.

  “Just set that on the nightstand,” he said, gesturing at the glass in my hand. As I did, he stopped stirring the wax and furrowed his brow, looking at the candy thermometer. Then he turned to us. “So, any changes to the ground rules from last time?”

  I looked at Matt. He shook his head. Turning back to Scott, I said, “No, I think everything is pretty much the same.”

  “Good, good.” To me, he said, “If you are even a tiny bit concerned that I’m truly burning your skin, say your safe word. Do not hesitate.”

  “I won’t.”

  He looked at Matt, and his lips pulled into a grin. “Ever seen a woman go into subspace?”


  “When she gets so high off endorphins, she pretty much spaces out.”

  “Can’t say I have, since I was blindfolded last time.”

  Scott’s grin broadened. “You’re in for a treat tonight. It’s fucking hot.”

  I folded my arms across my chest. “You’re assuming you’ll get me into subspace this way.”

  Scott narrowed his eyes slightly. “You should know by now, darling. If I want you to be in subspace, you will be.” He reached for his wine glass. “Right?”


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